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CRS Reviews Current Energy Legislation

MAR. 2, 2007


DATED MAR. 2, 2007
Citations: RL33831


Order Code RL33831



Updated March 2, 2007



Fred Sissine



Specialist in Energy Policy


Resources, Science, and Industry Division



Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation


in the 110th Congress




This report reviews the status of energy efficiency and renewable energy legislation introduced during the 110th Congress. Action has focused on the CLEAN Energy Act (H.R. 6), which passed the House on January 18. The bill proposes to use revenue from certain oil and natural gas policy revisions to create a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve aimed at reducing foreign oil dependence and serving other purposes. The actual uses of the Reserve would be determined by ensuing legislation that would attempt to draw down its financial resources. In the Senate, S. 701 would create a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund, which would support clean coal as well as a number of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

The House Leadership has announced a goal to achieve independence from oil imports within 10 years. Central to this strategy, the Leadership has introduced H.R. 1300, which has provisions to support alternative fuels, including cellulosic ethanol, as well as provisions for advanced vehicle technology, and increased alternative fuel use in federal fleets.

In the 110th Congress, H.J.Res. 20 was introduced to continue FY2007 appropriations through the end of the fiscal year. It was enacted on February 15 as P.L. 110-5. The law sets funding for DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs at $1.47 billion, about $280 million above the FY2006 appropriation. Also, the law eliminates earmarks and sets conditions on the EPACT Title 17 loan guarantee program, fixing a cap at $4 billion, prohibiting awards until final regulations are issued, and requiring annual program evaluations by an independent auditor.

More than 80 bills on energy efficiency and renewable energy have been introduced so far. About one-third of these bills are focused on renewable fuels and about one-third would provide a tax incentive for investment, energy production, fuel use, or fuel reduction.

For each bill listed in this report, a brief description and a summary of action are given, including references to committee hearings and reports. Also, a selected list of CRS documents on energy efficiency and renewable energy legislation in the 109th Congress is included. This report will be updated periodically.






      Report Contents


      PROGRESS Act (H.R. 1300)


      CLEAN Energy Act (H.R. 6)


      FY2007 Appropriations (P.L. 110-5)





      Public Laws


      House Bills (with Senate Companions)


      Senate Bills (with House Companions)



 Congressional Hearings, Reports, and Documents








      CRS Reports


      Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports



 List of Tables



 Table 1. Action on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation,


      110th Congress


 Table 2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bills by Topic, 110th




Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy


Legislation in the 110th Congress






Report Contents

This report summarizes action on more than 80 energy efficiency and renewable energy bills introduced during the 110th Congress.1 These bills cover a wide range of policy and issue areas that include appropriations, authorizations, budget, research and development (R&D), grants, loans, financing, regulation (including a renewable fuel standard), tax incentives, goals, plans, impacts, and the environment/climate change.2 Most of these bills have focused on grants and tax incentives. The bills also cover a range of sectors that include buildings, defense, education, federal lands/energy management, farms, American Indians, and international activities. Thus far, the sector of international activities has generated the greatest number of bills. Table 2 groups the bills by topic.

The bills can also be categorized by type of renewable resource, type of energy efficiency measure, and technology. They cover a broad range of energy efficiency measures and technologies, including distributed generation, net metering, equipment and appliance standards, fuel economy standards, and transportation efficiency. Most of these bills address transportation and fuel economy. These bills also cover a broad range of renewable energy resources and technologies, including alcohol fuels, biofuels, biodiesel, biopower, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, solar, and wind. So far, the fuels area has generated the greatest number of bills.

For each bill listed in this report, a brief description and a summary of action are given, including references to committee hearings and reports.

PROGRESS Act (H.R. 1300)

The Speaker of the House has announced a goal to "achieve energy independence from Middle East oil in the next 10 years" through research and development (R&D) and development focused on production of "synthetic and bio-based fuels, such as ethanol derived from cellulosic sources" and by deploying new engine technologies for flex-fuel, hybrid, and biodiesel vehicles. Further, there is a goal to create a "DARPA-like initiative" to develop "revolutionary energy technologies" emerging from biotechnology, nanotechnology, solar, and fuel cell research.3

On March 1, 2007, the Majority Leader introduced H.R. 1300, the Program for Real Energy Security (PROGRESS) Act. The act "complements" other initiatives, including the Speaker's Innovation Agenda. The bill includes provisions that would support alternative fuels, including cellulosic ethanol; advanced vehicle technology development; and increased alternative fuel use in federal fleets. Proposed policy tools include loan guarantees, tax incentives, regulations, and grants. Also, the bill would create a $9 billion Advanced Research Projects Agency.

CLEAN Energy Act (H.R. 6)

On January 18, 2007, the House passed H.R. 6 by a vote of 264-163. The bill proposes to use revenue from certain oil and natural gas policy revisions to create an Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve aimed at reducing foreign oil dependence and serving other purposes.4 The actual uses of the Reserve would be determined by ensuing legislation that would attempt to draw down its financial resources.

In House floor debate on H.R. 6, opponents argued that the reduction in oil and natural gas incentives would dampen production, cause job losses, and lead to higher prices for gasoline and other fuels. Opponents also complained that the proposal for the Reserve does not identify specific policies and programs that would receive funding. Proponents of the bill counter-argued that record profits show that the oil and natural gas incentives were not needed. They also contended that the Reserve could be used to support a variety of R&D, deployment, and tax incentives for renewable fuels, and that the specifics would evolve as legislative proposals come forth for using resources from the Reserve.5

In the Senate, S. 701 would create a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund, which would support clean coal as well as a number of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.

FY2007 Appropriations (P.L. 110-5)

The Department of Energy (DOE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Agriculture (USDA) receive annual appropriations for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.6 In the 109th Congress, the appropriations process for FY2007 was not completed. A continuing resolution (P.L. 109-383, H.J.Res. 102) provided funding through February 15, 2007.

In the 110th Congress, H.J.Res. 20 was introduced to continue FY2007 appropriations through the end of the fiscal year. It was enacted on February 15 as P.L. 110-5. The law sets funding for DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs at $1.47 billion, about $280 million above the FY2006 appropriation. Also, the law eliminates earmarks and sets conditions on the EPACT Title 17 loan guarantee program, fixing a cap at $4 billion, prohibiting awards until final regulations are issued, and requiring annual program evaluations by an independent auditor.

