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House Members Request Open Process Regarding Ethanol Legislation

MAY 17, 2011

House Members Request Open Process Regarding Ethanol Legislation

DATED MAY 17, 2011
  • Authors
    Flake, Rep. Jeff
    Womack, Rep. Steve
    Lummis, Rep. Cynthia M.
    Pearce, Rep. Stevan
    McKinley, Rep. David B.
    Benishek, Rep. Dan
    Bishop, Rep. Rob
    Miller, Rep. Jeff
    Crowley, Rep. Joseph
    Cardoza, Rep. Dennis A.
    Lance, Rep. Leonard
    Gosar, Rep. Paul A.
    Gingrey, Rep. Phil
    Gohmert, Rep. Louie
    Fleming, Rep. John
    Platts, Rep. Todd Russell
    Lamborn, Rep. Doug
    Labrador, Rep. Raúl R.
    Boren, Rep. Dan
    Franks, Rep. Trent
    Bilbray, Rep. Brian P.
    Culberson, Rep. John Abney
    Sensenbrenner, Rep. Jim
    Van Hollen, Rep. Chris
    Welch, Rep. Peter
    Griffin, Rep. Tim
    Mulvaney, Rep. Mick
    Schweikert, Rep. David
    Chaffetz, Rep. Jason
    Grimm, Rep. Michael G.
    Matheson, Rep. Jim
    DeFazio, Rep. Peter A.
    Blumenauer, Rep. Earl
    Nunnelee, Rep. Alan
    Costa, Rep. Jim
    Pingree, Rep. Chellie
    Coffman, Rep. Mike
    Dent, Charles W.
    Lankford, Rep. James
    Polis, Rep. Jared
    Pitts, Rep. Joseph R.
    Hanna, Rep. Richard L.
    Speier, Rep. Jackie
    Doggett, Rep. Lloyd
    Mack, Rep. Mary Bono
    Harris, Rep. Andy
    Wolf, Rep. Frank
    Westmoreland, Rep. Lynn
    Conyers, Rep. John, Jr.
    Pascrell, Rep. Bill, Jr.
    Rohrabacher, Rep. Dana
    Lungren, Rep. Daniel E.
    Capps, Rep. Lois
    Moran, Rep. James P.
    Garrett, Rep. Scott
    Denham, Jeff
    Davis, Rep. Susan A.
    Herrera Beutler, Rep. Jaime
    Mack, Rep. Connie
    Flores, Rep. Bill
    Quigley, Rep. Mike
    Graves, Rep. Tom
    McDermott, Rep. Jim
    Stark, Rep. Pete
    Pastor, Rep. Ed
    Berkley, Rep. Shelley
    Schwartz, Rep. Allyson
    Sanchez, Rep. Loretta
    Rigell, Rep. E. Scott
    Broun, Rep. Paul C.
    Smith, Rep. Chris
    McGovern, Rep. James P.
    Gonzalez, Rep. Charles A.
  • Institutional Authors
    House of Representatives
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Area/Tax Topics
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2011-10736
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2011 TNT 97-28


May 17, 2011



The Honorable John Boehner




H-232, The Capitol


United States House of Representatives


Washington, D.C. 20515



The Honorable Nancy Pelosi


Minority Leader


H-204, The Capitol


United States House of Representatives


Washington, D.C. 20515



Dear Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Pelosi:

We write to urge a full and open legislative process, with an opportunity for amendment, when the 112th Congress considers legislation on federal support for the ethanol industry.

As we're sure you are aware, the ethanol industry has long benefited from federal support in the form of tax credits, a protective import tariff, and the renewable fuels mandate. Nearly every aspect of the industry is federally subsidized, and this comes at a cost. In fact, in Fiscal Year 2009, the Congressional Budget Office determined "the biofuel tax credits reduced federal excise tax collections by about $6 billion below what they would have been if the credits had not been in effect."

The $0.45 per gallon tax credit and the $0.54 per gallon import tariff were set to expire at the end of last year. However, provisions to extend the tax credit and import tariff were included in H.R. 4853, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. By the end of the year, Congress will once again have an opportunity to address the future of federal support for the industry.

Given the difficult fiscal decisions Congress faces and the focused attention on federal spending, taxpayers deserve a transparent process and regular order with respect to ethanol legislation.




