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IRS Creates New Site for Coronavirus-Related Information

Posted on Mar. 16, 2020

A new webpage set up by the IRS consolidates information intended to help taxpayers affected by the coronavirus.

The website (, established March 12, includes only one guidance item at press time — a notice providing relief for high-deductible health plans —  but an IRS spokesperson told Tax Notes that the page will be updated as soon as new information is available.

Additional guidance could soon be necessary pending the outcome of coronavirus-related legislation.

Notice 2020-15, 2020-14 IRB 1, which was issued March 11, states that “until further guidance is issued, a health plan that otherwise satisfies the requirements to be a high deductible health plan (HDHP) . . . will not fail to be an HDHP under section 223(c)(2)(A) merely because the health plan provides health benefits associated with testing for and treatment of COVID-19 without a deductible, or with a deductible below the minimum deductible (self only or family) for an HDHP.”

The new webpage includes links to various online resources for taxpayers, like information about the Free File program, refunds, payment plans, and assistance for those who are low-income, elderly, and disabled.

Also in response to the virus, the IRS has suspended all nonessential travel for 30 days, according to a March 9 statement from National Treasury Employees Union President Tony Reardon. However, the IRS wouldn’t confirm the travel ban.

The IRS didn’t immediately respond to questions about whether the travel ban would include speaking engagements in the Washington area. Conferences with IRS officials have already been canceled in response to the virus. An Employers Council on Flexible Compensation event, which was slated to take place in Washington March 18-20 with the participation of IRS officials, has been canceled. A Practising Law Institute event scheduled for March 19 in New York with both Treasury and IRS officials was also canceled.

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