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SEP. 14, 1987

Rev. Proc. 87-47; 1987-2 C.B. 635

DATED SEP. 14, 1987
Citations: Rev. Proc. 87-47; 1987-2 C.B. 635

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 90-9

Rev. Proc. 87-47










































.01 The purpose of this revenue procedure is to update Rev. Proc. 86-13, 1986-1 C.B. 535, (IRS Pub. 1245), which outlines the requirements and conditions for submitting certain Forms W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, on magnetic tape to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Computer Center (NCC). It also makes certain other changes based on new requirements contained in The Tax Reform Act of 1986.

.02 Employers may submit all information on magnetic tape; or a combination of tape records and paper documents is acceptable, provided there is no duplication or omission of documents.

.03 Employers are required to receive a new Form W-4 or Form W-4A from all employees before October 1, 1987.

.04 Employers are required to send to IRS quarterly copies of all Forms W-4 received during the quarter from employees still employed at the end of the quarter who claim the following:

(a) More than ten (10) withholding allowances, or

(b) Exempt status and are expected to earn more than $200 a week.

Employers are not required to send any others unless notified by IRS in writing to do so. Employers are required also to notify certain employees not having income tax withheld that they may be eligible for a tax refund because of the Earned Income Credit (EIC) since the amount of EIC that exceeds the tax liability is refunded. Employers can notify these employees by giving them Notice 797 with their Forms W-2s (or within 1 week before or after giving the W-2).


.01 There are two major changes in the lengths of tape fields; i.e., "Employee Zip Code" is increased from 5 to 9 positions and "Allowances" is increased from 2 to 3 positions. As a result, all tape positions starting at position 142 are changed.


.02 In Part B, Magnetic Tape Specifications, Section 1. General, note the changes for the Interrecord Gap. Also, see instructions regarding use of special characters.

.03 The filing requirement for Form 4419 is changed from Quarterly to Yearly. This does not affect the quarterly reporting of the information returns.

.04 In Part A, Section 9, General, "Definition of Terms" has been added.

.05 A Calendar which is also included in Circular E has been added at the end of this revenue procedure.

.06 Other changes are editorial in nature only.


.01 Employers or transmitters who wish to file on magnetic tape must submit a Form 4419, Application for Magnetic Media Reporting of Information Returns. (Copy attached at the end of this publication. Instructions for its completion are on the reverse side of the form.)

.02 Magnetic tape returns may not be filed with IRS until authorization to file is received. Requests will be approved or disapproved within 30 days of receipt.

.03 Only applications of employers or transmitters whose tape files meet the specifications in Part B, Section 1, will be approved.

.04 In general, once authorization to file on magnetic tape has been granted, a five-character alpha/numeric Transmitter Control Code (TCC) will be assigned and such approval will continue in effect in succeeding years provided the requirements of the current revenue procedure are met and there are no equipment changes by the employer or transmitter. Although a TCC may have been already assigned to a transmitter from a previous filing of information returns other than Form W-4, the W-4 program requires a separate TCC of its own. This TCC must appear on all transmittal forms submitted with magnetic media files as well as other correspondence.

.05 New applications are required whenever:

(a) You have made hardware or software changes that would affect the characteristics of the magnetic media submission, in which case a new TCC may be necessary.

(b) You discontinue filing on magnetic media for a year, in which case your TCC may have been reassigned. In the past it was necessary to refile if you missed one quarter. This requirement is changed to "yearly".

(c) You have used a Service Agency in the past to prepare your files but now have computer equipment compatible with that of IRS, in which case you must request your own TCC.

If any of the above conditions apply to you, contact the IRS NCC Magnetic Media area for clarification at (304) 263-8700.


Magnetic tape reporting of Forms W-4 to IRS must be at least quarterly (monthly reporting is encouraged) following the quarter ending due dates:

 Period Covered                                            Due Date


 January 1 thru March 31                                   April 30


 April 1 thru June 30                                      July 31


 July 1 thru September 30                                  October 31


 October 1 thru December 31                                January 31




.01 A Magnetic Tape Reporting package (MTR), which includes all packaging, shipping, and mailing instructions, and the necessary transmittals and labels will be mailed to approved filers each year.

.02 If the employer chooses to file paper copies (originals are for your records), then a cover letter which includes the employer's name, address, employer identification number, and the number of Forms W-4 being submitted, must be sent to the service center where Forms 941 are filed. The paper copies may also be submitted as an attachment to Form 941.

