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CBPP Discounts Features of New Stimulus Proposal

DEC. 18, 2001

CBPP Discounts Features of New Stimulus Proposal

DATED DEC. 18, 2001


=============== SUMMARY ===============


Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Executive Director Robert Greenstein issued a December 18 report saying that the tax component of the new stimulus proposal, circulated by Ways and Means Chair William M. Thomas, R-Calif., represents a "significant step backward in the effort to develop a bipartisan stimulus package" that would be effective and fiscally responsible. Greenstein says that although the plan's proponents present it as more moderate than the House bill passed in October, its tax provisions are similar in many respects.

The new plan includes several multiyear tax cuts for corporations and high-income individuals that would be either inefficient in stimulating the economy or more effective if limited to one year. Also, Greenstein argues that the multiyear or permanent tax provisions will widen budget deficits in the years following the end of the recession.

Greenstein also writes that the new plan retains features of the original House bill that are "highly deleterious" to states. "The plan would cause states -- which already face budget deficits this year of $35 billion to $50 billion -- to lose an additional $5 billion in state revenue each year for the next three years," he says. Furthermore, the plan continues to exclude those measures extending unemployment insurance benefits to low-wage workers who would qualify if the wages they earned in recent months were counted. The plan also fails to extend unemployment insurance to those who meet all criteria for unemployment benefits, but are disqualified because they are available for part-time work rather than full-time work, Greenstein says.

Finally, the report indicates that the health insurance proposals in the new plan are unlikely to provide "adequate assistance" to many low- and moderate-income workers who lose their jobs. As a result, those individuals and their families would have to rely on Medicaid. However, Greenstein warns, with the new plan's increased pressure on states to cut budgets, Medicaid is a "prime candidate" for budget cuts.

"The plan includes several permanent tax cuts, which would further exacerbate the nation's long-term budget difficulties," Greenstein concludes.


=============== FULL TEXT ===============


December 18, 2001



New House Stimulus Proposal Retains Many Features


of Earlier House Bill


New Plan Filled with Costly Multi-Year or Permanent Tax Cuts that


Would Do Little to Stimulate the Economy



by Robert Greenstein



[1] The tax component of the new stimulus proposal circulated late Monday by Rep. Bill Thomas and likely to be brought to the House floor within the next day represents a significant step backward in the effort to develop a bipartisan stimulus package that would be effective as stimulus and fiscally responsible. Although its proponents present the plan as being more moderate than the stimulus bill the House passed in October, the plan's tax provisions are similar to those of the House-passed stimulus bill in many key respects.

[2] The plan includes numerous multi-year (and, in some cases, permanent) tax cuts for corporations and higher-income individuals that would either be inefficient in stimulating the economy or much more effective as stimulus if limited to one year. These multi-year or permanent provisions will widen budget deficits in years after the recession is over. While estimates from the Joint Tax Committee and the Congressional Budget Office are not yet available, the plan appears to cost well over $50 billion in the nine years after 2002 -- that is, in years where the economy is expected to be in recovery and stimulus is no longer needed. (This estimate is based on estimates provided by the Joint Tax Committee and CBO in recent weeks for identical or similar provisions in earlier stimulus packages.)

[3] Moreover, the multi-year nature of these provisions, under which they would remain in effect long after the downturn ends, makes sense only if one of the goals of the legislation is to heighten the chances that these corporate tax cuts will be extended when they are scheduled to expire and thus will become ongoing fixtures of the tax code, a course that would cost several hundred billion dollars over the coming decade. While the plan drops some tax provisions included in the original House bill -- such as a capital gains tax cut and large, retroactive corporate tax refunds -- the principal tax provisions of the House stimulus bill remain intact in whole or in large part, and the plan adds several new special interest tax provisions, such as changes in pension rules that would enable firms to reduce pension contributions and changes in the individual Alternative Minimum Tax that would principally benefit high-income taxpayers.