                    Table 1. Action on Energy Efficiency and


                  Renewable Energy Legislation, 110th Congress



      Bill         Category                   Action               Date



 H.R. 85        Technology Transfer          Report Ordered     2/28/2007


 H.R. 1126      Metals Industry              Report Ordered     2/28/2007


 H.J.Res. 20    FY2007 Appropriations          P.L. 110-5       2/15/2007


 H.R. 798       DOE Solar Project             Passed House      2/12/2007


 H.R. 547       Biofuels/Hydrogen             Passed House       2/8/2007


 H.R. 6         CLEAN Energy Act              Passed House      1/18/2007



             Table 2. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Bills


                            by Topic, 110th Congress



 I. Policy and Issue Areas



 Appropriations. H.J.Res. 20, H.R. 6


 Authorizations. H.R. 121, H.R. 1126, S. 298, S. 696


 Budget. H.Res. 6, H.R. 6


 Research and Development. H.R. 80, H.R. 364, H.R. 395, H.R. 547, H.R. 931,


 H.R. 1133, S. 167, S. 309, S. 426, S. 696, S. 701


 Grants. H.R. 84, H.R. 85, H.R. 182, H.R. 395, H.R. 570/S. 331, H.R. 589,


 H.R. 1133, H.R. 1300, S. 167, S. 280/H.R. 620, S. 298, S. 317


 Loans/Loan Guarantees/Financing. H.J.Res. 20, H.R. 80, H.R. 1215, H.R. 1300,


 S. 317, S. 672, S. 701


 Energy Efficiency Performance Standard. S. 309


 Renewable Fuel Standard. H.R. 349, H.R. 635, H.R. 517, H.R. 791, S. 23,


 S. 309, S. 386


 Renewable Portfolio Standard/Tradable Credits. H.R. 823, H.R. 969, H.R. 1133,


 S. 309


 Tax Incentive for Investment. H.R. 76, H.R. 86, H.R. 345, H.R. 550, H.R. 589,


 H.R. 604, H.R. 778, H.R. 1133, S. 23, S. 339, S. 539, S. 701


 Tax Incentive for Energy Production. H.R. 197, H.R. 517, H.R. 683, H.R. 1133,


 S. 425, S. 701


 Tax Incentive for Fuel Use. H.R. 395, H.R. 604, H.R. 805, S. 23, S. 162,


 S. 701


 Tax Incentive for Fuel Reduction. H.R. 139


 Goals/Plans/Studies/Impact Information. H.R. 121, H.R. 157, H.R. 589,


 H.R. 817, H.R. 1300, S. 129, S. 280/H.R. 620, S. 339


 Environment/Climate Change. H.R. 620, H.R. 823, H.R. 1126, S.Res. 30, S. 6,


 S. 280/H.R. 620, S. 309, S. 317, S. 357, S. 485



 II. Sectors



 Buildings. H.R. 84, H.R. 121, H.R. 345, H.R. 1133, S. 280/H.R. 620, S. 317,


 S. 539, S. 701


 Defense/Security. H.R. 559, H.R. 1300, S. 6, S. 23, S. 133/H.R. 670


 Federal Lands/Energy Management. H.R. 277, H.R. 589, H.R. 792, H.R. 798,


 H.R. 823, H.R. 1133, H.R. 1300, S. 146, S. 309


 Farms/American Indians. H.Con.Res. 25/ S.Con.Res. 3, H.R. 80, H.R. 872, S. 673


 Industry. H.R. 1126, S. 317


 International/Trade. H.Res. 12, H.R. 196, H.R. 1186, S.Res. 30, S. 193,


 S. 309, S. 426



 III. Energy Efficiency Measures and Technologies



 Distributed Generation/Net Metering/Electric Power. H.R. 550, H.R. 589,


 H.R. 729, H.R. 805, H.R. 1133, S. 309, S. 317


 Energy Audits. S. 280/H.R. 620


 Equipment/Lighting/Appliances. H.R. 872, S. 129


 Fuel Economy. H.R. 570/S. 331, H.R. 656, H.R. 1133, S. 183, S. 298, S. 309,


 S. 339, S. 357


 Transportation. H.R. 139, H.R. 157, H.R. 498, H.R. 589, H.R. 1215, H.R. 1300,


 S. 146, S. 298, S. 701



 IV. Renewable Energy Resources and Technologies



 Alcohol Fuels/Biofuels/Biodiesel. S.Con.Res. 3, H.R. 76, H.R. 86, H.R. 182,


 H.R. 196, H.R. 277, H.R. 349, H.R. 395, H.R. 517, H.R. 547, H.R. 559,


 H.R. 570/S. 331, H.R. 604, H.R. 635, H.R. 682, H.R. 791, H.R. 792, H.R. 872,


 H.R. 931, H.R. 1186, H.R. 1300, S. 23, S. 133/H.R. 670, S. 162, S. 167,


 S. 280/H.R. 620, S. 339, S. 386, S. 426, S. 701


 Biopower/Biomass. H.R. 197, H.R. 517, H.R. 683, H.R. 1133, H.R. 1186,


 S. 280/H.R. 620


 Geothermal. H.R. 197, H.R. 1133, S. 298


 Hydrogen. H.R. 498, H.R. 805, S. 280/H.R. 620


 Hydropower/Tidal/Wave/Ocean. H.R. 197, H.R. 490/S. 306, H.R. 632, H.R. 1133,


 S. 298, S. 425


 Solar. H.R. 197, H.R. 798, H.R. 1133


 Wind. H.R. 197, H.R. 517, H.R. 1133


 Electricity Transmission Lines. H.R. 809, H.R. 810, H.R. 829





Public Laws


P.L. 110-5 (H.J.Res. 20)


Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007. Provides continuing FY2007 appropriations through September 30, 2007. Funding for DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs is set at $1.47 billion, about $280 million above the FY2006 appropriation. Also, the resolution eliminates earmarks and sets conditions on the EPACT Title 17 loan guarantee program, fixing a cap at $4 billion, prohibiting awards until final regulations are issued, and requiring annual program evaluations by an independent auditor. Signed into law February 15, 2007.

House Bills (with Senate Companions)


H.Con.Res. 25 (Peterson)/S.Con.Res. 3 (Salazar)


The sense of the Congress would be expressed that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States should provide from renewable resources not less than 25% of the total energy consumed in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. House bill introduced January 10, 2007; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Natural Resources. Senate bill introduced January 17, 2006; referred to Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.


H.J.Res. 20 (Obey)


Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007. P.L. 109-383 would be superseded to extend FY2007 appropriations through September 30, 2007. Funding in FY2007 for DOE's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs would be increased by $300 million above the FY2006 level of $1.17 billion. The resolution would otherwise eliminate earmarks. Also, the resolution would set conditions on the loan guarantee program established in Title 17 of EPACT. It would set the program cap at $4 billion, prohibit awards until final regulations are issued, and require annual evaluations of the program by an independent auditor. Introduced January 29, 2007; referred to Committee on Appropriations. Passed House (286-140) January 31. Cloture motion filed on Senate floor February 8. Passed Senate (81-15) February 14. Signed into law February 15.