If the employer chooses to file on magnetic media, then a Form 6466 Transmittal of Magnetic Tape of Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, must be sent to the IRS National Computer Center as prescribed in Part A, Section 8.


.03 The affidavit appearing on Form 6466 should be signed by the employer(s); however, the transmitter, service bureau, or disbursing agent may sign the affidavit on behalf of the employer(s) if all the following conditions are met:

(a) The agent has the authority to sign the affidavit under an agency agreement (either oral, written, or implied) that is valid under the state law.

(b)(i) The agent has the responsibility (either oral, written, or implied) conferred on it by the employer to request the Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs) of employees (or others for whom information is being reported), or

(ii) If the return of more than one employer is included in a single tape submission, covered by a single Form 6466, each employer has attested by affidavit to the transmitter, service bureau, paying agent, or disbursing agent that the payer has complied with the law in attempting to secure correct TINs.

(c) The agent signs the form and adds the caption "For: (name of employer or other person required to file)."

.04 Although a duly authorized agent signs the affidavit, the employer is held responsible for the accuracy of Form W-4 contained on magnetic tape.


.01 THE MAGNETIC TAPE SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED IN PART B OF THIS REVENUE PROCEDURE MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. If files are unprocessable, they will be returned to you for replacement and resubmission of tapes or for submission of copies of paper Forms W-4. Replacement files must be submitted to IRS as soon as possible and should be identified as "magnetic media replacements" (write, type or machine print in upper case letters). This identification must also appear on the external label of the magnetic media shipment.

.02 IRS will process the information from the original tapes and will return the original tapes to the employer. Normally tapes will be returned either within three months after the quarterly due date for submission to IRS or within three months after actual receipt of acceptable tapes, whichever is later.

.03 IRS cannot accept any COD (Cash-on-Delivery) or Charge-to-IRS shipments of reportable tax information that an individual or organization is legally required to submit. Do not use special containers because IRS cannot guarantee their return. When shipping more than one box, number the boxes in sequence (Box 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc.). Use the shipping label, Form 4801, on the outside of the shipping container.


.01 Magnetic tape reporting to IRS eliminates the need to submit copies of paper Forms W-4. However, employers must maintain the original Forms W-4, either on magnetic media or on paper for their records; or they must have the ability to reconstruct the data for four years.

.02 If part of the Forms W-4 are reported on magnetic tape and the remainder are reported on paper copy forms, those paper copy returns must be filed on the prescribed forms and, as stated earlier in Section 5.02, filed with the appropriate service center.


.01 Effective January 1, 1986, all magnetic media processing was centralized at the IRS National Computer Center (NCC) in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Functions previously performed by the magnetic media coordinators at the service centers are being performed at NCC.

.02 All magnetic media files must now be submitted to NCC at the address shown below. In addition, all correspondence and telephone contacts regarding magnetic media related forms, publications, information, and applications for reporting on magnetic media must be directed to:

    Magnetic Media Reporting


    National Computer Center


    Internal Revenue Service


    P. O. Box 1359


    Martinsburg, WV 25401-1359



Land carriers use the following address:



    Magnetic Media Reporting


    National Computer Center


    Internal Revenue Service


    Route 9 and Needy Road


    Martinsburg, WV 25401



The hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time Zone, Monday thru Friday. The telephone number is (304) 263-8700.

Requests for paper forms or material related to paper filing should be requested by calling the "Forms Only Number" listed in the local telephone directory under Internal Revenue Service.


 EMPLOYER                Generally, an employer is a person or


                         organization for whom a worker performs a


                         service as an employee. The employer usually


                         gives the worker the tools and place to work


                         and has the right to fire the worker. A


                         person or organization paying wages to a


                         former employee after the work ends is also


                         considered an employer.


 EMPLOYEES:              People in business for themselves are not


                         employees. For example, doctors, lawyers,


                         veterinarians, construction contractors, and


                         others in an independent trade in which they


                         offer their services to the public are


                         usually not employees.


                         Generally, employees can be defined either


                         under common law or under special statutes


                         for special purposes:


  COMMON LAW EMPLOYEES   Anyone who performs services is an employee


                         if you, as an employer, can control what will


                         be done and how it will be done. This is so


                         even when you give the employee freedom of


                         action. What matters is that you have the


                         legal right to control the method and result


                         of the services.