Jeff Flake (AZ-6)


Steve Womack (AR-3)


Cynthia Lummis (WY-At large)


Stevan Pearce (NM-2)


David McKinley (WV-1)


Dan Benishek (MI-1)


Rob Bishop (UT-1)


Jeff Miller (FL-1)


Joseph Crowley (NY-7)


Dennis Cardoza (CA-18)


Leonard Lance (NJ-7)


Paul Gosar (AZ-1)


Phil Gingrey (GA-11)


Louie Gohmert (TX-1)


John Fleming (LA-4)


Todd Platts (PA-19)


Doug Lamborn (CO-5)


Raul Labrador (ID-1)


Dan Boren (OK-2)


Trent Franks (AZ-2)


Brian Bilbray (CA-50)


John Culberson (TX-7)


Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-5)


Chris Van Hollen (MD-8)


Peter Welch (VT-At large)


Tim Griffin (AR-2)


Mick Mulvaney (SC-5)


David Schweikert (AZ-5)


Jason Chaffetz (UT-3)


Michael Grimm (NY-13)


Jim Matheson (UT-2)


Peter DeFazio (OR-4)


Earl Blumenauer (OR-3)


Alan Nunnelee (MS-1)


Jim Costa (CA-20)


Chellie Pingree (ME-1)


Mike Coffman (CO-6)


Charlie Dent (PA-15)


James Lankford (OK-5)


Jared Polis (CO-2)


Joe Pitts (PA-16)


Richard Hanna (NY-24)


Jackie Speier (CA-12)


Lloyd Doggett (TX-25)


Mary Bono Mack (CA-45)


Andy Harris (MD-1)


Frank Wolf (VA-10)


Lynn Westmoreland (GA-3)


John Conyers (MI-14)


Bill Pascrell (NJ-8)


Dana Rohrabacher (CA-46)


Daniel Lungren (CA-3)


Lois Capps (CA-23)


Jim Moran (VA-8)


Scott Garrett (NJ-5)


Jeff Denham (CA-19)


Susan Davis (CA-53)


Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-3)


Connie Mack (FL-14)


Bill Flores (TX-17)


Mike Quigley (IL-5)


Tom Graves (GA-9)


Jim McDermott (WA-7)


Pete Stark (CA-13)


Ed Pastor (AZ-4)


Shelley Berkley (NV-1)


Allyson Schwartz (PA-13)


Loretta Sanchez (CA-47)


Scott Rigell (VA-2)


Paul Broun (GA-10)


Chris Smith (NJ-4)


Jim McGovern (MA-3)


Charles Gonzalez (TX-20)
  • Authors
    Flake, Rep. Jeff
    Womack, Rep. Steve
    Lummis, Rep. Cynthia M.
    Pearce, Rep. Stevan
    McKinley, Rep. David B.
    Benishek, Rep. Dan
    Bishop, Rep. Rob
    Miller, Rep. Jeff
    Crowley, Rep. Joseph
    Cardoza, Rep. Dennis A.
    Lance, Rep. Leonard
    Gosar, Rep. Paul A.
    Gingrey, Rep. Phil
    Gohmert, Rep. Louie
    Fleming, Rep. John
    Platts, Rep. Todd Russell
    Lamborn, Rep. Doug
    Labrador, Rep. Raúl R.
    Boren, Rep. Dan
    Franks, Rep. Trent
    Bilbray, Rep. Brian P.
    Culberson, Rep. John Abney
    Sensenbrenner, Rep. Jim
    Van Hollen, Rep. Chris
    Welch, Rep. Peter
    Griffin, Rep. Tim
    Mulvaney, Rep. Mick
    Schweikert, Rep. David
    Chaffetz, Rep. Jason
    Grimm, Rep. Michael G.
    Matheson, Rep. Jim
    DeFazio, Rep. Peter A.
    Blumenauer, Rep. Earl
    Nunnelee, Rep. Alan
    Costa, Rep. Jim
    Pingree, Rep. Chellie
    Coffman, Rep. Mike
    Dent, Charles W.
    Lankford, Rep. James
    Polis, Rep. Jared
    Pitts, Rep. Joseph R.
    Hanna, Rep. Richard L.
    Speier, Rep. Jackie
    Doggett, Rep. Lloyd
    Mack, Rep. Mary Bono
    Harris, Rep. Andy
    Wolf, Rep. Frank
    Westmoreland, Rep. Lynn
    Conyers, Rep. John, Jr.
    Pascrell, Rep. Bill, Jr.
    Rohrabacher, Rep. Dana
    Lungren, Rep. Daniel E.
    Capps, Rep. Lois
    Moran, Rep. James P.
    Garrett, Rep. Scott
    Denham, Jeff
    Davis, Rep. Susan A.
    Herrera Beutler, Rep. Jaime
    Mack, Rep. Connie
    Flores, Rep. Bill
    Quigley, Rep. Mike
    Graves, Rep. Tom
    McDermott, Rep. Jim
    Stark, Rep. Pete
    Pastor, Rep. Ed
    Berkley, Rep. Shelley
    Schwartz, Rep. Allyson
    Sanchez, Rep. Loretta
    Rigell, Rep. E. Scott
    Broun, Rep. Paul C.
    Smith, Rep. Chris
    McGovern, Rep. James P.
    Gonzalez, Rep. Charles A.
  • Institutional Authors
    House of Representatives
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Area/Tax Topics
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2011-10736
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2011 TNT 97-28
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