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Sec. 923 Exempt foreign trade income

  • Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  • Chapter 1 -- Normal Taxes and Surtaxes
  • Subchapter N -- Tax Based on Income from Sources Within or Without the United States
  • Part III -- Income from sources without the United States
  • Subpart C -- Taxation of foreign sales corporations - Repealed

(a) Exempt foreign trade income. For purposes of this subpart--

(1) In general. The term "exempt foreign trade income" means the aggregate amount of all foreign trade income of a FSC for the taxable year which is described in paragraph (2) or (3).

(2) Income determined without regard to administrative pricing rules. In the case of any transaction to which paragraph (3) does not apply, 32 percent of the foreign trade income derived from such transaction shall be treated as described in this paragraph. For purposes of the preceding sentence, foreign trade income shall not include any income properly allocable to excluded property described in subparagraph (B) of section 927(a)(2) (relating to intangibles).

(3) Income determined with regard to administrative pricing rules. In the case of any transaction with respect to which paragraph (1) or (2) of section 925(a) (or the corresponding provisions of the regulations prescribed under section 925(b)) applies, 16/23 of the foreign trade income derived from such transaction shall be treated as described in this paragraph.

(4) Special rule for foreign trade income allocable to a cooperative.

(A) In general. In any case in which a qualified cooperative is a shareholder of a FSC, paragraph (3) shall be applied with respect to that portion of the foreign trade income of such FSC for any taxable year which is properly allocable to the marketing of agricultural or horticultural products (or the providing of related services) by such cooperative by substituting "100 percent" for "16/23".

(B) Paragraph only to apply to amounts FSC distributes. Subparagraph (A) shall not apply for any taxable year unless the FSC distributes to the qualified cooperative the amount which (but for such subparagraph) would not be treated as exempt foreign trade income. Any distribution under this subparagraph for any taxable year--

(i) shall be made before the due date for filing the return of tax for such taxable year, but

(ii) shall be treated as made on the last day of such taxable year.

(5) Special rule for military property. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, that portion of the foreign trading gross receipts of the FSC for the taxable year attributable to the disposition of, or services relating to, military property (within the meaning of section 995(b)(3)(B)) which may be treated as exempt foreign trade income shall equal 50 percent of the amount which (but for this paragraph) would be treated as exempt foreign trade income.

(6) Cross reference. For reduction in amount of exempt foreign trade income, see section 291(a)(4).

(b) Foreign trade income defined. For purposes of this subpart, the term "foreign trade income" means the gross income of a FSC attributable to foreign trading gross receipts.

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