H.Res. 12 (Bartlett)


The sense of the House of Representatives would be expressed that the United States (1) must move rapidly to increase the productivity with which it uses fossil fuel, and to accelerate the transition to renewable fuels and a sustainable, clean energy economy; and (2) should establish, in collaboration with other international allies, an energy project with the magnitude, creativity, and sense of urgency of the "Man on the Moon" project to develop a comprehensive plan to address the challenges presented by Peak Oil (the peak in the world's oil production believed by some petroleum experts likely to occur in the next decade). Introduced January 4, 2006; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 6 (Rahall)


CLEAN Energy Act of 2007. Certain tax and royalty policies for oil and natural gas would be revised, and the resulting revenue would be used to support a reserve for new energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. The bill is one part of the "100 hours" initiatives put forward by the Democratic Leadership of the House. Introduced January 12, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Natural Resources, Budget, and Rules. Brought to the House Floor and passed House (264-163) January 18.


H.R. 76 (Bartlett)


For the alternative motor vehicle tax credit available to consumers, the number of eligible vehicles sold for use in the United States that would trigger the credit phase-out period would increase from 60,000 to 250,000. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 80 (Bartlett)


R&D, demonstration, and commercial application activities would be required to enable the development of farms that are net producers of both food and energy. DOE would be directed to enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences to (1) develop recommendations for evaluation measures and criteria for programs under this act; and (2) evaluate the feasibility of prize and best practices award programs as tools to promote self-powered farms. Further, it would direct DOE to (1) establish an award program for up to 30 state agricultural research programs for self-powered farm demonstrations; (2) provide low-cost revolving loans and loan guarantees to eligible entities for the commercial application of energy or other technologies that will contribute to establishing self-powered farms, with highest preference given to applicants who propose to meet their energy needs from biobased feedstocks or other renewable energy sources produced on that farm; and (3) enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences for a review of the programs under this act. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committees on Science and Technology and on Agriculture.


H.R. 84 (Biggert)


Energy Efficient Buildings Act of 2007. Directs DOE to (1) establish a pilot program to award grants to businesses and organizations for new construction or major renovations of energy efficient buildings that will result in innovative energy efficiency technologies, especially those sponsored by DOE; and (2) give due consideration to proposals for buildings that are likely to serve low and moderate income populations. Defines "energy efficient building" as one that, after construction or renovation, (1) uses heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems that perform at no less than Energy Star standards; or (2) if Energy Star standards are not applicable, uses Federal Energy Management Program recommended heating, ventilating, and air conditioning products. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology.


H.R. 85 (Biggert)


Energy Technology Transfer Act. Directs DOE to award grants for a five-year period to nonprofit institutions, state and local governments, cooperative extension services, or universities (or consortia thereof) to establish a geographically dispersed network of Advanced Energy Technology Transfer Centers, located in areas DOE determines have the greatest need of their services. Requires DOE to give priority to applicants already operating or partnered with an outreach program capable of transferring such knowledge and information about advanced energy efficiency methods and technologies. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology. Ordered reported February 28.


H.R. 86 (Biggert)


Oil and Gas-to-Alternatives Swap (OGAS) Act of 2007. Certain fossil energy tax incentives would be repealed and the limitation on the number of new qualified hybrid and advanced lean-burn technology vehicles eligible for the tax credit for alternative motor vehicles would be repealed. Also, the bill would extend through 2012 the alternative motor vehicles tax credit for (1) advanced lean burn technology motor vehicles; (2) qualified hybrid motor vehicles; and (3) qualified alternative fuel vehicles. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 121 (Doyle)


High-Performance Green Buildings Act of 2007. Title I would establish a federal office of green buildings in the General Services Administration (GSA) to coordinate efforts in federal agencies. This activities of this office would include outreach to federal agencies, review related R&D findings, and develop guidance for life-cycle costing and contracting. Section 107 would authorize $4 million for Title I activities. Title II would identify incentives and procurement practices to promote federal use of green building activities. Section 203 directs GAO to audit the performance of this act's provisions and report to Congress. Title III directs GSA to conduct an annual demonstration project from 2009 through 2014 and authorizes a total of $10 million for those projects, and it calls for annual demonstration projects at universities with an additional $10 million authorization. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 139 (Granger)


Idling Reduction Tax Credit Act of 2007. A business tax credit of 25% of the cost of a qualifying idling reduction device, up to $1,000, would be created. Defines "qualifying idling reduction device" as any device that is (1) installed on a heavy-duty diesel-powered on-highway vehicle to provide services that would otherwise require the operation of the main drive engine while the vehicle is temporarily parked or stationary; and (2) certified by DOE to reduce long-duration idling. Directs DOE to publish standards for certifying such devices. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 157 (Holt)


Fuel Savings, Smarter Travel, and Efficient Roadways Act. Directs DOE to study and report to Congress on the potential fuel savings from intelligent transportation systems that help businesses and consumers plan travel and avoid delays. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 182 (Lofgren)


To Encourage Alternatively-fueled vehicle Manufacturing up for Energy Independence Act of 2007; also referred to as the "TEAM up for Energy Independence Act." An excise tax on non-alternative-fueled vehicles and gas-guzzler vehicles would be established. The revenue would be used to establish a trust fund at the Department of the Treasury. DOE would be directed to use the trust fund to make grants to fueling stations owned by entities which own or control 10 or fewer such businesses for alternative fuel refueling infrastructure projects, including new dispensing facilities and additional equipment or upgrades and improvements to existing refueling sites for alternative fuel vehicles. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 196 (Pomeroy)


Renewable Fuels and Energy Independence Promotion Act of 2007. Section 2 would make permanent certain tax incentives for biodiesel and alcohol fuels. Section 3 would modify the ethanol import duty. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 197 (Pomeroy)


Extends the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) for five years, from the end of 2008 through the end of 2013. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 277 (Cleaver)


Congress Leads by Example through Alt-fuel Resources (CLEAR) Act. Would prohibit Members of the House from using any portion of their representational allowance to provide any individual with a vehicle, including providing an individual with a vehicle under a long-term lease, which is not an alternative fuel vehicle. Introduced January 5, 2007; referred to Committee on House Administration.