[4] Furthermore, the new plan retains features of the House bill that are highly deleterious to states. The plan would cause states -- which already face budget deficits this year of $35 billion to $50 billion -- to lose an additional $5 billion in state revenue each year for the next three years. Since states must balance their budgets even in recessions, this would force states to institute still-larger budget cuts or tax increases this year, steps that would dampen the economy and undercut federal stimulus effects.

[5] In addition, the plan continues to exclude measures to extend unemployment insurance benefits for the coming year, at federal cost, to low-wage workers who would qualify if the wages they earned in recent months were counted and to workers who meet all other criteria for unemployment benefits but are disqualified because they are available for part-time rather than full-time work. Because many unemployed low-wage workers would still fail to qualify for unemployment benefits but could lose other assistance as a result of the larger state budget cuts that the plan would engender, some of the low-income unemployed could be made worse off by the plan. Finally, while larding costly tax breaks on corporations that would endure long after the downturn ends, the plan excludes even a modest, short-term increase in unemployment benefit levels.

The Plan's Tax Provisions

The plan's tax provisions include the following:

o Depreciation: The plan contains a generous depreciation


provision under which 30 percent of the cost of equipment and


other items could be deducted immediately. This provision


would make sense if it were to be in effect for one year.


Instead, the plan leaves the provision in effect for three


years, a move that substantially reduces its effectiveness as


stimulus but substantially increases the chances it will be


made an ongoing feature of the tax code. As Brookings analyses


have shown, making the provision effective for three years


lessens its stimulative effect because it enables firms to


wait a year or more and see what the economy looks like before


making purchases; firms could defer making purchases and still


get the tax break. Furthermore, because of its three-year


nature, the tax break would remain in effect long after the


downturn ends, making it more likely that it would come to be


seen as a normal feature of the tax code and thus making its


extension at the end of the three-year period more probable.


In fact, the tax break is designed so that it would expire on


September 11, 2004, shortly before the elections, making it


even more likely it would be extended at that time. If this


tax break is extended and remains in effect throughout the


decade, its cost -- according to the Joint Tax Committee --


will be nearly $230 billion over ten years.



o Corporate AMT: One of the areas where the plan appears


to be more moderate than the original House bill is with


regard to its treatment of the corporate Alternative Minimum


Tax. While there are changes here, however, they are not as


large as the rhetoric surrounding the new plan may suggest.


The new proposal does not formally repeal the corporate AMT,


but it largely guts the AMT so that the AMT would not have


much effect. Moreover, many of the corporations that would


receive large checks under the original House bill would still


get a substantial portion of these payments. The payments


would be spread over a number of years rather than paid up


front. Finally, since the proposal would largely eviscerate


the corporate AMT on a permanent basis, another of its effects


would be to enable a number of profitable corporations to


avoid paying any income tax.1



Individual AMT: These changes in the AMT would be


extended to the individual AMT as well. That would


result in further tax cuts for high-income individuals, as


these would be the people who would benefit most from the


changes that would be made in the individual AMT. The


provision making these changes in the individual AMT was


not part of the original House bill. It would be





o Tax breaks for financial corporations with foreign


operations: The new bill would extend for five years a tax


break for multi-national financial corporations with overseas


operations. Under the "Subpart F" rules of current law, U.S.


firms are taxed on some types of income earned by foreign


corporations that they control, regardless of whether the


income is distributed back to the United States. The purpose


of these rules is to prevent international firms from using


internal organizational shifts and distorted internal pricing


practices to hide income from U.S. taxation. A temporary


provision, due to expire in 2002, exempts income earned in


banking, finance, and insurance from these rules and therefore


effectively provides a subsidy to income that is earned abroad


and not distributed back to the United States. The new


stimulus package would extend this special exemption for five


years, providing a significant tax benefit to firms in the


banking, finance, and insurance industries. This provision


would have little, if any, stimulative effect since the


measure would provide only five percent of its $6.5


billion in tax cuts in 2002. More than 95 percent of its tax


cuts would come in subsequent years. There is little practical


difference between this provision and the version of the


provision in the original House bill, which made this


provision permanent. Extending the provision for five years so


it is in effect for nearly half a decade after the recession


is over would set the provision up to be extended at the close


of the five-year period and become an ongoing part of the tax





o Rate reductions: The plan retains the original House


provision to accelerate to 2002 the reductions in the 27.5


percent income tax rate that are now scheduled for 2004 and


2006. As various Brookings and CBPP analyses have shown, this


provision is mistargeted and would have little stimulative


effect. While expensive -- it would cost $54 billion -- it


would affect only the top quarter of all tax filers and would


confer the largest tax cuts on the top five percent of filers.


