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Sec. 1.1033(g)-1 Condemnation of real property held for productive use in trade or business or for investment.

(a) Special rule in general.

This section provides special rules for applying section 1033 with respect to certain dispositions, occurring after December 31, 1957, of real property held either for productive use in trade or business or for investment (not including stock in trade or other property held primarily for sale). For this purpose, disposition means the seizure, requisition, or condemnation (but not destruction) of the converted property, or the sale or exchange of such property under threat or imminence of seizure, requisition, or condemnation. In such cases, for purposes of applying section 1033, the replacement of such property with property of like kind to be held either for productive use in trade or business or for investment shall be treated as property similar or related in service or use to the property so converted. For principles in determining whether the replacement property is property of like kind, see paragraph (b) of section 1.1031(a)-1.

(b) Election to treat outdoor advertising displays as real property

(1) In general.

Under section 1033(g)(3) of the Code, a taxpayer may elect to treat property which constitutes an outdoor advertising display as real property for purposes of Chapter 1 of the Code. The election is available for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1970. In the case of an election made on or before July 21, 1981, the election is available whether or not the period for filing a claim for credit or refund under section 6511 has expired. No election may be made with respect to any property for which (i) the investment credit under section 38 has been claimed, or (ii) an election to expense certain depreciable business assets under section 179(a) is in effect. The election once made applies to all outdoor advertising displays of the taxpayer which may be made the subject of an election under this paragraph, including all outdoor advertising displays acquired or constructed by the taxpayer in a taxable year after the taxable year for which the election is made. The election applies with respect to dispositions during the taxable year for which made and all subsequent taxable years (unless an effective revocation is made pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) (ii) or (iii)).

(2) Election.

(i) Time and manner of making election.

(A) In general.

Unless otherwise provided in the return or in the instructions for a return for a taxable year, any election made under section 1033(g)(3) shall be made by attaching a statement to the return (or amended return if filed on or before July 21, 1981) for the first taxable year to which the election is to apply. Any election made under this paragraph must be made not later than the time, including extensions thereof, prescribed by law for filing the income tax return for such taxable year or July 21, 1981, whichever occurs last. If a taxpayer makes an election (or revokes an election under subdivision (ii) or (iii) of this subparagraph (b) (2)) for a taxable year for which he or she has previously filed a return, the return for that taxable year and all other taxable years affected by the election (or revocation) must be amended to reflect any tax consequences of the election (or revocation). However, no return for a taxable year for which the period for filing a claim for credit or refund under section 6511 has expired may be amended to make any changes other than those resulting from the election (or revocation). In order for the election (or revocation) to be effective, the taxpayer must remit with the amended return any additional tax due resulting from the election (or revocation), notwithstanding the provisions of section 6212(c) or 6501 or the provisions of any other law which would prevent assessment or collection of such tax.

(B) Statement required when making election.

The statement required when making the election must clearly indicate that the election to treat outdoor advertising displays as real property is being made.

(ii) Revocation of election by Commissioner's consent.

Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, an election under section 1033(g)(3) shall be irrevocable unless consent to revoke is obtained from the Commissioner. In order to secure the Commissioner's consent to revoke an election, the taxpayer must file a request for revocation of election with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington, DC 20224. The request for revocation shall include--

(A) The taxpayer's name, address, and taxpayer identification number,

(B) The date on which and taxable year for which the election was made and the Internal Revenue Service office with which it was filed,

(C) Identification of all outdoor advertising displays of the taxpayer to which the revocation would apply (including the location, date of purchase, and adjusted basis in such property),

(D) The effective date desired for the revocation, and

(E) The reasons for requesting the revocation.

The Commissioner may require such other information as may be necessary in order to determine whether the requested revocation will be permitted. The Commissioner may prescribe administrative procedures (subject to such limitations, terms and conditions as he deems necessary) to obtain his consent to permit the taxpayer to revoke the election. The taxpayer may submit a request for revocation for any taxable year for which the period of limitations for filing a claim for credit or refund or overpayment of tax has not expired.

(iii) Revocation where election was made on or before December 11, 1979.

In the case of an election made on or before December 11, 1979, the taxpayer may revoke such election provided such revocation is made not later than March 23, 1981. The request for revocation shall be made in conformity with the requirements of paragraph (b)(2)(ii), except that, in lieu of the information required by paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(E), the taxpayer shall state that the revocation is being made pursuant to this paragraph. In addition, the taxpayer must forward, with the statement of revocation, copies of his or her tax returns, including both the original return and any amended returns, for the taxable year in which the original election was made and for all subsequent years and must remit any additional tax due as a result of the revocation.

(3) Definition of outdoor advertising display.

The term "outdoor advertising display" means a rigidly assembled sign, display, or device that constitutes, or is used to display, a commercial or other advertisement to the public and is permanently affixed to the ground or permanently attached to a building or other inherently permanent structure. The term includes highway billboards affixed to the ground with wood or metal poles, pipes, or beams, with or without concrete footings.

(4) Character of replacement property.

For purposes of section 1033(g), an interest in real property purchased as replacement property for a compulsorily or involuntarily converted outdoor advertising display (with respect to which an election under this section is in effect) shall be considered property of a like kind as the property converted even though a taxpayer's interest in the replacement property is different from the interest held in the property converted. Thus, for example, a fee simple interest in real estate acquired to replace a converted billboard and a 5-year leasehold interest in the real property on which the billboard was located qualifies as property of a like kind under this section.

(c) Special rule for period within which property must be replaced.

In the case of a disposition described in paragraph (a) of this section, section 1033(a)(2)(B) and section 1.1033(a)-2(c)(3) (relating to the period within which the property must be replaced) shall be applied by substituting 3 years for 2 years. This paragraph shall apply to any disposition described in section 1033(f)(1) and paragraph (a) of this section occurring after December 31, 1974, unless a condemnation proceeding with respect to the property was begun before October 4, 1976. Thus, regardless of when the property is disposed of, the taxpayer will not be eligible for the 3-year replacement period if a condemnation proceeding was begun before October 4, 1976. However, if the property is disposed of after December 31, 1974, and the condemnation proceeding was begun (if at all) after October 4, 1976, then the taxpayer is eligible for the 3-year replacement period. For the purposes of this paragraph, whether a condemnation proceeding is considered as having begun is determined under the applicable State or Federal procedural law.

(d) Limitation on application of special rule.

This section shall not apply to the purchase of stock in the acquisition of control of a corporation described in section 1033(a)(2)(A).

(Secs. 1033 (90 Stat. 1920, 26 U.S.C. 1033), and 7805 (68A Stat. 917, 26 U.S.C. 7805))

[Adopted by T.D. 6453, 25 FR 1405, Feb. 17, 1960; republished by T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11910, Nov. 26, 1960; 25 FR 14021, Dec. 31, 1960. Redesignated and amended by T.D. 7625, 44 FR 31013, May 30, 1979; corrected at 44 FR 38458, July 2, 1979. Further redesignated and amended by T.D. 7758, 46 FR 6925, Jan. 22, 1981, as corrected at 46 FR 23235, Apr. 24, 1981; amended by T.D. 8121, 52 FR 414, Jan. 6, 1987]

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