  STATUTORY EMPLOYEE     If someone who works for you is not an


                         employee under the common law rules explained


                         above, do not withhold Federal Income tax


                         from his or her pay. While the person may not


                         be a common law employee, he/she is


                         considered an employee for social security


                         purposes. (See Circular E, Employer's Tax


                         Guide for a more thorough explanation).


 b                       Denotes a blank position. Enter blank(s) when


                         this symbol is used ("b"). This appears


                         throughout the record descriptions.


 EIN                     Employer Identification Number that has been


                         assigned by IRS.


 File                    For purposes of this procedure, a file


                         consists of all magnetic tape records


                         submitted by an employer or transmitter.


 Special Character       Any character that is not a numeral, a letter


                         or a blank.


 SSA                     Social Security Administration.


 SSN                     Social Security Number.


 Taxpayer Identification May be either an EIN or SSN.


  Number (TIN)


 Transmitter             Person or organization preparing magnetic


                         tape file(s).


 Transmitter Control     A five character alpha/numeric number


  Code (TCC)             assigned by IRS to the transmitter prior to


                         actual filing on magnetic media. This number


                         is inserted in Position 315-319 of your files


                         and must be present before the file can be


                         processed. An application Form 4419 must be


                         filed with IRS to receive this number.


 Invalid W-4             Any unauthorized changes or additions to Form


                         W-4 makes it invalid. (See Page 7, Circular


                         E, Employer's Tax Guide.)





.01 These specifications prescribe the required format and content of the records to be included in the file but not the methods or equipment to be used in their preparation. If you are unable to use the special characters specified in this Revenue Procedure, please contact us to let us know what characters you will be using as substitutes. Usually, IRS will be able to process any compatible tape file. To be compatible, tape files must meet all the following specifications:

(a) Type of Tape--1/2 inch Mylar base, oxide coated

(b) Interrecord Gap:

(1) .6-inch for 800 or 1600 BPI density 9 track

(2) .3-inch for 6250 BPI density 9 track

(c) Recording Code--9-track ASCII (American Standard Coded Information Interchange) with:

(1) Odd parity, and

(2) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI (bits per inch).

.02 Conversion facilities are currently available for the following tapes:

Recording Code--9-track EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) with:

(1) Odd parity, and

(2) A density of 800, 1600, or 6250 BPI.

.03 The employer or the transmitter must affix an external label to each tape with the following information:

(a) Name of transmitter

(b) Number of data records on that reel

(c) Recording Code (ASCII, EBCDIC, or BCD)

(d) Density (800, 1600, or 6250 BPI)

(e) Track (9)

(f) Parity (odd)

(g) Manufacturer and model of main frame and tape drives

(h) Sequence number of reel and total number of reels in the file (for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.)

.04 All records, including Header and Trailer Labels (if used) must be transmitted using the same density.

.05 Do not submit an employee W-4 record without the required Employer Identification Number. Every record must contain both employee and employer data.


.01 Header Labels, Trailer Labels, Record Marks, and Tape Marks are all optional. They may be used as required by the transmitter's equipment or programming. If used, they must conform to the following standards:

(a) Header Labels:

(1) Transmitters may use standard headers, provided they begin with 1HDR, HDR1, VOL1 or VOL 2.

(2) Header labels may not exceed 80 characters in length.

(b) Trailer Labels:

(1) Standard Trailer Labels may be used provided they begin with 1EOR, 1EOF, EOR1, or EOF1.

(2) Trailer labels may not exceed 80 characters in length.

(c) Record Marks:

(1) Special character used to separate blocked records on tape.

(2) Can be written only at the end of a record or block.

(3) All records are of uniform length; therefore, record marks are not necessary on this file. However, if you choose to use record marks, for odd parity tapes use BCD bit configuration of 011010; for even parity use 111010.

(d) Tape Marks:

(1) Used to signify the physical end of the recording on tape.

(2) Tape marks, if used, must be BCD configuration 001111 in even parity.

(3) May follow the Header Label and precede and/or follow the trailer label.


.01 Tape records prescribed in the specifications may be blocked or unblocked, subject to the following:

(a) All data records are of a fixed length of 320 positions.

(b) All records may be blocked, except header and trailer labels.