A married couple with two children that makes $65,000 a year


would receive nothing from the tax cut, while such a family


with income of $70,000 would receive $70 in 2002 and $210 over


four years. By contrast, a married filer with income of


$135,000 or above would receive $1,300 in 2002 and nearly


$4,000 over four years. High-income individuals spend a


smaller share (and save a larger share) of each additional


dollar of after-tax income they receive than do individuals


with more moderate incomes. As a result, this provision would


not have much stimulative effect.



Furthermore, more than three quarters of the $54-billion tax


reduction that this proposal would provide would come after


2002 -- that is, after the economy is expected to be in


recovery. Overall, the provision would be highly inefficient


as a stimulus measure, producing little bang for the buck.



o Deduction for Capital Losses: Under current law,


taxpayers may deduct net capital losses of up to $3,000


against ordinary income. The new proposal would increase the


permissible deduction amount to $6,000 in 2001 and 2002. This


proposal is likely to benefit primarily higher-income


taxpayers, given the concentrated distribution of financial


assets and the fact that the expanded deduction is more


valuable to taxpayers in higher tax brackets. It also may


induce additional stock market sales in the short run among


those who have net capital losses amounting to more than


$3,000, which could reduce stock prices. Since this tax cut


would be concentrated among higher-income taxpayers, most of


the tax break will be saved, not spent. It therefore would be


likely to provide little immediate stimulus to the economy.



   Estimated Loss in Fiscal Year 2002 of State Tax Revenues


           Due to Proposal(in millions of dollars)




ALL STATES          $5,430


Alabama                $56         Montana             $22


Alaska                  70         Nebraska             33


Arizona                110         Nevada             not affected


Arkansas                53         New Hampshire        42


California          not affected   New Jersey          260


Colorado                87         New Mexico           40


Connecticut             99         New York            710


Delaware                31         North Carolina      190


Florida                210         North Dakota         15


Georgia                180         Ohio                200


Hawaii                  21         Oklahoma             48


Idaho                   31         Oregon              100


Illinois               360         Pennsylvania        340


Indiana                180         Rhode Island         19


Iowa                    60         South Carolina       58


Kansas                  57         South Dakota          8


Kentucky                73         Tennessee           110


Louisiana               57         Texas               340


Maine                   30         Utah                 43


Maryland               120         Vermont              11


Massachusetts          270         Virginia            140


Michigan                60         Washington     not affected


Minnesota              180         West Virginia        36


Mississippi             55         Wisconsin           140


Missouri                87         Wyoming        not affected






District of Columbia    40         New York City       390



Note: These are CBPP estimates. The total for all the states is


identical to the Congressional Research Service estimate, but


the CRS estimates by state are not available.



o Leasehold Improvements: Under current law, changes made


to commercial office buildings to accommodate specific


occupants are depreciated over 39 years. The new package would


permanently shorten that depreciation period to 15 years. Such


a permanent change in the tax code is difficult to justify on


stimulus grounds, since only $78 million -- or one percent --


of its $7 billion ten-year cost would occur in 2002.



o Reduction in Employer Pension Contributions: The plan


also includes a new provision not contained in any previous


stimulus bill or any tax bill the House or Senate has approved


that would allow firms to reduce pension contributions to


pension funds for their employees.2



o Low-income Rebates: Finally, like the House bill and


most other stimulus packages, the plan includes a tax rebate


for lower-income workers who received no rebate or only a


partial rebate this summer. Because the rebate is a one-time


measure while most of the upper-income and corporate tax cuts


would be multiyear or permanent, the rebate accounts for only


about one-ninth of the cost of the plan's tax cuts over ten





Assistance for the Unemployed

Unemployment Insurance

[6] The new plan would provide an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for workers in all states who lost their jobs after March 15 and have exhausted their regular benefits. This represents a marked improvement over the earlier House bill, which contained no comparable provision.

