IRS Releases Publication 596 (2016), Earned Income Credit (EIC)
Publication 596 (2016)
- Jurisdictions
- LanguageEnglish
Future Developments                 Â
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The earned income credit (EIC) is a tax credit for certain people who work and have earned income under $53,505. A tax credit usually means more money in your pocket. It reduces the amount of tax you owe. The EIC may also give you a refund.
To claim the EIC, you must meet certain rules. These rules are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Earned Income Credit in a Nutshell
 First, you must meet all the rules in this column.Â
 Chapter 1.Â
 Rules for EveryoneÂ
 1. Your adjusted gross   2. You must have a validÂ
 income (AGI) must be    social security number byÂ
 less than:         the due date of your 2016Â
              return (includingÂ
 • $47,955 ($53,505 for   extensions).Â
 married filing jointly)Â
 if you have three or    3. Your filing status cannotÂ
 more qualifying      be Married filingÂ
 children,         separately.Â
 • $44,648 ($50,198 for   4. You must be a U.S.Â
 married filing jointly)  citizen or resident alien allÂ
 if you have two      year.Â
 qualifying children,Â
              5. You cannot file Form 2555Â
 • $39,296 ($44,846 for   or Form 2555-EZÂ
 married filing jointly)  (relating to foreign earnedÂ
 if you have one      income).Â
 qualifying child, orÂ
              6. Your investmentÂ
 • $14,880 ($20,430 for   income must be $3,400 orÂ
 married filing jointly)  less.Â
 if you do not have aÂ
 qualifying child.     7. You must have earnedÂ
 [Table Continued]Â
                         Third, you must meetÂ
 Second, you must meet all the rules in one of   the rule in thisÂ
 these columns, whichever applies.         column.Â
 Chapter 2.      Chapter 3.          Chapter 4.Â
 Rules If You Have a  Rules If You Do Not     Figuring and ClaimingÂ
 Qualifying Child   Have a Qualifying Child   the EICÂ
 8. Your child must  11. You must be at      15. Your earnedÂ
 meet the       least age 25 but under age  income must be lessÂ
 relationship, age,  65.             than:Â
 residency, andÂ
 joint return tests.  12. You cannot be the    • $47,955 ($53,505Â
           dependent of another     for married filingÂ
 9. Your qualifying  person.           jointly) if you haveÂ
 child cannot be                  three or moreÂ
 used by more than   13. You cannot be a     qualifying children,Â
 one person to claim  qualifying child ofÂ
 the EIC.       another person.       • $44,648 ($50,198Â
                         for married filingÂ
 10. You cannot be a  14. You must have lived   jointly) if you haveÂ
 qualifying child of  in the United States more  two qualifyingÂ
 another person.    than half of the year.    children,Â
                         • $39,296 ($44,846Â
                         for married filingÂ
                         jointly) if you haveÂ
                         one qualifying child,Â
                         • $14,880 ($20,430Â
                         for married filingÂ
                         jointly) if you doÂ
                         not have a qualifyingÂ
Do I Need This Publication?Certain people who file Form 1040 must use Worksheet 1 in this publication, instead of Step 2 in their Form 1040 instructions, when they are checking whether they can take the EIC. You are one of those people if any of the following statements are true for 2016.
• You are filing Schedule E (Form 1040).• You are reporting income from the rental of personal property not used in a trade or business.
• You are reporting income on Form 1040, line 21, from Form 8814 (relating to election to report child's interest and dividends).
• You have income or loss from a passive activity.
• You are reporting an amount on Form 1040, line 13, that includes an amount from Form 4797.
If none of the statements above apply to you, your tax form instructions may have all the information you need to find out if you can claim the EIC and to figure your EIC. You may not need this publication. But you can read it to find out whether you can take the EIC and to learn more about the EIC.Do I Have To Have a Child To Qualify for the EIC?
No, you can qualify for the EIC without a qualifying child if you are at least age 25 but under age 65 and your earned income is less than $14,880 ($20,430 if married filing jointly). See chapter 3.
How Do I Figure the Amount of EIC?
If you can claim the EIC, you can either have the IRS figure your credit, or you can figure it yourself. To figure it yourself, you can complete a worksheet in the instructions for the form you file. To find out how to have the IRS figure it for you, see chapter 4.
How Can I Quickly Locate Specific Information?
You can use the index to look up specific information. In most cases, index entries will point you to headings, tables, or a worksheet.
Yes. You can use the EITC Assistant at to find out if you may be eligible for the credit. The EITC Assistant is available in English and Spanish.
Earned income amount. The maximum amount of income you can earn and still get the credit has increased. You may be able to take the credit if:
• You have three or more qualifying children and you earned less than $47,955 ($53,505 if married filing jointly),• You have two qualifying children and you earned less than $44,648 ($50,198 if married filing jointly),
• You have one qualifying child and you earned less than $39,296 ($44,846 if married filing jointly), or
• You don't have a qualifying child and you earned less than $14,880 ($20,430 if married filing jointly).
Your adjusted gross income also must be less than the amount just listed that applies to you. For details, see Rules 1 and 15.Investment income amount. The maximum amount of investment income you can have and still get the credit is $3,400. See Rule 6--Your Investment Income Must Be $3,400 or Less.
Valid SSN required by due date of return. If you didn't have a social security number (SSN) by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions), you can't claim the EIC on either your original or an amended 2016 return, even if you later get an SSN. Also, if a child didn't have an SSN by the due date of your return (including extensions), you can't count that child as a qualifying child in figuring the EIC on either your original or an amended 2016 return, even if that child later gets an SSN.
Increased EIC on certain joint returns. A married person filing a joint return may get more EIC than someone with the same income but a different filing status. As a result, the EIC table has different columns for married persons filing jointly than for everyone else. When you look up your EIC in the EIC Table, be sure to use the correct column for your filing status and the number of children you have.
Earned income credit has no effect on certain welfare benefits. Any refund you receive because of the EIC cannot be counted as income when determining whether you or anyone else is eligible for benefits or assistance, or how much you or anyone else can receive, under any federal program or under any state or local program financed in whole or in part with federal funds. These programs include the following.
• Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).• Medicaid.
• Supplemental security income (SSI).
• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps).
• Low-income housing.
In addition, when determining eligibility, the refund cannot be counted as a resource for at least 12 months after you receive it. Check with your local benefit coordinator to find out if your refund will affect your benefits.Don't overlook your state credit. If you can claim the EIC on your federal income tax return, you may be able to take a similar credit on your state or local income tax return. For a list of states that offer a state EIC, go to
EIC questioned by IRS. The IRS may ask you to provide documents to prove you are entitled to claim the EIC. We will tell you what documents to send us. These may include: birth certificates, school records, etc. The process of establishing your eligibility will delay your refund.
Spanish version of Publication 596. Publicación 596SP, Crédito por Ingreso del Trabajo, is a Spanish translation of Pub. 596. Go to Or see Ordering forms and publications or How To Get Tax Help, later, to find out how to order this and other IRS forms and publications.
Photographs of missing children. The Internal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Photographs of missing children selected by the Center may appear in this publication on pages that would otherwise be blank. You can help bring these children home by looking at the photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child.
Comments and suggestions. We welcome your comments about this publication and your suggestions for future editions.
You can send us comments from Click on "More Information" and then on "Give us feedback."
Or you can write to:
Internal Revenue Service Tax Forms and Publications 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 Washington, DC 20224
We respond to many letters by telephone. Therefore, it would be helpful if you would include your daytime phone number, including the area code, in your correspondence.
Although we cannot respond individually to each comment received, we do appreciate your feedback and will consider your comments as we revise our tax products.
Ordering forms and publications. Visit to download forms and publications. Otherwise, you can go to to order current and prior-year forms and instructions. Your order should arrive within 10 business days.
Tax questions. If you have a tax question not answered by this publication, check and How To Get Tax Help at the end of this publication.
This chapter discusses Rules 1 through 7. You must meet all seven rules to qualify for the earned income credit. If you don't meet all seven rules, you cannot get the credit and you don't need to read the rest of the publication.
If you meet all seven rules in this chapter, then read either chapter 2 or chapter 3 (whichever applies) for more rules you must meet.
Rule 1--Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Limits
Your adjusted gross income (AGI) must be less than:
• $47,955 ($53,505 for married filing jointly) if you have three or more qualifying children,• $44,648 ($50,198 for married filing jointly) if you have two qualifying children,
• $39,296 ($44,846 for married filing jointly) if you have one qualifying child, or
• $14,880 ($20,430 for married filing jointly) if you don't have a qualifying child.
Adjusted gross income (AGI). AGI is the amount on line 4 of Form 1040A, or line 38 of Form 1040.If your AGI is equal to or more than the applicable limit listed above, you cannot claim the EIC. You don't need to read the rest of this publication.
Example--AGI is more than limit. Your AGI is $39,550, you are single, and you have one qualifying child. You cannot claim the EIC because your AGI isn't less than $39,296. However, if your filing status was married filing jointly, you might be able to claim the EIC because your AGI is less than $44,846.
Community property. If you are married, but qualify to file as head of household under special rules for married taxpayers living apart (see Rule 3), and live in a state that has community property laws, your AGI includes that portion of both your and your spouse's wages that you are required to include in gross income. This is different from the community property rules that apply under Rule 7.
Rule 2--You Must Have a Valid Social Security Number (SSN)
To claim the EIC, you (and your spouse, if filing a joint return) must have a valid SSN issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions). Any qualifying child listed on Schedule EIC also must have a valid SSN by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions). (See Rule 8 if you have a qualifying child.)
If your social security card (or your spouse's, if filing a joint return) says "Not valid for employment" and your SSN was issued so that you (or your spouse) could get a federally funded benefit, you cannot get the EIC. An example of a federally funded benefit is Medicaid. If you have a card with the legend "Not valid for employment" and your immigration status has changed so that you are now a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, ask the SSA for a new social security card without the legend.
U.S. citizen. If you were a U.S. citizen when you received your SSN, you have a valid SSN.
Valid for work only with INS authorization or DHS authorization. If your social security card reads "Valid for work only with INS authorization" or "Valid for work only with DHS authorization," you have a valid SSN, but only if that authorization is still valid.
SSN missing or incorrect. If an SSN for you or your spouse is missing from your tax return or is incorrect, you may not get the EIC.
If an SSN for you or your spouse is missing from your return because either you or your spouse didn't have a valid SSN by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions) and you later get a valid SSN, you cannot file an amended return to claim the EIC.
Other taxpayer identification number. You cannot get the EIC if, instead of an SSN, you (or your spouse, if filing a joint return) have an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). ITINs are issued by the Internal Revenue Service to noncitizens who cannot get an SSN.
No SSN. If you don't have a valid SSN by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions), put "No" next to line 66a (Form 1040A), or line 8a (Form 1040EZ). You cannot claim the EIC on either your original or an amended 2016 return.
Getting an SSN. If you (or your spouse, if filing a joint return) don't have an SSN, you can apply for one by filing Form SS-5 with the SSA. You can get Form SS-5 online at, from your local SSA office, or by calling the SSA at 1-800-772-1213.
Filing deadline approaching and still no SSN. If the filing deadline is approaching and you still don't have an SSN, you can request an automatic 6-month extension of time to file your return. You can get this extension by filing Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. For more information, see the instructions for Form 4868. Instead of filing Form 4868, you can apply for an automatic extension by making an electronic payment by the due date of your return.
Rule 3--Your Filing Status Cannot Be "Married Filing Separately"
If you are married, you usually must file a joint return to claim the EIC. Your filing status cannot be "Married filing separately."
Spouse did not live with you. If you are married and your spouse did not live in your home at any time during the last 6 months of the year, you may be able to file as head of household, instead of married filing separately. In that case, you may be able to claim the EIC. For detailed information about filing as head of household, see Pub. 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information.
Rule 4--You Must Be a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien All Year
If you (or your spouse, if married) were a nonresident alien for any part of the year, you cannot claim the earned income credit unless your filing status is married filing jointly. You can use that filing status only if one spouse is a U.S. citizen or resident alien and you choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. If you make this choice, you and your spouse are taxed on your worldwide income. If you need more information on making this choice, get Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens. If you (or your spouse, if married) were a nonresident alien for any part of the year and your filing status isn't married filing jointly, enter "No" on the dotted line next to line 66a (Form 1040) or in the space to the left of line 42a (Form 1040A).
Rule 5--You Cannot File Form 2555 or Form 2555-EZ
You cannot claim the earned income credit if you file Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income, or Form 2555-EZ, Foreign Earned Income Exclusion. You file these forms to exclude income earned in foreign countries from your gross income, or to deduct or exclude a foreign housing amount. U.S. possessions aren't foreign countries. See Pub. 54, Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad, for more detailed information.
Rule 6--Your Investment Income Must Be $3,400 or Less
You cannot claim the earned income credit unless your investment income is $3,400 or less. If your investment income is more than $3,400, you cannot claim the credit.
Form 1040EZ. If you file Form 1040EZ, your investment income is the total of the amount on line 2 and the amount of any tax-exempt interest you wrote to the right of the words "Form 1040EZ" on line 2.
Form 1040A. If you file Form 1040A, your investment income is the total of the amounts on lines 8a (taxable interest), 8b (tax-exempt interest), 9a (ordinary dividends), and 10 (capital gain distributions) on that form.
Form 1040. If you file Form 1040, use Worksheet 1 in this chapter to figure your investment income.
Worksheet 1. Investment Income If You Are Filing Form 1040
 Keep for Your Records
 Use this worksheet to figure investment income for the earnedÂ
 income credit when you file Form 1040.Â
 Interest and DividendsÂ
 1. Enter any amount from Form 1040, line 8a         1. ______Â
 2. Enter any amount from Form 1040, line 8b, plus anyÂ
   amount on Form 8814, line 1b               2. ______Â
 3. Enter any amount from Form 1040, line 9a         3. ______Â
 4. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 21, that is fromÂ
   Form 8814 if you are filing that form to report yourÂ
   child's interest and dividend income on your return.Â
   (If your child received an Alaska Permanent FundÂ
   dividend, use Worksheet 2 in this chapter to figureÂ
   the amount to enter on this line.)            4. ______Â
 Capital Gain Net IncomeÂ
 5. Enter the amount from Form 1040, line 13.Â
   If the amount on that line is a loss,Â
   enter -0-                   5. ______Â
 6. Enter any gain from Form 4797, Sales ofÂ
   Business Property, line 7. If the amountÂ
   on that line is a loss, enter -0-. (But,Â
   if you completed lines 8 and 9 ofÂ
   Form 4797, enter the amount from line 9Â
   instead.)                   6. ______Â
 7. Subtract line 6 of this worksheet from line 5 of thisÂ
   worksheet. (If the result is less than zero, enterÂ
   -0-.)                           7. ______Â
 Royalties and Rental Income From PersonalÂ
 8. Enter any royalty income from Schedule E,Â
   line 23b, plus any income from the rentalÂ
   of personal property shown on Form 1040,Â
   line 21                    8. ______Â
 9. Enter any expenses from Schedule E, lineÂ
   20, related to royalty income, plus anyÂ
   expenses from the rental of personalÂ
   property deducted on Form 1040, line 36    9. ______Â
 10. Subtract the amount on line 9 of this worksheet fromÂ
   the amount on line 8. (If the result is less thanÂ
   zero, enter -0-.)                    10. ______Â
 Passive ActivitiesÂ
 11. Enter the total of any net income fromÂ
   passive activities (such as incomeÂ
   included on Schedule E, line 26, 29a (col.Â
   (g)), 34a (col. (d)), or 40; or anÂ
   ordinary gain identified as "FPA" onÂ
   Form 4797, line 10). (See instructionsÂ
   below for lines 11 and 12.)         11. ______Â
 12. Enter the total of any losses from passiveÂ
   activities (such as losses included onÂ
   Schedule E, line 26, 29b (col. (f)), 34bÂ
   (col. (c)), or 40; or an ordinary lossÂ
   identified as "PAL" on Form 4797, lineÂ
   10). (See instructions below for lines 11Â
   and 12.)                   12. ______Â
 13. Combine the amounts on lines 11 and 12 of thisÂ
   worksheet. (If the result is less than zero, enterÂ
   -0-.)                          13. ______Â
 14. Add the amounts on lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, and 13.Â
   Enter the total. This is your investment income     14. ______Â
 15. Is the amount on line 14 more than $3,400?Â
   [ ] Yes. You cannot take the credit.Â
   [ ] No. Go to Step 3 of the Form 1040 instructions forÂ
   lines 66a and 66b to find out if you can take theÂ
   credit (unless you are using this publication to findÂ
   out if you can take the credit; in that case, go to RuleÂ
   7, next).Â
 Instructions for lines 11 and 12. In figuring the amount to enter onÂ
 lines 11 and 12, do not take into account any royalty income (or loss)Â
 included on line 26 of Schedule E or any income (or loss) included inÂ
 your earned income or on line 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, or 10 of this worksheet.Â
 To find out if the income on line 26 or line 40 of Schedule E is fromÂ
 a passive activity, see the Schedule E instructions. If any of theÂ
 rental real estate income (or loss) included on Schedule E, line 26,Â
 is not from a passive activity, print "NPA" and the amount of thatÂ
 income (or loss) on the dotted line next to line 26.Â
Worksheet 2. Worksheet for Line 4 of Worksheet 1Â Keep for Your Records
 Complete this worksheet only if Form 8814 includes an Alaska PermanentÂ
 Fund dividend.Â
 Note. Fill out a separate Worksheet 2 for each Form 8814.Â
 1. Enter the amount from Form 8814, line 2a         1. ______Â
 2. Enter the amount from Form 8814, line 2b         2. ______Â
 3. Subtract line 2 from line 1                3. ______Â
 4. Enter the amount from Form 8814, line 1a         4. ______Â
 5. Add lines 3 and 4                     5. ______Â
 6. Enter the amount of the child's Alaska Permanent FundÂ
   dividend                         6. ______Â
 7. Divide line 6 by line 5. Enter the result as a decimalÂ
   (rounded to at least three places)            7. ______Â
 8. Enter the amount from Form 8814, line 12         8. ______Â
 9. Multiply line 7 by line 8                 9. ______Â
 10. Subtract line 9 from line 8. Enter the result on lineÂ
   4 of Worksheet 1                     10. ______Â
   (If filing more than one Form 8814, enter on line 4 ofÂ
   Worksheet 1 the total of the amounts on line 10 of allÂ
   Worksheets 2.)Â
Example--Completing Worksheet 2. Your 10-year-old child has taxable interest income of $400, an Alaska Permanent Fund dividend of $1,000, and ordinary dividends of $1,100, of which $500 are qualified dividends. You choose to report this income on your return. You enter $400 on line 1a of Form 8814, $2,100 ($1,000 + $1,100) on line 2a, and $500 on line 2b. After completing lines 4 through 11, you enter $320 on line 12 of Form 8814 and line 21 of Form 1040. On Worksheet 2, you enter $2,100 on line 1, $500 on line 2, $1,600 on line 3, $400 on line 4, $2,000 on line 5, $1,000 on line 6, 0.500 on line 7, $320 on line 8, $160 on line 9, and $160 on line 10. You then enter $160 on line 4 of Worksheet 1.Rule 7--You Must Have Earned Income
This credit is called the "earned income" credit because, to qualify, you must work and have earned income. If you are married and file a joint return, you meet this rule if at least one spouse works and has earned income. If you are an employee, earned income includes all the taxable income you get from your employer.
Rule 15 has information that will help you figure the amount of your earned income. If you are self-employed or a statutory employee, you will figure your earned income on EIC Worksheet B in the Form 1040 instructions.
Earned Income
Earned income includes all of the following types of income.
1. Wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee pay. Employee pay is earned income only if it is taxable. Nontaxable employee pay, such as certain dependent care benefits and adoption benefits, isn't earned income. But there is an exception for nontaxable combat pay, which you can choose to include in earned income, as explained later in this chapter.2. Net earnings from self-employment.
3. Gross income received as a statutory employee.
Wages, salaries, and tips. Wages, salaries, and tips you receive for working are reported to you on Form W-2, in box 1. You should report these on line 1 (Form 1040EZ) or line 7 (Forms 1040).Nontaxable combat pay election. You can elect to include your nontaxable combat pay in earned income for the earned income credit. The amount of your nontaxable combat pay should be shown on your Form W-2, in box 12, with code Q. Electing to include nontaxable combat pay in earned income may increase or decrease your EIC. For details, see Nontaxable combat pay in chapter 4.
Net earnings from self-employment. You may have net earnings from self-employment if:
• You own your own business, or• You are a minister or member of a religious order.
Minister's housing. The rental value of a home or a housing allowance provided to a minister as part of the minister's pay generally isn't subject to income tax but is included in net earnings from self-employment. For that reason, it is included in earned income for the EIC (except in the cases described in Approved Form 4361 or Form 4029 below).Statutory employee. You are a statutory employee if you receive a Form W-2 on which the "Statutory employee" box (box 13) is checked. You report your income and expenses as a statutory employee on Schedule C or C-EZ (Form 1040).
Strike benefits. Strike benefits paid by a union to its members are earned income.
Approved Form 4361 or Form 4029
This section is for persons who have an approved:
• Form 4361, Application for Exemption From Self-Employment Tax for Use by Ministers, Members of Religious Orders and Christian Science Practitioners, or• Form 4029, Application for Exemption From Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of Benefits.
Each approved form exempts certain income from social security taxes. Each form is discussed here in terms of what is or isn't earned income for the EIC.Form 4361. Whether or not you have an approved Form 4361, amounts you received for performing ministerial duties as an employee count as earned income. This includes wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee compensation.
If you have an approved Form 4361, a nontaxable housing allowance or the nontaxable rental value of a home isn't earned income. Also, amounts you received for performing ministerial duties, but not as an employee, don't count as earned income. Examples include fees for performing marriages and honoraria for delivering speeches.
Form 4029. Whether or not you have an approved Form 4029, all wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee compensation count as earned income. However, amounts you received as a self-employed individual don't count as earned income. Also, in figuring earned income, don't subtract losses on Schedule C, C-EZ, or F from wages on line 7 of Form 1040.
Disability Benefits
If you retired on disability, taxable benefits you receive under your employer's disability retirement plan are considered earned income until you reach minimum retirement age. Minimum retirement age generally is the earliest age at which you could have received a pension or annuity if you were not disabled. You must report your taxable disability payments on line 7 of either Form 1040A until you reach minimum retirement age.
Beginning on the day after you reach minimum retirement age, payments you receive are taxable as a pension and aren't considered earned income. Report taxable pension payments on Form 1040, lines 16a and 16b, or Form 1040A, lines 12a and 12b.
Disability insurance payments. Payments you received from a disability insurance policy that you paid the premiums for aren't earned income. It doesn't matter whether you have reached minimum retirement age. If this policy is through your employer, the amount may be shown in box 12 of your Form W-2 with code J.
Income That Is Not Earned Income
Examples of items that aren't earned income include interest and dividends, pensions and annuities, social security and railroad retirement benefits (including disability benefits), alimony and child support, welfare benefits, workers' compensation benefits, unemployment compensation (insurance), nontaxable foster care payments, and veterans' benefits, including VA rehabilitation payments. Do not include any of these items in your earned income.
Earnings while an inmate. Amounts received for work performed while an inmate in a penal institution aren't earned income when figuring the earned income credit. This includes amounts for work performed while in a work release program or while in a halfway house.
Workfare payments. Nontaxable workfare payments aren't earned income for the EIC. These are cash payments certain people receive from a state or local agency that administers public assistance programs funded under the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program in return for certain work activities such as (1) work experience activities (including remodeling or repairing public housing) if sufficient private sector employment isn't available, or (2) community service program activities.
Community property. If you are married, but qualify to file as head of household under special rules for married taxpayers living apart (see Rule 3), and live in a state that has community property laws, your earned income for the EIC doesn't include any amount earned by your spouse that is treated as belonging to you under those laws. That amount isn't earned income for the EIC, even though you must include it in your gross income on your income tax return. Your earned income includes the entire amount you earned, even if part of it is treated as belonging to your spouse under your state's community property laws.
Nevada, Washington, and California domestic partners. If you are a registered domestic partner in Nevada, Washington, or California, the same rules apply. Your earned income for the EIC doesn't include any amount earned by your partner. Your earned income includes the entire amount you earned. For details, see Pub. 555.
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) payments. If you were receiving social security retirement benefits or social security disability benefits at the time you received any CRP payments, your CRP payments aren't earned income for the EIC.