(c) If blocking is used (more than one record per block), the desired blocking factor is ten (10) records per block. At no time may a block contain more than 3,200 characters; however, a smaller block size may be used if necessary. If sufficient records are not available for a full block, the remainder should be either "padded" with 9s to fill all unused positions or truncated. Do not pad the block with blanks or create blank records.






 Position   Field Title        Length   Description and Remarks




 1-9        Employee Social    9        Required. Must be the valid 9-


            Security Number             digit number assigned to the


            (SSN)                       employee. DO NOT ENTER


                                        HYPHENS, ALPHA CHARACTERS, ALL


                                        9s OR ALL ZEROS.



 10-44      Employee Name      35       Required. Enter the name of


            Line 1                      the employee whose SSN appears


                                        in tape positions 1-9. Enter


                                        the complete name in the


                                        following order: first name,


                                        middle name (if present), and


                                        surname. (Use initials for the


                                        first and middle names where


                                        necessary to insure that the


                                        entire employee surname fits


                                        in tape positions 10-44.) If


                                        fewer than 35 characters are


                                        required, left-justify and


                                        fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS


                                        ARE ALPHAS, HYPHENS, BLANKS, A


                                        MINIMUM OF ONE AND A MAXIMUM


                                        OF TWO CARETS (<).



                                        (1) A blank must be surrounded


                                        by alphas or continued to the


                                        end of the field (e.g.,


                                        ab...b, aba).



                                        (2) Hyphens must be surrounded


                                        by alphas or numerics and must


                                        never occur in the first


                                        position of a name unless


                                        immediately followed by a


                                        caret. A hyphen in the first


                                        position is to identify an


                                        employee with surname only.



                                        (3) A caret is used to define


                                        an internal name control. It


                                        must immediately precede the


                                        employee surname in place of


                                        the blank. A second caret is


                                        used to separate a suffix from


                                        the surname (for example, JOHN


                                        J<BLACK; BILL<OAK<JR; AMY





 45-79      Employee Name      35       Optional. This line is


            Line 2                      designated for an "in care of"


                                        (c/o) situation. Left-justify


                                        and fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. CHARACTERS ARE ALPHAS,


                                        BLANKS, NUMERICS, AMPERSANDS,


                                        HYPHENS, AND SLASHES.



                                        Hyphens and slashes must be


                                        surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics; ampersands must be


                                        surrounded by blanks; blanks


                                        must be surrounded by alphas


                                        or numerics or continue to the


                                        end of the field (e.g.,


                                        ab...b, aba).



                                        Note: The same exceptions


                                        apply as set forth in


                                        "Employee Name Line 1" plus


                                        the use of a percent sign (%)


                                        is not valid--use c/o, if





 80-114     Employee Street    35       Required. Enter street address


            Address                     of employee. Left-justify and


                                        fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS


                                        ARE ALPHAS, BLANKS, NUMERICS,


                                        AMPERSANDS, HYPHENS AND





                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric; hyphens and slashes


                                        must be surrounded by alphas


                                        or numerics; ampersands must


                                        be surrounded by blanks;


                                        blanks must be surrounded by


                                        alphas or numerics or continue


                                        to the end of field (e.g.,


                                        ab...b, aba).



 115-139    Employee City      25       Required. Enter city of


                                        employee. Left-justify and


                                        fill unused positions with






                                        If foreign address, enter city


                                        and country. ALLOWABLE


                                        CHARACTERS ARE ALPHAS, BLANKS,


                                        NUMERICS, AND HYPHENS.