H.R. 345 (Hoekstra)


Cool and Efficient Buildings Investment Act. A 20-year depreciation recovery period, calculated on a straight line basis, would be created for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, or commercial refrigeration systems installed in nonresidential buildings and placed in service during calendar years 2007 and 2008. Introduced January 9, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 349 (Kline)


10 by 10 Act. Would require that motor fuels have a minimum renewable fuels content of 10% by the beginning of 2010. Introduced January 9, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 364 (Gordon)


An Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) would be established at DOE. Its goal would be to reduce the energy imports from foreign sources by 20% over the next 10 years. Introduced January 10, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology.


H.R. 395 (Salazar)


Cellulosic Ethanol Development and Implementation Act of 2007. DOE would be required to provide grants to eligible entities to carry out R&D and demonstration projects on cellulosic ethanol and construct infrastructure that enables retail gas stations to dispense cellulosic ethanol for vehicle fuel to reduce the consumption of petroleum fuels. Introduced January 10, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce and Science and Technology.


H.R. 490 (McNulty)/S. 306 (Schumer)


Mohawk River Hydroelectric Projects Licensing Act of 2007. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) would be prohibited from issuing a new license for a hydroelectric project on the Mohawk River in New York state if the project has been operating under annual licenses for 10 or more years, unless FERC (1) issues a public notice that it will accept other valid license applications to develop or dispose of the project works or water resource (including certain nonpower license applications) and (2) approves a license application, according to the requirements of this act, if other valid license applications are submitted, or if FERC has issued a new license that is not yet final. Also, processing and approval procedures would be established. Any new power license issued for such a project would be required to include the same license conditions relating to the use of affected waters, as provided in the license for a specified Potomac Light & Power Company Project. Further, this act would be declared as applicable to specified hydroelectric projects for which (1) a new license has been issued at the time of this act but which has not yet become final under law, (2) there are pending judicial appeals, (3) the time has not yet lapsed for filing such appeals, or (4) there is a pending appeal of the Clean Water Act section 401 Water Quality Certificate. House bill introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


H.R. 498 (Wynn)


Energy Policy Reinvestment Act of 2007. Section 2 would repeal certain oil and natural gas tax subsidies and Section 3 would direct that the resulting revenue be used to support certain DOE hydrogen and fuel cell technology programs. Introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Science and Technology, Oversight and Government Reform, and Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 517 (J. Davis)


Independence from Oil with Agriculture Act of 2007. Section 2 would extend certain tax credits for alcohol and biodiesel fuels and fuel mixtures. Section 3 would make permanent the renewable energy electricity production tax credit (PTC) for wind, open-loop biomass, and closed-loop biomass. Section 4 would make permanent the tax credit for clean fuel vehicle refueling property. Section 5 would increase the renewable fuel standard (RFS) set by EPACT from 7.5 billion gallons to 12.0 billion gallons in 2012. Introduced January 17, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means and on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 539 (Schwartz)


Buildings for the 21st Century Act. The tax deduction for energy efficient commercial building costs (P.L. 109-432, § 204) would be increased, and the period of eligibility would be extended five years, through 2013. Introduced January 17, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 547 (Gordon)


Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act. Section 3 would direct DOE, in consultation with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, to conduct a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of materials to be added to alternative biobased fuels to make them more compatible with existing infrastructure used to store and deliver petroleum-based fuels to the point of final sale. Introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology. Reported (H.Rept. 110-7) February 5. Passed House, amended, February 8. H.Amdt. 6 was approved, which would allow fuel distributors and retailers to transform their businesses by dispensing hydrogen, reformed on site from various feedstocks, or delivered by pipeline or tube trucks. H.Amdt. 9 was approved, which would establish an energy security fund and an alternative fuel grant program.


H.R. 550 (McNulty)


Securing America's Energy Independence Act of 2007. The investment tax credit for solar energy property and qualified fuel cell property would be extended for nine years, from the end of 2008 to the end of 2017. Introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 559 (Delahunt)/S. 23 (Harkin)


Biofuels Security Act of 2007. Section 101 would modify the EPACT (§ 1501) requirement that renewable fuel content reach 7.5 billion gallons in 2012, accelerating the requirement to 10 billion gallons by 2010 and then rising to 30 billion gallons by 2020 and 60 billion gallons by 2030. Other provisions would require E85 pumps at branded gasoline stations (§ 102), increased use of alternative fuels in the federal fleet (§ 103), increased manufacturers percentage of dual-fueled vehicles (§ 201), and increased manufacturers incentives for dual-fueled vehicles (§ 202). House bill introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Oversight and Government Reform, and Judiciary. Senate bill introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


H.R. 570 (Rogers)/S. 331 (Thune)


Moneys collected from violations of the corporate average fuel economy (CAFÉ) program would be placed in an Energy Security Fund to provide grants that support infrastructure needed to increase the availability of alternative fuels. House bill introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce. Senate bill introduced January 18; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


H.R. 589 (Inslee)


Get Real Incentives to Drive Plug-in Act. Section 3 would authorize $500 million for the Department of Transportation (DOT) to make grants to domestic vehicle manufacturers for R&D on plug-in hybrid vehicles (PIHVs). Section 4 would direct DOT to establish a pilot project to explore the integration of plug-in hybrid vehicles into the electric power grid. Section 5 would direct DOT to test battery technologies. Section 6 would require DOT and DOE to prepare a report on PIHVs. Section 7 would create a $3,000 investment tax credit for taxpayer purchases of PIHVs. Section 8 would require that at least 10% of federal agency vehicle purchases are PIHVs. Introduced January 19, 2007; referred to Committees on Science and Technology, Ways and Means, and Oversight and Government Reform.


H.R. 604 (Hayes)


E-85 Investment Act of 2007. Tax incentives for E-85 fuel vehicle refueling property would be modified by: (1) increasing to 75% the rate of such credit for property using 85% ethanol fuel; (2) reducing the maximum dollar amount of such credit in 2013 and 2014 for ethanol-related refueling property; and (3) extending such credit through 2016 for ethanol-related refueling property. Introduced January 22, 2007; referred to Committee Ways and Means.


H.R. 620 (Olver)/S. 280 (Lieberman)


Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007. A program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would be established through a market-driven system of tradeable allowances and support for the deployment of new climate change-related technologies. House bill introduced January 22, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology, and Natural Resources. Senate bill introduced January 12, 2007; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works.


