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Procedures Revised For Issuing Letter Rulings.

JAN. 3, 2005

Rev. Proc. 2005-1; 2005-1 C.B. 1

DATED JAN. 3, 2005
Citations: Rev. Proc. 2005-1; 2005-1 C.B. 1

Superseded by Rev. Proc. 2006-1 Modified by Rev. Proc. 2005-68

Rev. Proc. 2005-1

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS






      .01 Description of terms used in this revenue procedure



      .02 Updated annually








      .01 Letter ruling



      .02 Closing agreement



      .03 Determination letter



      .04 Information letter



      .05 Oral Advice



      (1) No oral rulings and no written rulings in response to oral





      (2) Discussion possible on substantive issues








      .01 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel





      .02 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Financial Institutions and Products)



      .03 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Income Tax and Accounting)



      .04 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel





      .05 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Passthroughs and Special Industries)



      .06 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Procedure and Administration)



      .07 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Division


 Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities)








      .01 Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms taxes



      .02 Employee plans and exempt organizations








      .01 In income and gift tax matters



      .02 Special relief for late S corporation and related elections



      .03 A § 301.9100 request for extension of time for making an


 election or for other relief



      .04 Determinations under § 999(d) of the Internal Revenue





      .05 In matters involving § 367



      .06 In estate tax matters



      .07 In matters involving additional estate tax under §





      .08 In matters involving qualified domestic trusts under §





      .09 In generation-skipping transfer tax matters



      .10 In employment and excise tax matters



      .11 In administrative provisions matters



      .12 In Indian tribal government matters



      .13 On constructive sales price under § 4216(b) or §





      .14 May be issued before the issuance of a regulation or other


 published guidance








      .01 Ordinarily not if the request involves an issue under


 examination, or consideration, or in litigation



      .02 Ordinarily not in certain areas because of factual nature of


 the problem



      .03 Ordinarily not on part of an integrated transaction



      .04 Ordinarily not on which of two entities is a common law





      .05 Generally not to business associations or groups



      .06 Generally not where the request does not address the tax


 status, liability, or reporting obligations of the requester



      .07 Generally not to foreign governments



      .08 Ordinarily not on federal tax consequences of proposed





      .09 Not before issuance of a regulation or other published





      .10 Not on frivolous issues



      .11 No "comfort" letter rulings



      .12 Not on alternative plans or hypothetical situations



      .13 Not on property conversion after return filed



      .14 Circumstances under which determination letters are not


 issued by a Director








      .01 Certain information required in all requests



      (1) Complete statement of facts and other information



      (2) Copies of all contracts, wills, deeds, agreements,


 instruments, other documents, and foreign laws



      (3) Analysis of material facts



      (4) Statement regarding whether same issue is in an earlier





      (5) Statement regarding whether same or similar issue was


 previously ruled on or requested, or is currently pending



      (6) Statement regarding interpretation of a substantive


 provision of an income or estate tax treaty



      (7) Letter from Bureau of Indian Affairs relating to Indian


 tribal government



      (8) Statement of supporting authorities



      (9) Statement of contrary authorities



      (10) Statement identifying pending legislation



      (11) Statement identifying information to be deleted from copy


 of letter ruling or determination letter for public inspection



      (12) Signature by taxpayer or authorized representative



      (13) Authorized representatives



      (14) Power of attorney and declaration of representative



      (15) Penalties of perjury statement



      (16) Number of copies of request to be submitted



      (17) Sample format for a letter ruling request



      (18) Checklist for letter ruling requests



      .02 Additional procedural information required with request



      (1) To request separate letter rulings for multiple issues in a


 single situation



      (2) Power of attorney used to indicate recipient of a copy or


 copies of a letter ruling or a determination letter



      (3) To request a particular conclusion on a proposed





      (4) To request expedited handling



      (5) Taxpayer requests to receive any document related to the


 letter ruling request by facsimile transmission (fax)