Nontaxable military pay. Nontaxable pay for members of the Armed Forces isn't considered earned income for the EIC. Examples of nontaxable military pay are combat pay, the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), and the Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS). See Pub. 3, Armed Forces' Tax Guide, for more information.
TIP: Combat pay. You can elect to include your nontaxable combat pay in earned income for the EIC. See Nontaxable combat pay in chapter 4.
2. Rules If You Have a Qualifying Child
If you have met all the rules in chapter 1, use this chapter to see if you have a qualifying child. This chapter discusses Rules 8 through 10. You must meet all three of those rules, in addition to the rules in chapters 1 and 4, to qualify for the earned income credit with a qualifying child.
You must file Form 1040A to claim the EIC with a qualifying child. (You cannot file Form 1040EZ.) You also must complete Schedule EIC and attach it to your return. If you meet all the rules in chapter 1 and this chapter, read chapter 4 to find out what to do next.
No qualifying child. If you don't meet Rule 8, you don't have a qualifying child. Read chapter 3 to find out if you can get the earned income credit without a qualifying child.
Rule 8--Your Child Must Meet the Relationship, Age, Residency, and Joint Return Tests
Your child is a qualifying child if your child meets four tests. The four tests are:
1. Relationship,2. Age,
3. Residency, and
4. Joint return.
The four tests are illustrated in Figure A. The paragraphs that follow contain more information about each test.Relationship Test
To be your qualifying child, a child must be your:
• Son, daughter, stepchild, foster child, or a descendant of any of them (for example, your grandchild), or• Brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendant of any of them (for example, your niece or nephew).
The following definitions clarify the relationship test.Adopted child. An adopted child is always treated as your own child. The term "adopted child" includes a child who was lawfully placed with you for legal adoption.
Foster child. For the EIC, a person is your foster child if the child is placed with you by an authorized placement agency or by judgment, decree, or other order of any court of competent jurisdiction. An authorized placement agency includes:
• A state or local government agency,• A tax-exempt organization licensed by a state, and
• An Indian tribal government or an organization authorized by an Indian tribal government to place Indian children.
Example. Debbie, who is 12 years old, was placed in your care 2 years ago by an authorized agency responsible for placing children in foster homes. Debbie is your foster child.Age Test
Your child must be:
1. Under age 19 at the end of 2016 and younger than you (or your spouse, if filing jointly),2. Under age 24 at the end of 2016, a student, and younger than you (or your spouse, if filing jointly), or
3. Permanently and totally disabled at any time during 2016, regardless of age.
The following examples and definitions clarify the age test.Example 1--Child not under age 19. Your son turned 19 on December 10. Unless he was permanently and totally disabled or a student, he isn't a qualifying child because, at the end of the year, he was not under age 19.
Example 2--Child not younger than you or your spouse. Your 23-year-old brother, who is a full-time student and unmarried, lives with you and your spouse. He isn't disabled. Both you and your spouse are 21 years old, and you file a joint return. Your brother isn't your qualifying child because he isn't younger than you or your spouse.
Example 3--Child younger than your spouse but not younger than you. The facts are the same as in Example 2 except that your spouse is 25 years old. Because your brother is younger than your spouse, he is your qualifying child, even though he isn't younger than you.
Student defined. To qualify as a student, your child must be, during some part of each of any 5 calendar months during the calendar year:
1. A full-time student at a school that has a regular teaching staff, course of study, and regular student body at the school, or2. A student taking a full-time, on-farm training course given by a school described in (1), or a state, county, or local government.
The 5 calendar months need not be consecutive.Figure A. Tests for Qualifying Child
 Caution: Figure A is an overview of the tests to claim a qualifying
 child. For details, see the rest of this chapter.Â
      A qualifying child is a child who is your . . .Â
   Son, daughter, stepchild, foster child, or a descendant ofÂ
       any of them (for example, your grandchild)Â
    Brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother,Â
   stepsister, or a descendant of any of them (for example, yourÂ
              niece or nephew)Â
                was . . .Â
     Under age 19 at the end of 2016 and younger than youÂ
         (or your spouse, if filing jointly)Â
  Under age 24 at the end of 2016, a student, and younger than youÂ
         (or your spouse, if filing jointly)Â
   Permanently and totally disabled at any time during the year,Â
              regardless of ageÂ
 Joint ReturnÂ
    Who is not filing a joint return for 2016 (or is filing aÂ
    joint return for 2016 only to claim a refund of incomeÂ
         tax withheld or estimated tax paid)Â
     Who lived with you in the United States for more thanÂ
               half of 2016.Â
     CAUTION: You can't claim the EIC for a child whoÂ
 didn't live with you for more than half of the year, even if you paidÂ
 most of the child's living expenses. The IRS may ask you for documentsÂ
 to show you lived with each qualifying child. Documents you might wantÂ
 to keep for this purpose include school and child care records andÂ
      other records that show your child's address.Â
     TIP: If the child didn't live with you for more thanÂ
  half of the year because of a temporary absence, birth, death, orÂ
   kidnapping, see Temporary absences, Birth or death of child,Â
        or Kidnapped child in this chapter.Â
A full-time student is a student who is enrolled for the number of hours or courses the school considers to be full-time attendance.School defined. A school can be an elementary school, junior or senior high school, college, university, or technical, trade, or mechanical school. However, on-the-job training courses, correspondence schools, and schools offering courses only through the Internet don't count as schools for the EIC.
Vocational high school students. Students who work in co-op jobs in private industry as a part of a school's regular course of classroom and practical training are considered full-time students.
Permanently and totally disabled. Your child is permanently and totally disabled if both of the following apply.
1. He or she cannot engage in any substantial gainful activity because of a physical or mental condition.2. A doctor determines the condition has lasted or can be expected to last continuously for at least a year or can lead to death.
Substantial gainful activity. Substantial gainful activity means performing significant duties over a reasonable period of time while working for pay or profit, or in work generally done for pay or profit. Full-time work (or part-time work done at an employer's convenience) in a competitive work situation for at least the minimum wage shows that the child can engage in substantial gainful activity.Substantial gainful activity isn't work done to take care of yourself or your home. It isn't unpaid work on hobbies, institutional therapy or training, school attendance, clubs, social programs, and similar activities. However, doing this kind of work may show that the child is able to engage in substantial gainful activity.
The fact that the child has not worked for some time doesn't, by itself, prove the child cannot engage in substantial gainful activity.
For examples of substantial gainful activity, see Pub. 524.
Residency Test
Your child must have lived with you in the United States for more than half of 2016.
CAUTION: You can't claim the EIC for a child who didn't live with you for more than half of the year, even if you paid most of the child's living expenses. The IRS may ask you for documents to show you lived with each qualifying child. Documents you might want to keep for this purpose include school and child care records and other records that show your child's address.
The following paragraphs clarify the residency test.
United States. This means the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It doesn't include Puerto Rico or U.S. possessions such as Guam.
Homeless shelter. Your home can be any location where you regularly live. You don't need a traditional home. For example, if your child lived with you for more than half the year in one or more homeless shelters, your child meets the residency test.
Military personnel stationed outside the United States. U.S. military personnel stationed outside the United States on extended active duty are considered to live in the United States during that duty period for purposes of the EIC.
Extended active duty. Extended active duty means you are called or ordered to duty for an indefinite period or for a period of more than 90 days. Once you begin serving your extended active duty, you are still considered to have been on extended active duty even if you don't serve more than 90 days.
Birth or death of child. A child who was born or died in 2016 is treated as having lived with you for more than half of 2016 if your home was the child's home for more than half the time he or she was alive in 2016.
Temporary absences. Count time that you or your child is away from home on a temporary absence due to a special circumstance as time the child lived with you. Examples of a special circumstance include illness, school attendance, business, vacation, military service, and detention in a juvenile facility.
Kidnapped child. A kidnapped child is treated as living with you for more than half of the year if the child lived with you for more than half the part of the year before the date of the kidnapping. The child must be presumed by law enforcement authorities to have been kidnapped by someone who isn't a member of your family or the child's family. This treatment applies for all years until the child is returned. However, the last year this treatment can apply is the earlier of:
1. The year there is a determination that the child is dead, or2. The year the child would have reached age 18.
If your qualifying child has been kidnapped and meets these requirements, enter "KC," instead of a number, on line 6 of Schedule EIC.Joint Return Test
To meet this test, the child cannot file a joint return for the year.
Exception. An exception to the joint return test applies if your child and his or her spouse file a joint return only to claim a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid.
Example 1--Child files joint return. You supported your 18-year-old daughter, and she lived with you all year while her husband was in the Armed Forces. He earned $25,000 for the year. The couple files a joint return. Because your daughter and her husband file a joint return, she isn't your qualifying child.
Example 2--Child files joint return to get refund of tax withheld. Your 18-year-old son and his 17-year-old wife had $800 of wages from part-time jobs and no other income. They don't have a child. Neither is required to file a tax return. Taxes were taken out of their pay, so they file a joint return only to get a refund of the withheld taxes. The exception to the joint return test applies, so your son may be your qualifying child if all the other tests are met.
Example 3--Child files joint return to claim American opportunity credit. The facts are the same as in Example 2 except no taxes were taken out of your son's pay. He and his wife aren't required to file a tax return, but they file a joint return to claim an American opportunity credit of $124 and get a refund of that amount. Because claiming the American opportunity credit is their reason for filing the return, they aren't filing it only to claim a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid. The exception to the joint return test doesn't apply, so your son isn't your qualifying child.
Married child. Even if your child doesn't file a joint return, if your child was married at the end of the year, he or she cannot be your qualifying child unless:
1. You can claim an exemption for the child, or2. The reason you cannot claim an exemption for the child is that you let the child's other parent claim the exemption under the Special rule for divorced or separated parents (or parents who live apart) described later.
CAUTION: Social security number. Your qualifying child must have a valid social security number (SSN) by the due date of your 2016 return (including extensions), unless the child was born and died in 2016 and you attach to your return a copy of the child's birth certificate, death certificate, or hospital records showing a live birth. You cannot claim the EIC on the basis of a qualifying child if:Â
1. The qualifying child's SSN is missing from your tax return or is incorrect,2. The qualifying child's social security card says "Not valid for employment" and was issued for use in getting a federally funded benefit, or
3. Instead of an SSN, the qualifying child has:
a. An individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), which is issued to a noncitizen who cannot get an SSN, orb. An adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), issued to adopting parents who cannot get an SSN for the child being adopted until the adoption is final.
Rule 9--Your Qualifying Child Cannot Be Used by More Than One Person To Claim the EIC
Sometimes a child meets the tests to be a qualifying child of more than one person. However, only one of these persons can actually treat the child as a qualifying child. Only that person can use the child as a qualifying child to take all of the following tax benefits (provided the person is eligible for each benefit).
1. The exemption for the child.2. The child tax credit.
3. Head of household filing status.
4. The credit for child and dependent care expenses.
5. The exclusion for dependent care benefits.
6. The EIC.
The other person cannot take any of these benefits based on this qualifying child. In other words, you and the other person cannot agree to divide these tax benefits between you. The other person cannot take any of these tax benefits unless he or she has a different qualifying child.The tiebreaker rules, which follow, explain who, if anyone, can claim the EIC when more than one person has the same qualifying child. However, the tiebreaker rules don't apply if the other person is your spouse and you file a joint return.
Tiebreaker rules. To determine which person can treat the child as a qualifying child to claim the six tax benefits just listed, the following tiebreaker rules apply.
• If only one of the persons is the child's parent, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the parent.• If the parents file a joint return together and can claim the child as a qualifying child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the parents.
• If the parents don't file a joint return together but both parents claim the child as a qualifying child, the IRS will treat the child as the qualifying child of the parent with whom the child lived for the longer period of time during the year. If the child lived with each parent for the same amount of time, the IRS will treat the child as the qualifying child of the parent who had the higher adjusted gross income (AGI) for the year.
• If no parent can claim the child as a qualifying child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the person who had the highest AGI for the year.
• If a parent can claim the child as a qualifying child but no parent does so claim the child, the child is treated as the qualifying child of the person who had the highest AGI for the year, but only if that person's AGI is higher than the highest AGI of any of the child's parents who can claim the child. If the child's parents file a joint return with each other, this rule can be applied by treating the parents' total AGI as divided evenly between them. See Example 8.
Subject to these tiebreaker rules, you and the other person may be able to choose which of you claims the child as a qualifying child. See Examples 1 through 13.If you cannot claim the EIC because your qualifying child is treated under the tiebreaker rules as the qualifying child of another person for 2016, you may be able to take the EIC using a different qualifying child, but you cannot take the EIC using the rules in chapter 3 for people who don't have a qualifying child.
If the other person cannot claim the EIC. If you and someone else have the same qualifying child but the other person cannot claim the EIC because he or she isn't eligible or his or her earned income or AGI is too high, you may be able to treat the child as a qualifying child. See Examples 6 and 7. But you cannot treat the child as a qualifying child to claim the EIC if the other person uses the child to claim any of the other six tax benefits listed earlier in this chapter.
Examples. The following examples may help you in determining whether you can claim the EIC when you and someone else have the same qualifying child.
Example 1--Child lived with parent and grandparent. You and your 2-year-old son Jimmy lived with your mother all year. You are 25 years old, unmarried, and your AGI is $9,000. Your only income was $9,000 from a part-time job. Your mother's only income was $20,000 from her job, and her AGI is $20,000. Jimmy's father did not live with you or Jimmy. The special rule explained later for divorced or separated parents (or parents who live apart) doesn't apply. Jimmy is a qualifying child of both you and your mother because he meets the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests for both you and your mother. However, only one of you can treat him as a qualifying child to claim the EIC (and the other tax benefits listed earlier in this chapter for which that person qualifies). He isn't a qualifying child of anyone else, including his father. If you don't claim Jimmy as a qualifying child for the EIC or any of the other tax benefits listed earlier, your mother can treat him as a qualifying child to claim the EIC (and any of the other tax benefits listed earlier for which she qualifies).
Example 2--Parent has higher AGI than grandparent. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except your AGI is $25,000. Because your mother's AGI isn't higher than yours, she cannot claim Jimmy as a qualifying child. Only you can claim him.
Example 3--Two persons claim same child. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that you and your mother both claim Jimmy as a qualifying child. In this case, you as the child's parent will be the only one allowed to claim Jimmy as a qualifying child for the EIC and the other tax benefits listed earlier for which you qualify. The IRS will disallow your mother's claim to the EIC and any of the other tax benefits listed earlier unless she has another qualifying child.
Example 4--Qualifying children split between two persons. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that you also have two other young children who are qualifying children of both you and your mother. Only one of you can claim each child. However, if your mother's AGI is higher than yours, you can allow your mother to claim one or more of the children. For example, if you claim one child, your mother can claim the other two.
Example 5--Taxpayer who is a qualifying child. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that you are only 18 years old. This means you are a qualifying child of your mother. Because of Rule 10, discussed next, you cannot claim the EIC and cannot claim your son as a qualifying child. Only your mother may be able to treat Jimmy as a qualifying child to claim the EIC. If your mother meets all the other requirements for claiming the EIC and you don't claim Jimmy as a qualifying child for any of the other tax benefits listed earlier, your mother can claim both you and Jimmy as qualifying children for the EIC.
Example 6--Grandparent with too much earned income to claim EIC. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that your mother earned $50,000 from her job. Because your mother's earned income is too high for her to claim the EIC, only you can claim the EIC using your son.
Example 7--Parent with too much earned income to claim EIC. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that you earned $50,000 from your job and your AGI is $50,500. Your earned income is too high for you to claim the EIC. But your mother cannot claim the EIC either, because her AGI isn't higher than yours.
Example 8--Child lived with both parents and grandparent. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that you and Jimmy's father are married to each other, live with Jimmy and your mother, and have AGI of $30,000 on a joint return. If you and your husband don't claim Jimmy as a qualifying child for the EIC or any of the other tax benefits listed earlier, your mother can claim him instead. Even though the AGI on your joint return, $30,000, is more than your mother's AGI of $20,000, for this purpose half of the joint AGI can be treated as yours and half as your husband's. In other words, each parent's AGI can be treated as $15,000.
Example 9--Separated parents. You, your husband, and your 10-year-old son Joey lived together until August 1, 2016, when your husband moved out of the household. In August and September, Joey lived with you. For the rest of the year, Joey lived with your husband, who is Joey's father. Joey is a qualifying child of both you and your husband because he lived with each of you for more than half the year and because he met the relationship, age, and joint return tests for both of you. At the end of the year, you and your husband still weren't divorced, legally separated, or separated under a written separation agreement, so the Special rule for divorced or separated parents (or parents who live apart) doesn't apply.
You and your husband will file separate returns. Your husband agrees to let you treat Joey as a qualifying child. This means, if your husband doesn't claim Joey as a qualifying child for any of the tax benefits listed earlier, you can claim him as a qualifying child for any tax benefit listed earlier for which you qualify. However, your filing status is married filing separately, so you cannot claim the EIC or the credit for child and dependent care expenses. See Rule 3.
Example 10--Separated parents claim same child. The facts are the same as in Example 9 except that you and your husband both claim Joey as a qualifying child. In this case, only your husband will be allowed to treat Joey as a qualifying child. This is because, during 2016, the boy lived with him longer than with you. You cannot claim the EIC (either with or without a qualifying child). However, your husband's filing status is married filing separately, so he cannot claim the EIC or the credit for child and dependent care expenses. See Rule 3.
Example 11--Unmarried parents. You, your 5-year-old son, and your son's father lived together all year. You and your son's father aren't married. Your son is a qualifying child of both you and his father because he meets the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests for both you and his father. Your earned income and AGI are $12,000, and your son's father's earned income and AGI are $14,000. Neither of you had any other income. Your son's father agrees to let you treat the child as a qualifying child. This means, if your son's father doesn't claim your son as a qualifying child for the EIC or any of the other tax benefits listed earlier, you can claim him as a qualifying child for the EIC and any of the other tax benefits listed earlier for which you qualify.
Example 12--Unmarried parents claim same child. The facts are the same as in Example 11 except that you and your son's father both claim your son as a qualifying child. In this case, only your son's father will be allowed to treat your son as a qualifying child. This is because his AGI, $14,000, is more than your AGI, $12,000. You cannot claim the EIC (either with or without a qualifying child).
Example 13--Child did not live with a parent. You and your 7-year-old niece, your sister's child, lived with your mother all year. You are 25 years old, and your AGI is $9,300. Your only income was from a part-time job. Your mother's AGI is $15,000. Her only income was from her job. Your niece's parents file jointly, have an AGI of less than $9,000, and don't live with you or their child. Your niece is a qualifying child of both you and your mother because she meets the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests for both you and your mother. However, only your mother can treat her as a qualifying child. This is because your mother's AGI, $15,000, is more than your AGI, $9,300.
Special rule for divorced or separated parents (or parents who live apart). A child will be treated as the qualifying child of his or her noncustodial parent (for purposes of claiming an exemption and the child tax credit, but not for the EIC) if all of the following statements are true.
1. The parents:Â
a. Are divorced or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance,b. Are separated under a written separation agreement, or
c. Lived apart at all time during the last 6 months of 2016, whether or not they are or were married.
2. The child received over half of his or her support for the year from the parents.3. The child is in the custody of one or both parents for more than half of 2016.
4. Either of the following statements is true.
a. The custodial parent signs Form 8332 or a substantially similar statement that he or she will not claim the child as a dependent for the year, and the noncustodial parent attaches the form or statement to his or her return. If the divorce decree or separation agreement went into effect after 1984 and before 2009, the noncustodial parent may be able to attach certain pages from the decree or agreement instead of Form 8332.b. A pre-1985 decree of divorce or separate maintenance or written separation agreement that applies to 2016 provides that the noncustodial parent can claim the child as a dependent, and the noncustodial parent provides at least $600 for support of the child during 2016.
Rule 10--You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Taxpayer
You are a qualifying child of another taxpayer (such as your parent, guardian, or foster parent) if all of the following statements are true.
1. You are that person's son, daughter, stepchild, foster child, or a descendant of any of them. Or, you are that person's brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendant of any of them.2. You were:
a. Under age 19 at the end of the year and younger than that person (or that person's spouse, if the person files jointly),b. Under age 24 at the end of the year, a student, and younger than that person (or that person's spouse, if the person files jointly), or
c. Permanently and totally disabled, regardless of age.
3. You lived with that person in the United States for more than half of the year.4. You aren't filing a joint return for the year (or are filing a joint return only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid).
For more details about the tests to be a qualifying child, see Rule 8.If you are a qualifying child of another taxpayer, you cannot claim the EIC. This is true even if the person for whom you are a qualifying child doesn't claim the EIC or meet all of the rules to claim the EIC. Put "No" beside line 66a (Form 1040A).
Example. You and your daughter lived with your mother all year. You are 22 years old, unmarried, and attended a trade school full time. You had a part-time job and earned $5,700. You had no other income. Because you meet the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests, you are a qualifying child of your mother. She can claim the EIC if she meets all the other requirements. Because you are your mother's qualifying child, you cannot claim the EIC. This is so even if your mother cannot or doesn't claim the EIC.
Child of person not required to file a return. You aren't the qualifying child of another taxpayer (and so may qualify to claim the EIC) if the person for whom you met the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests isn't required to file an income tax return and either:
• Doesn't file an income tax return, or• Files a return only to get a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid.
Example 1--Return not required. The facts are the same as in the last example except your mother had no gross income, isn't required to file a 2016 tax return, and doesn't file a 2016 tax return. As a result, you aren't your mother's qualifying child. You can claim the EIC if you meet all the other requirements to do so.Example 2--Return filed to get refund of tax withheld. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except your mother had wages of $1,500 and had income tax withheld from her wages. She files a return only to get a refund of the income tax withheld and doesn't claim the EIC or any other tax credits or deductions. As a result, you aren't your mother's qualifying child. You can claim the EIC if you meet all the other requirements to do so.
Example 3--Return filed to get EIC. The facts are the same as in Example 2 except your mother claimed the EIC on her return. Since she filed the return to get the EIC, she isn't filing it only to get a refund of income tax withheld. As a result, you are your mother's qualifying child. You cannot claim the EIC.
3. Rules If You Do Not Have a Qualifying Child
Use this chapter if you don't have a qualifying child and have met all the rules in chapter 1. This chapter discusses Rules 11 through 14. You must meet all four of those rules, in addition to the rules in chapters 1 and 4, to qualify for the earned income credit without a qualifying child.
You can file Form 1040EZ to claim the EIC without a qualifying child. If you meet all the rules in chapter 1 and this chapter, read chapter 4 to find out what to do next.
If you have a qualifying child. If you meet Rule 8, you have a qualifying child. If you meet Rule 8 and don't claim the EIC with a qualifying child, you cannot claim the EIC without a qualifying child.
Rule 11--You Must Be at Least Age 25 but Under Age 65
You must be at least age 25 but under age 65 at the end of 2016. If you are married filing a joint return, either you or your spouse must be at least age 25 but under age 65 at the end of 2016. It doesn't matter which spouse meets the age test, as long as one of the spouses does.
You meet the age test if you were born after December 31, 1951, and before January 2, 1992. If you are married filing a joint return, you meet the age test if either you or your spouse was born after December 31, 1951, and before January 2, 1992.
If neither you nor your spouse meets the age test, you cannot claim the EIC. Put "No" next to line 66a (Form 1040), line 42a (Form 1040EZ).
Example 1. You are age 28 and unmarried. You meet the age test.
Example 2--Spouse meets age test. You are married and filing a joint return. You are age 23 and your spouse is age 27. You meet the age test because your spouse is at least age 25 but under age 65.
Death of spouse. If you are filing a joint return with your spouse who died in 2016, you meet the age test if your spouse was at least age 25 but under age 65 at the time of death.
Your spouse is considered to reach age 25 on the day before his or her 25th birthday. However, the rule for reaching age 65 is different; your spouse reaches age 65 on his or her 65th birthday.
Even if your spouse was born before January 2, 1992, he or she isn't considered at least age 25 at the end of 2016 unless he or she was at least age 25 at the time of death.
Example 1. You are married and filing a joint return with your spouse who died in August 2016. You are age 67. Your spouse would have become age 65 in November 2016. Because your spouse was under age 65 when she died, you meet the age test.
Example 2. Your spouse was born on February 14, 1991, and died on February 13, 2016. Your spouse is considered age 25 at the time of death. However, if your spouse died on February 12, 2016, your spouse isn't considered age 25 at the time of death and isn't at least age 25 at the end of 2016.