H.R. 632 (Lipinski)/S. 365 (Graham)


H-Prize Act of 2007. DOE would be authorized to establish monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy. House bill introduced January 23, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology. Senate bill introduced January 23, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


H.R. 635 (Upton)


After the year 2012, all gasoline sold to consumers in the United States for motor vehicles would be required to contain at least 10% renewable fuel. Introduced January 23, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 656 (Reichert)


Higher standards of automobile fuel efficiency would be required, with the goal of reducing the amount of oil used for automobile fuel by 10% starting in 2017. Introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 670 (Engel)/S. 133 (Obama)


American Fuels Act of 2007. The use of alternative fuels and new technology would be promoted to reduce oil dependence and improve national security and economic stability. House bill introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology, Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Oversight and Government Reform. Senate bill introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


H.R. 682 (Kaptur)


The Strategic Petroleum Reserve would be expanded to include alternative fuels. Introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 683 (R. Lewis)


Biomass tax incentives would be promoted as a way to support energy independence. Introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 729 (R. Lewis)


To promote energy independence and self-sufficiency, the use of net metering by certain small electric energy generation systems would be promoted by modifying the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Introduced January 30, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 778 (Weller)


The residential energy efficient property credit (P.L. 109-432, § 206) would be made permanent. Introduced January 31, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 791 (Weller)


The renewable fuel content standard (RFS) for gasoline sold in the United States would be increased by the year 2025 to 25 billion gallons. Introduced January 31, 2007; referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 792 (Weller)


Each federal agency would be directed to ensure that, in areas in which ethanol-blended gasoline is reasonably available at a generally competitive price, the federal agency purchases ethanol-blended gasoline containing at least 10% ethanol rather than non-ethanol-blended gasoline, for agency vehicles that otherwise would use gasoline. Introduced January 31, 2007; referred to Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


H.R. 798 (Oberstar)


The General Services Administration (GSA) would be directed to install a solar photovoltaic system for the DOE headquarters building. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management held hearing February 6. Committee markup held February 7; reported (H.Rept. 110-11) February 12. Passed House February 12. In Senate, referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works.


H.R. 805 (Doyle)


For hydrogen used as a vehicle fuel or to produce electricity, a permanent 30% fuel tax credit, capped at $1,500, would be created (§ 1). Also, the residential energy efficiency tax credit for fuel cells and the commercial energy credit for fuels cells and microturbines would be extended for five years, through the end of 2013 (§ 2). Further, secondary (backup) fuel cell power sources would be required for all new public buildings larger than 50,000 square feet (§ 3). In addition, DOT would be directed to study and report on regulations needed for a transition to hydrogen fuels (§ 4). Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 809 (Hinchey)


Section 216 of the Federal Power Act (as added by P.L. 109-58) providing for the use of eminent domain authority for the construction of certain electric power lines would be repealed. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 810 (Hinchey)


Protecting Communities from Power Line Abuse Act. Certain provisions of the Federal Power Act added by P.L. 109-58 relating to the use of eminent domain authority for the construction of electric power lines would be modified. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 817 (Price)


Finding the Ultimate Energy Lifeline Act of 2007. Also referred to as the FUEL Act. A presidential working group would be created and charged with identifying for the President strategies and methods to reduce foreign oil use to less than 25% of total motor vehicle fuel use by 2015. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 823 (Weller)


Federal agencies and legislative branch offices would be authorized to purchase greenhouse gas offsets and renewable energy credits. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, House Administration, and Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 829 (Wolf)


The Federal Power Act would be amended to make certain changes in provisions relating to National Interest Transmission Corridors. Introduced February 5, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 872 (Braley)


The Department of Agriculture (USDA) would be authorized to make competitive grants to community colleges, and advanced technology education centers partnering with community colleges, to support the education and training of technicians in the fields of bioenergy and other agriculture-based, renewable energy resources. Introduced February 7, 2007; referred to Committee on Education and Labor.


H.R. 931 (Costello)


Funding would be authorized for DOE to perform research, development, and demonstration of coal gasification technology that would be used to produce ethanol fuel. Introduced February 8, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology.


H.R. 969 (T. Udall)


Title VI of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 would be amended to establish a Federal renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) for retail electric utilities that would be administered by DOE. For each retail supplier, the RPS would set a minimum electricity production requirement from renewable resources, starting at 1% in 2010 and then rising annually until reaching a peak of 20% in 2020. Resources eligible to meet the RPS would include wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, ocean, tidal, and incremental hydropower. To supplement generation, retail suppliers would be allowed to purchase power from other organizations or to purchase tradable credits from suppliers with a surplus. Power generated on Native American lands would receive a double credit, and on-site generation used to offset the requirement would receive a triple credit. An excess of tradable credits could be carried forward (banked) for up to four years and a deficit of credits could be "borrowed" from anticipated generation up to three years into the future. A credit deficit would lead to a penalty that would be the lesser of 4.5 cents/kwh or 300% of the average market value of the credits. A credit cost cap (adjusted for inflation) would be set as the lesser of 3.0 cents/kwh or 200% of the average market value of the credits. States would be allowed to have stronger RPS requirements. DOE would be required to engage the National Academy of Sciences to evaluate the program. Introduced February 8, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 1126 (Lipinski)


Provisions of the Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988 would be reauthorized, with $12 million over FY2008 through FY2012. Also, technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions would be made eligible for this funding. Introduced February 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology. Ordered reported February 28.


H.R. 1133 (Berkley)


Freedom Through Renewable Energy Expansion (FREE) Act. Section 8 would increase CAFE fuel economy standards for new passenger cars to a minimum of 33 mpg by 2016. Section 9 would extend the renewable electricity production tax credit for seven years, to the end of 2015. Section 10 would extend for seven years the business investment tax credits for solar energy and fuel cell equipment, and it would create a new credit for geothermal energy equipment. Section 11 would extend the investment tax credit for residential energy efficient property for seven years. Section 12 would create a new 30% investment tax credit for wind energy equipment installed in residences and businesses. Section 13 would authorize $32.5 million for geothermal energy research at DOE. Section 14 would establish a renewable portfolio standard for retail electric suppliers, which could be met with generation from solar, wind, biomass, landfill gas, incremental hydro, incremental geothermal, current, wave, tidal, or ocean thermal energy. Section 15 would increase the amount of renewable energy that federal agencies are required to purchase, rising from 3% in 2007 to 20% in 2015. Section 16 would require DOE to establish a grant program for renewable energy in school facilities. Introduced February 16, 2007; referred to Committees on Ways and Means, Natural Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Science and Technology.


H.R. 1186 (J. Wilson)


United States-India Energy Security Cooperation Act of 2007. Section 4 would authorize the President to establish energy cooperation programs to support R&D and deployment of various energy projects, including energy efficiency, ethanol, biomass, and other renewable energy sources. Introduced February 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Foreign Affairs.