      (6) To request a conference



      .03 Address to send the request



      .04 Pending letter ruling requests



      .05 When to attach letter ruling to return



      .06 How to check on status of request



      .07 Request may be withdrawn or Associate office may decline to


 issue letter ruling








      .01 Docket, Records, and User Fee Branch receives, initially


 controls and refers the request to the appropriate Associate office



      .02 Branch representative of the Associate office contacts


 taxpayer within 21 days



      .03 Determines if transaction can be modified to obtain


 favorable letter ruling



      .04 Is not bound by informal opinion expressed



      .05 Additional information



      (1) Additional information must be submitted within 21 days



      (2) Extension of reply period if justified and approved



      (3) Letter ruling request closed if the taxpayer does not submit


 additional information



      (4) Penalties of perjury statement



      (5) Faxing request and additional information



      (6) Address to send additional information



      (7) Identifying information



      (8) Number of copies



      .06 Near the completion of the ruling process, advises the


 taxpayer of conclusions and, if the Associate office will rule


 adversely, offers the taxpayer the opportunity to withdraw the letter


 ruling request



      .07 May request draft of proposed letter ruling near the


 completion of the ruling process



      .08 Issues separate letter rulings for substantially identical


 letter rulings and generally issues a single letter ruling for


 related §301.9100 letter



      .09 Sends a copy of the letter ruling to appropriate Service












      .01 Automatic and advance consent change in accounting method





      (1) Automatic change in accounting method request procedures



      (2) Advance consent letter ruling requests



      .02 Ordinarily only one change in accounting method on a Form


 3115 and a separate Form 3115 for each taxpayer and for each separate


 trade or business



      .03 Information required with a Form 3115



      (1) Facts and other information requested on Form 3115 and in


 applicable revenue procedures



      (2) Statement of contrary authorities



      (3) Copies of all contracts, agreements, and other documents



      (4) Analysis of material facts



      (5) Information regarding whether same issue is in an earlier





      (6) Statement regarding prior requests for a change in


 accounting method and other pending requests



      (7) Statement identifying pending legislation



      (8) Authorized representatives



      (9) Power of attorney and declaration of representative



      (10) Penalties of perjury statement



      .04 Additional procedural information required in certain





      (1) Recipients of original and copy of correspondence



      (2) To request expedited handling



      (3) To receive the change in accounting method letter ruling or


 any other correspondence related to a Form 3115 by facsimile


 transmission (fax)