Death of taxpayer. A taxpayer who died in 2016 meets the age test if the taxpayer was at least age 25 but under age 65 at the time of death.
A taxpayer is considered to reach age 25 on the day before his or her 25th birthday. However, the rule for reaching age 65 is different; a taxpayer reaches age 65 on his or her 65th birthday.
Even if the taxpayer was born before January 2, 1992, he or she isn't considered at least age 25 at the end of 2016 unless he or she was at least age 25 at the time of death.
Rule 12--You Cannot Be the Dependent of Another Person
If you aren't filing a joint return, you meet this rule if:
• You checked box 6a on 1040A, or• You didn't check the "You" box on line 5 of Form 1040EZ, and you entered $10,350 on that line.
If you are filing a joint return, you meet this rule if:Â
• You checked both box 6a and box 6b on Form 1040 or 1040A, or• You and your spouse didn't check either the "You" box or the "Spouse" box on line 5 of Form 1040EZ, and you entered $20,700 on that line.
If you aren't sure whether someone else can claim you as a dependent, get Pub. 501 and read the rules for claiming a dependent.If someone else can claim you as a dependent on his or her return, but doesn't, you still cannot claim the credit.
Example 1. In 2016, you were age 25, single, and living at home with your parents. You worked and weren't a student. You earned $7,500. Your parents cannot claim you as a dependent. When you file your return, you claim an exemption for yourself by not checking the "You" box on line 5 of your Form 1040EZ and by entering $10,350 on that line. You meet this rule. You can claim the EIC if you meet all the other requirements.
Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that you earned $2,000. Your parents can claim you as a dependent but decide not to. You don't meet this rule. You cannot claim the credit because your parents could have claimed you as a dependent.
Joint returns. You generally cannot be claimed as a dependent by another person if you are married and file a joint return.
However, another person may be able to claim you as a dependent if you and your spouse file a joint return merely to claim a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid. But neither you nor your spouse can be claimed as a dependent by another person if you claim the EIC on your joint return.
Example 1--Return filed to get refund of tax withheld. You are 26 years old. You and your wife live with your parents and had $800 of wages from part-time jobs and no other income. Neither you nor your wife is required to file a tax return. You don't have a child. Taxes were taken out of your pay so you file a joint return only to get a refund of the withheld taxes. Your parents aren't disqualified from claiming an exemption for you just because you filed a joint return. They can claim exemptions for you and your wife if all the other tests to do so are met.
Example 2--Return filed to get EIC. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except no taxes were taken out of your pay. Also, you and your wife aren't required to file a tax return, but you file a joint return to claim an EIC of $63 and get a refund of that amount. Because claiming the EIC is your reason for filing the return, you aren't filing it only to claim a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid. Your parents cannot claim an exemption for either you or your wife.
Rule 13--You Cannot Be a Qualifying Child of Another Taxpayer
You are a qualifying child of another taxpayer (your parent, guardian, foster parent, etc.) if all of the following statements are true.
1. You are that person's son, daughter, stepchild, foster child, or a descendant of any of them. Or, you are that person's brother, sister, half brother, half sister, stepbrother, stepsister, or a descendant of any of them.2. You were:
a. Under age 19 at the end of the year and younger than that person (or that person's spouse, if the person files jointly),b. Under age 24 at the end of the year, a student, and younger than that person (or that person's spouse, if the person files jointly), or
c. Permanently and totally disabled, regardless of age.
3. You lived with that person in the United States for more than half of the year.4. You aren't filing a joint return for the year (or are filing a joint return only to claim a refund of withheld income tax or estimated tax paid).
For more details about the tests to be a qualifying child, see Rule 8.If you are a qualifying child of another taxpayer, you cannot claim the EIC. This is true even if the person for whom you are a qualifying child doesn't claim the EIC or meet all of the rules to claim the EIC. Put "No" next to line 66a (Form 1040A), or line 8a (Form 1040EZ).
Example. You lived with your mother all year. You are age 26, unmarried, and permanently and totally disabled. Your only income was from a community center where you went three days a week to answer telephones. You earned $5,000 for the year and provided more than half of your own support. Because you meet the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests, you are a qualifying child of your mother for the EIC. She can claim the EIC if she meets all the other requirements. Because you are a qualifying child of your mother, you cannot claim the EIC. This is so even if your mother cannot or doesn't claim the EIC.
Joint returns. You generally cannot be a qualifying child of another taxpayer if you are married and file a joint return.
However, you may be a qualifying child of another taxpayer if you and your spouse file a joint return merely to claim a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid. But neither you nor your spouse can be a qualifying child of another taxpayer if you claim the EIC on your joint return.
Child of person not required to file a return. You aren't the qualifying child of another taxpayer (and so may qualify to claim the EIC) if the person for whom you meet the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests isn't required to file an income tax return and either:
• Doesn't file an income tax return, or• Files a return only to get a refund of income tax withheld or estimated tax paid.
Example 1--Return not required. You lived all year with your father. You are 27 years old, unmarried, permanently and totally disabled, and earned $13,000. You have no other income, no children, and provided more than half of your own support. Your father had no gross income, isn't required to file a 2016 tax return, and doesn't file a 2016 tax return. As a result, you aren't your father's qualifying child. You can claim the EIC if you meet all the other requirements to do so.Example 2--Return filed to get refund of tax withheld. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except your father had wages of $1,500 and had income tax withheld from his wages. He files a return only to get a refund of the income tax withheld and doesn't claim the EIC or any other tax credits or deductions. As a result, you aren't your father's qualifying child. You can claim the EIC if you meet all the other requirements to do so.
Example 3--Return filed to get EIC. The facts are the same as in Example 2 except your father claimed the EIC on his return. Since he filed the return to get the EIC, he isn't filing it only to get a refund of income tax withheld. As a result, you are your father's qualifying child. You cannot claim the EIC.
Rule 14--You Must Have Lived in the United States More Than Half of the Year
Your home (and your spouse's, if filing a joint return) must have been in the United States for more than half the year.
If it wasn't, put "No" next to line 66a (Form 1040), line 42a (Form 1040EZ).
United States. This means the 50 states and the District of Columbia. It doesn't include Puerto Rico or U.S. possessions such as Guam.
Homeless shelter. Your home can be any location where you regularly live. You don't need a traditional home. If you lived in one or more homeless shelters in the United States for more than half the year, you meet this rule.
Military personnel stationed outside the United States. U.S. military personnel stationed outside the United States on extended active duty (defined in chapter 2) are considered to live in the United States during that duty period for purposes of the EIC.
4. Figuring and Claiming the EIC
You must meet one more rule to claim the EIC.
You need to know the amount of your earned income to see if you meet the rule in this chapter. You also need to know that amount to figure your EIC.
Rule 15--Earned Income Limits
Your earned income must be less than:
• $47,955 ($53,505 for married filing jointly) if you have three or more qualifying children,• $44,648 ($50,198 for married filing jointly) if you have two qualifying children,
• $39,296 ($44,846 for married filing jointly) if you have one qualifying child, or
• $14,880 ($20,430 for married filing jointly) if you don't have a qualifying child.
Earned IncomeEarned income generally means wages, salaries, tips, other taxable employee pay, and net earnings from self-employment. Employee pay is earned income only if it is taxable. Nontaxable employee pay, such as certain dependent care benefits and adoption benefits, isn't earned income. But there is an exception for nontaxable combat pay, which you can choose to include in earned income. Earned income is explained in detail in Rule 7 in chapter 1.
Figuring earned income. If you are self-employed, a statutory employee, or a member of the clergy or a church employee who files Schedule SE (Form 1040), you will figure your earned income when you fill out Part 4 of EIC Worksheet B in the Form 1040 instructions.
Otherwise, figure your earned income by using the worksheet in Step 5 of the Form 1040 instructions for lines 66a and 66b or the Form 1040A instructions for lines 42a and 42b, or the worksheet in Step 2 of the Form 1040EZ instructions for lines 8a and 8b.
When using one of those worksheets to figure your earned income, you will start with the amount on line 7 (Form 1040EZ). You will then reduce that amount by any amount included on that line and described in the following list.
• Scholarship or fellowship grants not reported on a Form W-2. A scholarship or fellowship grant that wasn't reported to you on a Form W-2 isn't considered earned income for the earned income credit.• Inmate's income. Amounts received for work performed while an inmate in a penal institution aren't earned income for the earned income credit. This includes amounts received for work performed while in a work release program or while in a halfway house. If you received any amount for work done while an inmate in a penal institution and that amount is included in the total on line 7 (Form 1040A) or line 1 (Form 1040EZ), put "PRI" and the amount on the dotted line next to line 7 (Form 1040), in the space to the left of the entry space for line 7 (Form 1040A), or in the space to the left of line 1 (Form 1040EZ).
• Pension or annuity from deferred compensation plans. A pension or annuity from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan or a nongovernmental section 457 plan isn't considered earned income for the earned income credit. If you received such an amount and it was included in the total on line 7 (Form 1040 or Form 1040EZ), put "DFC" and the amount on the dotted line next to line 7 (Form 1040), in the space to the left of the entry space for line 7 (Form 1040A), or in the space to the left of line 1 (Form 1040EZ). This amount may be reported in box 11 of your Form W-2. If you received such an amount but box 11 is blank, contact your employer for the amount received as a pension or an annuity.
• Medicaid waiver payments. Medicaid waiver payments you exclude from income aren't earned income for the earned income credit. These are payments received for providing nonmedical support services under a plan of care to someone in your home. If these payments were incorrectly reported to you in box 1 of Form(s) W-2 and you included them in the total on Form 1040, line 7, because you couldn't get a corrected Form W-2, report them as described in the instructions for Form 1040, line 21. For more information about these payments, see Pub. 525.
Clergy. If you are a member of the clergy who files Schedule SE and the amount on line 2 of that schedule includes an amount that was also reported on line 7 (Form 1040), subtract that amount from the amount on line 7 (Form 1040) and enter the result on line 1 of the worksheet in Step 5 of the Form 1040 instructions for lines 66a and 66b. Put "Clergy" on the dotted line next to line 66a (Form 1040).Church employees. A church employee means an employee (other than a minister or member of a religious order) of a church or qualified church-controlled organization that is exempt from employer social security and Medicare taxes. If you received wages as a church employee and included any amount on both line 5a of Schedule SE and line 7 (Form 1040), subtract that amount from the amount on line 7 (Form 1040) and enter the result on line 1 of the worksheet in Step 5 of the Form 1040 instructions for lines 66a and 66b.
Nontaxable combat pay. You can elect to include your nontaxable combat pay in earned income for the earned income credit. If you make the election, you must include in earned income all nontaxable combat pay you received.
If you are filing a joint return and both you and your spouse received nontaxable combat pay, you can each make your own election. In other words, if one of you makes the election, the other one can also make it but doesn't have to.
The amount of your nontaxable combat pay should be shown on your Form W-2 in box 12 with code Q.
Electing to include nontaxable combat pay in earned income may increase or decrease your EIC. Figure the credit with and without your nontaxable combat pay before making the election. Whether the election increases or decreases your EIC depends on your total earned income, filing status, and number of qualifying children. If your earned income without your combat pay is less than the amount shown below for your number of children, you may benefit from electing to include your nontaxable combat pay in earned income and you should figure the credit both ways. If your earned income without your combat pay is equal to or more than these amounts, you will not benefit from including your combat pay in your earned income.
• $6,600 if you have no children.• $9,900 if you have one child.
• $13,900 if you have two or more children.
The following examples illustrate the effect of including nontaxable combat pay in earned income for the EIC.Example 1--Election increases the EIC. George and Janice are married and will file a joint return. They have one qualifying child. George was in the military and earned $15,000 ($5,000 taxable wages + $10,000 nontaxable combat pay). Janice worked part of the year and earned $2,000. Their taxable earned income and AGI are $7,000. George and Janice qualify for the EIC and fill out the EIC Worksheet and Schedule EIC.
When they complete the EIC Worksheet without adding the nontaxable combat pay to their earned income, they find their credit to be $2,389. When they complete the EIC Worksheet with the nontaxable combat pay added to their earned income, they find their credit to be $3,373. Because making the election will increase their EIC, they elect to add the nontaxable combat pay to their earned income for the EIC. They enter $3,373 on line 42a of their Form 1040A and enter the amount of their nontaxable combat pay on line 42b.
Example 2--Election doesn't increase the EIC. The facts are the same as Example 1 except George had nontaxable combat pay of $24,000. When George and Janice add their nontaxable combat pay to their earned income, they find their credit to be $2,209. Because the credit they can get if they don't add the nontaxable combat pay to their earned income is $2,389, they decide not to make the election. They enter $2,389 on line 42a of their Form 1040A.
IRS Will Figure the EIC for You
The IRS will figure your EIC for you if you follow the instructions in Figure B.
CAUTION: Please don't ask the IRS to figure your EIC unless you are eligible for it. To be eligible, you must meet Rule 15 in this chapter as well as the rules in chapter 1 and either chapter 2 or chapter 3, whichever applies to you. If your credit was reduced or disallowed for any year after 1996, the rules in chapter 5 may apply as well.
TIP: If you want the IRS to figure your income tax, see chapter 30 of Pub. 17, Your Federal Income Tax.
How To Figure the EIC Yourself
To figure the EIC yourself, use the EIC Worksheet in the instructions for the form you are using (Form 1040A, or Form 1040EZ). If you have a qualifying child, complete Schedule EIC (discussed later in this chapter) and attach it to your tax return.
If you want the IRS to figure your EIC for you, see IRS Will Figure the EIC for You, earlier.
Special Instructions for Form 1040 Filers
If you file Form 1040, you will need to decide whether to use EIC Worksheet A or EIC Worksheet B to figure the amount of your EIC. This section explains how to use these worksheets and how to report the EIC on your return.
EIC Worksheet A. Use EIC Worksheet A if you were not self-employed at any time in 2016 and aren't a member of the clergy, a church employee who files Schedule SE, or a statutory employee filing Schedule C or C-EZ.
EIC Worksheet B. Use EIC Worksheet B if you were self-employed at any time in 2016 or are a member of the clergy, a church employee who files Schedule SE, or a statutory employee filing Schedule C or C-EZ. If any of the following situations apply to you, read the paragraph and then complete EIC Worksheet B.
Net earnings from self-employment of $400 or more. If your net earnings from self-employment are $400 or more, be sure to correctly fill out Schedule SE (Form 1040) and pay the proper amount of self-employment tax. If you don't, you may not get all the EIC you are entitled to.
CAUTION: When figuring your net earnings from self-employment, you must claim all your allowable business expenses.
[The following graphic has not been reproduced:Â
Figure B. Steps To Follow To Have the IRS Figure Your EIC]Â
When to use the optional methods of figuring net earnings. Using the optional methods on Schedule SE to figure your net earnings from self-employment may qualify you for the EIC or give you a larger credit. If your net earnings (without using the optional methods) are less than $5,040, see the instructions for Schedule SE for details about the optional methods.When both spouses have self-employment income. You must complete both Parts 1 and 2 of EIC Worksheet B if all of the following conditions apply to you.
1. You are married filing a joint return.2. Both you and your spouse have income from self-employment.
3. You or your spouse file a Schedule SE and the other spouse doesn't file Schedule SE.
Statutory employees. Statutory employees report wages and expenses on Schedule C or C-EZ. They don't file Schedule SE. If you are a statutory employee, enter the amount from line 1 of Schedule C or C-EZ in Part 3 when you complete EIC Worksheet B.Schedule EIC
You must complete Schedule EIC and attach it to your tax return if you have a qualifying child and are claiming the EIC. Schedule EIC provides the IRS with information about your qualifying children, including their names, ages, SSNs, relationship to you, and the amount of time they lived with you during the year. An example of a filled-in Schedule EIC is shown in chapter 6.
CAUTION: If you are required to complete and attach Schedule EIC but don't, it will take longer to process your return and issue your refund.
CAUTION: If your earned income credit (EIC) for any year after 1996 was denied (disallowed) or reduced by the IRS, you may need to complete an additional form to claim the credit for 2016.
This chapter is for people whose earned income credit (EIC) for any year after 1996 was denied or reduced by the IRS. If this applies to you, you may need to complete Form 8862, Information To Claim Earned Income Credit After Disallowance, and attach it to your 2016 return to claim the credit for 2016. This chapter explains when you need to attach Form 8862. For more information, see Form 8862 and its instructions.
This chapter also explains the rules for certain people who cannot claim the EIC for a period of years after their EIC was denied or reduced.
Form 8862
If your EIC for any year after 1996 was denied or reduced for any reason other than a math or clerical error, you must attach a completed Form 8862 to your next tax return to claim the EIC. You must also qualify to claim the EIC by meeting all the rules described in this publication.
Exception 1. Don't file Form 8862 if either (1) or (2) below is true.
1. After your EIC was reduced or disallowed in the earlier year:Â
a. You filed Form 8862 in a later year and your EIC for that later year was allowed, andb. Your EIC hasn't been reduced or disallowed again for any reason other than a math or clerical error.
2. You are taking the EIC without a qualifying child for 2016 and the only reason your EIC was reduced or disallowed in the earlier year was because the IRS determined that a child listed on Schedule EIC wasn't your qualifying child.Â
In either of these cases, you can take the EIC without filing Form 8862 if you meet all the EIC eligibility requirements.Exception 2. Don't file Form 8862 or take the EIC for:
• 2 years after there was a final determination that your EIC claim was due to reckless or intentional disregard of the EIC rules, or• 10 years after there was a final determination that your EIC claim was due to fraud.
More information. For details, see Are You Prohibited From Claiming the EIC for a Period of Years? in this chapter.The date on which your EIC was denied and the date on which you file your 2016 return affect whether you need to attach Form 8862 to your 2016 return or to a later return. The following examples demonstrate whether Form 8862 is required for 2016 or 2017.
Example 1--Form 8862 required for 2016. You filed your 2015 tax return in March 2016 and claimed the EIC with a qualifying child. The IRS questioned the EIC, and you were unable to prove the child was a qualifying child. In September 2016, you received a statutory notice of deficiency telling you that an adjustment would be made and tax assessed unless you filed a petition with the Tax Court within 90 days. You didn't act on this notice within 90 days. Therefore, your EIC was denied in December 2016. To claim the EIC with a qualifying child on your 2016 return, you must complete and attach Form 8862 to that return. However, to claim the EIC without a qualifying child on your 2016 return, you don't need to file Form 8862.
Example 2--Form 8862 required for 2017. The facts are the same as in the previous example except that you received the statutory notice of deficiency in February 2017. Because the 90-day period referred to in the statutory notice isn't over when you are ready to file your return for 2016, you shouldn't attach Form 8862 to your 2016 return. However, to claim the EIC with a qualifying child for 2017, you must complete and attach Form 8862 to your return for that year. To claim the EIC without a qualifying child for 2017, you don't need to file Form 8862.
Exception for math or clerical errors. If your EIC was denied or reduced as a result of a math or clerical error, don't attach Form 8862 to your next tax return. For example, if your arithmetic is incorrect, the IRS can correct it. If you don't provide a correct social security number, the IRS can deny the EIC. These kinds of errors are called math or clerical errors.
Omission of Form 8862. If you are required to attach Form 8862 to your 2016 tax return, and you claim the EIC without attaching a completed Form 8862, your claim will be automatically denied. This is considered a math or clerical error. You won't be permitted to claim the EIC without a completed Form 8862.
Additional documents may be required. You may have to provide the IRS with additional documents or information before a refund relating to the EIC you claim is released to you, even if you attach a properly completed Form 8862 to your return.
Are You Prohibited From Claiming the EIC for a Period of Years?
If your EIC for any year after 1996 was denied and it was determined that your error was due to reckless or intentional disregard of the EIC rules, then you cannot claim the EIC for the next 2 years. If your error was due to fraud, then you cannot claim the EIC for the next 10 years. The date on which your EIC was denied and the date on which you file your 2016 return affect the years for which you are prohibited from claiming the EIC. The following examples demonstrate which years you are prohibited from claiming the EIC.
Example 3--Cannot claim EIC for 2 years. You claimed the EIC on your 2015 tax return, which you filed in March 2016. The IRS determined you weren't entitled to the EIC and that your error was due to reckless or intentional disregard of the EIC rules. In September 2016, you received a statutory notice of deficiency telling you an adjustment would be made and tax assessed unless you filed a petition with the Tax Court within 90 days. You didn't act on this notice within 90 days. Therefore, your EIC was denied in December 2016. You cannot claim the EIC for tax year 2016 or 2017. To claim the EIC on your return for 2018, you must complete and attach Form 8862 to your return for that year.
Example 4. The facts are the same as in Example 3, except that your 2015 EIC was not denied until after you filed your 2016 return. You cannot claim the EIC for tax year 2017 or 2018. To claim the EIC on your return for 2019 you must complete and attach Form 8862 to your return for that year.
Example 5--Cannot claim EIC for 10 years. You claimed the EIC on your 2015 tax return, which you filed in February 2016. The IRS determined you weren't entitled to the EIC and that your error was due to fraud. In September 2016, you received a statutory notice of deficiency telling you an adjustment would be made and tax assessed unless you filed a petition with the Tax Court within 90 days. You didn't act on this notice within 90 days. Therefore, your EIC was denied in December 2016. You cannot claim the EIC for tax years 2016 through 2025. To claim the EIC on your return for 2026, you must complete and attach Form 8862 to your return for that year.
The next few pages contain two detailed examples (with a filled-in Schedule EIC and EIC Worksheet) that may be helpful if you have questions about claiming the EIC.
Example 1--Sharon Rose
Sharon Rose is age 63 and retired. She received $7,000 in social security benefits during the year and $9,000 from a part-time job. She also received a taxable pension of $6,400. Sharon had no other income. Her AGI on line 22 of Form 1040A is $15,400 ($9,000 + $6,400).
Sharon isn't married and lived alone in the United States for the entire year. She cannot be claimed as a dependent on anyone else's return. She doesn't have any investment income and doesn't have a qualifying child.
Sharon reads the steps for eligibility in her Form 1040A instructions. In Step 1 she discovers that, because her AGI ($15,400) isn't less than $14,880, she cannot take the EIC. She completes the rest of her Form 1040A and files it with the IRS.
Example 2--Cynthia and Jerry Grey
Cynthia and Jerry Grey have two children, Kirk, age 9, and Susanne, age 7. The children lived with Cynthia and Jerry for all of 2016. Cynthia earned wages of $15,000 and Jerry had wages of $10,000. The Greys received $525 in interest on their savings account. They had no other income in 2016.
Cynthia and Jerry have the 2016 Form 1040A and instructions. They want to see if they qualify for the EIC, so they follow the steps in the instructions for lines 42a and 42b.
Step 1. The amount Cynthia and Jerry entered on Form 1040A, line 22, was $25,525. They both have valid social security numbers (SSNs), which they have had for many years. They will file a joint return. Neither Cynthia nor Jerry is a nonresident alien. Therefore, the answers they give to the questions in Step 1 allow them to proceed to Step 2.
Step 2. The only investment income the Greys have is their $525 interest income. That amount isn't more than $3,400, so they answer "No" to the second question in Step 2 and go to Step 3.
Step 3. Their children, Kirk and Susanne, meet the relationship, age, residency, and joint return tests to be Cynthia and Jerry's qualifying children, so Cynthia and Jerry answer "Yes" to the first question in Step 3. Kirk and Susanne aren't qualifying children of anyone else. Both children have valid SSNs, which they got soon after birth. Cynthia and Jerry are filing a joint return, so they answer "Yes" to the second question in Step 3. This means they can skip question 3 and Step 4 and go to Step 5.
Step 5. Cynthia and Jerry figure their earned income to be $25,000, the amount of their combined wages. This is less than $50,198, so they go to Step 6 to figure their credit.
Step 6. Cynthia and Jerry want to figure their EIC themselves, so they complete the EIC Worksheet in the Form 1040A instructions (shown later).
Completing the EIC Worksheet. Cynthia and Jerry complete their worksheet as follows.
1. Cynthia and Jerry enter their total earned income ($25,000) on line 1.2. To find their credit, they go to the EIC Table (shown later in this publication). The part of the EIC Table they use is included as part of this example. They find their earned income of $25,000 in the range of $25,000 to $25,050. They follow this line across to the column Two children under Married filing jointly and find $5,301. They enter $5,301 on line 2.