                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric; hyphens must be


                                        surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics; blanks must be


                                        surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics or continue to the


                                        end of field (e.g., ab...b,





 140-141    Employee State     2        Required. Enter the two


                                        character state code of


                                        employee--must be one of the





                                        State                    Code


                                        Alabama                  AL


                                        Alaska                   AK


                                        American Samoa           AQ


                                        Arizona                  AZ


                                        Arkansas                 AR


                                        California               CA


                                        Colorado                 CO


                                        Connecticut              CT


                                        Delaware                 DE


                                        District of Columbia     DC


                                        Florida                  FL


                                        Georgia                  GA


                                        Guam                     GU


                                        Hawaii                   HI


                                        Idaho                    ID


                                        Illinois                 IL


                                        Indiana                  IN


                                        Iowa                     IA


                                        Kansas                   KS


                                        Kentucky                 KY


                                        Louisiana                LA


                                        Maine                    ME


                                        Maryland                 MD


                                        Massachusetts            MA


                                        Michigan                 MI


                                        Minnesota                MN


                                        Mississippi              MS


                                        Missouri                 MO


                                        Montana                  MT


                                        Nebraska                 NE


                                        Nevada                   NV


                                        New Hampshire            NH


                                        New Jersey               NJ


                                        New Mexico               NM


                                        New York                 NY


                                        North Carolina           NC


                                        North Dakota             ND


                                        Northern Mariana Islands CQ


                                        Ohio                     OH


                                        Oklahoma                 OK


                                        Oregon                   OR


                                        Pennsylvania             PA


                                        Puerto Rico              PR


                                        Rhode Island             RI


                                        South Carolina           SC


                                        South Dakota             SD


                                        Tennessee                TN


                                        Texas                    TX


                                        Utah                     UT


                                        Vermont                  VT


                                        Virginia                 VA


                                        Virgin Islands           VI


                                        Washington               WA


                                        West Virginia            WV


                                        Wisconsin                WI


                                        Wyoming                  WY


                                        Foreign Address          XX



 142-150    Employee ZIP Code  9        Required. Enter nine-digit ZIP


                                        Code of employee. Fill with


                                        blanks if unavailable.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE NINE


                                        (9) NUMERICS OR NINE (9)





                                        IF YOU ONLY HAVE FIVE (5)


                                        DIGITS AVAILABLE, LEFT JUSTIFY


                                        AND ZERO FILL. Blank fill only


                                        if you are unable to to


                                        ascertain employee's ZIP Code.



 151        Marital Status     1        Required. Enter appropriate


                                        code from the table below:



                                        Marital Status           Code




                                        Single                   S


                                        Married                  M



                                        Married, withhold at     W


                                         single rate


                                        No marital status        A





 152        Exempt Status      1        Required. Enter "E" if


                                        employee claims exempt status;


                                        otherwise, blank.



 153        Student Status     1        Required. If full-time student


                                        status is claimed, enter the


                                        alpha "Y"; if not, or no


                                        entry, enter blank.



 154-156    Allowances         3        Required. Must be a three (3)


                                        digit numeric field


                                        corresponding to the number of


                                        allowances claimed by


                                        employee. (It is not necessary


                                        to file this W-4 with IRS if


                                        the number of allowances is


                                        ten (10) or less and exempt


                                        status is not claimed.) Field


                                        must be right justified and


                                        zero filled. If no entry, or


                                        employee claimed exempt


                                        status, enter blanks.



 157-163    Additional Amount  7        Required. Enter numerics only.


            of Withholding              Enter the additional amount of


                                        withholding, if any, the


                                        employee wants deducted from


                                        each pay.



                                        Field is dollars and cents.


                                        Right-justify and zero fill.


                                        Do not enter dollar signs,


                                        commas, decimal points, or


                                        negative numbers. If no entry,





 164-169    W-4 Date           6        Required. Enter date located


                                        on signature line of W-4. If


                                        no date entered, generate


                                        current system date. Format as


                                        MMDDYY where MM = 01-12, DD =


                                        01-31, and YY = 85.



                                        Exempt Status W-4 (1983 and


                                        subsequent)--Compare "year


                                        effective date" on Line 6B to


                                        signature date. If year


                                        entered on Line 6B is later


                                        than signature date, use W-4


                                        date as a 01/01 receipt for


                                        subsequent calendar year


                                        (e.g., Line 6B of Form W-4


                                        shows an exempt status date of


                                        1984 but signature date is


                                        10/30/83, use 01/01/84 as Form


                                        W-4 date.)



 170-178    Employer           9        Required. The 9 digit number


            Identification              assigned to the employer by


            Number                      IRS. DO NOT ENTER HYPHENS,


                                        ALPHA CHARACTERS, ALL 9s or


                                        ALL ZEROES.



 179-213    Employer Name      35       Required. Enter the name of


            Line 1                      the employer as it appears on


                                        employment tax forms (e.g.,


                                        Form 941). Any extraneous


                                        information must be deleted


                                        from this name line. Left-


                                        justify and fill with blanks.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, BLANKS, NUMERICS,


                                        AMPERSANDS, HYPHENS AND





                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric; hyphens and slashes


                                        must be surrounded by alphas


                                        or numerics; ampersands must


                                        be surrounded by blanks;


                                        blanks must be surrounded by


                                        alphas or numerics or continue



                                        to the end of field (e.g.,


                                        ab...b, aba).