      (4) To request a conference



      .05 Associate office address for Forms 3115



      .06 A Form 3115 must not be submitted by fax



      .07 Form 3115 controlled and referred to the appropriate


 Associate office



      .08 Additional information



      (1) Incomplete Form 3115



      (2) Request for extension of reply period



      (3) Penalties of perjury statement



      (4) Identifying information



      (5) Faxing information request and additional information



      (6) Address to send additional information



      (7) If taxpayer does not timely submit additional information



      .09 Circumstances in which the taxpayer must notify the


 Associate office



      .10 Determines if proposed accounting method can be modified to


 obtain favorable letter ruling



      .11 Near the completion of processing the Form 3115, advises the


 taxpayer if the Associate office will rule adversely and offers the


 taxpayer the opportunity to withdraw Form 3115



      .12 Advance consent Form 3115 may be withdrawn or Associate


 office may decline to issue a change in accounting method letter





      .13 How to check status of a pending Form 3115



      .14 Is not bound by informal opinion expressed



      .15 Single letter ruling issued to a consolidated group or


 single entity for qualifying identical change in accounting method



      .16 Letter ruling ordinarily not issued for one of two or more


 interrelated items or submethods



      .17 Consent Agreement



      .18 A copy of the change in accounting method letter ruling is


 sent to appropriate Service official



      .19 Consent to change an accounting method may be relied on


 subject to limitations



      .20 Change in accounting method letter ruling will not apply to


 another taxpayer



      .21 Associate office discretion to permit requested change in


 accounting method



      .22 List of automatic change in accounting method request





      .23 Other sections of this revenue procedure that are applicable


 to a Form 3115






      .01 Schedules a conference if requested by taxpayer



      .02 Permits taxpayer one conference of right



      .03 Disallows verbatim recording of conferences



      .04 Makes tentative recommendations on substantive issues



      .05 May offer additional conferences



      .06 Requires written confirmation of information presented at





      .07 May schedule a pre-submission conference



      .08 May schedule a conference to be held by telephone






      .01 May be relied on subject to limitations



      .02 Will not apply to another taxpayer



      .03 Will be used by a field office in examining the taxpayer's





      .04 May be revoked or modified if found to be in error or there


 has been a change in law



      .05 Letter ruling revoked or modified based on material change


 in facts applied retroactively



      .06 Not otherwise generally revoked or modified retroactively



      .07 Retroactive effect of revocation or modification applied to


 a particular transaction



      .08 Retroactive effect of revocation or modification applied to


 a continuing action or series of actions



      .09 Generally not retroactively revoked or modified if related


 to sale or lease subject to excise tax



      .10 May be retroactively revoked or modified when transaction is


 entered into before the issuance of the letter ruling



      .11 Taxpayer may request that retroactivity be limited



      (1) Request for relief under § 7805(b) must be made in


 required format



      (2) Taxpayer may request a conference on application of §










      .01 In income and gift tax matters



      .02 In estate tax matters



      .03 In generation-skipping transfer tax matters



      .04 In employment and excise tax matters



      .05 Requests concerning income, estate, or gift tax returns



      .06 Attach a copy of determination letter to taxpayer's return



      .07 Review of determination letters



      .08 Addresses to send determination letter requests






      .01 Has same effect as a letter ruling



      .02 Taxpayer may request that retroactive effect of revocation


 or modification be limited



      (1) Request for relief under § 7805(b) must be made in


 required format



      (2) Taxpayer may request a conference on application of §










      .01 Requests for determination letters



      .02 No-rule areas



      .03 Requests for letter rulings



      .04 Letter ruling request mistakenly sent to a Director








      .01 Legislation authorizing user fees



      .02 Requests to which a user fee applies



      .03 Requests to which a user fee does not apply



      .04 Exemptions from the user fee requirements



      .05 Fee schedule



      .06 Applicable user fee for a request involving multiple


 offices, fee categories, issues, transactions, or entities



      .07 Applicable user fee for requests for substantially identical


 letter rulings or identical accounting method changes



      .08 Method of payment



      .09 Effect of nonpayment or payment of incorrect amount



      .10 Refunds of user fee



      .11 Request for reconsideration of user fee
















































      .01 Checklists, guideline revenue procedures, and notices



      .02 Safe harbor revenue procedures



      .03 Automatic change revenue procedures




This revenue procedure explains how the Service provides advice to taxpayers on issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products), the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), the Associate Chief Counsel (International), the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration), and the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities). It explains the forms of advice and the manner in which advice is requested by taxpayers and provided by the Service. A sample format of a request for a letter ruling is provided in Appendix B. See section 4 of this revenue procedure for issues outside the scope of this revenue procedure.

Description of terms used in this revenue procedure

.01 For purposes of this revenue procedure --

(1) the term "Service" includes the Internal Revenue Service, the four operating divisions of the Internal Revenue Service that are responsible for meeting the needs of the taxpayers they serve, and the Associate offices. The four operating divisions are:

(a) Large and Mid-Size Business Division (LMSB), which generally serves corporations, including S corporations, and partnerships, with assets in excess of $10 million;

(b) Small Business/Self-Employed Division (SB/SE), which generally serves corporations, including S corporations, and partnerships, with assets less than or equal to $10 million; estates and trusts; individuals filing an individual federal income tax return with accompanying Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business (Sole Proprietorship)), Schedule E (Supplemental Income and Loss), Schedule F (Profit or Loss From Farming), Form 2106, Employee Business Expenses, or Form 2106-EZ, Unreimbursed Employee Business Expenses; and individuals with international tax returns;

(c) Wage and Investment Division (W&I), which generally serves individuals with wage and investment income only (and with no international tax returns) filing an individual federal income tax return without accompanying Schedule C, E, or F, or Form 2106 or Form 2106-EZ; and

(d) Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TE/GE), which serves three distinct taxpayer segments: employee plans, exempt organizations, and government entities.

(2) the term "Associate office" refers to the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration), or the Office of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities), as appropriate.

(3) the term "Director" refers to the Director, Field Operations, LMSB; the Area Director, Field Examination, SB/SE; Chief, SB/SE: International Field & Policy; Chief, Estate & Gift Tax Program, SB/SE; Chief, Employment Tax Program, SB/SE; Chief, Excise Tax Program, SB/SE; or the Director, Compliance, W&I; the Director, International, LMSB; the Director, Employee Plans Examinations; the Director, Exempt Organizations Examinations; the Director, Federal, State & Local Governments; the Director, Tax Exempt Bonds; or the Director, Indian Tribal Governments, as appropriate.

