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Why Tax Notes
Tax Notes Provides Solutions

Tax Notes delivers news alongside analysis, commentary, and even research — with direct links to almost any tax-related document imaginable.


With content reported, written, and edited by tax professionals at the forefront of their fields, we don’t just attract the top minds in tax, we’re an important resource in producing them.

At-A-Glance View

News is prioritized for impact, with informative headlines and abstracts. Daily summary emails and latest news alerts are pushed in real time so you can be the first to inform your students.

Elevate Status

LLM professors are frequent contributors to Tax Notes and regularly include us in their courses as the best resource to prepare students for careers as tax professionals.

Peer Recognition

Tax Notes is where experts come to discuss and debate the latest topics in tax. Publication means recognition from your peers and that you’re taking part in a conversation with those who make, interpret, and enforce tax law.

Improve Student Skills

Help your students quickly become fluent in tax policy through a variety of tools that put primary source documents at their fingertips and provide commentary that bridges the gap between the classroom and the real world.

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Our comprehensive suite of tax resources is customizable according to the unique needs of your team. Contact us today to build your ideal subscription to Tax Notes. 

What Customers Are Saying About Tax Notes

“You and your colleagues produce a GREAT product. I have taught in a graduate tax program for the last 40 years. I often use your articles in my class to illustrate points and to introduce my students to some of your GREAT authors. All of my students are CPAs or lawyers, and they appreciate your product. Also, my students use your partnership with Deloitte to sharpen their research skills.”

Porzio, Bromberg & Newman
Graduate Program Professor
What Customers Are Saying About Tax Notes

"[Tax Notes...] publications are a unique national resource on the vital topic of the United States tax system."

Assistant Business and Financial Editor
The Time News