 214-247    Employer Name      34       Optional. If the employer name


            Line 2                      requires more space than is


                                        available in Employer Name


                                        Line 1, enter the remaining


                                        portion of the name in this


                                        field. Left-justify and fill


                                        with blanks. ALLOWABLE


                                        CHARACTERS ARE ALPHAS, BLANKS,


                                        NUMERICS, AMPERSANDS, HYPHENS,


                                        AND SLASHES.



                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric; hyphens and slashes


                                        must be surrounded by alphas


                                        or numerics; ampersands must


                                        be surrounded by blanks;


                                        blanks must be surrounded by


                                        alphas or numerics or continue


                                        to end of field (e.g., ab...b,





 248-282    Employer Street    35       Address Required. Enter street


                                        address of employer. Left-


                                        justify and fill unused


                                        positions with blanks.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, BLANKS, NUMERICS,


                                        AMPERSANDS, HYPHENS, AND





                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric; hyphens and slashes


                                        are surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics; ampersands are


                                        surrounded by blanks; blanks


                                        must be surrounded by alpha or


                                        numerics or continue to the


                                        end of field (e.g., ab...b,





 283-307    Employer City      25       Required. Enter city of


                                        employer. Left-justify and


                                        fill unused positions with


                                        blanks. If foreign address,


                                        enter city and country.


                                        ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS ARE


                                        ALPHAS, BLANKS, NUMERICS, AND





                                        Position one is an alpha or


                                        numeric, hyphens are


                                        surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics; blanks are


                                        surrounded by alphas or


                                        numerics or continued to the


                                        end of the field (e.g.,


                                        ab...b, aba).



 308-309    Employer State     2        Required. Enter State Code of


                                        Employer. Must be one of the


                                        state abbreviations shown in


                                        the state abbreviation table


                                        for Employee State (Tape


                                        Positions 140-141).



 310-314    Employer ZIP Code  5        Required. Enter ZIP Code of


                                        Employer. ALLOWABLE CHARACTERS


                                        ARE FIVE (5) NUMERICS OR FIVE


                                        (5) BLANKS.



                                        Enter first five (5) digits if


                                        more than five digits are


                                        present. Blank fill only if


                                        you are unable to ascertain


                                        Employer's ZIP Code.



 315-319    Transmitter        5        Required. Enter 5 character


            Control Code                Transmitter Control Code (TCC)


                                        assigned by IRS.



 320        "BLANK"            1        Required. Enter character used


            Representation              to represent a blank.




Rev. Proc. 86-13, 1986-1 C.B. 535, is superseded.

SEC. 5


The following is a list of important dates during the year that you should take note of.

Note: If any date shown falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, use the next regular workday.

By January 31 or When Employment Ends

Give each employee a completed Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement. Give each annuitant a completed Form W-2P Statement for Recipients of Annuities, Pensions, Retired Pay, or IRA Payments, by January 31.

By January 31

Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax.--File Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return. If you deposited all the tax when due, you have 10 more days to file the return.

By February 15

Ask for a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, from each employee who claimed total exemption from withholding during the prior year.

On February 16

Begin withholding for each employee who previously claimed exemption from withholding but has not given you a new Form W-4 for the current year.

By February 28

Income Tax Withholding.--File Form W-3, Transmittal of Income and Tax Statements, with the Social Security Administration and include Copy A of all Forms W-2 and W-2P you gave employees or recipients for the year before.

Allocated Tip Reporting.--File Form 8027, Employer's Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips, with the Internal Revenue Service.

By April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31

Deposit Federal unemployment tax due if it is more than $100. File Form Form 941, Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, or Form 941E, Quarterly Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax and Hospital Insurance (Medicare) Tax, and pay any undeposited income and social security taxes. If you deposited all the taxes when due, you have 10 more days to file the return.

File Form 942, Employer's Quarterly Tax Return for Household Employees, if you have such employees, and pay the tax due.

Before October 1, 1987

All your employees must have filed a new Form W-4 with you.

Before December 1

Income Tax Withholding.--Ask for a new Form W-4 from each employee whose withholding allowances will change for the next year.