3. They enter on line 3 their AGI ($25,525) and see that it is different from the amount on line 1.
4. They look up $25,525 in the EIC Table and enter the amount of $5,196 on line 5.
5. They enter $5,196 on line 6. This is the smaller of the line 2 amount ($5,301) and the line 5 amount ($5,196).
6. The Greys enter $5,196 on line 42a of their Form 1040A. They will now complete Schedule EIC (shown later) and attach it to their return. They will keep the EIC Worksheet for their records.
Excerpt from EIC Table for Example 2Â ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   And your filing status is --Â
               Single, head of household, or qualifyingÂ
               widow(er) and you have --Â
 If the amount you areÂ
 looking up from the     No     One    Two     ThreeÂ
 worksheet is --       Children  Child   Children  ChildrenÂ
 At least  But less than         Your credit is --Â
  25,000     25,050     0     2,281   4,133    4,829Â
  25,050     25,100     0     2,273   4,122    4,819Â
  25,100     25,150     0     2,265   4,111    4,808Â
  25,150     25,200     0     2,257   4,101    4,797Â
  25,200     25,250     0     2,249   4,090    4,787Â
  25,250     25,300     0     2,241   4,080    4,776Â
  25,300     25,350     0     2,233   4,069    4,766Â
  25,350     25,400     0     2,225   4,059    4,755Â
  25,400     25,450     0     2,217   4,048    4,745Â
  25,450     25,500     0     2,209   4,038    4,734Â
  25,500     25,550     0     2,201   4,027    4,724Â
  25,550     25,600     0     2,193   4,017    4,713Â
  25,600     25,650     0     2,185   4,006    4,703Â
  25,650     25,700     0     2,177   3,996    4,692Â
  25,700     25,750     0     2,169   3,985    4,682Â
  25,750     25,800     0     2,161   3,975    4,671Â
 [Table Continued]Â
                   And your filing status is --Â
               Married filing jointly and you have --Â
 If the amount you areÂ
 looking up from the     No     One    Two     ThreeÂ
 worksheet is --       Children  Child   Children  ChildrenÂ
 At least  But less than         Your credit is --Â
  25,000     25,050     0     3,167   5,301    5,998Â
  25,050     25,100     0     3,159   5,291    5,987Â
  25,100     25,150     0     3,151   5,280    5,977Â
  25,150     25,200     0     3,143   5,270    5,966Â
  25,200     25,250     0     3,135   5,259    5,956Â
  25,250     25,300     0     3,128   5,249    5,945Â
  25,300     25,350     0     3,120   5,238    5,935Â
  25,350     25,400     0     3,112   5,228    5,924Â
  25,400     25,450     0     3,104   5,217    5,914Â
  25,450     25,500     0     3,096   5,207    5,903Â
  25,500     25,550     0     3,088   5,196    5,893Â
  25,550     25,600     0     3,080   5,186    5,882Â
  25,600     25,650     0     3,072   5,175    5,872Â
  25,650     25,700     0     3,064   5,164    5,861Â
  25,700     25,750     0     3,056   5,154    5,850Â
  25,750     25,800     0     3,048   5,143    5,840Â
Filled-in EIC Worksheet -- Cynthia and Jerry GreyEarned Income Credit (EIC) Worksheet -- Lines 42a and 42b
 Keep for Your Records
 Part 1:   1. Enter your earned income from StepÂ
 All Filers   5.                   1 25,000Â
       2. Look up the amount on line 1 in the EIC TableÂ
        to find the credit. Be sure you use theÂ
        correct column for your filing status and theÂ
        number of children you have. Enter the creditÂ
        here.                      2 5,301Â
        If line 2 is zero, STOP You cannotÂ
        take the credit. Enter "No" to theÂ
        left of the entry space for lineÂ
       3. Enter the amount from Form 1040A,Â
        line 22.                3 25,525Â
       4. Are the amounts on lines 3 and 1 the same?Â
        [ ] Yes. Skip line 5; enter the amount fromÂ
          line 2 on line 6.Â
        [X] No. Go to line 5.Â
 Part 2:   5. If you have:Â
 Filers WhoÂ
 Answered    • No qualifying children, is the amount onÂ
 "No" on      line 3 less than $8,300 ($13,850 if marriedÂ
 Line 4      filing jointly)?Â
         • 1 or more qualifying children, is theÂ
          amount on line 3 less than $18,200Â
          ($23,750 if married filing jointly)?Â
        [ ] Yes. Leave line 5 blank; enter the amountÂ
          from line 2 on line 6.Â
        [X] No. Look up the amount on line 3 in theÂ
          EIC Table to find the credit. Be sure youÂ
          use the correct column for your filingÂ
          status and the number of children youÂ
          have. Enter the credit here.         5 5,196Â
             Look at the amounts on lines 5 and 2.Â
             Then, enter the smaller amount onÂ
             line 6.Â
 Part 3:   6. This is your earned income credit.        6 5,196Â
 Earned     Reminder --                   EnterÂ
 Income                             thisÂ
 Credit    If you have a qualifying child, complete and   amountÂ
        attach Schedule EIC.               onÂ
        CAUTION: If your EIC for a year after 1996 wasÂ
        reduced or disallowed, see Form 8862, who mustÂ
        file, earlier, to find out if you must fileÂ
        Form 8862 to take the credit for 2016.Â
2016 Greys' Example Schedule EIC (Form 1040A or 1040), Earned Income Credit]Â
7. How To Get Tax HelpIf you have questions about a tax issue, need help preparing your tax return, or want to download free publications, forms, or instructions, go to and find resources that can help you right away.
Preparing and filing your tax return. Find free options to prepare and file your return on or in your local community if you qualify.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited-English-speaking taxpayers who need help preparing their own tax returns. The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) program offers free tax help for all taxpayers, particularly those who are 60 years of age and older. TCE volunteers specialize in answering questions about pensions and retirement-related issues unique to seniors.
You can go to and click on the Filing tab to see your options for preparing and filing your return which include the following.
• Free File. Go to See if you qualify to use brand-name software to prepare and e-file your federal tax return for free.• VITA. Go to, download the free IRS2Go app, or call 1-800-906-9887 to find the nearest VITA location for free tax preparation.
• TCE. Go to, download the free IRS2Go app, or call 1-888-227-7669 to find the nearest TCE location for free tax preparation.
Getting answers to your tax law questions. On get answers to your tax questions anytime, anywhere.Â
• Go to or pages for a variety of tools that will help you get answers to some of the most common tax questions.• Go to for the Interactive Tax Assistant, a tool that will ask you questions on a number of tax law topics and provide answers. You can print the entire interview and the final response for your records.
• Go to to get Pub. 17, Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals, which features details on tax-saving opportunities, 2016 tax changes, and thousands of interactive links to help you find answers to your questions. View it online in HTML or as a PDF or, better yet, download it to your mobile device to enjoy eBook features.
• You may also be able to access tax law information in your electronic filing software.
Getting tax forms and publications. Go to to view, download, or print all of the forms and publications you may need. You can also download and view popular tax publications and instructions (including the 1040 instructions) on mobile devices as an eBook at no charge. Or, you can go to to place an order and have forms mailed to you within 10 business days.Using direct deposit. The fastest way to receive a tax refund is to combine direct deposit and IRS e-file. Direct deposit securely and electronically transfers your refund directly into your financial account. Eight in 10 taxpayers use direct deposit to receive their refund. IRS issues more than 90% of refunds in less than 21 days.
Delayed refund for returns claiming certain credits. Due to changes in the law, the IRS can't issue refunds before February 15, 2017, for returns that claim the earned income credit (EIC) or the additional child tax credit (ACTC). This applies to the entire refund, not just the portion associated with these credits.
Getting a transcript or copy of a return. The quickest way to get a copy of your tax transcript is to go to Click on either "Get Transcript Online" or "Get Transcript by Mail" to order a copy of your transcript. If you prefer, you can:
• Order your transcript by calling 1-800-908-9946.• Mail Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ (both available on
Using online tools to help prepare your return. Go to for the following.Â
• The Earned Income Tax Credit Assistant ( determines if you are eligible for the EIC.• The Online EIN Application ( helps you get an employer identification number.
• The IRS Withholding Calculator ( estimates the amount you should have withheld from your paycheck for federal income tax purposes.
• The First Time Homebuyer Credit Account Look-up ( tool provides information on your repayments and account balance.
• The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator ( figures the amount you can claim if you itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040), choose not to claim state and local income taxes, and you didn't save your receipts showing the sales tax you paid.
Resolving tax-related identity theft issues.Â
• The IRS doesn't initiate contact with taxpayers by email or telephone to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels.• Go to for information and videos.
• If your SSN has been lost or stolen or you suspect you are a victim of tax-related identity theft, visit to learn what steps you should take.
Checking on the status of your refund.Â
• Go to• Due to changes in the law, the IRS can't issue refunds before February 15, 2017, for returns that claim the EIC or the ACTC. This applies to the entire refund, not just the portion associated with these credits.
• Download the official IRS2Go app to your mobile device to check your refund status.
• Call the automated refund hotline at 1-800-829-1954.
Making a tax payment. The IRS uses the latest encryption technology to ensure your electronic payments are safe and secure. You can make electronic payments online, by phone, and from a mobile device using the IRS2Go app. Paying electronically is quick, easy, and faster than mailing in a check or money order. Go to to make a payment using any of the following options.Â
• IRS Direct Pay: Pay your individual tax bill or estimated tax payment directly from your checking or savings account at no cost to you.• Debit or credit card: Choose an approved payment processor to pay online, by phone, and by mobile device.
• Electronic Funds Withdrawal: Offered only when filing your federal taxes using tax preparation software or through a tax professional.
• Electronic Federal Tax Payment System: Best option for businesses. Enrollment is required.
• Check or money order: Mail your payment to the address listed on the notice or instructions.
• Cash: If cash is your only option, you may be able to pay your taxes at a participating retail store.
What if I can't pay now? Go to for more information about your options.Â
• Apply for an online payment agreement ( to meet your tax obligation in monthly installments if you can't pay your taxes in full today. Once you complete the online process, you will receive immediate notification of whether your agreement has been approved.• Use the Offer in Compromise Pre-Qualifier ( to see if you can settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe.
Checking the status of an amended return. Go to and click on Where's My Amended Return? ( under the "Tools" bar to track the status of Form 1040X amended returns. Please note that it can take up to 3 weeks from the date you mailed your amended return for it show up in our system and processing it can take up to 16 weeks.Understanding an IRS notice or letter. Go to to find additional information about responding to an IRS notice or letter.
Contacting your local IRS office. Keep in mind, many questions can be resolved on without visiting an IRS Tax Assistance Center (TAC). Go to for the topics people ask about most. If you still need help, IRS TACs provide tax help when a tax issue can't be handled online or by phone. All TACs now provide service by appointment so you'll know in advance that you can get the service you need without waiting. Before you visit, go to to find the nearest TAC, check hours, available services, and appointment options. Or, on the IRS2Go app, under the Stay Connected tab, choose the Contact Us option and click on "Local Offices."
Watching IRS videos. The IRS Video portal ( contains video and audio presentations for individuals, small businesses, and tax professionals.
Getting tax information in other languages. For taxpayers whose native language isn't English, we have the following resources available. Taxpayers can find information on in the following languages.
• Spanish (• Chinese (
• Vietnamese (
• Korean (
• Russian (
The IRS TACs provide over-the-phone interpreter service in over 170 languages, and the service is available free to taxpayers.The Taxpayer Advocate Service Is Here To Help You
What is the Taxpayer Advocate Service?
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Our job is to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and that you know and understand your rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
What Can the Taxpayer Advocate Service Do For You?
We can help you resolve problems that you can't resolve with the IRS. And our service is free. If you qualify for our assistance, you will be assigned to one advocate who will work with you throughout the process and will do everything possible to resolve your issue. TAS can help you if:
• Your problem is causing financial difficulty for you, your family, or your business,• You face (or your business is facing) an immediate threat of adverse action, or
• You've tried repeatedly to contact the IRS but no one has responded, or the IRS hasn't responded by the date promised.
How Can You Reach Us?We have offices in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Your local advocate's number is in your local directory and at You can also call us at 1-877-777-4778.
How Can You Learn About Your Taxpayer Rights?
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights describes 10 basic rights that all taxpayers have when dealing with the IRS. Our Tax Toolkit at can help you understand what these rights mean to you and how they apply. These are your rights. Know them. Use them.
How Else Does the Taxpayer Advocate Service Help Taxpayers?
TAS works to resolve large-scale problems that affect many taxpayers. If you know of one of these broad issues, please report it to us at
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs) serve individuals whose income is below a certain level and need to resolve tax problems such as audits, appeals, and tax collection disputes. Some clinics can provide information about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in different languages for individuals who speak English as a second language. To find a clinic near you, visit or see IRS Publication 4134, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic List.
EIC Eligibility Checklist
 Keep for Your Records
  You may claim the EIC if you answer "Yes" to all the followingÂ
                               Yes  NoÂ
 1. Is your AGI less than:                  [ ]  [ ]Â
   • $14,880 ($20,430 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    don't have a qualifying child,Â
   • $39,296 ($44,846 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have one qualifying child,Â
   • $44,648 ($50,198 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have two qualifying children, orÂ
   • $47,955 ($53,505 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have more than two qualifying children?Â
   (See Rule 1.)Â
 2. Do you and your spouse each have a valid SSN that youÂ
   got by the due date of your 2016 return (includingÂ
   extensions)? (See Rule 2.)                [ ]  [ ]Â
 3. Is your filing status married filing jointly, head ofÂ
   household, qualifying widow(er), or single? (See RuleÂ
   3.)                            [ ]  [ ]Â
   Caution: If you or your spouse is a nonresident alien,Â
   answer "Yes" only if your filing status is marriedÂ
   filing jointly. (See Rule 4.)Â
 4. Answer "Yes" if you aren't filing Form 2555 orÂ
   Form 2555-EZ. Otherwise, answer "No." (See Rule 5.)    [ ]  [ ]Â
 5. Is your investment income $3,400 or less? (See Rule 6.)  [ ]  [ ]Â
 6. Is your total earned income at least $1 but less than:  [ ]  [ ]Â
   • $14,880 ($20,430 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    don't have a qualifying child,Â
   • $39,296 ($44,846 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have one qualifying child,Â
   • $44,648 ($50,198 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have two qualifying children, orÂ
   • $47,955 ($53,505 for married filing jointly) if youÂ
    have more than two qualifying children?Â
   (See Rules 7 and 15.)Â
 7. Answer "Yes" if (a) you aren't a qualifying child ofÂ
   another taxpayer or (b) you are filing a joint return.Â
   Otherwise, answer "No." (See Rules 10 and 13.)      [ ]  [ ]Â
   STOP: If you have a qualifying child, answer questionsÂ
   8 and 9 and skip 10-12. If you don't have a qualifyingÂ
   child, skip questions 8 and 9 and answer 10-12.*Â
 8. Does your child meet the relationship, age, residency,Â
   and joint return tests for a qualifying child and haveÂ
   a valid SSN that he or she got by the due date of yourÂ
   2016 return (including extensions)? (See Rule 8.)     [ ]  [ ]Â
 9. Is your child a qualifying child only for you? AnswerÂ
   "Yes" if (a) your qualifying child doesn't meet theÂ
   tests to be a qualifying child of any other person orÂ
   (b) your qualifying child meets the tests to be aÂ
   qualifying child of another person but you are theÂ
   person entitled to treat the child as a qualifyingÂ
   child under the tiebreaker rules explained in Rule 9.Â
   Answer "No" if the other person is the one entitled toÂ
   treat the child as a qualifying child under theÂ
   tiebreaker rules.                     [ ]  [ ]Â
 10. Were you (or your spouse if filing a joint return) atÂ
   least age 25 but under age 65 at the end of 2016? (SeeÂ
   Rule 11.)                         [ ]  [ ]Â
 11. Answer "Yes" if (a) you cannot be claimed as aÂ
   dependent on anyone else's return or (b) you are filingÂ
   a joint return. Otherwise, answer "No." (See Rule 12.)  [ ]  [ ]Â
 12. Was your main home (and your spouse's if filing a jointÂ
   return) in the United States for more than half theÂ
   year? (See Rule 14.)                   [ ]  [ ]Â
 * PERSONS WITH A QUALIFYING CHILD: If you answered "Yes" to questionsÂ
 1 through 9, you can claim the EIC. (If you have more than one child,Â
 you can claim the EIC as long as you answer "Yes" to questions 1Â
 through 7 and can answer "Yes" to questions 8 and 9 for at least oneÂ
 child.) Remember to fill out Schedule EIC and attach it to yourÂ
 Form 1040EZ. If you answeredÂ
 "Yes" to questions 1 through 7 and "No" to question 8, answerÂ
 questions 10 through 12 to see if you can claim the EIC without aÂ
 qualifying child.Â
 PERSONS WITHOUT A QUALIFYING CHILD: If you answered "Yes" to questionsÂ
 1 through 7, and 10 through 12, you can claim the EIC.Â
 If you answered "No" to any question that applies to you: You cannotÂ
 claim the EIC.Â
2016 Earned Income Credit (EIC) TableCaution. This is not a tax table.
1. To find your credit, read down the "At least - But less than" columns and find the line that includes the amount you were told to look up from your EIC Worksheet.2. Then, go to the column that includes your filing status and the number of qualifying children you have. Enter the credit from that column on your EIC Worksheet.