(4) the term "field office" refers to the respective offices of the Directors, as appropriate.

(5) the term "taxpayer" includes all persons subject to any provision of the Internal Revenue Code (including issuers of § 103 obligations) and, when appropriate, their representatives.

Updated annually

.02 This revenue procedure is updated annually as the first revenue procedure of the year, but may be modified or amplified during the year.


The Service provides advice in the form of letter rulings, closing agreements, determination letters, information letters, and oral advice.

Letter ruling

.01 A "letter ruling" is a written determination issued to a taxpayer by an Associate office in response to a written inquiry from an individual or an organization about its status for tax purposes or the tax effects of its acts or transactions, prior to the filing of returns or reports that are required by the revenue laws. A letter ruling interprets and applies the tax laws to the taxpayer's specific set of facts and is given when appropriate in the interest of sound tax administration. A letter ruling includes the written permission or denial of permission by an Associate office to a request for a change in a taxpayer's accounting method or accounting period. Once issued, a letter ruling may be revoked or modified for any number of reasons, as explained in section 11 (section 9.19 for a change in accounting method letter ruling) of this revenue procedure, unless it is accompanied by a "closing agreement."

Closing agreement

.02 A "closing agreement" is a final agreement between the Service and a taxpayer on a specific issue or liability. It is entered into under the authority in § 7121 and is final unless fraud, malfeasance, or misrepresentation of a material fact can be shown.

A taxpayer may request a closing agreement with a letter ruling, or in lieu of a letter ruling, with respect to a transaction that would be eligible for a letter ruling. In such situations, the Associate Chief Counsel with subject matter jurisdiction signs the closing agreement on behalf of the Service.

A closing agreement may be entered into when it is advantageous to have the matter permanently and conclusively closed or when a taxpayer can show that there are good reasons for an agreement and that making the agreement will not prejudice the interests of the government. In appropriate cases, a taxpayer may be asked to enter into a closing agreement as a condition for the issuance of a letter ruling.

If, in a single case, a closing agreement is requested for each person or entity in a class of taxpayers, separate agreements are entered into only if the class consists of 25 or fewer taxpayers. If the issue and holding are identical for the class and there are more than 25 taxpayers in the class, a "mass closing agreement" will be entered into with the taxpayer who is authorized by the others to represent the class.

Determination letter

.03 A "determination letter" is a written determination issued by a Director that applies the principles and precedents previously announced by the Service to a specific set of facts. It is issued only when a determination can be made based on clearly established rules in a statute, a tax treaty, the regulations, a conclusion in a revenue ruling, or an opinion or court decision that represents the position of the Service.

Information letter

.04 An "information letter" is a statement issued either by an Associate office or by a Director. It calls attention to a well- established interpretation or principle of tax law (including a tax treaty) without applying it to a specific set of facts. An information letter may be issued if the taxpayer's inquiry indicates a need for general information or if the taxpayer's request does not meet the requirements of this revenue procedure and the Service thinks that general information will help the taxpayer. An information letter is advisory only and has no binding effect on the Service. If the Associate office issues an information letter in response to a request for a letter ruling that does not meet the requirements of this revenue procedure, the information letter is not a substitute for a letter ruling. The taxpayer should provide a daytime telephone number with the taxpayer's request for an information letter.

Information letters that are issued by the Associate offices to members of the public are made available to the public. Information letters that are issued by the field offices are not made available to the public.

Because information letters do not constitute written determinations as defined in § 6110, they are not subject to public inspection under § 6110. The Service makes the information letters available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"). Before any information letter is made available to the public, an Associate office will delete any name, address, and other identifying information as appropriate under the FOIA (for example, FOIA personal privacy exemption of 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6) and tax details exempt pursuant to § 6103, as incorporated into FOIA by 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3)).

The following documents also will not be available for public inspection as part of this process:

(1) transmittal letters in which the Service furnishes publications or other publicly available material to taxpayers, without any significant legal discussion;

(2) responses to taxpayer or third party contacts that are inquiries with respect to a pending request for: a letter ruling, technical advice memorandum, or Chief Counsel Advice (which are subject to public inspection under § 6110 after their issuance); and

(3) responses to taxpayer or third party communications with respect to any investigation, audit, litigation, or other enforcement action.

Oral Advice


(1) No oral rulings and no written rulings in response to oral requests.