[7] However, the plan rejects all other temporary improvements in unemployment benefits contained in the Finance Committee stimulus plan. Those provisions would make more part-time and recently employed workers eligible for benefits when they are laid off and provide for a modest increase in unemployment benefits.

[8] The new plan retains a provision of the House bill that would speed up the transfer of $9.2 billion already slated to be shifted from the federal unemployment insurance trust funds to state unemployment accounts.3 While this transfer can help states whose unemployment accounts are running low on funds, it would neither offer much assistance to the unemployed nor do much to stimulate the economy. This is because most of the funds it would transfer to state unemployment accounts would not be spent. Most states would use a large share of these funds to strengthen the reserves in their state unemployment trust funds, rather than to expand or extend unemployment benefits. States have no way of knowing how long or deep the recession will be, and they understandably are concerned that their reserves be adequate to weather the recession.

[9] A new survey of states conducted by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies confirms that most states would not use any of these funds to expand or extend unemployment benefits.4 The survey findings, which have been known for a number of weeks, also demonstrate that statements about this provision made in documents circulated late Monday by Rep. Bill Thomas are misleading. The Thomas documents declare that states would have the option of using these transferred funds to extend unemployment insurance coverage to laid-off part-time workers and to workers who would be eligible if the wages they earned in recent months were counted. This may suggest that Rep. Thomas has moderated his position on these matters. In fact, the new proposal represents no progress on these issues. States have long had the option to count more recent wages and to cover part-time workers; most states have declined to do so because of the potential impact on state unemployment insurance tax rates. That is why the Senate Finance Committee bill would cover part-time workers and count more recent wages for a one-year period at 100 percent federal cost. Moreover, the recent survey by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies, in which states were specifically asked what uses they would make of the $9.2 billion in transferred funds if the House proposal became law, shows most states would not spend any of the transferred funds either to extend coverage to these workers or to improve unemployment benefits in other ways. The survey found that "most responding states said they would not expand or extend benefits if they received the $9.3 billion in transferred funds." Most of the 38 states that responded specifically said they would not use these funds to count more recent wages, to extend coverage to part-time workers, or to increase the weekly benefit amount.

[10] These survey findings also are supported by Congressional Budget Office estimates. CBO estimates indicate that if the $9.2 billion in funds are transferred now, only a very small fraction of these funds (probably less than $1 billion) will actually be used in fiscal year 2002 to maintain or expand benefits.

[11] Temporarily expanding unemployment insurance benefits would be highly effective as economic stimulus. In a recent analysis, Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Brookings Institution senior fellow Peter Orszag noted that "in a recession, the primary problem is that the nation's firms face a reduction in demand for their products -- not that they lack available workers, equipment, or anything else needed to produce goods and services."5 Increasing unemployment benefits addresses this critical demand problem by boosting consumer spending and thereby helping other workers keep their jobs. 6 Stiglitz, Orszag, and other economists also have noted by increasing aggregate demand, improvements in unemployment benefits would be more effective in providing economic stimulus and reducing lay-offs than most of the tax cuts included in the new package.