Example. If your filing status is single, you have one qualifying child, and the amount you are looking up from your EIC Worksheet is $2,455, you would enter $842. ---------------------------------------------------------------
              And your filing status is --Â
 If the amount you are   Single, head of household, orÂ
 looking up from the    qualifying widow(er) andÂ
 worksheet is --      the number of children you have is --Â
                 0    1   2    3Â
       But lessÂ
 At least   than           Your credit is --Â
 2,400     2,450        186   825   970  1,091Â
 2,450     2,500       189   842  990  1,114Â
                   And your filing status is --Â
 If the amount you       Single, head of household,Â
 are looking up from      or qualifying widow(er) andÂ
 the worksheet is --      you have is --Â
                 0      1      2      3Â
         But lessÂ
 At least      than         Your credit is --Â
    $1       $50      $2     $9     $10     $11Â
    50       100      6     26     30     34Â
    100       150      10     43     50     56Â
    150       200      13     60     70     79Â
    200       250      17     77     90     101Â
    250       300      21     94     110     124Â
    300       350      25     111     130     146Â
    350       400      29     128     150     169Â
    400       450      33     145     170     191Â
    450       500      36     162     190     214Â
    500       550      40     179     210     236Â
    550       600      44     196     230     259Â
    600       650      48     213     250     281Â
    650       700      52     230     270     304Â
    700       750      55     247     290     326Â
    750       800      59     264     310     349Â
    800       850      63     281     330     371Â
    850       900      67     298     350     394Â
    900       950      71     315     370     416Â
    950      1,000      75     332     390     439Â
   1,000      1,050      78     349     410     461Â
   1,050      1,100      82     366     430     484Â
   1,100      1,150      86     383     450     506Â
   1,150      1,200      90     400     470     529Â
   1,200      1,250      94     417     490     551Â
   1,250      1,300      98     434     510     574Â
   1,300      1,350     101     451     530     596Â
   1,350      1,400     105     468     550     619Â
   1,400      1,450     109     485     570     641Â
   1,450      1,500     113     502     590     664Â
   1,500      1,550     117     519     610     686Â
   1,550      1,600     120     536     630     709Â
   1,600      1,650     124     553     650     731Â
   1,650      1,700     128     570     670     754Â
   1,700      1,750     132     587     690     776Â
   1,750      1,800     136     604     710     799Â
   1,800      1,850     140     621     730     821Â
   1,850      1,900     143     638     750     844Â
   1,900      1,950     147     655     770     866Â
   1,950      2,000     151     672     790     889Â
   2,000      2,050     155     689     810     911Â
   2,050      2,100     159     706     830     934Â
   2,100      2,150     163     723     850     956Â
   2,150      2,200     166     740     870     979Â
   2,200      2,250     170     757     890    1,001Â
   2,250      2,300     174     774     910    1,024Â
   2,300      2,350     178     791     930    1,046Â
   2,350      2,400     182     808     950    1,069Â
   2,400      2,450     186     825     970    1,091Â
   2,450      2,500     189     842     990    1,114Â
   2,500      2,550     193     859    1,010    1,136Â
   2,550      2,600     197     876    1,030    1,159Â
   2,600      2,650     201     893    1,050    1,181Â
   2,650      2,700     205     910    1,070    1,204Â
   2,700      2,750     208     927    1,090    1,226Â
   2,750      2,800     212     944    1,110    1,249Â
   2,800      2,850     216     961    1,130    1,271Â
   2,850      2,900     220     978    1,150    1,294Â
   2,900      2,950     224     995    1,170    1,316Â
   2,950      3,000     228    1,012    1,190    1,339Â
   3,000      3,050     231    1,029    1,210    1,361Â
   3,050      3,100     235    1,046    1,230    1,384Â
   3,100      3,150     239    1,063    1,250    1,406Â
   3,150      3,200     243    1,080    1,270    1,429Â
   3,200      3,250     247    1,097    1,290    1,451Â
   3,250      3,300     251    1,114    1,310    1,474Â
   3,300      3,350     254    1,131    1,330    1,496Â
   3,350      3,400     258    1,148    1,350    1,519Â
   3,400      3,450     262    1,165    1,370    1,541Â
   3,450      3,500     266    1,182    1,390    1,564Â
   3,500      3,550     270    1,199    1,410    1,586Â
   3,550      3,600     273    1,216    1,430    1,609Â
   3,600      3,650     277    1,233    1,450    1,631Â
   3,650      3,700     281    1,250    1,470    1,654Â
   3,700      3,750     285    1,267    1,490    1,676Â
   3,750      3,800     289    1,284    1,510    1,699Â
   3,800      3,850     293    1,301    1,530    1,721Â
   3,850      3,900     296    1,318    1,550    1,744Â
   3,900      3,950     300    1,335    1,570    1,766Â
   3,950      4,000     304    1,352    1,590    1,789Â
   4,000      4,050     308    1,369    1,610    1,811Â
   4,050      4,100     312    1,386    1,630    1,834Â
   4,100      4,150     316    1,403    1,650    1,856Â
   4,150      4,200     319    1,420    1,670    1,879Â
   4,200      4,250     323    1,437    1,690    1,901Â
   4,250      4,300     327    1,454    1,710    1,924Â
   4,300      4,350     331    1,471    1,730    1,946Â
   4,350      4,400     335    1,488    1,750    1,969Â
   4,400      4,450     339    1,505    1,770    1,991Â
   4,450      4,500     342    1,522    1,790    2,014Â
   4,500      4,550     346    1,539    1,810    2,036Â
   4,550      4,600     350    1,556    1,830    2,059Â
   4,600      4,650     354    1,573    1,850    2,081Â
   4,650      4,700     358    1,590    1,870    2,104Â
   4,700      4,750     361    1,607    1,890    2,126Â
   4,750      4,800     365    1,624    1,910    2,149Â
   4,800      4,850     369    1,641    1,930    2,171Â
   4,850      4,900     373    1,658    1,950    2,194Â
   4,900      4,950     377    1,675    1,970    2,216Â
   4,950      5,000     381    1,692    1,990    2,239Â
   5,000      5,050     384    1,709    2,010    2,261Â
   5,050      5,100     388    1,726    2,030    2,284Â
   5,100      5,150     392    1,743    2,050    2,306Â
   5,150      5,200     396    1,760    2,070    2,329Â
   5,200      5,250     400    1,777    2,090    2,351Â
   5,250      5,300     404    1,794    2,110    2,374Â
   5,300      5,350     407    1,811    2,130    2,396Â
   5,350      5,400     411    1,828    2,150    2,419Â
   5,400      5,450     415    1,845    2,170    2,441Â
   5,450      5,500     419    1,862    2,190    2,464Â
   5,500      5,550     423    1,879    2,210    2,486Â
   5,550      5,600     426    1,896    2,230    2,509Â
   5,600      5,650     430    1,913    2,250    2,531Â
   5,650      5,700     434    1,930    2,270    2,554Â
   5,700      5,750     438    1,947    2,290    2,576Â
   5,750      5,800     442    1,964    2,310    2,599Â
   5,800      5,850     446    1,981    2,330    2,621Â
   5,850      5,900     449    1,998    2,350    2,644Â
   5,900      5,950     453    2,015    2,370    2,666Â
   5,950      6,000     457    2,032    2,390    2,689Â
   6,000      6,050     461    2,049    2,410    2,711Â
   6,050      6,100     465    2,066    2,430    2,734Â
   6,100      6,150     469    2,083    2,450    2,756Â
   6,150      6,200     472    2,100    2,470    2,779Â
   6,200      6,250     476    2,117    2,490    2,801Â
   6,250      6,300     480    2,134    2,510    2,824Â
   6,300      6,350     484    2,151    2,530    2,846Â
   6,350      6,400     488    2,168    2,550    2,869Â
   6,400      6,450     492    2,185    2,570    2,891Â
   6,450      6,500     495    2,202    2,590    2,914Â
   6,500      6,550     499    2,219    2,610    2,936Â
   6,550      6,600     503    2,236    2,630    2,959Â
   6,600      6,650     506    2,253    2,650    2,981Â
   6,650      6,700     506    2,270    2,670    3,004Â
   6,700      6,750     506    2,287    2,690    3,026Â
   6,750      6,800     506    2,304    2,710    3,049Â
   6,800      6,850     506    2,321    2,730    3,071Â
   6,850      6,900     506    2,338    2,750    3,094Â
   6,900      6,950     506    2,355    2,770    3,116Â
   6,950      7,000     506    2,372    2,790    3,139Â
   7,000      7,050     506    2,389    2,810    3,161Â
   7,050      7,100     506    2,406    2,830    3,184Â
   7,100      7,150     506    2,423    2,850    3,206Â
   7,150      7,200     506    2,440    2,870    3,229Â
   7,200      7,250     506    2,457    2,890    3,251Â
   7,250      7,300     506    2,474    2,910    3,274Â
   7,300      7,350     506    2,491    2,930    3,296Â
   7,350      7,400     506    2,508    2,950    3,319Â
   7,400      7,450     506    2,525    2,970    3,341Â
   7,450      7,500     506    2,542    2,990    3,364Â
   7,500      7,550     506    2,559    3,010    3,386Â
   7,550      7,600     506    2,576    3,030    3,409Â
   7,600      7,650     506    2,593    3,050    3,431Â
   7,650      7,700     506    2,610    3,070    3,454Â
   7,700      7,750     506    2,627    3,090    3,476Â
   7,750      7,800     506    2,644    3,110    3,499Â
   7,800      7,850     506    2,661    3,130    3,521Â
   7,850      7,900     506    2,678    3,150    3,544Â
   7,900      7,950     506    2,695    3,170    3,566Â
   7,950      8,000     506    2,712    3,190    3,589Â
   8,000      8,050     506    2,729    3,210    3,611Â
   8,050      8,100     506    2,746    3,230    3,634Â
   8,100      8,150     506    2,763    3,250    3,656Â
   8,150      8,200     506    2,780    3,270    3,679Â
   8,200      8,250     506    2,797    3,290    3,701Â
   8,250      8,300     506    2,814    3,310    3,724Â
   8,300      8,350     501    2,831    3,330    3,746Â
   8,350      8,400     498    2,848    3,350    3,769Â
   8,400      8,450     494    2,865    3,370    3,791Â
   8,450      8,500     490    2,882    3,390    3,814Â
   8,500      8,550     486    2,899    3,410    3,836Â
   8,550      8,600     482    2,916    3,430    3,859Â
   8,600      8,650     479    2,933    3,450    3,881Â
   8,650      8,700     475    2,950    3,470    3,904Â
   8,700      8,750     471    2,967    3,490    3,926Â
   8,750      8,800     467    2,984    3,510    3,949Â
   8,800      8,850     463    3,001    3,530    3,971Â
   8,850      8,900     459    3,018    3,550    3,994Â
   8,900      8,950     456    3,035    3,570    4,016Â
   8,950      9,000     452    3,052    3,590    4,039Â
   9,000      9,050     448    3,069    3,610    4,061Â
   9,050      9,100     444    3,086    3,630    4,084Â
   9,100      9,150     440    3,103    3,650    4,106Â
   9,150      9,200     436    3,120    3,670    4,129Â
   9,200      9,250     433    3,137    3,690    4,151Â
   9,250      9,300     429    3,154    3,710    4,174Â
   9,300      9,350     425    3,171    3,730    4,196Â
   9,350      9,400     421    3,188    3,750    4,219Â
   9,400      9,450     417    3,205    3,770    4,241Â
   9,450      9,500     413    3,222    3,790    4,264Â
   9,500      9,550     410    3,239    3,810    4,286Â
   9,550      9,600     406    3,256    3,830    4,309Â
   9,600      9,650     402    3,273    3,850    4,331Â
   9,650      9,700     398    3,290    3,870    4,354Â
   9,700      9,750     394    3,307    3,890    4,376Â
   9,750      9,800     391    3,324    3,910    4,399Â
   9,800      9,850     387    3,341    3,930    4,421Â
   9,850      9,900     383    3,358    3,950    4,444Â
   9,900      9,950     379    3,373    3,970    4,466Â
   9,950     10,000     375    3,373    3,990    4,489Â
  10,000     10,050     371    3,373    4,010    4,511Â
  10,050     10,100     368    3,373    4,030    4,534Â
  10,100     10,150     364    3,373    4,050    4,556Â
  10,150     10,200     360    3,373    4,070    4,579Â
  10,200     10,250     356    3,373    4,090    4,601Â
  10,250     10,300     352    3,373    4,110    4,624Â
  10,300     10,350     348    3,373    4,130    4,646Â
  10,350     10,400     345    3,373    4,150    4,669Â
  10,400     10,450     341    3,373    4,170    4,691Â
  10,450     10,500     337    3,373    4,190    4,714Â
  10,500     10,550     333    3,373    4,210    4,736Â
  10,550     10,600     329    3,373    4,230    4,759Â
  10,600     10,650     326    3,373    4,250    4,781Â
  10,650     10,700     322    3,373    4,270    4,804Â
  10,700     10,750     318    3,373    4,290    4,826Â
  10,750     10,800     314    3,373    4,310    4,849Â
  10,800     10,850     310    3,373    4,330    4,871Â
  10,850     10,900     306    3,373    4,350    4,894Â
  10,900     10,950     303    3,373    4,370    4,916Â
  10,950     11,000     299    3,373    4,390    4,939Â
  11,000     11,050     295    3,373    4,410    4,961Â
  11,050     11,100     291    3,373    4,430    4,984Â
  11,100     11,150     287    3,373    4,450    5,006Â
  11,150     11,200     283    3,373    4,470    5,029Â
  11,200     11,250     280    3,373    4,490    5,051Â
  11,250     11,300     276    3,373    4,510    5,074Â
  11,300     11,350     272    3,373    4,530    5,096Â
  11,350     11,400     268    3,373    4,550    5,119Â
  11,400     11,450     264    3,373    4,570    5,141Â
  11,450     11,500     260    3,373    4,590    5,164Â
  11,500     11,550     257    3,373    4,610    5,186Â
  11,550     11,600     253    3,373    4,630    5,209Â
  11,600     11,650     249    3,373    4,650    5,231Â
  11,650     11,700     245    3,373    4,670    5,254Â
  11,700     11,750     241    3,373    4,690    5,276Â
  11,750     11,800     238    3,373    4,710    5,299Â
  11,800     11,850     234    3,373    4,730    5,321Â
  11,850     11,900     230    3,373    4,750    5,344Â
  11,900     11,950     226    3,373    4,770    5,366Â
  11,950     12,000     222    3,373    4,790    5,389Â
  12,000     12,050     218    3,373    4,810    5,411Â
  12,050     12,100     215    3,373    4,830    5,434Â
  12,100     12,150     211    3,373    4,850    5,456Â
  12,150     12,200     207    3,373    4,870    5,479Â
  12,200     12,250     203    3,373    4,890    5,501Â
  12,250     12,300     199    3,373    4,910    5,524Â
  12,300     12,350     195    3,373    4,930    5,546Â
  12,350     12,400     192    3,373    4,950    5,569Â
  12,400     12,450     188    3,373    4,970    5,591Â
  12,450     12,500     184    3,373    4,990    5,614Â
  12,500     12,550     180    3,373    5,010    5,636Â
  12,550     12,600     176    3,373    5,030    5,659Â
  12,600     12,650     173    3,373    5,050    5,681Â
  12,650     12,700     169    3,373    5,070    5,704Â
  12,700     12,750     165    3,373    5,090    5,726Â
  12,750     12,800     161    3,373    5,110    5,749Â
  12,800     12,850     157    3,373    5,130    5,771Â
  12,850     12,900     153    3,373    5,150    5,794Â
  12,900     12,950     150    3,373    5,170    5,816Â
  12,950     13,000     146    3,373    5,190    5,839Â
  13,000     13,050     142    3,373    5,210    5,861Â
  13,050     13,100     138    3,373    5,230    5,884Â
  13,100     13,150     134    3,373    5,250    5,906Â
  13,150     13,200     130    3,373    5,270    5,929Â
  13,200     13,250     127    3,373    5,290    5,951Â
  13,250     13,300     123    3,373    5,310    5,974Â
  13,300     13,350     119    3,373    5,330    5,996Â
  13,350     13,400     115    3,373    5,350    6,019Â
  13,400     13,450     111    3,373    5,370    6,041Â
  13,450     13,500     107    3,373    5,390    6,064Â
  13,500     13,550     104    3,373    5,410    6,086Â
  13,550     13,600     100    3,373    5,430    6,109Â
  13,600     13,650      96    3,373    5,450    6,131Â
  13,650     13,700      92    3,373    5,470    6,154Â
  13,700     13,750      88    3,373    5,490    6,176Â
  13,750     13,800      85    3,373    5,510    6,199Â
  13,800     13,850      81    3,373    5,530    6,221Â
  13,850     13,900      77    3,373    5,550    6,244Â
  13,900     13,950      73    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  13,950     14,000      69    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,000     14,050      65    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,050     14,100      62    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,100     14,150      58    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,150     14,200      54    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,200     14,250      50    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,250     14,300      46    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,300     14,350      42    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,350     14,400      39    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,400     14,450      35    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,450     14,500      31    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,500     14,550      27    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,550     14,600      23    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,600     14,650      20    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,650     14,700      16    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,700     14,750      12    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,750     14,800      8    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,800     14,850      4    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,850     14,900      *    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,900     14,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,950     15,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
 * If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $14,850 but less than $14,880, and you have no qualifying children,Â
 your credit is $1.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $14,880 orÂ
 more, and you have no qualifying children, you can't take the credit.Â
  15,000     15,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,050     15,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,100     15,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,150     15,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,200     15,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,250     15,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,300     15,350      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,350     15,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,400     15,450      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,450     15,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,500     15,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,550     15,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,600     15,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,650     15,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,700     15,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,750     15,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,800     15,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,850     15,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,900     15,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,950     16,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,000     16,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,050     16,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,100     16,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,150     16,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,200     16,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,250     16,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,300     16,350      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,350     16,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,400     16,450      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,450     16,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,500     16,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,550     16,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,600     16,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,650     16,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,700     16,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,750     16,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,800     16,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,850     16,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,900     16,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,950     17,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,000     17,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,050     17,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,100     17,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,150     17,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,200     17,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,250     17,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
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  17,350     17,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
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  17,450     17,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,500     17,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,550     17,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,600     17,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,650     17,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,700     17,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,750     17,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,800     17,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,850     17,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,900     17,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,950     18,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,000     18,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,050     18,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,100     18,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,150     18,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,200     18,250      0    3,367    5,565    6,261Â
  18,250     18,300      0    3,359    5,554    6,251Â
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  18,350     18,400      0    3,343    5,533    6,230Â
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  18,450     18,500      0    3,327    5,512    6,208Â
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  18,550     18,600      0    3,311    5,491    6,187Â
  18,600     18,650      0    3,303    5,480    6,177Â
  18,650     18,700      0    3,295    5,470    6,166Â
  18,700     18,750      0    3,287    5,459    6,156Â
  18,750     18,800      0    3,279    5,449    6,145Â
  18,800     18,850      0    3,271    5,438    6,135Â
  18,850     18,900      0    3,263    5,428    6,124Â
  18,900     18,950      0    3,255    5,417    6,114Â
  18,950     19,000      0    3,247    5,407    6,103Â
  19,000     19,050      0    3,239    5,396    6,093Â
  19,050     19,100      0    3,231    5,386    6,082Â
  19,100     19,150      0    3,223    5,375    6,072Â
  19,150     19,200      0    3,215    5,365    6,061Â
  19,200     19,250      0    3,207    5,354    6,051Â
  19,250     19,300      0    3,199    5,343    6,040Â
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  19,350     19,400      0    3,183    5,322    6,019Â
  19,400     19,450      0    3,175    5,312    6,008Â
  19,450     19,500      0    3,167    5,301    5,998Â
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  19,550     19,600      0    3,151    5,280    5,977Â
  19,600     19,650      0    3,143    5,270    5,966Â
  19,650     19,700      0    3,135    5,259    5,956Â
  19,700     19,750      0    3,128    5,249    5,945Â
  19,750     19,800      0    3,120    5,238    5,935Â
  19,800     19,850      0    3,112    5,228    5,924Â
  19,850     19,900      0    3,104    5,217    5,914Â
  19,900     19,950      0    3,096    5,207    5,903Â
  19,950     20,000      0    3,088    5,196    5,893Â
  20,000     20,050      0    3,080    5,186    5,882Â
  20,050     20,100      0    3,072    5,175    5,872Â
  20,100     20,150      0    3,064    5,164    5,861Â
  20,150     20,200      0    3,056    5,154    5,850Â
  20,200     20,250      0    3,048    5,143    5,840Â
  20,250     20,300      0    3,040    5,133    5,829Â
  20,300     20,350      0    3,032    5,122    5,819Â
  20,350     20,400      0    3,024    5,112    5,808Â
  20,400     20,450      0    3,016    5,101    5,798Â
  20,450     20,500      0    3,008    5,091    5,787Â
  20,500     20,550      0    3,000    5,080    5,777Â
  20,550     20,600      0    2,992    5,070    5,766Â
  20,600     20,650      0    2,984    5,059    5,756Â
  20,650     20,700      0    2,976    5,049    5,745Â
  20,700     20,750      0    2,968    5,038    5,735Â
  20,750     20,800      0    2,960    5,028    5,724Â
  20,800     20,850      0    2,952    5,017    5,714Â
  20,850     20,900      0    2,944    5,007    5,703Â
  20,900     20,950      0    2,936    4,996    5,693Â
  20,950     21,000      0    2,928    4,985    5,682Â
  21,000     21,050      0    2,920    4,975    5,671Â
  21,050     21,100      0    2,912    4,964    5,661Â
  21,100     21,150      0    2,904    4,954    5,650Â
  21,150     21,200      0    2,896    4,943    5,640Â
  21,200     21,250      0    2,888    4,933    5,629Â
  21,250     21,300      0    2,880    4,922    5,619Â
  21,300     21,350      0    2,872    4,912    5,608Â
  21,350     21,400      0    2,864    4,901    5,598Â
  21,400     21,450      0    2,856    4,891    5,587Â
  21,450     21,500      0    2,848    4,880    5,577Â
  21,500     21,550      0    2,840    4,870    5,566Â
  21,550     21,600      0    2,832    4,859    5,556Â
  21,600     21,650      0    2,824    4,849    5,545Â
  21,650     21,700      0    2,816    4,838    5,535Â
  21,700     21,750      0    2,808    4,828    5,524Â
  21,750     21,800      0    2,800    4,817    5,513Â
  21,800     21,850      0    2,792    4,806    5,503Â
  21,850     21,900      0    2,784    4,796    5,492Â
  21,900     21,950      0    2,776    4,785    5,482Â
  21,950     22,000      0    2,768    4,775    5,471Â
  22,000     22,050      0    2,760    4,764    5,461Â
  22,050     22,100      0    2,752    4,754    5,450Â
  22,100     22,150      0    2,744    4,743    5,440Â
  22,150     22,200      0    2,736    4,733    5,429Â
  22,200     22,250      0    2,728    4,722    5,419Â
  22,250     22,300      0    2,720    4,712    5,408Â
  22,300     22,350      0    2,712    4,701    5,398Â
  22,350     22,400      0    2,704    4,691    5,387Â
  22,400     22,450      0    2,696    4,680    5,377Â
  22,450     22,500      0    2,688    4,670    5,366Â
  22,500     22,550      0    2,680    4,659    5,356Â
  22,550     22,600      0    2,672    4,649    5,345Â
  22,600     22,650      0    2,664    4,638    5,334Â
  22,650     22,700      0    2,656    4,627    5,324Â
  22,700     22,750      0    2,648    4,617    5,313Â
  22,750     22,800      0    2,640    4,606    5,303Â
  22,800     22,850      0    2,632    4,596    5,292Â
  22,850     22,900      0    2,624    4,585    5,282Â
  22,900     22,950      0    2,616    4,575    5,271Â
  22,950     23,000      0    2,608    4,564    5,261Â
  23,000     23,050      0    2,600    4,554    5,250Â
  23,050     23,100      0    2,592    4,543    5,240Â
  23,100     23,150      0    2,584    4,533    5,229Â
  23,150     23,200      0    2,576    4,522    5,219Â
  23,200     23,250      0    2,568    4,512    5,208Â
  23,250     23,300      0    2,560    4,501    5,198Â
  23,300     23,350      0    2,552    4,491    5,187Â
  23,350     23,400      0    2,544    4,480    5,177Â
  23,400     23,450      0    2,536    4,470    5,166Â
  23,450     23,500      0    2,528    4,459    5,155Â
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  23,550     23,600      0    2,512    4,438    5,134Â
  23,600     23,650      0    2,504    4,427    5,124Â
  23,650     23,700      0    2,496    4,417    5,113Â
  23,700     23,750      0    2,488    4,406    5,103Â
  23,750     23,800      0    2,480    4,396    5,092Â
  23,800     23,850      0    2,472    4,385    5,082Â
  23,850     23,900      0    2,464    4,375    5,071Â
  23,900     23,950      0    2,456    4,364    5,061Â
  23,950     24,000      0    2,448    4,354    5,050Â
  24,000     24,050      0    2,440    4,343    5,040Â
  24,050     24,100      0    2,432    4,333    5,029Â
  24,100     24,150      0    2,424    4,322    5,019Â
  24,150     24,200      0    2,416    4,312    5,008Â
  24,200     24,250      0    2,408    4,301    4,998Â
  24,250     24,300      0    2,400    4,290    4,987Â
  24,300     24,350      0    2,392    4,280    4,976Â
  24,350     24,400      0    2,384    4,269    4,966Â
  24,400     24,450      0    2,376    4,259    4,955Â
  24,450     24,500      0    2,368    4,248    4,945Â
  24,500     24,550      0    2,360    4,238    4,934Â
  24,550     24,600      0    2,352    4,227    4,924Â
  24,600     24,650      0    2,344    4,217    4,913Â
  24,650     24,700      0    2,336    4,206    4,903Â
  24,700     24,750      0    2,329    4,196    4,892Â
  24,750     24,800      0    2,321    4,185    4,882Â