The Service does not orally issue letter rulings or determination letters, nor does it issue letter rulings or determination letters in response to oral requests from taxpayers. Service employees ordinarily will discuss with taxpayers or their representatives inquiries regarding whether the Service will rule on particular issues and questions relating to procedural matters about submitting requests for letter rulings or determination letters for a particular case.

(2) Discussion possible on substantive issues.

At the discretion of the Service and as time permits, substantive issues also may be discussed. Such a discussion will not be binding on the Service in general or on the Office of Chief Counsel in particular and cannot be relied upon as a basis for obtaining retroactive relief under the provisions of § 7805(b).

Substantive tax issues involving the taxpayer that are under examination, in Appeals, or in litigation will not be discussed by Service employees not directly involved in the examination, appeal, or litigation of the issues unless the discussion is coordinated with those Service employees who are directly involved in the examination, appeal, or litigation of the issues. The taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative ordinarily will be asked whether the oral request for advice or information relates to a matter pending before another office of the Service or before a federal court.

If a tax issue is not under examination, in appeals, or in litigation, the tax issue may be discussed even though the issue is affected by a nontax issue pending in litigation.

A taxpayer may seek oral technical guidance from a taxpayer service representative in a field office or Service Center when preparing a return or report. Oral guidance is advisory only, and the Service is not bound to recognize it, for example, in the examination of the taxpayer's return.

The Service does not respond to letters seeking to confirm the substance of oral discussions and the absence of a response to such a letter is not a confirmation.


Taxpayers may request letter rulings, information letters, and closing agreements under this revenue procedure on issues within the jurisdiction of the Associate offices.

Taxpayers also may request determination letters from the Director in the appropriate operating division on subjects that relate to the Code sections under the jurisdiction of the respective Associate offices. See section 12.08 of this revenue procedure for information on where to send the requests for determination letters.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate)

.01 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate) include those that involve consolidated returns, corporate acquisitions, reorganizations, liquidations, redemptions, spin-offs, transfers to controlled corporations, distributions to shareholders, corporate bankruptcies, the effect of certain ownership changes on net operating loss carryovers and other tax attributes, debt vs. equity determinations, allocation of income and deductions among taxpayers, acquisitions made to evade or avoid income tax, and certain earnings and profits questions.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products)

.02 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products) include those that involve income taxes and accounting method changes of banks, savings and loan associations, real estate investment trusts (REITs), regulated investment companies (RICs), real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs), insurance companies and products, and financial products.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting)

.03 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting) include those that involve recognition and timing of income and deductions of individuals and corporations, sales and exchanges, capital gains and losses, installment sales, equipment leasing, long-term contracts, inventories, the alternative minimum tax, net operating losses generally, including accounting method changes for these issues, and accounting periods.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (International)

.04 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (International) include the tax treatment of nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, foreign tax credit, determination of sources of income, income from sources without the United States, subpart F questions, domestic international sales corporations (DISCs), foreign sales corporations (FSCs), exclusions under § 114 for extraterritorial income (ETI) pursuant to § 941(a)(5)(A), international boycott determinations, treatment of certain passive foreign investment companies, income affected by treaty, and other matters relating to the activities of non-U.S. persons within the United States or U.S.-related persons outside the United States, and accounting method changes.

For the procedures to obtain advance pricing agreements under § 482, see Rev. Proc. 2004-40, 2004-29 I.R.B. 50.

For competent authority procedures related to bilateral and multilateral advance pricing agreements, see Rev. Proc. 2002-52, 2002-2 C.B. 242.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries)

.05 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) include those that involve income taxes of S corporations (except accounting periods and methods) and certain noncorporate taxpayers (including partnerships, common trust funds, and trusts), entity classification, estate, gift, generation-skipping transfer, and certain excise taxes, amortization, depreciation, depletion, and other engineering issues, accounting method changes for depreciation and amortization, cooperative housing corporations, farmers' cooperatives (under § 521), the low-income housing, disabled access, and qualified electric vehicle credits, research and experimental expenditures, ship owners' protection and indemnity associations (under § 526), and certain homeowners associations (under § 528).

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration)

.06 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration) include those that involve federal tax procedure and administration, disclosure and privacy law, reporting and paying taxes, assessing and collecting taxes (including interest and penalties), abating, crediting, or refunding overassessments or overpayments of tax, and filing information returns.

