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Sec. 1.34-1 Special rule for owners of certain business entities.

Amounts payable under sections 6420, 6421, and 6427 to a business entity that is treated as separate from its owner under § 1.1361-4(a)(8) (relating to certain qualified subchapter S subsidiaries) or § 301.7701-2(c)(2)(v) of this chapter (relating to certain wholly-owned entities) are, for purposes of section 34, treated as payable to the owner of that entity.

[Adopted by T.D. 6161, 21 FR 788, Feb. 4, 1956; republished by T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11402, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 6777, 29 FR 17806, Dec. 16, 1964. Revised by T.D. 9356, 72 FR 45891-45894, Aug. 16, 2007.]

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