H.R. 1215 (Rogers)


DOE would be authorized $20 billion to make certain loan guarantees for advanced conservation and fuel efficiency motor vehicle technology projects. Introduced February 27, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce and Science and Technology.


H.R. 1300 (Hoyer)


Program for Real Energy Security (PROGRESS) Act. Title I would establish a commission to study and report on options for using alternative fuels to reduce oil imports. Title II (§ 203) would create a public-private collaborative, "The New Manhattan Center for High Efficiency Vehicles," that would focus on battery, advanced diesel and variable compression engines, plug-in hybrid vehicles with the goals of doubling vehicle efficiency and diversifying fuels, especially those derived from renewable resources. Also, Title II (§ 209) would establish a battery loan guarantee program to provide incentives to domestic manufacturers. Title III would establish a biofuels infrastructure grant program to support deployment of ethanol and biodiesel fuels. Title IV would set renewable fuel regulations to support investment in new cellulosic ethanol plants (§ 401), authorize $1 billion for a grant program to support cellulosic ethanol production (§ 402), establish quality and contents standards for biodiesel fuel (§ 403), require greater use of alternative fuels in the federal fleet (§ 404), require a report on vehicles and infrastructure for alternative fuels (§ 406), require that the Department of Defense (DOD) set aside a minimum about of funds for alternative fuel infrastructure (§ 407), support the development of alternative fuel refineries for military uses (§ 408), make plug-in hybrid vehicles eligible to satisfy federal agency fleet alternative fuel requirements (§ 409), and direct the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study and recommend procurement of alternative-fueled vehicles for congressional use (§ 410). Title V would create an incentive for commuters to use transit (§ 501), establish a $2 billion grant for expansion of public transit services (§ 502), require a report on fuel savings from intelligent transportation systems (§ 503), establish a mediator to reduce delays in the development of local commuter rail projects (§ 513), and promote the use of guaranteed loans and rail bonds to help state and local governments expand intercity rail passenger service. Introduced March 1, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Armed Services, Oversight and Government Reform, Science and Technology, Ways and Means, House Administration, and Transportation and Infrastructure.

Senate Bills (with House Companions)


S.Con.Res. 3 (Salazar)/H.Con.Res. 25 (Peterson)


The sense of the Congress would be expressed that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States should provide from renewable resources not less than 25% of the total energy consumed in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber. Senate bill introduced January 17, 2006; referred to Committee on Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. House bill introduced January 10, 2007; referred to Committees on Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, and Natural Resources.


S.Res. 30 (Biden)


The sense of the Senate would be expressed that the United States should return to international negotiations on climate change and take a leadership role in those negotiations. The resolution would recognize that there are security and economic benefits from reducing greenhouse gas emissions and from markets for new, climate-friendly technologies. Introduced January 16, 2006; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations.


S. 6 (Reid)


National Energy and Environmental Security Act of 2007. Expresses the sense of Congress that Congress should enact, and the President should sign, legislation to enhance the security of the United States by reducing the dependence of the United States on foreign and unsustainable energy sources and the risks of global warming by requiring greenhouse gas reductions and supporting environmentally friendly technologies. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 23 (Harkin)/H.R. 559 (Delahunt)


Biofuels Security Act of 2007. Section 101 would modify the EPACT (§ 1501) requirement that renewable fuel content reach 7.5 billion gallons in 2012, accelerating the requirement to 10 billion gallons by 2010 and then rising to 30 billion gallons by 2020 and 60 billion gallons by 2030. Other provisions would require E85 pumps at branded gasoline stations (§ 102), increased use of alternative fuels in the federal fleet (§ 103), increased manufacturers percentage of dual-fueled vehicles (§ 201), and increased manufacturers incentives for dual-fueled vehicles (§ 202). Senate bill introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. House bill introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Oversight and Government Reform, and Judiciary.


S. 129 (Allard)


Energy-Efficient Computer Servers Study. Section 1 would direct EPA to study and report to Congress on the growth in energy use by computer servers. Section 2 would express the sense of the Senate that it is in the best interest of the United States for purchasers of computer servers to give high priority to energy efficiency as a factor in determining best value and performance. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


S. 133 (Obama)/H.R. 670 (Engel)


American Fuels Act of 2007. The use of alternative fuels and new technology would be promoted to reduce oil dependence and improve national security and economic stability. Senate bill introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance. House bill introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology, Ways and Means, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Oversight and Government Reform.


S. 146 (Boxer)


Government Fleet Fuel Economy Act of 2007. The federal government would be required to purchase and lease fuel efficient automobiles. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


S. 162 (Lugar)


National Fuels Initiative. Section 102 would modify and extend the alcohol fuel and alternative fuel tax credits. Section 103 would require major oil companies to phase-in the installation of E85 fuel pumps at gasoline stations, reaching 100% by 2017. Section 104 would require manufacturers to increase the share of dual fueled automobiles to 100% by 2017. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 167 (Boxer)


Cellulosic Ethanol Development and Implementation Act of 2007. DOE would be required to provide grants to eligible entities to carry out research, development, and demonstration projects on cellulosic ethanol and construct infrastructure that enables retail gas stations to dispense cellulosic ethanol for vehicle fuel to reduce the consumption of petroleum-based fuel. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works.


S. 183 (Stevens)


Improved Passenger Automobile Fuel Economy Act of 2007. The corporate average fuel economy (CAFÉ) standard for passenger automobiles would be increased to 40 miles per gallon by 2017. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


S. 193 (Lugar)


Cooperation on energy issues between the U.S. government and foreign governments and other entities would be increased, as a way to help secure the strategic and economic interests of the United States. Introduced January 4, 2007; referred to Committee on Foreign Relations.


S. 280 (Lieberman)H.R. 620 (Olver)


Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007. A program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions would be established through a market-driven system of tradeable allowances and support for the deployment of new climate change-related technologies. Section 323 may be the most significant for energy efficiency and renewable energy: DOE would be directed to create a production incentive, funded with proceeds from an auction of tradeable emission allowances (specified in § 162), for R&D on low-cost/no-cost (full life cycle basis) emission reduction technologies, with a maximum project value of $100 million. Also, Title III's Subtitle A on "Innovation Infrastructure" includes a study of technology transfer barriers and increase of innovation incentive from15% to 25% (§ 311), authorization for the Department of Commerce to create a nonprofit enterprise that supports technologies (§ 312), empowerment of national laboratories to establish spinoff enterprises (§ 313), a directive that the National Science Foundation create a plan to support technologies at universities (§ 314), a 50% grant program at the Department of Commerce to support deployment of technologies (§ 315), a study of patent law to facilitate technology deployment (§ 318), and information distribution about DOE's best practices for energy efficiency programs, (§ 319). Subtitle B includes DOE audit incentives for retail electricity suppliers (§ 351), R&D on transportation options such as renewable hydrogen, cellulosic ethanol, and biodiesel (§ 352), and energy audits for large commercial businesses (§ 353). Senate bill introduced January 12, 2007; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works. House bill introduced January 22, 2007; referred to Committees on Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology, and Natural Resources.


