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Extension Granted to File IC-DISC Election

MAR. 30, 2016

LTR 201628017

DATED MAR. 30, 2016
Citations: LTR 201628017

Third Party Communication: None


Date of Communication: Not Applicable


Person To Contact: * * *, ID No. * * *


Telephone Number: * * *



Index Number: 9100.22-00, 992.02-00


Release Date: 7/8/2016


Date: March 30, 2016



Refer Reply To: CC:INTL:BR6 - PLR-138568-15



In re: * * *






Taxpayer = * * *


Parent = * * *


Individual = * * *


Law Firm = * * *


Date 1 = * * *


Date 2 = * * *


Date 3 = * * *


Date 4 = * * *


Date 5 = * * *



Dear * * *:

This responds to a letter dated November 19, 2015, submitted on behalf of Taxpayer, requesting that the Internal Revenue Service ("Service") grant Taxpayer an extension of time under Treas. Reg. §§ 301.9100-1 and 301.9100-3 to file Form 4876-A ("Election To Be Treated as an Interest Charge DISC") for Taxpayer's first taxable year.

The rulings given in this letter are based on facts and representations submitted by Taxpayer and Law Firm, and accompanied by penalty of perjury statements. This office has not verified any of the materials submitted in support of the request for a ruling. Verification of the factual information, representations, and other data may be required as part of the audit process.





Taxpayer is a domestic corporation wholly owned by Parent. Individual is president of Taxpayer and the sole shareholder of Parent. Law Firm is a business law firm with expertise in tax matters. In early Date 1, Law Firm advised Individual of the benefits associated with interest charge domestic international sales corporations ("IC-DISCs"). On or around Date 2, Parent engaged Law Firm to organize an IC-DISC on its behalf.

Taxpayer was incorporated on Date 3 and was intended to be treated as an IC-DISC from inception. Following the incorporation of Taxpayer, Law Firm represented to Individual and Parent that Law Firm would properly and timely organize Taxpayer as an IC-DISC and complete Form 4876-A for filing with the Service to ensure that Taxpayer would qualify as an IC-DISC for Taxpayer's first taxable year. Law Firm did not advise Parent that the due date for filing Form 4876-A for Taxpayer's first taxable year was 90 days from the date of formation of the Taxpayer. Believing all the requirements to conduct business and to be treated as an IC-DISC were satisfied, Taxpayer began operating as an IC-DISC as of Date 3. Due to oversight and mistake on the part of Law Firm, Law Firm incorrectly determined the last day to file Form 4876-A, and did not mail the executed Form 4876-A until several days after the due date.

Even though Taxpayer had assumed that all the necessary requirements to conduct business as an IC-DISC were satisfied, it did not qualify as an IC-DISC for federal income tax purposes because it did not timely file a Form 4876-A with the Service within 90 days of Date 3. Taxpayer represents that it did not realize this error until after Taxpayer filed a Form 1120-IC-DISC tax return for the year ending Date 4 on or about Date 5, and the Service subsequently returned the Form 1120-IC-DISC with a transmittal letter stating that there was no record of an approved Form 4876-A for Taxpayer. Upon discovery that the form had not been timely filed, Taxpayer requested that Law Firm submit a ruling request granting Taxpayer an extension of time to file Form 4876-A for its first taxable year.





Section 992(b)(1)(A) provides that an election by a corporation to be treated as a DISC1 shall be made by such corporation for a taxable year at any time during the 90-day period immediately preceding the beginning of the taxable year, except that the Secretary may give his consent to the making of an election at such other times as he may designate.

Section 992(b)(1)(B) provides that such election shall be made in such manner as the Secretary shall prescribe and shall be valid only if all persons who are shareholders in such corporation on such first day of the first taxable year for which such election is effective consent to such election.

Temp. Treas. Reg. § 1.921-1T(b)(1) provides, in part, that a corporation electing IC-DISC status must file Form 4876-A. A corporation electing to be treated as an IC-DISC for its first taxable year must make the election within 90 days after the beginning of that year.

Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-1(c) provides, in part, that the Commissioner, in exercising the Commissioner's discretion, may grant a reasonable extension of time under the rules set forth in Treas. Reg. §§ 301.9100-2 and 301.9100-3 to make a regulatory election under all subtitles of the Code except subtitles E, G, H, and I.

Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-1(b) provides that a regulatory election is an election whose due date is prescribed by a regulation published in the Federal Register, or a revenue ruling, revenue procedure, notice, or announcement published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. For this purpose, an election includes an application for relief in respect of tax.

Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3(a) provides that requests for extensions of time for regulatory elections that do not meet the requirements of Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-2 (automatic extensions) must be made under the rules of Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3. Requests for relief subject to Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3 will be granted when the taxpayer provides the evidence (including affidavits described in Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3(e)) to establish to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the taxpayer acted reasonably and in good faith, and the grant of relief will not prejudice the interests of the Government.

The election described in the third sentence of Temp. Treas. Reg. § 1.921-1T(b)(1) is a regulatory election as defined in Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-1(b). Therefore, the Commissioner has discretionary authority under Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-1(c) to grant Taxpayer an extension of time, provided that Taxpayer satisfies the standards for relief set forth in Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3.

Based on the facts and representations submitted, we conclude that Taxpayer satisfies Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-3(a). Accordingly, Taxpayer is granted an extension of time of 60 days from the date of this ruling letter to file Form 4876-A. Such filing will be treated as a timely election to be treated as an IC-DISC for Taxpayer's first taxable year.

The granting of an extension in this ruling letter is not a determination that Taxpayer is otherwise eligible to make the election or to claim IC-DISC status or benefits. See Treas. Reg. § 301.9100-1(a). A copy of this letter ruling should be filed with the Form 4876-A.

This ruling is directed only to the taxpayer that requested it. Section 6110(k)(3) of the Code provides that written determinations may not be used or cited as precedent. Except as expressly provided herein, no opinion is expressed or implied concerning the tax consequences of any aspect of any transaction or item discussed or referenced in this letter.

In accordance with the power of attorney on file with this office, a copy of this letter is being sent to your authorized representative.




Christopher J. Bello


Chief, Branch 6


Office of Associate Chief Counsel




Enclosure (2)


Copy of this letter


Copy for § 6110 purposes





* * *





1 As used in this letter, the terms "IC-DISC" and "DISC" have the same meaning.


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