Health Insurance for the Unemployed

[12] The health insurance provisions of the package also are problematic. The principal such provision would provide a tax credit for 60 percent of health insurance premiums that laid-off workers pay. A second proposal would increase funding for a small Labor Department blockgrant program known as the National Emergency Grants program and make the provision of health insurance one of the allowable uses of the block-grant funds. Both of these proposals are poorly designed and likely to prove of limited effectiveness.

o The tax credit could be used either to purchase employer-based


coverage through COBRA or to purchase insurance in the


individual health insurance market. With the costs of a family


health insurance policy under COBRA averaging around $7,000,


it is unlikely that many unemployed workers particularly


those with low or moderate incomes could afford to pay 40


percent of COBRA premium costs while unemployed.7



o The aspect of the plan that would make the tax credit


available for the purchase of insurance in the individual


market is particularly problematic. The individual market is


largely unregulated and lacks the advantages of group


insurance purchased through employers. Many plans sold on the


individual market impose high deductibles and offer limited


coverage. Furthermore, premiums in the individual market can


vary based on risk factors such as age and medical history.


The new proposal lacks substantive insurance-market reforms to


ensure that individual health insurance policies that provide


adequate coverage will be made available at affordable prices


to unemployed workers in the individual health insurance


market. Under the proposal, states would have to guarantee


that some form of individual coverage is made available to


laid-off workers who previously had employer-based coverage,


but similar requirements are part of current law and most


states comply with them simply by allowing individuals who


otherwise cannot secure coverage to purchase insurance through


"high-risk pools." Because premiums for policies sold through


high-risk pools generally are unaffordable and the coverage


provided is usually limited, few individuals purchase


insurance through these pools.



The likely reason for inclusion of this tax credit in the


package is that supporters of the credit view its inclusion as


an opening for subsequent establishment of a broader


individual tax credit for the purchase of health insurance.


Rep. Bill Thomas has essentially said as much. Subsequent


efforts almost surely would be made to broaden this credit for


unemployed workers into a general individual health insurance


tax credit for the purchase of insurance in the individual


market (rather than a credit limited to the unemployed). Such


a general individual health insurance credit could encourage


significant numbers of businesses not to provide health care


coverage. Similarly, the credit could encourage younger,


healthier individuals to leave the employer-based system for


the individual market, leaving the older, less healthy workers


in the pools of workers that employers insure. Such a


development would drive up premiums for employer-based





o The plan also would provide $3 billion to $5 billion through


the National Emergency Grants program. That program -- which


is currently funded at about $200 million a year and provides


grants each year to respond to job dislocations in a modest


number of areas that have experienced events such as a plant


closing or a natural disaster -- is likely to provide neither


an effective nor an expeditious way to provide health


insurance to unemployed workers. 8 This grant program


is designed to address the need for job training and related


employment services in a modest number of individual


localities, not to respond to problems created in most or all


states as a result of a national recession or to provide


health insurance for unemployed workers who lack it. For


example, its "first-come, first-served" funding


allocation procedures are inadequate and inappropriate for


distributing $3 billion to $5 billion across most areas of the


country during a recession.



Of particular note, the program has no experience in


purchasing health insurance or providing health care coverage.


States would likely need a number of months to make decisions


and develop eligibility rules and procedures for what would


effectively be a new health insurance program, to determine


the nature and scope of the insurance coverage to be offered,


to contract with health insurers and plans, and to train and


hire new staff. By the time health insurance coverage could be


provided to workers, the recession could well be over.



[13] Given these shortcomings, the health insurance proposals in the new stimulus plan are unlikely to provide adequate assistance to many low-and moderate-income workers who lose their jobs. As a result, more of these individuals and their families would need to rely on Medicaid. But a perverse outcome of the plan is that Medicaid coverage in a number of states would likely be scaled back in response to the budget shortfalls that the recession has created and that this plan would aggravate. As noted above, the plan includes tax provisions that would significantly reduce state revenues while providing no offsetting state fiscal relief.

[14] Overall, the plan would increase pressures on states to cut their budgets. In many states, Medicaid is a prime candidate for budget cuts. Cuts in Medicaid may further limit the options available to some low-and moderate-income families that are seeking health care coverage during the recession.