  24,800     24,850      0    2,313    4,175    4,871Â
  24,850     24,900      0    2,305    4,164    4,861Â
  24,900     24,950      0    2,297    4,154    4,850Â
  24,950     25,000      0    2,289    4,143    4,840Â
  25,000     25,050      0    2,281    4,133    4,829Â
  25,050     25,100      0    2,273    4,122    4,819Â
  25,100     25,150      0    2,265    4,111    4,808Â
  25,150     25,200      0    2,257    4,101    4,797Â
  25,200     25,250      0    2,249    4,090    4,787Â
  25,250     25,300      0    2,241    4,080    4,776Â
  25,300     25,350      0    2,233    4,069    4,766Â
  25,350     25,400      0    2,225    4,059    4,755Â
  25,400     25,450      0    2,217    4,048    4,745Â
  25,450     25,500      0    2,209    4,038    4,734Â
  25,500     25,550      0    2,201    4,027    4,724Â
  25,550     25,600      0    2,193    4,017    4,713Â
  25,600     25,650      0    2,185    4,006    4,703Â
  25,650     25,700      0    2,177    3,996    4,692Â
  25,700     25,750      0    2,169    3,985    4,682Â
  25,750     25,800      0    2,161    3,975    4,671Â
  25,800     25,850      0    2,153    3,964    4,661Â
  25,850     25,900      0    2,145    3,954    4,650Â
  25,900     25,950      0    2,137    3,943    4,640Â
  25,950     26,000      0    2,129    3,932    4,629Â
  26,000     26,050      0    2,121    3,922    4,618Â
  26,050     26,100      0    2,113    3,911    4,608Â
  26,100     26,150      0    2,105    3,901    4,597Â
  26,150     26,200      0    2,097    3,890    4,587Â
  26,200     26,250      0    2,089    3,880    4,576Â
  26,250     26,300      0    2,081    3,869    4,566Â
  26,300     26,350      0    2,073    3,859    4,555Â
  26,350     26,400      0    2,065    3,848    4,545Â
  26,400     26,450      0    2,057    3,838    4,534Â
  26,450     26,500      0    2,049    3,827    4,524Â
  26,500     26,550      0    2,041    3,817    4,513Â
  26,550     26,600      0    2,033    3,806    4,503Â
  26,600     26,650      0    2,025    3,796    4,492Â
  26,650     26,700      0    2,017    3,785    4,482Â
  26,700     26,750      0    2,009    3,775    4,471Â
  26,750     26,800      0    2,001    3,764    4,460Â
  26,800     26,850      0    1,993    3,753    4,450Â
  26,850     26,900      0    1,985    3,743    4,439Â
  26,900     26,950      0    1,977    3,732    4,429Â
  26,950     27,000      0    1,969    3,722    4,418Â
  27,000     27,050      0    1,961    3,711    4,408Â
  27,050     27,100      0    1,953    3,701    4,397Â
  27,100     27,150      0    1,945    3,690    4,387Â
  27,150     27,200      0    1,937    3,680    4,376Â
  27,200     27,250      0    1,929    3,669    4,366Â
  27,250     27,300      0    1,921    3,659    4,355Â
  27,300     27,350      0    1,913    3,648    4,345Â
  27,350     27,400      0    1,905    3,638    4,334Â
  27,400     27,450      0    1,897    3,627    4,324Â
  27,450     27,500      0    1,889    3,617    4,313Â
  27,500     27,550      0    1,881    3,606    4,303Â
  27,550     27,600      0    1,873    3,596    4,292Â
  27,600     27,650      0    1,865    3,585    4,281Â
  27,650     27,700      0    1,857    3,574    4,271Â
  27,700     27,750      0    1,849    3,564    4,260Â
  27,750     27,800      0    1,841    3,553    4,250Â
  27,800     27,850      0    1,833    3,543    4,239Â
  27,850     27,900      0    1,825    3,532    4,229Â
  27,900     27,950      0    1,817    3,522    4,218Â
  27,950     28,000      0    1,809    3,511    4,208Â
  28,000     28,050      0    1,801    3,501    4,197Â
  28,050     28,100      0    1,793    3,490    4,187Â
  28,100     28,150      0    1,785    3,480    4,176Â
  28,150     28,200      0    1,777    3,469    4,166Â
  28,200     28,250      0    1,769    3,459    4,155Â
  28,250     28,300      0    1,761    3,448    4,145Â
  28,300     28,350      0    1,753    3,438    4,134Â
  28,350     28,400      0    1,745    3,427    4,124Â
  28,400     28,450      0    1,737    3,417    4,113Â
  28,450     28,500      0    1,729    3,406    4,102Â
  28,500     28,550      0    1,721    3,395    4,092Â
  28,550     28,600      0    1,713    3,385    4,081Â
  28,600     28,650      0    1,705    3,374    4,071Â
  28,650     28,700      0    1,697    3,364    4,060Â
  28,700     28,750      0    1,689    3,353    4,050Â
  28,750     28,800      0    1,681    3,343    4,039Â
  28,800     28,850      0    1,673    3,332    4,029Â
  28,850     28,900      0    1,665    3,322    4,018Â
  28,900     28,950      0    1,657    3,311    4,008Â
  28,950     29,000      0    1,649    3,301    3,997Â
  29,000     29,050      0    1,641    3,290    3,987Â
  29,050     29,100      0    1,633    3,280    3,976Â
  29,100     29,150      0    1,625    3,269    3,966Â
  29,150     29,200      0    1,617    3,259    3,955Â
  29,200     29,250      0    1,609    3,248    3,945Â
  29,250     29,300      0    1,601    3,237    3,934Â
  29,300     29,350      0    1,593    3,227    3,923Â
  29,350     29,400      0    1,585    3,216    3,913Â
  29,400     29,450      0    1,577    3,206    3,902Â
  29,450     29,500      0    1,569    3,195    3,892Â
  29,500     29,550      0    1,561    3,185    3,881Â
  29,550     29,600      0    1,553    3,174    3,871Â
  29,600     29,650      0    1,545    3,164    3,860Â
  29,650     29,700      0    1,537    3,153    3,850Â
  29,700     29,750      0    1,530    3,143    3,839Â
  29,750     29,800      0    1,522    3,132    3,829Â
  29,800     29,850      0    1,514    3,122    3,818Â
  29,850     29,900      0    1,506    3,111    3,808Â
  29,900     29,950      0    1,498    3,101    3,797Â
  29,950     30,000      0    1,490    3,090    3,787Â
  30,000     30,050      0    1,482    3,080    3,776Â
  30,050     30,100      0    1,474    3,069    3,766Â
  30,100     30,150      0    1,466    3,058    3,755Â
  30,150     30,200      0    1,458    3,048    3,744Â
  30,200     30,250      0    1,450    3,037    3,734Â
  30,250     30,300      0    1,442    3,027    3,723Â
  30,300     30,350      0    1,434    3,016    3,713Â
  30,350     30,400      0    1,426    3,006    3,702Â
  30,400     30,450      0    1,418    2,995    3,692Â
  30,450     30,500      0    1,410    2,985    3,681Â
  30,500     30,550      0    1,402    2,974    3,671Â
  30,550     30,600      0    1,394    2,964    3,660Â
  30,600     30,650      0    1,386    2,953    3,650Â
  30,650     30,700      0    1,378    2,943    3,639Â
  30,700     30,750      0    1,370    2,932    3,629Â
  30,750     30,800      0    1,362    2,922    3,618Â
  30,800     30,850      0    1,354    2,911    3,608Â
  30,850     30,900      0    1,346    2,901    3,597Â
  30,900     30,950      0    1,338    2,890    3,587Â
  30,950     31,000      0    1,330    2,879    3,576Â
  31,000     31,050      0    1,322    2,869    3,565Â
  31,050     31,100      0    1,314    2,858    3,555Â
  31,100     31,150      0    1,306    2,848    3,544Â
  31,150     31,200      0    1,298    2,837    3,534Â
  31,200     31,250      0    1,290    2,827    3,523Â
  31,250     31,300      0    1,282    2,816    3,513Â
  31,300     31,350      0    1,274    2,806    3,502Â
  31,350     31,400      0    1,266    2,795    3,492Â
  31,400     31,450      0    1,258    2,785    3,481Â
  31,450     31,500      0    1,250    2,774    3,471Â
  31,500     31,550      0    1,242    2,764    3,460Â
  31,550     31,600      0    1,234    2,753    3,450Â
  31,600     31,650      0    1,226    2,743    3,439Â
  31,650     31,700      0    1,218    2,732    3,429Â
  31,700     31,750      0    1,210    2,722    3,418Â
  31,750     31,800      0    1,202    2,711    3,407Â
  31,800     31,850      0    1,194    2,700    3,397Â
  31,850     31,900      0    1,186    2,690    3,386Â
  31,900     31,950      0    1,178    2,679    3,376Â
  31,950     32,000      0    1,170    2,669    3,365Â
  32,000     32,050      0    1,162    2,658    3,355Â
  32,050     32,100      0    1,154    2,648    3,344Â
  32,100     32,150      0    1,146    2,637    3,334Â
  32,150     32,200      0    1,138    2,627    3,323Â
  32,200     32,250      0    1,130    2,616    3,313Â
  32,250     32,300      0    1,122    2,606    3,302Â
  32,300     32,350      0    1,114    2,595    3,292Â
  32,350     32,400      0    1,106    2,585    3,281Â
  32,400     32,450      0    1,098    2,574    3,271Â
  32,450     32,500      0    1,090    2,564    3,260Â
  32,500     32,550      0    1,082    2,553    3,250Â
  32,550     32,600      0    1,074    2,543    3,239Â
  32,600     32,650      0    1,066    2,532    3,228Â
  32,650     32,700      0    1,058    2,521    3,218Â
  32,700     32,750      0    1,050    2,511    3,207Â
  32,750     32,800      0    1,042    2,500    3,197Â
  32,800     32,850      0    1,034    2,490    3,186Â
  32,850     32,900      0    1,026    2,479    3,176Â
  32,900     32,950      0    1,018    2,469    3,165Â
  32,950     33,000      0    1,010    2,458    3,155Â
  33,000     33,050      0    1,002    2,448    3,144Â
  33,050     33,100      0     994    2,437    3,134Â
  33,100     33,150      0     986    2,427    3,123Â
  33,150     33,200      0     978    2,416    3,113Â
  33,200     33,250      0     970    2,406    3,102Â
  33,250     33,300      0     962    2,395    3,092Â
  33,300     33,350      0     954    2,385    3,081Â
  33,350     33,400      0     946    2,374    3,071Â
  33,400     33,450      0     938    2,364    3,060Â
  33,450     33,500      0     930    2,353    3,049Â
  33,500     33,550      0     922    2,342    3,039Â
  33,550     33,600      0     914    2,332    3,028Â
  33,600     33,650      0     906    2,321    3,018Â
  33,650     33,700      0     898    2,311    3,007Â
  33,700     33,750      0     890    2,300    2,997Â
  33,750     33,800      0     882    2,290    2,986Â
  33,800     33,850      0     874    2,279    2,976Â
  33,850     33,900      0     866    2,269    2,965Â
  33,900     33,950      0     858    2,258    2,955Â
  33,950     34,000      0     850    2,248    2,944Â
  34,000     34,050      0     842    2,237    2,934Â
  34,050     34,100      0     834    2,227    2,923Â
  34,100     34,150      0     826    2,216    2,913Â
  34,150     34,200      0     818    2,206    2,902Â
  34,200     34,250      0     810    2,195    2,892Â
  34,250     34,300      0     802    2,184    2,881Â
  34,300     34,350      0     794    2,174    2,870Â
  34,350     34,400      0     786    2,163    2,860Â
  34,400     34,450      0     778    2,153    2,849Â
  34,450     34,500      0     770    2,142    2,839Â
  34,500     34,550      0     762    2,132    2,828Â
  34,550     34,600      0     754    2,121    2,818Â
  34,600     34,650      0     746    2,111    2,807Â
  34,650     34,700      0     738    2,100    2,797Â
  34,700     34,750      0     731    2,090    2,786Â
  34,750     34,800      0     723    2,079    2,776Â
  34,800     34,850      0     715    2,069    2,765Â
  34,850     34,900      0     707    2,058    2,755Â
  34,900     34,950      0     699    2,048    2,744Â
  34,950     35,000      0     691    2,037    2,734Â
  35,000     35,050      0     683    2,027    2,723Â
  35,050     35,100      0     675    2,016    2,713Â
  35,100     35,150      0     667    2,005    2,702Â
  35,150     35,200      0     659    1,995    2,691Â
  35,200     35,250      0     651    1,984    2,681Â
  35,250     35,300      0     643    1,974    2,670Â
  35,300     35,350      0     635    1,963    2,660Â
  35,350     35,400      0     627    1,953    2,649Â
  35,400     35,450      0     619    1,942    2,639Â
  35,450     35,500      0     611    1,932    2,628Â
  35,500     35,550      0     603    1,921    2,618Â
  35,550     35,600      0     595    1,911    2,607Â
  35,600     35,650      0     587    1,900    2,597Â
  35,650     35,700      0     579    1,890    2,586Â
  35,700     35,750      0     571    1,879    2,576Â
  35,750     35,800      0     563    1,869    2,565Â
  35,800     35,850      0     555    1,858    2,555Â
  35,850     35,900      0     547    1,848    2,544Â
  35,900     35,950      0     539    1,837    2,534Â
  35,950     36,000      0     531    1,826    2,523Â
  36,000     36,050      0     523    1,816    2,512Â
  36,050     36,100      0     515    1,805    2,502Â
  36,100     36,150      0     507    1,795    2,491Â
  36,150     36,200      0     499    1,784    2,481Â
  36,200     36,250      0     491    1,774    2,470Â
  36,250     36,300      0     483    1,763    2,460Â
  36,300     36,350      0     475    1,753    2,449Â
  36,350     36,400      0     467    1,742    2,439Â
  36,400     36,450      0     459    1,732    2,428Â
  36,450     36,500      0     451    1,721    2,418Â
  36,500     36,550      0     443    1,711    2,407Â
  36,550     36,600      0     435    1,700    2,397Â
  36,600     36,650      0     427    1,690    2,386Â
  36,650     36,700      0     419    1,679    2,376Â
  36,700     36,750      0     411    1,669    2,365Â
  36,750     36,800      0     403    1,658    2,354Â
  36,800     36,850      0     395    1,647    2,344Â
  36,850     36,900      0     387    1,637    2,333Â
  36,900     36,950      0     379    1,626    2,323Â
  36,950     37,000      0     371    1,616    2,312Â
  37,000     37,050      0     363    1,605    2,302Â
  37,050     37,100      0     355    1,595    2,291Â
  37,100     37,150      0     347    1,584    2,281Â
  37,150     37,200      0     339    1,574    2,270Â
  37,200     37,250      0     331    1,563    2,260Â
  37,250     37,300      0     323    1,553    2,249Â
  37,300     37,350      0     315    1,542    2,239Â
  37,350     37,400      0     307    1,532    2,228Â
  37,400     37,450      0     299    1,521    2,218Â
  37,450     37,500      0     291    1,511    2,207Â
  37,500     37,550      0     283    1,500    2,197Â
  37,550     37,600      0     275    1,490    2,186Â
  37,600     37,650      0     267    1,479    2,175Â
  37,650     37,700      0     259    1,468    2,165Â
  37,700     37,750      0     251    1,458    2,154Â
  37,750     37,800      0     243    1,447    2,144Â
  37,800     37,850      0     235    1,437    2,133Â
  37,850     37,900      0     227    1,426    2,123Â
  37,900     37,950      0     219    1,416    2,112Â
  37,950     38,000      0     211    1,405    2,102Â
  38,000     38,050      0     203    1,395    2,091Â
  38,050     38,100      0     195    1,384    2,081Â
  38,100     38,150      0     187    1,374    2,070Â
  38,150     38,200      0     179    1,363    2,060Â
  38,200     38,250      0     171    1,353    2,049Â
  38,250     38,300      0     163    1,342    2,039Â
  38,300     38,350      0     155    1,332    2,028Â
  38,350     38,400      0     147    1,321    2,018Â
  38,400     38,450      0     139    1,311    2,007Â
  38,450     38,500      0     131    1,300    1,996Â
  38,500     38,550      0     123    1,289    1,986Â
  38,550     38,600      0     115    1,279    1,975Â
  38,600     38,650      0     107    1,268    1,965Â
  38,650     38,700      0     99    1,258    1,954Â
  38,700     38,750      0     91    1,247    1,944Â
  38,750     38,800      0     83    1,237    1,933Â
  38,800     38,850      0     75    1,226    1,923Â
  38,850     38,900      0     67    1,216    1,912Â
  38,900     38,950      0     59    1,205    1,902Â
  38,950     39,000      0     51    1,195    1,891Â
  39,000     39,050      0     43    1,184    1,881Â
  39,050     39,100      0     35    1,174    1,870Â
  39,100     39,150      0     27    1,163    1,860Â
  39,150     39,200      0     19    1,153    1,849Â
  39,200     39,250      0     11    1,142    1,839Â
  39,250     39,300      0      *    1,131    1,828Â
  39,300     39,350      0      0    1,121    1,817Â
  39,350     39,400      0      0    1,110    1,807Â
 * If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $39,250 but less than $39,296, and you have one qualifying child,Â
 your credit is $4.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $39,296 orÂ
 more, and you have one qualifying child, you can't take the credit.Â
  39,400     39,450      0      0    1,100    1,796Â
  39,450     39,500      0      0    1,089    1,786Â
  39,500     39,550      0      0    1,079    1,775Â
  39,550     39,600      0      0    1,068    1,765Â
  39,600     39,650      0      0    1,058    1,754Â
  39,650     39,700      0      0    1,047    1,744Â
  39,700     39,750      0      0    1,037    1,733Â
  39,750     39,800      0      0    1,026    1,723Â
  39,800     39,850      0      0    1,016    1,712Â
  39,850     39,900      0      0    1,005    1,702Â
  39,900     39,950      0      0     995    1,691Â
  39,950     40,000      0      0     984    1,681Â
  40,000     40,050      0      0     974    1,670Â
  40,050     40,100      0      0     963    1,660Â
  40,100     40,150      0      0     952    1,649Â
  40,150     40,200      0      0     942    1,638Â
  40,200     40,250      0      0     931    1,628Â
  40,250     40,300      0      0     921    1,617Â
  40,300     40,350      0      0     910    1,607Â
  40,350     40,400      0      0     900    1,596Â
  40,400     40,450      0      0     889    1,586Â
  40,450     40,500      0      0     879    1,575Â
  40,500     40,550      0      0     868    1,565Â
  40,550     40,600      0      0     858    1,554Â
  40,600     40,650      0      0     847    1,544Â
  40,650     40,700      0      0     837    1,533Â
  40,700     40,750      0      0     826    1,523Â
  40,750     40,800      0      0     816    1,512Â
  40,800     40,850      0      0     805    1,502Â
  40,850     40,900      0      0     795    1,491Â
  40,900     40,950      0      0     784    1,481Â
  40,950     41,000      0      0     773    1,470Â
  41,000     41,050      0      0     763    1,459Â
  41,050     41,100      0      0     752    1,449Â
  41,100     41,150      0      0     742    1,438Â
  41,150     41,200      0      0     731    1,428Â
  41,200     41,250      0      0     721    1,417Â
  41,250     41,300      0      0     710    1,407Â
  41,300     41,350      0      0     700    1,396Â
  41,350     41,400      0      0     689    1,386Â
  41,400     41,450      0      0     679    1,375Â
  41,450     41,500      0      0     668    1,365Â
  41,500     41,550      0      0     658    1,354Â
  41,550     41,600      0      0     647    1,344Â
  41,600     41,650      0      0     637    1,333Â
  41,650     41,700      0      0     626    1,323Â
  41,700     41,750      0      0     616    1,312Â
  41,750     41,800      0      0     605    1,301Â
  41,800     41,850      0      0     594    1,291Â
  41,850     41,900      0      0     584    1,280Â
  41,900     41,950      0      0     573    1,270Â
  41,950     42,000      0      0     563    1,259Â
  42,000     42,050      0      0     552    1,249Â
  42,050     42,100      0      0     542    1,238Â
  42,100     42,150      0      0     531    1,228Â
  42,150     42,200      0      0     521    1,217Â
  42,200     42,250      0      0     510    1,207Â
  42,250     42,300      0      0     500    1,196Â
  42,300     42,350      0      0     489    1,186Â
  42,350     42,400      0      0     479    1,175Â
  42,400     42,450      0      0     468    1,165Â
  42,450     42,500      0      0     458    1,154Â
  42,500     42,550      0      0     447    1,144Â
  42,550     42,600      0      0     437    1,133Â
  42,600     42,650      0      0     426    1,122Â
  42,650     42,700      0      0     415    1,112Â
  42,700     42,750      0      0     405    1,101Â
  42,750     42,800      0      0     394    1,091Â
  42,800     42,850      0      0     384    1,080Â
  42,850     42,900      0      0     373    1,070Â
  42,900     42,950      0      0     363    1,059Â
  42,950     43,000      0      0     352    1,049Â
  43,000     43,050      0      0     342    1,038Â
  43,050     43,100      0      0     331    1,028Â
  43,100     43,150      0      0     321    1,017Â
  43,150     43,200      0      0     310    1,007Â
  43,200     43,250      0      0     300     996Â
  43,250     43,300      0      0     289     986Â
  43,300     43,350      0      0     279     975Â
  43,350     43,400      0      0     268     965Â
  43,400     43,450      0      0     258     954Â
  43,450     43,500      0      0     247     943Â
  43,500     43,550      0      0     236     933Â
  43,550     43,600      0      0     226     922Â
  43,600     43,650      0      0     215     912Â
  43,650     43,700      0      0     205     901Â
  43,700     43,750      0      0     194     891Â
  43,750     43,800      0      0     184     880Â
  43,800     43,850      0      0     173     870Â
  43,850     43,900      0      0     163     859Â
  43,900     43,950      0      0     152     849Â
  43,950     44,000      0      0     142     838Â
  44,000     44,050      0      0     131     828Â
  44,050     44,100      0      0     121     817Â
  44,100     44,150      0      0     110     807Â
  44,150     44,200      0      0     100     796Â
  44,200     44,250      0      0     89     786Â
  44,250     44,300      0      0     78     775Â
  44,300     44,350      0      0     68     764Â
  44,350     44,400      0      0     57     754Â
  44,400     44,450      0      0     47     743Â
  44,450     44,500      0      0     36     733Â
  44,500     44,550      0      0     26     722Â
  44,550     44,600      0      0     15     712Â
  44,600     44,650      0      0     **     701Â
  44,650     44,700      0      0      0     691Â
  44,700     44,750      0      0      0     680Â
  44,750     44,800      0      0      0     670Â
 ** f the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $44,600 but less than $44,648, and you have two qualifying children,Â
 your credit is $5.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $44,648 orÂ
 more, and you have two qualifying children, you can't take the credit.Â
  44,800     44,850      0      0      0     659Â
  44,850     44,900      0      0      0     649Â
  44,900     44,950      0      0      0     638Â
  44,950     45,000      0      0      0     628Â
  45,000     45,050      0      0      0     617Â
  45,050     45,100      0      0      0     607Â
  45,100     45,150      0      0      0     596Â
  45,150     45,200      0      0      0     585Â
  45,200     45,250      0      0      0     575Â
  45,250     45,300      0      0      0     564Â
  45,300     45,350      0      0      0     554Â
  45,350     45,400      0      0      0     543Â
  45,400     45,450      0      0      0     533Â
  45,450     45,500      0      0      0     522Â
  45,500     45,550      0      0      0     512Â
  45,550     45,600      0      0      0     501Â
  45,600     45,650      0      0      0     491Â
  45,650     45,700      0      0      0     480Â
  45,700     45,750      0      0      0     470Â
  45,750     45,800      0      0      0     459Â
  45,800     45,850      0      0      0     449Â
  45,850     45,900      0      0      0     438Â
  45,900     45,950      0      0      0     428Â
  45,950     46,000      0      0      0     417Â
  46,000     46,050      0      0      0     406Â
  46,050     46,100      0      0      0     396Â
  46,100     46,150      0      0      0     385Â
  46,150     46,200      0      0      0     375Â
  46,200     46,250      0      0      0     364Â
  46,250     46,300      0      0      0     354Â
  46,300     46,350      0      0      0     343Â
  46,350     46,400      0      0      0     333Â
  46,400     46,450      0      0      0     322Â
  46,450     46,500      0      0      0     312Â
  46,500     46,550      0      0      0     301Â
  46,550     46,600      0      0      0     291Â
  46,600     46,650      0      0      0     280Â
  46,650     46,700      0      0      0     270Â
  46,700     46,750      0      0      0     259Â
  46,750     46,800      0      0      0     248Â
  46,800     46,850      0      0      0     238Â
  46,850     46,900      0      0      0     227Â
  46,900     46,950      0      0      0     217Â
  46,950     47,000      0      0      0     206Â
  47,000     47,050      0      0      0     196Â
  47,050     47,100      0      0      0     185Â
  47,100     47,150      0      0      0     175Â
  47,150     47,200      0      0      0     164Â
  47,200     47,250      0      0      0     154Â
  47,250     47,300      0      0      0     143Â
  47,300     47,350      0      0      0     133Â
  47,350     47,400      0      0      0     122Â
  47,400     47,450      0      0      0     112Â
  47,450     47,500      0      0      0     101Â
  47,500     47,550      0      0      0     91Â
  47,550     47,600      0      0      0     80Â
  47,600     47,650      0      0      0     69Â
  47,650     47,700      0      0      0     59Â
  47,700     47,750      0      0      0     48Â
  47,750     47,800      0      0      0     38Â
  47,800     47,850      0      0      0     27Â
  47,850     47,900      0      0      0     17Â
  47,900     47,950      0      0      0      6Â
  47,950     48,000      0      0      0      *Â
 * If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $47,950 but less than $47,955 and you have three qualifying children,Â
 your credit is $1.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $47,955 orÂ
 more, and you have three qualifying children, you can't take theÂ
  48,000     48,050      0      0      0      0Â
  48,050     48,100      0      0      0      0Â
  48,100     48,150      0      0      0      0Â
  48,150     48,200      0      0      0      0Â
  48,200     48,250      0      0      0      0Â
  48,250     48,300      0      0      0      0Â
  48,300     48,350      0      0      0      0Â
  48,350     48,400      0      0      0      0Â
  48,400     48,450      0      0      0      0Â
  48,450     48,500      0      0      0      0Â
  48,500     48,550      0      0      0      0Â
  48,550     48,600      0      0      0      0Â
  48,600     48,650      0      0      0      0Â
  48,650     48,700      0      0      0      0Â
  48,700     48,750      0      0      0      0Â
  48,750     48,800      0      0      0      0Â
  48,800     48,850      0      0      0      0Â
  48,850     48,900      0      0      0      0Â
  48,900     48,950      0      0      0      0Â
  48,950     49,000      0      0      0      0Â
  49,000     49,050      0      0      0      0Â
  49,050     49,100      0      0      0      0Â
  49,100     49,150      0      0      0      0Â
  49,150     49,200      0      0      0      0Â
  49,200     49,250      0      0      0      0Â
  49,250     49,300      0      0      0      0Â
  49,300     49,350      0      0      0      0Â
  49,350     49,400      0      0      0      0Â
  49,400     49,450      0      0      0      0Â
  49,450     49,500      0      0      0      0Â
  49,500     49,550      0      0      0      0Â
  49,550     49,600      0      0      0      0Â
  49,600     49,650      0      0      0      0Â
  49,650     49,700      0      0      0      0Â
  49,700     49,750      0      0      0      0Â
  49,750     49,800      0      0      0      0Â
  49,800     49,850      0      0      0      0Â
  49,850     49,900      0      0      0      0Â
  49,900     49,950      0      0      0      0Â
  49,950     50,000      0      0      0      0Â
  50,000     50,050      0      0      0      0Â
  50,050     50,100      0      0      0      0Â
  50,100     50,150      0      0      0      0Â
  50,150     50,200      0      0      0      0Â
  50,200     50,250      0      0      0      0Â
  50,250     50,300      0      0      0      0Â
  50,300     50,350      0      0      0      0Â
  50,350     50,400      0      0      0      0Â
  50,400     50,450      0      0      0      0Â
  50,450     50,500      0      0      0      0Â
  50,500     50,550      0      0      0      0Â
  50,550     50,600      0      0      0      0Â
  50,600     50,650      0      0      0      0Â
  50,650     50,700      0      0      0      0Â
  50,700     50,750      0      0      0      0Â
  50,750     50,800      0      0      0      0Â
  50,800     50,850      0      0      0      0Â
  50,850     50,900      0      0      0      0Â
  50,900     50,950      0      0      0      0Â
  50,950     51,000      0      0      0      0Â
  51,000     51,050      0      0      0      0Â
  51,050     51,100      0      0      0      0Â
  51,100     51,150      0      0      0      0Â
  51,150     51,200      0      0      0      0Â
  51,200     51,250      0      0      0      0Â
  51,250     51,300      0      0      0      0Â
  51,300     51,350      0      0      0      0Â
  51,350     51,400      0      0      0      0Â
  51,400     51,450      0      0      0      0Â
  51,450     51,500      0      0      0      0Â
  51,500     51,550      0      0      0      0Â
  51,550     51,600      0      0      0      0Â
  51,600     51,650      0      0      0      0Â
  51,650     51,700      0      0      0      0Â
  51,700     51,750      0      0      0      0Â
  51,750     51,800      0      0      0      0Â
  51,800     51,850      0      0      0      0Â
  51,850     51,900      0      0      0      0Â
  51,900     51,950      0      0      0      0Â
  51,950     52,000      0      0      0      0Â
  52,000     52,050      0      0      0      0Â
  52,050     52,100      0      0      0      0Â
  52,100     52,150      0      0      0      0Â
  52,150     52,200      0      0      0      0Â
  52,200     52,250      0      0      0      0Â
  52,250     52,300      0      0      0      0Â
  52,300     52,350      0      0      0      0Â
