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Announcement To Our Readers

Posted on Oct. 30, 2014

As we approach our 300th post on Procedurally Taxing, we wanted to let you know about some developments. We started the blog in the summer of 2013. As I stated in our first post Welcome to Procedurally Taxing, it has been our goal to “be a site that readers can trust to learn about important developments.” We also wanted to “highlight…less obvious developments and provide analysis and context reflective of our many years of practice in the area.”

We have tried hard to keep up with the at times unforgiving pace of developments as well as the competing demands on our time; not just our day jobs but personal demands as well. The past year for us has seen weddings (Les); grandchildren (Keith); and first days of school (Steve’s daughter).

In addition to the many hours Steve, Keith and I spend on the blog, we have been fortunate to connect our readers with some terrific guest bloggers drawn from the ranks of the top academics and practitioners who have written dozens of posts on important issues ranging from the APA, the Affordable Care Act and Circular 230, to name a few.

Our readership and subscribers have grown steadily almost every month, and our posts both current and past provide a useful and (still) free source of guidance for practitioners, academics and taxpayers. While our readers through email subscriptions, social media links and search engine finds have brought our blog out of the small blog ranks, we have decided that for some of the posts we publish the topics may serve a broader audience than we currently reach. For those posts we will blog initially through a partnership with Forbes. As many of our readers know, Forbes has a growing stable of talented tax bloggers, and we are proud to join their ranks. Nothing will change with our site, though for a handful of posts a month the initial publication will be through Forbes. When we post on Forbes we will let our readers know and send a direct link to the Forbes post. If you are an email subscriber to Procedurally Taxing, you will also receive those posts as you regularly do the day following publication at Forbes when the posts go up at our home blog site.

A brief word about our motivation for using Forbes to initially post some of our content. Principally, we work on the blog because we are committed to being a voice on issues of tax procedure and administration. We will not be receiving any compensation from Forbes as a result of our partnership just as we receive none from our current blog site. We are amazed and encouraged by the diversity of our current audience. We hope our posts are not only informative but also helpful in forming a debate a tax procedure topics that washes over from the representation of individuals to broader policy issues debated in various branches of government. Forbes, that is its resources and ability to push out content, potentially allows our posts to reach a wider audience and for some of our content we feel a broader audience may have interest in the topic.

That is not to say we are completely altruistic. Many of the topics we write about for the blog also make their way into other publications on which we work for compensation; for example, starting next year with the upcoming third edition of the Thomson Reuters IRS Practice and Procedure, both Keith and Steve will have authorship credit on select chapters they are working on with me in the update and rewrite of the treatise. We hope that in some way the blog, and its publication, will enhance our reputations and thus the book, and any other separate professional endeavor we each have.

In any event, we hope you are enjoying the blog and will continue to enjoy as we transition to this new chapter. We welcome your comments and look forward to the next 300 posts.

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