[15] The new offer package consists primarily of multi-year tax cuts for businesses and upper-income individuals that would be of limited effectiveness as stimulus, while offering relatively modest assistance for the unemployed and no fiscal relief to states. With the Administration projecting unified budget deficits at least in 2003 and 2004, there is little rationale for enacting proposals that would produce substantial revenue losses in these years but constitute inefficient and ineffective ways of stimulating the economy now. Furthermore, by fashioning key business tax cuts in the package as multi-year cuts that extend beyond the period for which the recession is forecast, the plan would virtually ensure there will be significant pressure to make these tax breaks permanent, creating yet another danger for the budget. In addition, the plan includes several permanent tax cuts, which would further exacerbate the nation's long-term budget difficulties.





1 In determining whether a firm must pay the corporate AMT, a number of adjustments and "preferences" are added to the firm's income as calculated for regular tax purposes. The most important of these adjustments is for depreciation.

The proposal would delete depreciation tax breaks from those added to a firm's income in calculating the firm's AMT liabilities. An examination of IRs corporate tax return data for 1998, the most recent such data available, shows that the depreciation adjustment in the AMT accounted for more than 100 percent of the adjustments and preferences added to income for the calculation of corporate AMT payments. (Depreciation can be more than 100 percent because there are some items that are subtracted.) Thus, removing depreciation from the calculation would largely gut the AMT.

These changes also would enable corporations to secure billions of dollars of tax credits, as would have been the case under the House stimulus bill. It was these credits that would have resulted in huge checks being written to a number of corporations under the House bill. Corporations have build up credits from prior payments of the AMT. They may use these credits to reduce their regular corporate income tax liability if -- and only if -- the credits do not reduce their tax liability below the level at which they would have an AMT liability. If the corporate AMT is eviscerated to the point that few corporations have a significant AMT liability. then corporaitons will be able to use these credits to reduce their regular tax liability. This is what would happen under the corporate AMT provision in the new plan. Many corporations would be able to receive billions of dollars of tax credits, although the credits would be spread over a number of years rather than paid in full now.

2 Funding requirements for defined benefit pension plans depend on an interest rate: The higher the interest rate, the lower the pension contribution a firm is required to make, since a higher interest rate means that smaller contributions to a pension fund are needed to provide workers a given level of pension benefits in future years. Accordingly, firms are allowed to make lower pension contributions when interest rates are high but must make larger contributions when interest rates are low. As interest rates have fallen in recent months, the required contributions into defined benefit plans have risen, balancing the lower contributions that many firms made when interest rates were high. The new stimulus package would artificially raise the assumed interest rate used to determine the required level of pension contributions for the next two years, thereby reducing the contributions that firms are required to make. Some adjustment to the assumed interest rate may be justified because the 30-year bond is disappearing, but it appears that the adjustment included in the new package will exceed what can be justified on this basis.

3 Under current law, $5 billion will be transferred to states under the Reed Act in 2002. The proposal also would make $4 billion that would not have been transferred until 2003 available in 2002, making a total of $9.2 billion available in 2002, and would provide these funds quickly after enactment.

4 The survey, "How Would Your State Use An Accelerated Reed Act Distribution? A Summary of A State Survey by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies" is available on the NASWA website (

5 Peter Orszag and Joseph Stiglitz, "Tax Cuts Are Not Automatically the Best Stimulus: A Response to Glenn Hubbard," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, November 27, 2001.

6 Peter Orszag, "Strengthening Unemployment Benefits Would Be Much More Effective in Saving Jobs than Most Corporate Tax Cuts," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, November 14, 2001.

7 Another problem is that only unemployed workers eligible for unemployment insurance could receive the tax credit. A substantial number of low-income unemployed workers do not receive unemployment insurance. Indeed, because the plan does not include the proposals in the Senate Finance Committee stimulus bill that would expand access to unemployment insurance to part-time workers and low- wage workers who would be eligible if wages they earned in recent months were counted, a substantial number of lower-income unemployed workers would be excluded from eligibility for the health tax credit.

8 Sandra Clark, "Do Proposals to Increase Funding for National Emergency Grants Provide an Effective Way to Meet the Health Insurance and Other Needs of Laid-off Workers?," Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, revised November 27, 2001.


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