On December 31

Form W-5, Earned Income Credit Advance Payment Certificate, expires. Employees who want to continue receiving advance payments of the earned income credit for the next year must file a new Form W-5.

                    Department of the Treasury -- IRS Use


                       Internal Revenue Service Only OMB No.




Form 4419 Application for Magnetic Media Expires:


(Rev. March 1986) Reporting of Information Returns 7-31-88




1. Name and address of organization 2. Person to contact about


   (street, city, State and ZIP code) this request









                                          Telephone number: (include


                                                           area code)



3. Employer identification number 4. Tax year for which you are


                                          requesting authorization to


                                          file on magnetic media



5. Documents To Be Reported (Check all that you wish to


                           file on magnetic media)



          Form Form Form Form



     _ W-2G _ 1099-B _1099-OID _ 8027



     _ W-4 _ 1099-DIV _ 1099-PATR _



     _ 1042S _ 1099-G _ 1099-R _



     _ 1098 _ 1099-INT _ 5498 _



     _ 1099-A _ 1099-MISC _ 6248 _



Do NOT file Forms W-2 or W-2P with IRS. Submit that information to


the Social Security Administration.



6. Kind of equipment on which media will be prepared



Please check the type of media you plan to file and provide the


requested information for that type of media.



Type of Main Drive Recording


 Media Frame Unit Mode Track Software



                                _ EBCDIC


_ Magnetic _ ASCII _ 7 _ 9


  Tape 1/2" _ BCD





_ 8" Diskette _ EBCDIC





_ 5-1/4" _ ASCII


  Diskette Only



_ Cassette Burroughs _ EBCDIC


             Only _ ASCII



_ Mini-Disk Burroughs _ ASCII


             Only Only



7. If you are acting as transmitter, please list the name and


   employer identification number of each filer for whom you will


   prepare magnetic media on a separate sheet and attach it to this





                        Name (type or print) Title



8. Person responsible


   for preparation of Signature Date


   tax reports



Instructions for Form 4419

File Form 4419 to request authorization to file any of the forms shown in Block 5 on magnetic media. Please be sure to complete all appropriate blocks. For further information, contact a magnetic media coordinator at the National Computer Center address given below under "Filing Your Application," or by telephone at (304) 263-8700.

Block 1

Enter the name and complete address of the person or organization that will prepare and submit the magnetic media.

Block 4

Show the tax year for which you are requesting authorization to file on magnetic media.

Block 5

Check the boxes next to all of the returns you will file with IRS on magnetic media.

Block 6

Note: The only type of magnetic media on which you can report Forms 1042-S, 6248, 8027 and W-4 is 1/2 inch magnetic tape.

Enter the information requested for the type of magnetic media you intend to submit. Check the appropriate boxes. Enter the name of the manufacturer and the model number or name under "Main Frame" and "Drive Unit." Under "Software," indicate whether the software was purchased or is self-programmed. If purchased, provide the name of the software company.

Block 7

If you will be preparing returns on magnetic media for filers other than yourself, attach to your application a list of names and employer identification numbers of the other filers. If you add or delete any names from your file, submit an updated list to IRS.

Block 8

The form must be signed and dated by an official of the company or organization requesting authorization to report on magnetic media.

Filing Your Application

1. Mail the completed application and any attached lists 90 days before the due date of the returns to:

    If by Postal Service,


      Magnetic Media Reporting


      Internal Revenue Service


      National Computer Center


      P.O. Box 1359


      Martinsburg, WV 25401-1359



    If by truck or air freight,


      Magnetic Media Reporting


      Internal Revenue Service


      National Computer Center


      Route 9 and Needy Road


      Martinsburg, WV 25401



2. IRS will approve or disapprove your application within 30 days of its receipt. Do not submit magnetic media until you receive an authorization letter.

3. After authorization is received, we encourage new filers to submit test data on magnetic media before the filing season. If you want to submit test data, contact the magnetic media coordinator.

4. Your authorization will be valid as long as the magnetic media submitted conforms to the specifications of the applicable revenue procedures. A new application is not required in following years unless magnetic media filing has been discontinued and you wish to resume it.


We ask for this information to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United States. We need it to ensure that the magnetic media you are using will be compatible with our processing equipment. The information is also used to more efficiently schedule and manage its processing at the National Computer Center. You are required to give us this information.

Copy RID