Issues under the jurisdiction of the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities)

.07 Issues under the jurisdiction of the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities) include those that involve income tax and other tax aspects of executive compensation and employee benefit programs, including accounting method changes for these issues (other than those within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division), section 457 arrangements, employment taxes, taxes on self-employment income, tax-exempt obligations, mortgage credit certificates, qualified zone academy bonds (QZABS), and federal, state, local, and Indian tribal governments.


Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms taxes

.01 The procedures for obtaining letter rulings, etc., that apply to federal alcohol, tobacco, and firearms taxes under subtitle E of the Code are under the jurisdiction of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the Department of the Treasury.

Employee plans and exempt organizations

.02 The procedures for obtaining letter rulings, determination letters, etc., on employee plans and exempt organizations are under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division. See Rev. Proc. 2005-4, this Bulletin. See also Rev. Proc. 2005-6, this Bulletin, for the procedures for issuing determination letters on the qualified status of pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus, annuity, and employee stock ownership plans under §§ 401, 403(a), 409, and 4975(e)(7), and the status for exemption of any related trusts or custodial accounts under § 501(a).

For the user fee requirements applicable to requests for letter rulings, determination letters, etc., under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, see Rev. Proc. 2005-8, this Bulletin.


In income and gift tax matters

.01 In income and gift tax matters, an Associate office generally issues a letter ruling on a proposed transaction or on a completed transaction if the letter ruling request is submitted before the return is filed for the year in which the transaction is completed.

Special relief for late S corporation and related elections

.02 In lieu of requesting a letter ruling under this revenue procedure, a taxpayer may obtain relief for certain late S corporation and related elections by following the procedures in Rev. Proc. 2004-49, 2004-33 I.R.B. 210; Rev. Proc. 2004-48, 2004-32 I.R.B. 172; Rev. Proc. 2003-43, 2003-1 C.B. 998, or Rev. Proc. 97-48, 1997-2 C.B. 521. These procedures, which are in lieu of the letter ruling process, do not require payment of any user fee. See section 4.04 of Rev. Proc. 2004-49, section 3.01 of Rev. Proc. 2004-48, section 3.01 of Rev. Proc. 2003-43, section 3 of Rev. Proc. 97-48, and section 15.03(3) of this revenue procedure.

A § 301.9100 request for extension of time for making an election or for other relief

.03 An Associate office will consider a request for an extension of time for making an election or other application for relief under § 301.9100-3 of the Regulations on Procedure and Administration, even if submitted after the return covering the issue presented in the § 301.9100 request has been filed, an examination of the return has begun, or the issues in the return are being considered by Appeals or a federal court. A § 301.9100 request is a letter ruling request. Therefore, the § 301.9100 request should be submitted pursuant to this revenue procedure. An election made pursuant to § 301.9100-2 for an automatic extension of time is not a letter ruling request and does not require payment of any user fee. See § 301.9100-2(d) and section 15.03(1) of this revenue procedure.

(1) Format of request.A § 301.9100 request (other than an election made pursuant to § 301.9100-2) must be in the general form of, and meet the general requirements for, a letter ruling request. These requirements are given in section 7 of this revenue procedure. In addition, a § 301.9100 request must include the information required by § 301.9100-3(e).

(2) Period of limitations. The running of any applicable period of limitations is not suspended for the period during which a § 301.9100 request has been filed. See § 301.9100- 3(d)(2). If the period of limitation on assessment under § 6501(a) for the taxable year in which an election should have been made or any taxable year that would have been affected by the election had it been timely made will expire before receipt of a § 301.9100 letter ruling, the Associate office ordinarily will not issue a § 301.9100 ruling. See § 301.9100- 3(c)(1)(ii). If, however, the taxpayer secures consent to extend the period of limitations on assessment under § 6501(c)(4), the Associate office may issue the letter ruling. Note that the filing of a claim for refund under § 6511 does not extend the period of limitation on assessment. If § 301.9100 relief is granted, the Associate office may require the taxpayer to consent to an extension of the period of limitation on assessment. See § 301.9100- 3(d)(2).

