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IRS Lists Bond Factor Amounts For Low-Income Housing Credit.

NOV. 13, 2001

Rev. Rul. 2001-53; 2001-2 C.B. 489

DATED NOV. 13, 2001
  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    low-income housing, credit
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-28296 (1 original page)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 219-12
Citations: Rev. Rul. 2001-53; 2001-2 C.B. 489

Rev. Rul. 2001-53

[1] In Rev. Rul. 90-60 (1990-2 C.B. 4), the Internal Revenue Service provided guidance to taxpayers concerning the general methodology used by the Treasury Department in computing the bond factor amounts used in calculating the amount of bond considered satisfactory by the Secretary under section 42(j)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. It further announced that the Secretary would publish in the Internal Revenue Bulletin a table of "bond factor" amounts for dispositions occurring during each calendar month.

[2] Rev. Proc, 99-11 (1999-1 C.B. 275) established a collateral program as an alternative to providing a surety bond for taxpayers to avoid or defer recapture of the low-income housing tax credits under section 42(j)(6). Under this program, taxpayers may establish a Treasury Direct Account and pledge certain United States Treasury securities to the Internal Revenue Service as security.

[3] This revenue ruling provides in Table 1 the bond factor amounts for calculating the amount of bond considered satisfactory under section 42(j)(6) or the amount of United States Treasury securities to pledge in a Treasury Direct Account under Rev. Proc. 99-11 for dispositions of qualified low-income buildings or interests therein during the period October through December 2001. Table 1 also provides a summary of the bond factor amounts for dispositions occurring during the period January through September 2001.



                                TABLE 1



                           Rev. Rul. 2001-53


             Monthly Bond Factor Amounts for Dispositions


              Expressed As a Percentage of Total Credits




   Calendar Year Building Placed in Service or, if Section 42(f)(1)


            Election Was Made, the Succeeding Calendar Year




 Month of


 Disposition  1987   1988   1989    1990   1991   1992   1993   1994




 Jan '01     21.53  39.56  54.68   67.46  78.28  81.29  84.62  87.92


 Feb '01     21.53  39.56  54.68   67.46  78.28  81.05  84.36  87.65


 Mar '01     21.53  39.56  54.68   67.46  78.28  80.81  84.11  87.38


 Apr '01     20.36  37.41  51.71   63.80  74.03  75.46  77.76  79.98


 May '01     20.36  37.41  51.71   63.80  74.03  75.25  77.54  79.75


 Jun '01     20.36  37.41  51.71   63.80  74.03  75.05  77.32  79.52


 Jul '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  70.27  71.68  72.99


 Aug '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  70.09  71.49  72.80


 Sep '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  69.91  71.31  72.61


 Oct '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  69.73  71.12  72.42


 Nov '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  69.55  70.94  72.24


 Dec '01     19.30  35.47  49.02   60.48  70.18  69.38  70.77  72.06





                           [Table continued]




 Month of


 Disposition   1995   1996   1997    1998    1999    2000    2001




 Jan '01      91.31  94.99  98.92  103.25  107.67  111.85  112.52


 Feb '01      91.02  94.68  98.57  102.87  107.22  111.28  112.52


 Mar '01      90.73  94.37  98.24  102.50  106.80  110.79  112.52


 Apr '01      82.22  84.67  87.27   90.15   93.01   95.60   97.21


 May '01      81.98  84.42  87.01   89.87   92.71   95.31   97.21


 Jun '01      81.75  84.18  86.76   89.61   92.44   95.05   97.21


 Jul '01      74.30  75.75  77.30   79.07   80.80   82.36   83.98


 Aug '01      74.10  75.55  77.10   78.86   80.60   82.19   83.98


 Sep '01      73.91  75.36  76.91   78.67   80.41   82.05   83.98


 Oct '01      73.72  75.17  76.72   78.48   80.24   81.91   83.98


 Nov '01      73.54  74.99  76.54   78.31   80.07   81.79   83.98


 Dec '01      73.36  74.81  76.37   78.14   79.92   81.68   83.98





[4] For a list of bond factor amounts applicable to dispositions occurring during other calendar years, see: Rev. Rul. 98-3 (1998-1 C.B. 248), and Rev. Rul. 2001-2 (2001-2 I.R.B. 255).


[5] The principal author of this revenue ruling is Gregory N. Doran of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries). For further information regarding this revenue ruling, contact Mr. Doran at (202) 622-3040 (not a toll-free call).

  • Institutional Authors
    Internal Revenue Service
  • Code Sections
  • Subject Areas/Tax Topics
  • Index Terms
    low-income housing, credit
  • Jurisdictions
  • Language
  • Tax Analysts Document Number
    Doc 2001-28296 (1 original page)
  • Tax Analysts Electronic Citation
    2001 TNT 219-12
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