  52,350     52,400      0      0      0      0Â
  52,400     52,450      0      0      0      0Â
  52,450     52,500      0      0      0      0Â
  52,500     52,550      0      0      0      0Â
  52,550     52,600      0      0      0      0Â
  52,600     52,650      0      0      0      0Â
  52,650     52,700      0      0      0      0Â
  52,700     52,750      0      0      0      0Â
  52,750     52,800      0      0      0      0Â
  52,800     52,850      0      0      0      0Â
  52,850     52,900      0      0      0      0Â
  52,900     52,950      0      0      0      0Â
  52,950     53,000      0      0      0      0Â
  53,000     53,050      0      0      0      0Â
  53,050     53,100      0      0      0      0Â
  53,100     53,150      0      0      0      0Â
  53,150     53,200      0      0      0      0Â
  53,200     53,250      0      0      0      0Â
  53,250     53,300      0      0      0      0Â
  53,300     53,350      0      0      0      0Â
  53,350     53,400      0      0      0      0Â
  53,400     53,450      0      0      0      0Â
  53,450     53,500      0      0      0      0Â
  53,500     53,505      0      0      0      0Â
 [Table Continued]Â
                   And your filing status is --Â
 If the amount youÂ
 are looking up fromÂ
 the worksheet is --      Married filing jointly and you have --Â
                 0      1      2      3Â
         But lessÂ
 At least      than           Your credit is --Â
    $1       $50      $2     $9     $10     $11Â
    50       100      6     26     30     34Â
    100       150      10     43     50     56Â
    150       200      13     60     70     79Â
    200       250      17     77     90     101Â
    250       300      21     94     110     124Â
    300       350      25     111     130     146Â
    350       400      29     128     150     169Â
    400       450      33     145     170     191Â
    450       500      36     162     190     214Â
    500       550      40     179     210     236Â
    550       600      44     196     230     259Â
    600       650      48     213     250     281Â
    650       700      52     230     270     304Â
    700       750      55     247     290     326Â
    750       800      59     264     310     349Â
    800       850      63     281     330     371Â
    850       900      67     298     350     394Â
    900       950      71     315     370     416Â
    950      1,000      75     332     390     439Â
   1,000      1,050      78     349     410     461Â
   1,050      1,100      82     366     430     484Â
   1,100      1,150      86     383     450     506Â
   1,150      1,200      90     400     470     529Â
   1,200      1,250      94     417     490     551Â
   1,250      1,300      98     434     510     574Â
   1,300      1,350     101     451     530     596Â
   1,350      1,400     105     468     550     619Â
   1,400      1,450     109     485     570     641Â
   1,450      1,500     113     502     590     664Â
   1,500      1,550     117     519     610     686Â
   1,550      1,600     120     536     630     709Â
   1,600      1,650     124     553     650     731Â
   1,650      1,700     128     570     670     754Â
   1,700      1,750     132     587     690     776Â
   1,750      1,800     136     604     710     799Â
   1,800      1,850     140     621     730     821Â
   1,850      1,900     143     638     750     844Â
   1,900      1,950     147     655     770     866Â
   1,950      2,000     151     672     790     889Â
   2,000      2,050     155     689     810     911Â
   2,050      2,100     159     706     830     934Â
   2,100      2,150     163     723     850     956Â
   2,150      2,200     166     740     870     979Â
   2,200      2,250     170     757     890    1,001Â
   2,250      2,300     174     774     910    1,024Â
   2,300      2,350     178     791     930    1,046Â
   2,350      2,400     182     808     950    1,069Â
   2,400      2,450     186     825     970    1,091Â
   2,450      2,500     189     842     990    1,114Â
   2,500      2,550     193     859    1,010    1,136Â
   2,550      2,600     197     876    1,030    1,159Â
   2,600      2,650     201     893    1,050    1,181Â
   2,650      2,700     205     910    1,070    1,204Â
   2,700      2,750     208     927    1,090    1,226Â
   2,750      2,800     212     944    1,110    1,249Â
   2,800      2,850     216     961    1,130    1,271Â
   2,850      2,900     220     978    1,150    1,294Â
   2,900      2,950     224     995    1,170    1,316Â
   2,950      3,000     228    1,012    1,190    1,339Â
   3,000      3,050     231    1,029    1,210    1,361Â
   3,050      3,100     235    1,046    1,230    1,384Â
   3,100      3,150     239    1,063    1,250    1,406Â
   3,150      3,200     243    1,080    1,270    1,429Â
   3,200      3,250     247    1,097    1,290    1,451Â
   3,250      3,300     251    1,114    1,310    1,474Â
   3,300      3,350     254    1,131    1,330    1,496Â
   3,350      3,400     258    1,148    1,350    1,519Â
   3,400      3,450     262    1,165    1,370    1,541Â
   3,450      3,500     266    1,182    1,390    1,564Â
   3,500      3,550     270    1,199    1,410    1,586Â
   3,550      3,600     273    1,216    1,430    1,609Â
   3,600      3,650     277    1,233    1,450    1,631Â
   3,650      3,700     281    1,250    1,470    1,654Â
   3,700      3,750     285    1,267    1,490    1,676Â
   3,750      3,800     289    1,284    1,510    1,699Â
   3,800      3,850     293    1,301    1,530    1,721Â
   3,850      3,900     296    1,318    1,550    1,744Â
   3,900      3,950     300    1,335    1,570    1,766Â
   3,950      4,000     304    1,352    1,590    1,789Â
   4,000      4,050     308    1,369    1,610    1,811Â
   4,050      4,100     312    1,386    1,630    1,834Â
   4,100      4,150     316    1,403    1,650    1,856Â
   4,150      4,200     319    1,420    1,670    1,879Â
   4,200      4,250     323    1,437    1,690    1,901Â
   4,250      4,300     327    1,454    1,710    1,924Â
   4,300      4,350     331    1,471    1,730    1,946Â
   4,350      4,400     335    1,488    1,750    1,969Â
   4,400      4,450     339    1,505    1,770    1,991Â
   4,450      4,500     342    1,522    1,790    2,014Â
   4,500      4,550     346    1,539    1,810    2,036Â
   4,550      4,600     350    1,556    1,830    2,059Â
   4,600      4,650     354    1,573    1,850    2,081Â
   4,650      4,700     358    1,590    1,870    2,104Â
   4,700      4,750     361    1,607    1,890    2,126Â
   4,750      4,800     365    1,624    1,910    2,149Â
   4,800      4,850     369    1,641    1,930    2,171Â
   4,850      4,900     373    1,658    1,950    2,194Â
   4,900      4,950     377    1,675    1,970    2,216Â
   4,950      5,000     381    1,692    1,990    2,239Â
   5,000      5,050     384    1,709    2,010    2,261Â
   5,050      5,100     388    1,726    2,030    2,284Â
   5,100      5,150     392    1,743    2,050    2,306Â
   5,150      5,200     396    1,760    2,070    2,329Â
   5,200      5,250     400    1,777    2,090    2,351Â
   5,250      5,300     404    1,794    2,110    2,374Â
   5,300      5,350     407    1,811    2,130    2,396Â
   5,350      5,400     411    1,828    2,150    2,419Â
   5,400      5,450     415    1,845    2,170    2,441Â
   5,450      5,500     419    1,862    2,190    2,464Â
   5,500      5,550     423    1,879    2,210    2,486Â
   5,550      5,600     426    1,896    2,230    2,509Â
   5,600      5,650     430    1,913    2,250    2,531Â
   5,650      5,700     434    1,930    2,270    2,554Â
   5,700      5,750     438    1,947    2,290    2,576Â
   5,750      5,800     442    1,964    2,310    2,599Â
   5,800      5,850     446    1,981    2,330    2,621Â
   5,850      5,900     449    1,998    2,350    2,644Â
   5,900      5,950     453    2,015    2,370    2,666Â
   5,950      6,000     457    2,032    2,390    2,689Â
   6,000      6,050     461    2,049    2,410    2,711Â
   6,050      6,100     465    2,066    2,430    2,734Â
   6,100      6,150     469    2,083    2,450    2,756Â
   6,150      6,200     472    2,100    2,470    2,779Â
   6,200      6,250     476    2,117    2,490    2,801Â
   6,250      6,300     480    2,134    2,510    2,824Â
   6,300      6,350     484    2,151    2,530    2,846Â
   6,350      6,400     488    2,168    2,550    2,869Â
   6,400      6,450     492    2,185    2,570    2,891Â
   6,450      6,500     495    2,202    2,590    2,914Â
   6,500      6,550     499    2,219    2,610    2,936Â
   6,550      6,600     503    2,236    2,630    2,959Â
   6,600      6,650     506    2,253    2,650    2,981Â
   6,650      6,700     506    2,270    2,670    3,004Â
   6,700      6,750     506    2,287    2,690    3,026Â
   6,750      6,800     506    2,304    2,710    3,049Â
   6,800      6,850     506    2,321    2,730    3,071Â
   6,850      6,900     506    2,338    2,750    3,094Â
   6,900      6,950     506    2,355    2,770    3,116Â
   6,950      7,000     506    2,372    2,790    3,139Â
   7,000      7,050     506    2,389    2,810    3,161Â
   7,050      7,100     506    2,406    2,830    3,184Â
   7,100      7,150     506    2,423    2,850    3,206Â
   7,150      7,200     506    2,440    2,870    3,229Â
   7,200      7,250     506    2,457    2,890    3,251Â
   7,250      7,300     506    2,474    2,910    3,274Â
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   7,350      7,400     506    2,508    2,950    3,319Â
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   7,450      7,500     506    2,542    2,990    3,364Â
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   7,550      7,600     506    2,576    3,030    3,409Â
   7,600      7,650     506    2,593    3,050    3,431Â
   7,650      7,700     506    2,610    3,070    3,454Â
   7,700      7,750     506    2,627    3,090    3,476Â
   7,750      7,800     506    2,644    3,110    3,499Â
   7,800      7,850     506    2,661    3,130    3,521Â
   7,850      7,900     506    2,678    3,150    3,544Â
   7,900      7,950     506    2,695    3,170    3,566Â
   7,950      8,000     506    2,712    3,190    3,589Â
   8,000      8,050     506    2,729    3,210    3,611Â
   8,050      8,100     506    2,746    3,230    3,634Â
   8,100      8,150     506    2,763    3,250    3,656Â
   8,150      8,200     506    2,780    3,270    3,679Â
   8,200      8,250     506    2,797    3,290    3,701Â
   8,250      8,300     506    2,814    3,310    3,724Â
   8,300      8,350     506    2,831    3,330    3,746Â
   8,350      8,400     506    2,848    3,350    3,769Â
   8,400      8,450     506    2,865    3,370    3,791Â
   8,450      8,500     506    2,882    3,390    3,814Â
   8,500      8,550     506    2,899    3,410    3,836Â
   8,550      8,600     506    2,916    3,430    3,859Â
   8,600      8,650     506    2,933    3,450    3,881Â
   8,650      8,700     506    2,950    3,470    3,904Â
   8,700      8,750     506    2,967    3,490    3,926Â
   8,750      8,800     506    2,984    3,510    3,949Â
   8,800      8,850     506    3,001    3,530    3,971Â
   8,850      8,900     506    3,018    3,550    3,994Â
   8,900      8,950     506    3,035    3,570    4,016Â
   8,950      9,000     506    3,052    3,590    4,039Â
   9,000      9,050     506    3,069    3,610    4,061Â
   9,050      9,100     506    3,086    3,630    4,084Â
   9,100      9,150     506    3,103    3,650    4,106Â
   9,150      9,200     506    3,120    3,670    4,129Â
   9,200      9,250     506    3,137    3,690    4,151Â
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   9,350      9,400     506    3,188    3,750    4,219Â
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   9,550      9,600     506    3,256    3,830    4,309Â
   9,600      9,650     506    3,273    3,850    4,331Â
   9,650      9,700     506    3,290    3,870    4,354Â
   9,700      9,750     506    3,307    3,890    4,376Â
   9,750      9,800     506    3,324    3,910    4,399Â
   9,800      9,850     506    3,341    3,930    4,421Â
   9,850      9,900     506    3,358    3,950    4,444Â
   9,900      9,950     506    3,373    3,970    4,466Â
   9,950     10,000     506    3,373    3,990    4,489Â
  10,000     10,050     506    3,373    4,010    4,511Â
  10,050     10,100     506    3,373    4,030    4,534Â
  10,100     10,150     506    3,373    4,050    4,556Â
  10,150     10,200     506    3,373    4,070    4,579Â
  10,200     10,250     506    3,373    4,090    4,601Â
  10,250     10,300     506    3,373    4,110    4,624Â
  10,300     10,350     506    3,373    4,130    4,646Â
  10,350     10,400     506    3,373    4,150    4,669Â
  10,400     10,450     506    3,373    4,170    4,691Â
  10,450     10,500     506    3,373    4,190    4,714Â
  10,500     10,550     506    3,373    4,210    4,736Â
  10,550     10,600     506    3,373    4,230    4,759Â
  10,600     10,650     506    3,373    4,250    4,781Â
  10,650     10,700     506    3,373    4,270    4,804Â
  10,700     10,750     506    3,373    4,290    4,826Â
  10,750     10,800     506    3,373    4,310    4,849Â
  10,800     10,850     506    3,373    4,330    4,871Â
  10,850     10,900     506    3,373    4,350    4,894Â
  10,900     10,950     506    3,373    4,370    4,916Â
  10,950     11,000     506    3,373    4,390    4,939Â
  11,000     11,050     506    3,373    4,410    4,961Â
  11,050     11,100     506    3,373    4,430    4,984Â
  11,100     11,150     506    3,373    4,450    5,006Â
  11,150     11,200     506    3,373    4,470    5,029Â
  11,200     11,250     506    3,373    4,490    5,051Â
  11,250     11,300     506    3,373    4,510    5,074Â
  11,300     11,350     506    3,373    4,530    5,096Â
  11,350     11,400     506    3,373    4,550    5,119Â
  11,400     11,450     506    3,373    4,570    5,141Â
  11,450     11,500     506    3,373    4,590    5,164Â
  11,500     11,550     506    3,373    4,610    5,186Â
  11,550     11,600     506    3,373    4,630    5,209Â
  11,600     11,650     506    3,373    4,650    5,231Â
  11,650     11,700     506    3,373    4,670    5,254Â
  11,700     11,750     506    3,373    4,690    5,276Â
  11,750     11,800     506    3,373    4,710    5,299Â
  11,800     11,850     506    3,373    4,730    5,321Â
  11,850     11,900     506    3,373    4,750    5,344Â
  11,900     11,950     506    3,373    4,770    5,366Â
  11,950     12,000     506    3,373    4,790    5,389Â
  12,000     12,050     506    3,373    4,810    5,411Â
  12,050     12,100     506    3,373    4,830    5,434Â
  12,100     12,150     506    3,373    4,850    5,456Â
  12,150     12,200     506    3,373    4,870    5,479Â
  12,200     12,250     506    3,373    4,890    5,501Â
  12,250     12,300     506    3,373    4,910    5,524Â
  12,300     12,350     506    3,373    4,930    5,546Â
  12,350     12,400     506    3,373    4,950    5,569Â
  12,400     12,450     506    3,373    4,970    5,591Â
  12,450     12,500     506    3,373    4,990    5,614Â
  12,500     12,550     506    3,373    5,010    5,636Â
  12,550     12,600     506    3,373    5,030    5,659Â
  12,600     12,650     506    3,373    5,050    5,681Â
  12,650     12,700     506    3,373    5,070    5,704Â
  12,700     12,750     506    3,373    5,090    5,726Â
  12,750     12,800     506    3,373    5,110    5,749Â
  12,800     12,850     506    3,373    5,130    5,771Â
  12,850     12,900     506    3,373    5,150    5,794Â
  12,900     12,950     506    3,373    5,170    5,816Â
  12,950     13,000     506    3,373    5,190    5,839Â
  13,000     13,050     506    3,373    5,210    5,861Â
  13,050     13,100     506    3,373    5,230    5,884Â
  13,100     13,150     506    3,373    5,250    5,906Â
  13,150     13,200     506    3,373    5,270    5,929Â
  13,200     13,250     506    3,373    5,290    5,951Â
  13,250     13,300     506    3,373    5,310    5,974Â
  13,300     13,350     506    3,373    5,330    5,996Â
  13,350     13,400     506    3,373    5,350    6,019Â
  13,400     13,450     506    3,373    5,370    6,041Â
  13,450     13,500     506    3,373    5,390    6,064Â
  13,500     13,550     506    3,373    5,410    6,086Â
  13,550     13,600     506    3,373    5,430    6,109Â
  13,600     13,650     506    3,373    5,450    6,131Â
  13,650     13,700     506    3,373    5,470    6,154Â
  13,700     13,750     506    3,373    5,490    6,176Â
  13,750     13,800     506    3,373    5,510    6,199Â
  13,800     13,850     506    3,373    5,530    6,221Â
  13,850     13,900     501    3,373    5,550    6,244Â
  13,900     13,950     498    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  13,950     14,000     494    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,000     14,050     490    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,050     14,100     486    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,100     14,150     482    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,150     14,200     479    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,200     14,250     475    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,250     14,300     471    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,300     14,350     467    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,350     14,400     463    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,400     14,450     459    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,450     14,500     456    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,500     14,550     452    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,550     14,600     448    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,600     14,650     444    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,650     14,700     440    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,700     14,750     436    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,750     14,800     433    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,800     14,850     429    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,850     14,900     425    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,900     14,950     421    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  14,950     15,000     417    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,000     15,050     413    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,050     15,100     410    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,100     15,150     406    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,150     15,200     402    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,200     15,250     398    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,250     15,300     394    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,300     15,350     391    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,350     15,400     387    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,400     15,450     383    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,450     15,500     379    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,500     15,550     375    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,550     15,600     371    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,600     15,650     368    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,650     15,700     364    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,700     15,750     360    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,750     15,800     356    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,800     15,850     352    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,850     15,900     348    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,900     15,950     345    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  15,950     16,000     341    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,000     16,050     337    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,050     16,100     333    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,100     16,150     329    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,150     16,200     326    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,200     16,250     322    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,250     16,300     318    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,300     16,350     314    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,350     16,400     310    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,400     16,450     306    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,450     16,500     303    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,500     16,550     299    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,550     16,600     295    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,600     16,650     291    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,650     16,700     287    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,700     16,750     283    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,750     16,800     280    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,800     16,850     276    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,850     16,900     272    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,900     16,950     268    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  16,950     17,000     264    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,000     17,050     260    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,050     17,100     257    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,100     17,150     253    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,150     17,200     249    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,200     17,250     245    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,250     17,300     241    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,300     17,350     238    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,350     17,400     234    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,400     17,450     230    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,450     17,500     226    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,500     17,550     222    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,550     17,600     218    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,600     17,650     215    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,650     17,700     211    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,700     17,750     207    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,750     17,800     203    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,800     17,850     199    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,850     17,900     195    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,900     17,950     192    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  17,950     18,000     188    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,000     18,050     184    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,050     18,100     180    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,100     18,150     176    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,150     18,200     173    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,200     18,250     169    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,250     18,300     165    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,300     18,350     161    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,350     18,400     157    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,400     18,450     153    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,450     18,500     150    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,500     18,550     146    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,550     18,600     142    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,600     18,650     138    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,650     18,700     134    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,700     18,750     130    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,750     18,800     127    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,800     18,850     123    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,850     18,900     119    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,900     18,950     115    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  18,950     19,000     111    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,000     19,050     107    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,050     19,100     104    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,100     19,150     100    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,150     19,200      96    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,200     19,250      92    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,250     19,300      88    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,300     19,350      85    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,350     19,400      81    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,400     19,450      77    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,450     19,500      73    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,500     19,550      69    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,550     19,600      65    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,600     19,650      62    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,650     19,700      58    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,700     19,750      54    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,750     19,800      50    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,800     19,850      46    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,850     19,900      42    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,900     19,950      39    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  19,950     20,000      35    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,000     20,050      31    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,050     20,100      27    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,100     20,150      23    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,150     20,200      20    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,200     20,250      16    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,250     20,300      12    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,300     20,350      8    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,350     20,400      4    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,400     20,450      **   3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,450     20,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,500     20,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,550     20,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
 ** If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $20,400 but less than $20,430, and you have no qualifying children,Â
 your credit is $1.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $20,430 orÂ
 more, and you have no qualifying children, you can't take the credit.Â