(3) Taxpayer must notify the Associate office if examination of its return begins while the request is pending. If the Service starts an examination of the taxpayer's return for the taxable year in which an election should have been made or any taxable year that would have been affected by the election had it been timely made while a § 301.9100 request is pending, the taxpayer must notify the Associate office. This notification must include the name and telephone number of the examining agent. See § 301.9100- 3(e)(4)(i) and section 7.04(1)(b) of this revenue procedure.

(4)Associate office will notify examination agents, appeals officer, or government counsel of a § 301.9100 request if the taxpayer's return is being examined by a field office or is being considered by Appeals or a federal court. If the taxpayer's return for the taxable year in which an election should have been made or any taxable year that would have been affected by the election had it been timely made is being examined by a field office or considered by Appeals or a federal court, the Associate office will notify the appropriate examining agent, appeals officer, or government counsel that a § 301.9100 request has been submitted to the Associate office. The examining officer, appeals officer, or government counsel is not authorized to deny consideration of a § 301.9100 request. The letter ruling will be mailed to the taxpayer and a copy will be sent to the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return, appeals officer, or government counsel.

(5) Relief for late initial classification election. In lieu of requesting a letter ruling under § 301.9100-1 through § 301.9100-3 and this revenue procedure, an entity newly formed under local law may apply for late classification election relief under Rev. Proc. 2002-59, 2002-2 C.B. 615. Requests for such relief are not subject to user fees. See section 3 of Rev. Proc. 2002-59 and section 15.03(2) of this revenue procedure.

Determinations under § 999(d) of the Internal Revenue Code

.04 As provided in Rev. Proc. 77-9, 1977-1 C.B. 542, the Associate Chief Counsel (International) issues determinations under § 999(d) that may deny certain benefits of the foreign tax credit, deferral of earnings of foreign subsidiaries and domestic international sales corporations (DISCs) to a person, if that person, is a member of a controlled group (within the meaning of § 993(a)(3)) that includes the person, or a foreign corporation of which a member of the controlled group is a United States shareholder, agrees to participate in, or cooperate with, an international boycott. The same principles shall apply with respect to exclusions under § 114 for exterritorial income (ETI) pursuant to § 941(a)(5)(A). Requests for determinations under Rev. Proc. 77-9 are letter ruling requests and, therefore, should be submitted to the Associate office pursuant to this revenue procedure.

In matters involving § 367

.05 Unless the issue is covered by section 6 of this revenue procedure, the Associate Chief Counsel (International) may issue a letter ruling under § 367 even if the taxpayer does not request a letter ruling as to the characterization of the transaction under the reorganization provisions of the Code. The Associate office will determine the § 367 consequences of a transaction based on the taxpayer's characterization of the transaction but will indicate in the letter ruling that it expresses no opinion as to the characterization of the transaction under the reorganization. The Associate office may decline to issue a § 367 ruling in situations in which the taxpayer inappropriately characterizes the transaction under the reorganization provisions.

In estate tax matters

.06 In general, the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) issues letter rulings on transactions affecting the estate tax on the prospective estate of a living person. The Associate office will not issue letter rulings for prospective estates on computations of tax, actuarial factors, and factual matters. With respect to the transactions affecting the estate tax of the decedent's estate, generally, the Associate office issues letter rulings before the decedent's estate tax return is filed.

If the taxpayer is requesting a letter ruling regarding a decedent's estate tax and the estate tax return is due to be filed before the letter ruling is expected to be issued, the taxpayer should obtain an extension of time for filing the return and should notify the Associate office branch considering the letter ruling request that an extension has been obtained.

If the return is filed before the letter ruling is received from the Associate office, the taxpayer must disclose on the return that a letter ruling has been requested, attach a copy of the pending letter ruling request to the return, and notify the Associate office that the return has been filed. See section 7.04 of this revenue procedure. The Associate office will make every effort to issue the letter ruling within 3 months of the date the return was filed.

If the taxpayer requests a letter ruling after the return is filed, but before the return is examined, the taxpayer must notify the field office having jurisdiction over the return, that a letter ruling has been requested, attach a copy of the pending letter ruling request, and notify the Associate office that a return has been filed. See section 7.04 of this revenue procedure. The Associate office will make every effort to issue the letter ruling within 3 months of the date the return has been filed.

If the letter ruling cannot be issued within that 3-month period, the Associate office will notify the field office having jurisdiction over the return, who may, by memorandum to the Associate office, grant an additional period for the issuance of the letter ruling.

