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Sec. 5703 Liability for tax and method of payment

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 52 -- Tobacco Products and Cigarette Paper and Tubes
  • Subchapter A -- Definitions; Rate and Payment of Tax; Exemption from Tax; and Refund and Drawback of Tax

(a) Liability for tax.

(1) Original liability. The manufacturer or importer of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes shall be liable for the taxes imposed thereon by section 5701.

(2) Transfer of liability. When tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes are transferred, without payment of tax, pursuant to section 5704, the liability for tax shall be transferred in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. When tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes are transferred between the bonded premises of manufacturers and export warehouse proprietors, the transferee shall become liable for the tax upon receipt by him of such articles, and the transferor shall thereupon be relieved of his liability for such tax. When tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes are released in bond from customs custody for transfer to the bonded premises of a manufacturer of tobacco products or cigarette papers and tubes, the transferee shall become liable for the tax on such articles upon release from customs custody, and the importer shall thereupon be relieved of his liability for such tax. All provisions of this chapter applicable to tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes in bond shall be applicable to such articles returned to bond upon withdrawal from the market or returned to bond after previous removal for a tax-exempt purpose.

(b) Method of payment of tax.

(1) In general. The taxes imposed by section 5701 shall be determined at the time of removal of the tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes. Such taxes shall be paid on the basis of return. The Secretary shall, by regulations, prescribe the period or the event for which such return shall be made and the information to be furnished on such return. Any postponement under this subsection of the payment of taxes determined at the time of removal shall be conditioned upon the filing of such additional bonds, and upon compliance with such requirements, as the Secretary may prescribe for the protection of the revenue. The Secretary may, by regulations, require payment of tax on the basis of a return prior to removal of the tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes where a person defaults in the postponed payment of tax on the basis of a return under this subsection or regulations prescribed thereunder. All administrative and penalty provisions of this title, insofar as applicable, shall apply to any tax imposed by section 5701.

(2) Time for payment of taxes.

(A) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, in the case of taxes on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes removed during any semimonthly period under bond for deferred payment of tax, the last day for payment of such taxes shall be the 14th day after the last day of such semimonthly period.

(B) Imported articles. In the case of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes which are imported into the United States--

(i) In general. The last day for payment of tax shall be the 14th day after the last day of the semimonthly period during which the article is entered into the customs territory of the United States.

(ii) Special rule for entry for warehousing. Except as provided in clause (iv), in the case of an entry for warehousing, the last day for payment of tax shall not be later than the 14th day after the last day of the semimonthly period during which the article is removed from the 1st such warehouse.

(iii) Foreign trade zones. Except as provided in clause (iv) and in regulations prescribed by the Secretary, articles brought into a foreign trade zone shall, notwithstanding any other provision of law, be treated for purposes of this subsection as if such zone were a single customs warehouse.

(iv) Exception for articles destined for export. Clauses (ii) and (iii) shall not apply to any article which is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary to be destined for export.

(C) Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes brought into the United States from Puerto Rico. In the case of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes which are brought into the United States from Puerto Rico, the last day for payment of tax shall be the 14th day after the last day of the semimonthly period during which the article is brought into the United States.

(D) Special rule for tax due in September.

(i) In general. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the taxes on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes for the period beginning on September 16 and ending on September 26 shall be paid not later than September 29.

(ii) Safe harbor. The requirement of clause (i) shall be treated as met if the amount paid not later than September 29 is not less than 11/15 of the taxes on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes for the period beginning on September 1 and ending on September 15.

(iii) Taxpayers not required to use electronic funds transfer. In the case of payments not required to be made by electronic funds transfer, clauses (i) and (ii) shall be applied by substituting "September 25" for "September 26", "September 28" for "September 29", and "2/3" for "11/15".

(E) Special rule where due date falls on Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. Notwithstanding section 7503, if, but for this subparagraph, the due date under this paragraph would fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday (as defined in section 7503), such due date shall be the immediately preceding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or such a holiday (or the immediately following day where the due date described in subparagraph (D) falls on a Sunday).

(F) Special rule for unlawfully manufactured tobacco products. In the case of any tobacco products, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes manufactured in the United States at any place other than the premises of a manufacturer of tobacco products, cigarette paper, or cigarette tubes that has filed the bond and obtained the permit required under this chapter, tax shall be due and payable immediately upon manufacture.

(3) Payment by electronic fund transfer. Any person who in any 12-month period, ending December 31, was liable for a gross amount equal to or exceeding $5,000,000 in taxes imposed on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes by section 5701 (or 7652) shall pay such taxes during the succeeding calendar year by electronic fund transfer (as defined in section 5061(e)(2)) to a Federal Reserve Bank. Rules similar to the rules of section 5061(e)(3) shall apply to the $5,000,000 amount specified in the preceding sentence.

(c) Use of government depositaries. The Secretary may authorize Federal Reserve banks, and incorporated banks or trust companies which are depositaries or financial agents of the United States, to receive any tax imposed by this chapter, in such manner, at such times, and under such conditions as he may prescribe; and he shall prescribe the manner, time, and condition under which the receipt of such tax by such banks and trust companies is to be treated as payment for tax purposes.

(d) Assessment. Whenever any tax required to be paid by this chapter is not paid in full at the time required for such payment, it shall be the duty of the Secretary, subject to the limitations prescribed in section 6501, on proof satisfactory to him, to determine the amount of tax which has been omitted to be paid, and to make an assessment therefor against the person liable for the tax. The tax so assessed shall be in addition to the penalties imposed by law for failure to pay such tax when required. Except in cases where delay may jeopardize collection of the tax, or where the amount is nominal or the result of an evident mathematical error, no such assessment shall be made until and after the person liable for the tax has been afforded reasonable notice and opportunity to show cause, in writing, against such assessment.

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