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Sec. 6695 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns for other persons

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 68 -- Additions to the Tax, Additional Amounts, and Assessable Penalties
  • Subchapter B -- Assessable Penalties
  • Part I -- General provisions

Year 2024 Inflation-Adjusted Items (Rev. Proc. 2023-34)
Year 2023 Inflation-Adjusted Items (Rev. Proc. 2022-38)
Year 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Items (Rev. Proc. 2021-45)

(a) Failure to furnish copy to taxpayer. Any person who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return or claim for refund who fails to comply with section 6107(a) with respect to such return or claim shall pay a penalty of $50 for such failure, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. The maximum penalty imposed under this subsection on any person with respect to documents filed during any calendar year shall not exceed $25,000.

(b) Failure to sign return. Any person who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return or claim for refund, who is required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary to sign such return or claim, and who fails to comply with such regulations with respect to such return or claim shall pay a penalty of $50 for such failure, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. The maximum penalty imposed under this subsection on any person with respect to documents filed during any calendar year shall not exceed $25,000.

(c) Failure to furnish identifying number. Any person who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return or claim for refund and who fails to comply with section 6109(a)(4) with respect to such return or claim shall pay a penalty of $50 for such failure, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. The maximum penalty imposed under this subsection on any person with respect to documents filed during any calendar year shall not exceed $25,000.

(d) Failure to retain copy or list. Any person who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return or claim for refund who fails to comply with section 6107(b) with respect to such return or claim shall pay a penalty of $50 for each such failure, unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. The maximum penalty imposed under this subsection on any person with respect to any return period shall not exceed $25,000.

(e) Failure to file correct information returns. Any person required to make a return under section 6060 who fails to comply with the requirements of such section shall pay a penalty of $50 for--

(1) each failure to file a return as required under such section, and

(2) each failure to set forth an item in the return as required under section,

unless it is shown that such failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. The maximum penalty imposed under this subsection on any person with respect to any return period shall not exceed $25,000.

(f) Negotiation of check. Any person who is a tax return preparer who endorses or otherwise negotiates (directly or through an agent) any check made in respect of the taxes imposed by this title which is issued to a taxpayer (other than the tax return preparer) shall pay a penalty of $500 with respect to each such check. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to the deposit by a bank (within the meaning of section 581) of the full amount of the check in the taxpayer's account in such bank for the benefit of the taxpayer.

(g) Failure to be diligent in determining eligibility for certain tax benefits. Any person who is a tax return preparer with respect to any return or claim for refund who fails to comply with due diligence requirements imposed by the Secretary by regulations with respect to determining --

(1) eligibility to file as a head of household (as defined in section 2(b)) on the return, or

(2) eligibility for, or the amount of, the credit allowable by section 24, 25A(a)(1), or 32,

shall pay a penalty of $500 for each such failure.

(h) Adjustment for inflation.

(1) In general. In the case of any failure relating to a return or claim for refund filed in a calendar year beginning after 2014, each of the dollar amounts under subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) shall be increased by an amount equal to such dollar amount multiplied by the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year determined by substituting "calendar year 2013" for "calendar year 2016" in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof.

(2) Rounding. If any amount adjusted under paragraph (1) --

(A) is not less than $5,000 and is not a multiple of $500, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $500, and

(B) is not described in subparagraph (A) and is not a multiple of $5, such amount shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $5.

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