  20,600     20,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,650     20,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,700     20,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,750     20,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,800     20,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,850     20,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,900     20,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  20,950     21,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,000     21,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,050     21,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,100     21,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,150     21,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,200     21,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,250     21,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,300     21,350      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,350     21,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,400     21,450      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,450     21,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,500     21,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,550     21,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,600     21,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,650     21,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,700     21,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,750     21,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,800     21,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,850     21,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,900     21,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  21,950     22,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,000     22,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,050     22,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,100     22,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,150     22,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,200     22,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,250     22,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,300     22,350      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,350     22,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,400     22,450      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,450     22,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,500     22,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,550     22,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,600     22,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,650     22,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,700     22,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,750     22,800      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,800     22,850      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,850     22,900      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,900     22,950      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  22,950     23,000      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,000     23,050      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,050     23,100      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,100     23,150      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,150     23,200      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,200     23,250      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,250     23,300      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,300     23,350      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,350     23,400      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,400     23,450      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,450     23,500      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,500     23,550      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,550     23,600      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,600     23,650      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,650     23,700      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,700     23,750      0    3,373    5,572    6,269Â
  23,750     23,800      0    3,367    5,565    6,261Â
  23,800     23,850      0    3,359    5,554    6,251Â
  23,850     23,900      0    3,351    5,544    6,240Â
  23,900     23,950      0    3,343    5,533    6,230Â
  23,950     24,000      0    3,335    5,523    6,219Â
  24,000     24,050      0    3,327    5,512    6,208Â
  24,050     24,100      0    3,319    5,501    6,198Â
  24,100     24,150      0    3,311    5,491    6,187Â
  24,150     24,200      0    3,303    5,480    6,177Â
  24,200     24,250      0    3,295    5,470    6,166Â
  24,250     24,300      0    3,287    5,459    6,156Â
  24,300     24,350      0    3,279    5,449    6,145Â
  24,350     24,400      0    3,271    5,438    6,135Â
  24,400     24,450      0    3,263    5,428    6,124Â
  24,450     24,500      0    3,255    5,417    6,114Â
  24,500     24,550      0    3,247    5,407    6,103Â
  24,550     24,600      0    3,239    5,396    6,093Â
  24,600     24,650      0    3,231    5,386    6,082Â
  24,650     24,700      0    3,223    5,375    6,072Â
  24,700     24,750      0    3,215    5,365    6,061Â
  24,750     24,800      0    3,207    5,354    6,051Â
  24,800     24,850      0    3,199    5,343    6,040Â
  24,850     24,900      0    3,191    5,333    6,029Â
  24,900     24,950      0    3,183    5,322    6,019Â
  24,950     25,000      0    3,175    5,312    6,008Â
  25,000     25,050      0    3,167    5,301    5,998Â
  25,050     25,100      0    3,159    5,291    5,987Â
  25,100     25,150      0    3,151    5,280    5,977Â
  25,150     25,200      0    3,143    5,270    5,966Â
  25,200     25,250      0    3,135    5,259    5,956Â
  25,250     25,300      0    3,128    5,249    5,945Â
  25,300     25,350      0    3,120    5,238    5,935Â
  25,350     25,400      0    3,112    5,228    5,924Â
  25,400     25,450      0    3,104    5,217    5,914Â
  25,450     25,500      0    3,096    5,207    5,903Â
  25,500     25,550      0    3,088    5,196    5,893Â
  25,550     25,600      0    3,080    5,186    5,882Â
  25,600     25,650      0    3,072    5,175    5,872Â
  25,650     25,700      0    3,064    5,164    5,861Â
  25,700     25,750      0    3,056    5,154    5,850Â
  25,750     25,800      0    3,048    5,143    5,840Â
  25,800     25,850      0    3,040    5,133    5,829Â
  25,850     25,900      0    3,032    5,122    5,819Â
  25,900     25,950      0    3,024    5,112    5,808Â
  25,950     26,000      0    3,016    5,101    5,798Â
  26,000     26,050      0    3,008    5,091    5,787Â
  26,050     26,100      0    3,000    5,080    5,777Â
  26,100     26,150      0    2,992    5,070    5,766Â
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  26,650     26,700      0    2,904    4,954    5,650Â
  26,700     26,750      0    2,896    4,943    5,640Â
  26,750     26,800      0    2,888    4,933    5,629Â
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  26,850     26,900      0    2,872    4,912    5,608Â
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  26,950     27,000      0    2,856    4,891    5,587Â
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  28,050     28,100      0    2,680    4,659    5,356Â
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  28,750     28,800      0    2,568    4,512    5,208Â
  28,800     28,850      0    2,560    4,501    5,198Â
  28,850     28,900      0    2,552    4,491    5,187Â
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  28,950     29,000      0    2,536    4,470    5,166Â
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  29,750     29,800      0    2,408    4,301    4,998Â
  29,800     29,850      0    2,400    4,290    4,987Â
  29,850     29,900      0    2,392    4,280    4,976Â
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  29,950     30,000      0    2,376    4,259    4,955Â
  30,000     30,050      0    2,368    4,248    4,945Â
  30,050     30,100      0    2,360    4,238    4,934Â
  30,100     30,150      0    2,352    4,227    4,924Â
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  30,700     30,750      0    2,257    4,101    4,797Â
  30,750     30,800      0    2,249    4,090    4,787Â
  30,800     30,850      0    2,241    4,080    4,776Â
  30,850     30,900      0    2,233    4,069    4,766Â
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  30,950     31,000      0    2,217    4,048    4,745Â
  31,000     31,050      0    2,209    4,038    4,734Â
  31,050     31,100      0    2,201    4,027    4,724Â
  31,100     31,150      0    2,193    4,017    4,713Â
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  31,200     31,250      0    2,177    3,996    4,692Â
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  31,650     31,700      0    2,105    3,901    4,597Â
  31,700     31,750      0    2,097    3,890    4,587Â
  31,750     31,800      0    2,089    3,880    4,576Â
  31,800     31,850      0    2,081    3,869    4,566Â
  31,850     31,900      0    2,073    3,859    4,555Â
  31,900     31,950      0    2,065    3,848    4,545Â
  31,950     32,000      0    2,057    3,838    4,534Â
  32,000     32,050      0    2,049    3,827    4,524Â
  32,050     32,100      0    2,041    3,817    4,513Â
  32,100     32,150      0    2,033    3,806    4,503Â
  32,150     32,200      0    2,025    3,796    4,492Â
  32,200     32,250      0    2,017    3,785    4,482Â
  32,250     32,300      0    2,009    3,775    4,471Â
  32,300     32,350      0    2,001    3,764    4,460Â
  32,350     32,400      0    1,993    3,753    4,450Â
  32,400     32,450      0    1,985    3,743    4,439Â
  32,450     32,500      0    1,977    3,732    4,429Â
  32,500     32,550      0    1,969    3,722    4,418Â
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  32,600     32,650      0    1,953    3,701    4,397Â
  32,650     32,700      0    1,945    3,690    4,387Â
  32,700     32,750      0    1,937    3,680    4,376Â
  32,750     32,800      0    1,929    3,669    4,366Â
  32,800     32,850      0    1,921    3,659    4,355Â
  32,850     32,900      0    1,913    3,648    4,345Â
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  32,950     33,000      0    1,897    3,627    4,324Â
  33,000     33,050      0    1,889    3,617    4,313Â
  33,050     33,100      0    1,881    3,606    4,303Â
  33,100     33,150      0    1,873    3,596    4,292Â
  33,150     33,200      0    1,865    3,585    4,281Â
  33,200     33,250      0    1,857    3,574    4,271Â
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  33,600     33,650      0    1,793    3,490    4,187Â
  33,650     33,700      0    1,785    3,480    4,176Â
  33,700     33,750      0    1,777    3,469    4,166Â
  33,750     33,800      0    1,769    3,459    4,155Â
  33,800     33,850      0    1,761    3,448    4,145Â
  33,850     33,900      0    1,753    3,438    4,134Â
  33,900     33,950      0    1,745    3,427    4,124Â
  33,950     34,000      0    1,737    3,417    4,113Â
  34,000     34,050      0    1,729    3,406    4,102Â
  34,050     34,100      0    1,721    3,395    4,092Â
  34,100     34,150      0    1,713    3,385    4,081Â
  34,150     34,200      0    1,705    3,374    4,071Â
  34,200     34,250      0    1,697    3,364    4,060Â
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  34,300     34,350      0    1,681    3,343    4,039Â
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  34,450     34,500      0    1,657    3,311    4,008Â
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  34,650     34,700      0    1,625    3,269    3,966Â
  34,700     34,750      0    1,617    3,259    3,955Â
  34,750     34,800      0    1,609    3,248    3,945Â
  34,800     34,850      0    1,601    3,237    3,934Â
  34,850     34,900      0    1,593    3,227    3,923Â
  34,900     34,950      0    1,585    3,216    3,913Â
  34,950     35,000      0    1,577    3,206    3,902Â
  35,000     35,050      0    1,569    3,195    3,892Â
  35,050     35,100      0    1,561    3,185    3,881Â
  35,100     35,150      0    1,553    3,174    3,871Â
  35,150     35,200      0    1,545    3,164    3,860Â
  35,200     35,250      0    1,537    3,153    3,850Â
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  35,300     35,350      0    1,522    3,132    3,829Â
  35,350     35,400      0    1,514    3,122    3,818Â
  35,400     35,450      0    1,506    3,111    3,808Â
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  35,550     35,600      0    1,482    3,080    3,776Â
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  35,650     35,700      0    1,466    3,058    3,755Â
  35,700     35,750      0    1,458    3,048    3,744Â
  35,750     35,800      0    1,450    3,037    3,734Â
  35,800     35,850      0    1,442    3,027    3,723Â
  35,850     35,900      0    1,434    3,016    3,713Â
  35,900     35,950      0    1,426    3,006    3,702Â
  35,950     36,000      0    1,418    2,995    3,692Â
  36,000     36,050      0    1,410    2,985    3,681Â
  36,050     36,100      0    1,402    2,974    3,671Â
  36,100     36,150      0    1,394    2,964    3,660Â
  36,150     36,200      0    1,386    2,953    3,650Â
  36,200     36,250      0    1,378    2,943    3,639Â
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  36,750     36,800      0    1,290    2,827    3,523Â
  36,800     36,850      0    1,282    2,816    3,513Â
  36,850     36,900      0    1,274    2,806    3,502Â
  36,900     36,950      0    1,266    2,795    3,492Â
  36,950     37,000      0    1,258    2,785    3,481Â
  37,000     37,050      0    1,250    2,774    3,471Â
  37,050     37,100      0    1,242    2,764    3,460Â
  37,100     37,150      0    1,234    2,753    3,450Â
  37,150     37,200      0    1,226    2,743    3,439Â
  37,200     37,250      0    1,218    2,732    3,429Â
  37,250     37,300      0    1,210    2,722    3,418Â
  37,300     37,350      0    1,202    2,711    3,407Â
  37,350     37,400      0    1,194    2,700    3,397Â
  37,400     37,450      0    1,186    2,690    3,386Â
  37,450     37,500      0    1,178    2,679    3,376Â
  37,500     37,550      0    1,170    2,669    3,365Â
  37,550     37,600      0    1,162    2,658    3,355Â
  37,600     37,650      0    1,154    2,648    3,344Â
  37,650     37,700      0    1,146    2,637    3,334Â
  37,700     37,750      0    1,138    2,627    3,323Â
  37,750     37,800      0    1,130    2,616    3,313Â
  37,800     37,850      0    1,122    2,606    3,302Â
  37,850     37,900      0    1,114    2,595    3,292Â
  37,900     37,950      0    1,106    2,585    3,281Â
  37,950     38,000      0    1,098    2,574    3,271Â
  38,000     38,050      0    1,090    2,564    3,260Â
  38,050     38,100      0    1,082    2,553    3,250Â
  38,100     38,150      0    1,074    2,543    3,239Â
  38,150     38,200      0    1,066    2,532    3,228Â
  38,200     38,250      0    1,058    2,521    3,218Â
  38,250     38,300      0    1,050    2,511    3,207Â
  38,300     38,350      0    1,042    2,500    3,197Â
  38,350     38,400      0    1,034    2,490    3,186Â
  38,400     38,450      0    1,026    2,479    3,176Â
  38,450     38,500      0    1,018    2,469    3,165Â
  38,500     38,550      0    1,010    2,458    3,155Â
  38,550     38,600      0    1,002    2,448    3,144Â
  38,600     38,650      0     994    2,437    3,134Â
  38,650     38,700      0     986    2,427    3,123Â
  38,700     38,750      0     978    2,416    3,113Â
  38,750     38,800      0     970    2,406    3,102Â
  38,800     38,850      0     962    2,395    3,092Â
  38,850     38,900      0     954    2,385    3,081Â
  38,900     38,950      0     946    2,374    3,071Â
  38,950     39,000      0     938    2,364    3,060Â
  39,000     39,050      0     930    2,353    3,049Â
  39,050     39,100      0     922    2,342    3,039Â
  39,100     39,150      0     914    2,332    3,028Â
  39,150     39,200      0     906    2,321    3,018Â
  39,200     39,250      0     898    2,311    3,007Â
  39,250     39,300      0     890    2,300    2,997Â
  39,300     39,350      0     882    2,290    2,986Â
  39,350     39,400      0     874    2,279    2,976Â
  39,400     39,450      0     866    2,269    2,965Â
  39,450     39,500      0     858    2,258    2,955Â
  39,500     39,550      0     850    2,248    2,944Â
  39,550     39,600      0     842    2,237    2,934Â
  39,600     39,650      0     834    2,227    2,923Â
  39,650     39,700      0     826    2,216    2,913Â
  39,700     39,750      0     818    2,206    2,902Â
  39,750     39,800      0     810    2,195    2,892Â
  39,800     39,850      0     802    2,184    2,881Â
  39,850     39,900      0     794    2,174    2,870Â
  39,900     39,950      0     786    2,163    2,860Â
  39,950     40,000      0     778    2,153    2,849Â
  40,000     40,050      0     770    2,142    2,839Â
  40,050     40,100      0     762    2,132    2,828Â
  40,100     40,150      0     754    2,121    2,818Â
  40,150     40,200      0     746    2,111    2,807Â
  40,200     40,250      0     738    2,100    2,797Â
  40,250     40,300      0     731    2,090    2,786Â
  40,300     40,350      0     723    2,079    2,776Â
  40,350     40,400      0     715    2,069    2,765Â
  40,400     40,450      0     707    2,058    2,755Â
  40,450     40,500      0     699    2,048    2,744Â
  40,500     40,550      0     691    2,037    2,734Â
  40,550     40,600      0     683    2,027    2,723Â
  40,600     40,650      0     675    2,016    2,713Â
  40,650     40,700      0     667    2,005    2,702Â
  40,700     40,750      0     659    1,995    2,691Â
  40,750     40,800      0     651    1,984    2,681Â
  40,800     40,850      0     643    1,974    2,670Â
  40,850     40,900      0     635    1,963    2,660Â
  40,900     40,950      0     627    1,953    2,649Â
  40,950     41,000      0     619    1,942    2,639Â
  41,000     41,050      0     611    1,932    2,628Â
  41,050     41,100      0     603    1,921    2,618Â
  41,100     41,150      0     595    1,911    2,607Â
  41,150     41,200      0     587    1,900    2,597Â
  41,200     41,250      0     579    1,890    2,586Â
  41,250     41,300      0     571    1,879    2,576Â
  41,300     41,350      0     563    1,869    2,565Â
  41,350     41,400      0     555    1,858    2,555Â
  41,400     41,450      0     547    1,848    2,544Â
  41,450     41,500      0     539    1,837    2,534Â
  41,500     41,550      0     531    1,826    2,523Â
  41,550     41,600      0     523    1,816    2,512Â
  41,600     41,650      0     515    1,805    2,502Â
  41,650     41,700      0     507    1,795    2,491Â
  41,700     41,750      0     499    1,784    2,481Â
  41,750     41,800      0     491    1,774    2,470Â
  41,800     41,850      0     483    1,763    2,460Â
  41,850     41,900      0     475    1,753    2,449Â
  41,900     41,950      0     467    1,742    2,439Â
  41,950     42,000      0     459    1,732    2,428Â
  42,000     42,050      0     451    1,721    2,418Â
  42,050     42,100      0     443    1,711    2,407Â
  42,100     42,150      0     435    1,700    2,397Â
  42,150     42,200      0     427    1,690    2,386Â
  42,200     42,250      0     419    1,679    2,376Â
  42,250     42,300      0     411    1,669    2,365Â
  42,300     42,350      0     403    1,658    2,354Â
  42,350     42,400      0     395    1,647    2,344Â
  42,400     42,450      0     387    1,637    2,333Â
  42,450     42,500      0     379    1,626    2,323Â
  42,500     42,550      0     371    1,616    2,312Â
  42,550     42,600      0     363    1,605    2,302Â
  42,600     42,650      0     355    1,595    2,291Â
  42,650     42,700      0     347    1,584    2,281Â
  42,700     42,750      0     339    1,574    2,270Â
  42,750     42,800      0     331    1,563    2,260Â
  42,800     42,850      0     323    1,553    2,249Â
  42,850     42,900      0     315    1,542    2,239Â
  42,900     42,950      0     307    1,532    2,228Â
  42,950     43,000      0     299    1,521    2,218Â
  43,000     43,050      0     291    1,511    2,207Â
  43,050     43,100      0     283    1,500    2,197Â
  43,100     43,150      0     275    1,490    2,186Â
  43,150     43,200      0     267    1,479    2,175Â
  43,200     43,250      0     259    1,468    2,165Â
  43,250     43,300      0     251    1,458    2,154Â
  43,300     43,350      0     243    1,447    2,144Â
  43,350     43,400      0     235    1,437    2,133Â
  43,400     43,450      0     227    1,426    2,123Â
  43,450     43,500      0     219    1,416    2,112Â
  43,500     43,550      0     211    1,405    2,102Â
  43,550     43,600      0     203    1,395    2,091Â
  43,600     43,650      0     195    1,384    2,081Â
  43,650     43,700      0     187    1,374    2,070Â
  43,700     43,750      0     179    1,363    2,060Â
  43,750     43,800      0     171    1,353    2,049Â
  43,800     43,850      0     163    1,342    2,039Â
  43,850     43,900      0     155    1,332    2,028Â
  43,900     43,950      0     147    1,321    2,018Â
  43,950     44,000      0     139    1,311    2,007Â
  44,000     44,050      0     131    1,300    1,996Â
  44,050     44,100      0     123    1,289    1,986Â
  44,100     44,150      0     115    1,279    1,975Â
  44,150     44,200      0     107    1,268    1,965Â
  44,200     44,250      0     99    1,258    1,954Â
  44,250     44,300      0     91    1,247    1,944Â
  44,300     44,350      0     83    1,237    1,933Â
  44,350     44,400      0     75    1,226    1,923Â
  44,400     44,450      0     67    1,216    1,912Â
  44,450     44,500      0     59    1,205    1,902Â
  44,500     44,550      0     51    1,195    1,891Â
  44,550     44,600      0     43    1,184    1,881Â
  44,600     44,650      0     35    1,174    1,870Â
  44,650     44,700      0     27    1,163    1,860Â
  44,700     44,750      0     19    1,153    1,849Â
  44,750     44,800      0     11    1,142    1,839Â
  44,800     44,850      0     ***    1,131    1,828Â
  44,850     44,900      0      0    1,121    1,817Â
  44,900     44,950      0      0    1,110    1,807Â
  44,950     45,000      0      0    1,100    1,796Â
 *** If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $44,800 but less than $44,846, and you have one qualifying child,Â
 your credit is $4.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $44,846 orÂ
 more, and you have one qualifying child, you can't take the credit.Â
  45,000     45,050      0      0    1,089    1,786Â
  45,050     45,100      0      0    1,079    1,775Â
  45,100     45,150      0      0    1,068    1,765Â
  45,150     45,200      0      0    1,058    1,754Â
  45,200     45,250      0      0    1,047    1,744Â
  45,250     45,300      0      0    1,037    1,733Â
  45,300     45,350      0      0    1,026    1,723Â
  45,350     45,400      0      0    1,016    1,712Â
  45,400     45,450      0      0    1,005    1,702Â
  45,450     45,500      0      0     995    1,691Â
  45,500     45,550      0      0     984    1,681Â
  45,550     45,600      0      0     974    1,670Â
  45,600     45,650      0      0     963    1,660Â
  45,650     45,700      0      0     952    1,649Â
  45,700     45,750      0      0     942    1,638Â
  45,750     45,800      0      0     931    1,628Â
  45,800     45,850      0      0     921    1,617Â
  45,850     45,900      0      0     910    1,607Â
  45,900     45,950      0      0     900    1,596Â
  45,950     46,000      0      0     889    1,586Â
  46,000     46,050      0      0     879    1,575Â
  46,050     46,100      0      0     868    1,565Â
  46,100     46,150      0      0     858    1,554Â
  46,150     46,200      0      0     847    1,544Â
  46,200     46,250      0      0     837    1,533Â
  46,250     46,300      0      0     826    1,523Â
  46,300     46,350      0      0     816    1,512Â
  46,350     46,400      0      0     805    1,502Â
  46,400     46,450      0      0     795    1,491Â
  46,450     46,500      0      0     784    1,481Â
  46,500     46,550      0      0     773    1,470Â
  46,550     46,600      0      0     763    1,459Â
  46,600     46,650      0      0     752    1,449Â
  46,650     46,700      0      0     742    1,438Â
  46,700     46,750      0      0     731    1,428Â
  46,750     46,800      0      0     721    1,417Â
  46,800     46,850      0      0     710    1,407Â
  46,850     46,900      0      0     700    1,396Â
  46,900     46,950      0      0     689    1,386Â
  46,950     47,000      0      0     679    1,375Â
  47,000     47,050      0      0     668    1,365Â
  47,050     47,100      0      0     658    1,354Â
  47,100     47,150      0      0     647    1,344Â
  47,150     47,200      0      0     637    1,333Â
  47,200     47,250      0      0     626    1,323Â
  47,250     47,300      0      0     616    1,312Â
  47,300     47,350      0      0     605    1,301Â
  47,350     47,400      0      0     594    1,291Â
  47,400     47,450      0      0     584    1,280Â
  47,450     47,500      0      0     573    1,270Â
  47,500     47,550      0      0     563    1,259Â
  47,550     47,600      0      0     552    1,249Â
  47,600     47,650      0      0     542    1,238Â
  47,650     47,700      0      0     531    1,228Â
  47,700     47,750      0      0     521    1,217Â
  47,750     47,800      0      0     510    1,207Â
  47,800     47,850      0      0     500    1,196Â
  47,850     47,900      0      0     489    1,186Â
  47,900     47,950      0      0     479    1,175Â
  47,950     48,000      0      0     468    1,165Â
  48,000     48,050      0      0     458    1,154Â
  48,050     48,100      0      0     447    1,144Â
  48,100     48,150      0      0     437    1,133Â
  48,150     48,200      0      0     426    1,122Â
  48,200     48,250      0      0     415    1,112Â
  48,250     48,300      0      0     405    1,101Â
  48,300     48,350      0      0     394    1,091Â
  48,350     48,400      0      0     384    1,080Â
  48,400     48,450      0      0     373    1,070Â
  48,450     48,500      0      0     363    1,059Â
  48,500     48,550      0      0     352    1,049Â
  48,550     48,600      0      0     342    1,038Â
  48,600     48,650      0      0     331    1,028Â
  48,650     48,700      0      0     321    1,017Â
  48,700     48,750      0      0     310    1,007Â
  48,750     48,800      0      0     300     996Â
  48,800     48,850      0      0     289     986Â
  48,850     48,900      0      0     279     975Â
  48,900     48,950      0      0     268     965Â
  48,950     49,000      0      0     258     954Â
  49,000     49,050      0      0     247     943Â
  49,050     49,100      0      0     236     933Â
  49,100     49,150      0      0     226     922Â
  49,150     49,200      0      0     215     912Â
  49,200     49,250      0      0     205     901Â
  49,250     49,300      0      0     194     891Â
  49,300     49,350      0      0     184     880Â
  49,350     49,400      0      0     173     870Â
  49,400     49,450      0      0     163     859Â
  49,450     49,500      0      0     152     849Â
  49,500     49,550      0      0     142     838Â
  49,550     49,600      0      0     131     828Â
  49,600     49,650      0      0     121     817Â
  49,650     49,700      0      0     110     807Â
  49,700     49,750      0      0     100     796Â
  49,750     49,800      0      0     89     786Â
  49,800     49,850      0      0     78     775Â
  49,850     49,900      0      0     68     764Â
  49,900     49,950      0      0     57     754Â
  49,950     50,000      0      0     47     743Â
  50,000     50,050      0      0     36     733Â
  50,050     50,100      0      0     26     722Â
  50,100     50,150      0      0     15     712Â
  50,150     50,200      0      0     **     701Â
 ** If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is at leastÂ
 $50,150 but less than $50,198 and you have two qualifying children,Â
 your credit is $5.Â
 If the amount you are looking up from the worksheet is $50,198 orÂ
 more, and you have two qualifying children, you can't take the credit.Â
  50,200     50,250      0      0      0     691Â
  50,250     50,300      0      0      0     680Â
  50,300     50,350      0      0      0     670Â
  50,350     50,400      0      0      0     659Â
  50,400     50,450      0      0      0     649Â
  50,450     50,500      0      0      0     638Â
  50,500     50,550      0      0      0     628Â
  50,550     50,600      0      0      0     617Â
  50,600     50,650      0      0      0     607Â
  50,650     50,700      0      0      0     596Â
  50,700     50,750      0      0      0     585Â
  50,750     50,800      0      0      0     575Â
  50,800     50,850      0      0      0     564Â
  50,850     50,900      0      0      0     554Â
  50,900     50,950      0      0      0     543Â
  50,950     51,000      0      0      0     533Â
  51,000     51,050      0      0      0     522Â
  51,050     51,100      0      0      0     512Â
  51,100     51,150      0      0      0     501Â
  51,150     51,200      0      0      0     491Â
  51,200     51,250      0      0      0     480Â
  51,250     51,300      0      0      0     470Â
  51,300     51,350      0      0      0     459Â
  51,350     51,400      0      0      0     449Â
  51,400     51,450      0      0      0     438Â
  51,450     51,500      0      0      0     428Â
  51,500     51,550      0      0      0     417Â
  51,550     51,600      0      0      0     406Â
  51,600     51,650      0      0      0     396Â
  51,650     51,700      0      0      0     385Â
  51,700     51,750      0      0      0     375Â
  51,750     51,800      0      0      0     364Â
  51,800     51,850      0      0      0     354Â
  51,850     51,900      0      0      0     343Â
  51,900     51,950      0      0      0     333Â
  51,950     52,000      0      0      0     322Â
  52,000     52,050      0      0      0     312Â
  52,050     52,100      0      0      0     301Â
  52,100     52,150      0      0      0     291Â
  52,150     52,200      0      0      0     280Â
  52,200     52,250      0      0      0     270Â
  52,250     52,300      0      0      0     259Â
  52,300     52,350      0      0      0     248Â
  52,350     52,400      0      0      0     238Â
  52,400     52,450      0      0      0     227Â
  52,450     52,500      0      0      0     217Â
  52,500     52,550      0      0      0     206Â
  52,550     52,600      0      0      0     196Â
  52,600     52,650      0      0      0     185Â
  52,650     52,700      0      0      0     175Â
  52,700     52,750      0      0      0     164Â
  52,750     52,800      0      0      0     154Â
  52,800     52,850      0      0      0     143Â
  52,850     52,900      0      0      0     133Â
  52,900     52,950      0      0      0     122Â
  52,950     53,000      0      0      0     112Â
  53,000     53,050      0      0      0     101Â
  53,050     53,100      0      0      0     91Â
  53,100     53,150      0      0      0     80Â
  53,150     53,200      0      0      0     69Â
  53,200     53,250      0      0      0     59Â
  53,250     53,300      0      0      0     48Â
  53,300     53,350      0      0      0     38Â
  53,350     53,400      0      0      0     27Â
  53,400     53,450      0      0      0     17Â
  53,450     53,500      0      0      0      6Â
  53,500     53,505      0      0      0      1Â
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jurisdictions
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