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Sec. 7485 Bond to stay assessment and collection

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 76 -- Judicial Proceedings
  • Subchapter D -- Court Review of Tax Court Decisions

(a) Upon notice of appeal. Notwithstanding any provision of law imposing restrictions on the assessment and collection of deficiencies, the review under section 7483 shall not operate as a stay of assessment or collection of any portion of the amount of the deficiency determined by the Tax Court unless a notice of appeal in respect of such portion is duly filed by the taxpayer, and then only if the taxpayer--

(1) on or before the time his notice of appeal is filed has filed with the Tax Court a bond in a sum fixed by the Tax Court not exceeding double the amount of the portion of the deficiency in respect of which the notice of appeal is filed, and with surety approved by the Tax Court, conditioned upon the payment of the deficiency as finally determined, together with any interest, additional amounts, or additions to the tax provided for by law, or

(2) has filed a jeopardy bond under the income or estate tax laws.

If as a result of a waiver of the restrictions on the assessment and collection of a deficiency any part of the amount determined by the Tax Court is paid after the filing of the appeal bond, such bond shall, at the request of the taxpayer, be proportionately reduced.

(b) Bond in case of appeal of certain partnership-related decisions. The condition of subsection (a) shall be satisfied if the partnership duly files notice of appeal from a decision under section 6234 and on or before the time the notice of appeal is filed with the Tax Court, a bond in an amount fixed by the Tax Court is filed, and with surety approved by the Tax Court, conditioned upon the payment of deficiencies attributable to the partnership-related items (as defined in section 6241) to which that decision relates as finally determined, together with any interest, penalties, additional amounts, or additions to the tax provided by law. Unless otherwise stipulated by the parties, the amount fixed by the Tax Court shall be based upon its estimate of the aggregate liability of the parties to the action.

(c) Cross references.

(1) For requirement of additional security notwithstanding this section, see section 7482(c)(3).

(2) For deposit of United States bonds or notes in lieu of sureties, see section 9303 of title 31, United States Code.

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