S. 298 (Murkowski)


Renewable Energy, Fuel Reduction, and Economic Stabilization and EnHancement Act of 2007. Also referred to as the REFRESH Act. DOE would be authorized funding for a grant program to support geothermal energy (§ 101), ocean energy (§ 102), and plug-in hybrid vehicles (§ 103). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) would be required to study and report on testing of CAFE standards (§ 201), and prescribe tire efficiency standards (§ 202). DOT would be authorized to create a grant program for states to support telecommuting to curb traffic congestion. Introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 306 (Schumer)/H.R. 490 (McNulty)


Mohawk River Hydroelectric Projects Licensing Act of 2007. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) would be prohibited from issuing a new license for a hydroelectric project on the Mohawk River in New York state if the project has been operating under annual licenses for 10 or more years, unless FERC (1) issues a public notice that it will accept other valid license applications to develop or dispose of the project works or water resource (including certain nonpower license applications) and (2) approves a license application, according to the requirements of this act, if other valid license applications are submitted, or if FERC has issued a new license that is not yet final. Also, processing and approval procedures would be established. Any new power license issued for such a project would be required to include the same license conditions relating to the use of affected waters, as provided in the license for a specified Potomac Light & Power Company Project. Further, this act would be declared as applicable to specified hydroelectric projects for which (1) a new license has been issued at the time of this act but which has not yet become final under law, (2) there are pending judicial appeals, (3) the time has not yet lapsed for filing such appeals, or (4) there is a pending appeal of the Clean Water Act section 401 Water Quality Certificate. Senate bill introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. House bill introduced January 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


S. 309 (Sanders)


Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. The Clean Air Act would be amended to direct EPA to set milestones for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a number of market-based programs and other means, of which many involve energy efficiency or renewable energy. Section 704 includes a declining emissions cap with a technology-indexed stop price, that involves energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Section 707 would set certain standards for vehicle CO2 emissions, which may have a similar effect as vehicle energy efficiency standards, such as those in the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard. It also calls for an NAS study of the potential for energy efficiency technologies to reduce emissions in the non-highway portion of the transportation sector. Sections 708 and 709 establish electric generation standards that call for improved energy efficiency. Section 711(c) would express the Sense of the Senate that federal funds for clean, low- carbon energy R&D and deployment should be increased by at least 100% each year for 10 years. Section 712 would direct EPA to create an energy efficiency performance standard that calls on retail electricity suppliers (utilities) to reduce electricity use, starting with 0.25% 2008 and rising steadily to 9.0% in 2020, along with a national system of tradable credits and a minimum fee of four cents per kilowatt-hour (kwh). Section 713 would require that EPA establish a renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) with a target that starts at 5% in 2008 and rises steadily to 20% in 2020. Section 716 would call for the President to establish a task force to recommend a strategy for a foreign assistance program that supports low-carbon (renewable) and energy efficiency technologies. Section 719 would amend the renewable fuel standard (RFS) to require that at least 5 billion gallons of low-carbon renewable fuels come into commercial use in vehicles by 2015. Section 721 would require federal executive branch agencies to use vehicles that are "as fuel-efficient as practicable." Introduced February 8, 2007; referred to Committees on Environment and Public Works.


S. 317 (Feinstein)


Electric Utility Cap and Trade Act of 2007. Under Title I, Section 717 would create a Climate Action Trust Fund at the Department of the Treasury, with proceeds CRS-20 from the auctions of tradeable emission allowances established under Section 715. DOE would be directed to issue regulations that establish a "low- and zero-emitting carbon technologies program" and an "energy efficiency technology program" to support technology development and deployment with low-interest loans, loan guarantees, grants, and financial awards. The maximum shares of funding would be limited to 35% for development and deployment of low/no carbon technologies, 15% for development and deployment of energy efficiency technologies for buildings and industry, and 10% for R&D on energy efficiency technologies. Section 736 would establish offset credits for certain projects, including those that reduce emissions from fossil fuel combustion at residential and commercial buildings. Under Title II, section 204 would authorize the National Institute of Standards' Manufacturing Extension Partnership program promote emission-reduction technologies for use by small manufacturers. Introduced January 17, 2007; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works.


S. 331 (Thune)/H.R. 570 (Rogers)


Moneys collected from violations of the corporate average fuel economy (CAFÉ) program would be placed in an Energy Security Fund to provide grants that support infrastructure needed to increase the availability of alternative fuels. Senate bill introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. House bill introduced January 18; referred to Committee on Energy and Commerce.


S. 339 (Bayh)


DRIVE Act. The national security and stability of the United States economy would be promoted by reducing oil dependence through the use of alternative fuels and new technology. Title I would establish a national oil savings target and action plan; Title II would set policies for improving the fuel efficiency of vehicles; and Title III would set policies for renewable energy and alternative fuels. Introduced January 18, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 357 (Feinstein)


Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act. Section 2 would require that new automobiles and light trucks achieve a combined average fuel economy of at least 35 mpg by model year (MY) 2019. Further, by MY2010, each manufacturer would be required to reach an interim target of 29.5 mpg for automobiles and 23.5 for light trucks. Also, by MY2013, there will be no distinction between automobiles and light trucks, thereby eliminating the loophole for sport utility vehicles. Section 7 would require, starting in MY2014, that each vehicle be equipped with an onboard electronic instrument that provides real-time and cumulative fuel economy data. Section 9 would allow manufacturers with shortfalls and excesses to participate in a fuel economy credit trading program. Section 11 would require, after MY2010, vehicles to carry labels that show both fuel economy and greenhouse gas emission data. Further, it would create a fuelstar program (with green and gold stars) to recognize fuel economy that exceeds the minimum requirement. Introduced January 22, 2007; referred to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


S. 365 (Graham)/H.R. 632 (Lipinski)


H-Prize Act of 2007. DOE would be authorized to establish monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy. Senate bill introduced January 23, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. House bill introduced January 23, 2007; referred to Committee on Science and Technology.


S. 386 (Chambliss)


Cellulosic Ethanol Incentive Act of 2007. The renewable fuel standard (RFS) would be increased from 7.5 billion gallons to 10.0 billion gallons in 2012 and to 33.3 billion gallons in 2030. Further, a standard for cellulosic ethanol would be created starting at 250 million gallons in 2010 and rising to 20.3 billion gallons in 2030. Introduced January 24, 2007; referred to Committee on Environment and Public Works.


S. 425 (Smith)


The renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) would be expanded to include "kinetic hydropower" that is generated from river currents, tidal currents, ocean waves, or ocean thermal energy conversion. Introduced January 29, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 426 (Nelson)


Biofuels Investment Trust Fund Act. All funds collected from the tariff on imports of ethanol would be invested in the R&D and deployment of biofuels, especially cellulosic ethanol produced from biomass feedstocks. Introduced January 29, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


S. 485 (Kerry)


An economy-wide global warming pollution emission cap-and-trade program would be established to assist the economic transition to new clean energy technologies, protect employees and affected communities, and protect companies and consumers from significant increases in energy costs. Introduced February 1, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 590 (Smith)


The investment tax credit for solar energy property and qualified fuel cell property would be extended . Introduced February 14, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 672 (Salazar)


Tax-exempt financing would be provided for qualified renewable energy facilities. Introduced February 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 673 (Salazar)


Investment tax credits would be established for the installation of wind energy property by rural homeowners, farmers, ranchers, and small businesses. Introduced February 16, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


S. 696 (Baucus)


Energy Research Act of 2007. An Advanced Research Projects Administration -- Energy (ARPA-E) would be established independent of, but in coordination with, the Department of Energy. An authorization of $5.5 billion over five years would support acceleration of energy innovations, including those focused on alternative energy sources and energy efficiency. Introduced February 27, 2007; referred to Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.


S. 701 (Clinton)


A temporary fee on major oil company profits would be imposed, and policies for royalties would be revised, raising $50 billion for a Strategic Energy Fund. The Fund would be used to (1) expand the renewable energy electricity production tax credit (PTC) for five years; (2) increase tax incentives for hybrid, clean diesel, and other advanced vehicles; (3) create incentives for automobile manufacturers; (4) put $500 million toward advanced battery development to support plug-in hybrid vehicles; (5) extend the ethanol tax credit to 2012; (6) for cellulosic ethanol, provide $2 billion for R&D and loan guarantees to cover the first billion gallons of production capacity (7) increase incentives for energy efficiency in homes and offices; and (8) create a $9 billion Advanced Research Projects Agency. Introduced February 28, 2007; referred to Committee on Finance.


Congressional Hearings, Reports, and Documents







U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. A Review of the Administration's Energy Proposals for the Transportation Sector. Hearing held February 28, 2007. [ 110-eag_hrg.022807.Energy_Proposals_Transportation.shtml]

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. Addressing Climate Change -- Views from Private Sector. Hearing held February 13, 2007. [ Climate_change.shtml]

U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Energy and Commerce. Department of Energy's Budget, Fiscal Year 2008. Hearing held February 8, 2007. [ DOE_budget.shtml]




U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. State, Regional, and Local Perspectives on Global Warming. Hearing held March 1, 2007. [ Hearing&Hearing_id=f19521d5-802a-23ad-4139-4448d5c5337e]

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. U.S. Climate Action Partnership Report. Hearing held February 13, 2007. [ Hearing&Hearing_id=9d420df7-802a-23ad-4615-a240504c6347]

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change. Hearing held February 13, 2007. [ Hearing&Hearing_ID=1605]

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Energy. Energy Efficiency Programs. Hearing held February 12, 2007. (Covers buildings and electric/gas utility companies) [ Hearing&Hearing_ID=1608]

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Proposed Budget for FY 2008 for the Department of Energy. Hearing held February 7, 2007. [ ngs.Hearing&Hearing_ID=1601]

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture. USDA Farm Bill Proposal. Hearing held February 7, 2007. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Accelerated Biofuels Diversity Conference. Conference held February 1, 2007. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Transportation Sector Fuel Efficiency. Hearing held January 30, 2007. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. Senators' Perspectives on Global Warming. Hearing held January 30, 2007. []

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. EIA Analysis of Draft Climate Change Legislation. Hearing held January 24, 2007. []

CRS Reports

CRS Report RL33836, Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bills in the 110th Congress, by Larry Parker.

CRS Report RS22571, The Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve in the CLEAN Energy Act of 2007 (H.R. 6), by Fred Sissine.

CRS Report RL32860, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Legislation in the 109th Congress, by Fred Sissine.

CRS Report RL33588, Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget, and Regulatory Issues, by Fred Sissine.

CRS Report RL33599, Energy Efficiency Policy: Budget, Electricity Conservation, and Fuel Conservation Issues, by Fred Sissine.

CRS Report RL33294, DOE Budget Earmarks: A Selective Look at Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy R&D Programs, by Fred Sissine.

CRS Report RL33302, Energy Policy Act of 2005: Summary and Analysis of Enacted Provisions, by Mark Holt and Carol Glover.

CRS Report RL33564, Alternative Fuels and Advanced Technology Vehicles: Issues in Congress, by Brent Yacobucci.

CRS Report RL32712, Agriculture-Based Renewable Energy Production, by Randy Schnepf.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports

GAO-07-550T, Advanced Energy Technologies: Key Challenges to Their Development and Deployment. 11 p. []

GAO-07-106, Department of Energy: Key Challenges Remain for Developing and Deploying Advanced Energy Technologies to Meet Future Needs. 68 p. []

GAO-07-42, Energy Efficiency: Long-standing Problems with DOE's Program for Setting Efficiency Standards Continue to Result in Forgone Energy Savings. 40 p. []





1 This report is intended to complement and support CRS Report RL33599, Energy Efficiency Policy: Budget, Electricity Conservation, and Fuel Conservation Issues, and CRS Report RL33588, Renewable Energy Policy: Tax Credit, Budget, and Regulatory Issues, both by Fred Sissine.

2 Additionally, bills on climate change are discussed in CRS Report RL33846, Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bills in the 110th Congress, by Larry Parker.

3 Speaker of the House. The Innovation Agenda. Energy Independence in 10 Years. []

4 For more details about the Reserve, see CRS Report RS22571, The Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve in the CLEAN Energy Act of 2007 (H.R. 6), by Fred Sissine.

5Congressional Record, Jan. 18, 2007, p. H688 through H729.

6 Several other agencies receive less regular appropriations for energy efficiency or renewable energy projects and activities. These agencies have included Department of State, Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Transportation, and Architect of the Capitol.


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