In matters involving additional estate tax under § 2032A(c)

.07 In matters involving additional estate tax under § 2032A(c), the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) issues letter rulings on proposed transactions and on completed transactions that occurred before the return is filed.

In matters involving qualified domestic trusts under § 2056A

.08 In matters involving qualified domestic trusts under § 2056A, the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) issues letter rulings on proposed transactions and on completed transactions that occurred before the return is filed.

In generation-skipping transfer tax matters

.09 In general, the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) issues letter rulings on proposed transactions that affect the generation-skipping transfer tax and on completed transactions that occurred before the return is filed. In the case of a generation-skipping trust or trust equivalent, letter rulings are issued either before or after the trust or trust equivalent has been established.

In employment and excise tax matters

.10 In employment and excise tax matters, the Associate offices issue letter rulings on proposed transactions and on completed transactions either before or after the return is filed for those transactions.

Requests regarding employment status (employer/employee relationship) from federal agencies and instrumentalities should be submitted directly to the Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities). Requests regarding employment status from other taxpayers must first be submitted to the appropriate Service office listed on the current Form SS-8 (Rev. June 2003). See section 12.04 of this revenue procedure. Generally, the employer is the taxpayer and requests the letter ruling. If the worker asks for the letter ruling, both the worker and the employer are considered to be the taxpayer and both are entitled to the letter ruling.

In administrative provisions matters

.11 The Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration) issues letter rulings on matters arising under the Code and related statutes and regulations that involve --

(1) the time, place, manner, and procedures for reporting and paying taxes; or

(2) the filing of information returns.

In Indian tribal government matters

.12 Pursuant to Rev. Proc. 84-37, 1984-1 C.B. 513, as modified by Rev. Proc. 86-17, 1986-1 C.B. 550, and Rev. Proc. 2005-1, this revenue procedure, the Office of Division Counsel/ Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities) issues determinations recognizing a tribal entity as an Indian tribal government within the meaning of § 7701(a)(40) or as a political subdivision of an Indian tribal government under § 7871(d) if it determines, after consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, that the entity satisfies the statutory definition of an Indian tribal government or has been delegated governmental functions of an Indian tribal government. Requests for determinations under Rev. Proc. 84-37 are letter ruling requests, and, therefore, should be submitted to the Office of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities) pursuant to this revenue procedure.

(1) Definition of Indian tribal government. The term "Indian tribal government" is defined under § 7701(a)(40) to mean the governing body of any tribe, band, community, village or group of Indians, or (if applicable) Alaska Natives, that is determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, after consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, to exercise governmental functions. Section 7871(d) provides that, for purposes of § 7871, a subdivision of an Indian tribal government shall be treated as a political subdivision of a state if the Secretary of the Treasury determines, after consultation with the Secretary of the Interior, that the subdivision has been delegated the right to exercise one or more of the substantial governmental functions of the Indian tribal government.

(2) Inclusion in list of tribal governments. Rev. Proc. 2002-64, 2002-2 C.B. 717, provides a list of Indian tribal governments that are treated similarly to states for certain federal tax purposes. Rev. Proc. 84-36, 1984-1 C.B. 510, as modified by Rev. Proc. 86-17, provides a list of political subdivisions of Indian tribal governments that are treated as political subdivisions of states for certain federal tax purposes. Under Rev. Proc. 84-37, tribal governments or subdivisions recognized under § 7701(a)(40) or § 7871(d) will be included in the list of recognized tribal government entities in revised versions of Rev. Proc. 2002-64 or Rev. Proc. 84-36.

On constructive sales price under § 4216(b) or § 4218(c)

.13 The Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) will issue letter rulings in all cases on the determination of a constructive sales price under § 4216(b) or § 4218(c) and in all other cases on prospective transactions if the law or regulations require a determination of the effect of a proposed transaction for tax purposes.

May be issued before the issuance of a regulation or other published guidance

.14 Unless the issue is covered by section 6 of this revenue procedure, Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin, or Rev. Proc. 2005-7, this Bulletin, a letter ruling may be issued before the issuance of a temporary or final regulation or other published guidance that interprets the provisions of any act.

In such situations, an Associate office may issue letter rulings under the following conditions:

(1) Answer is clear or is reasonably certain. If the letter ruling request presents an issue for which the answer seems clear by applying the statute to the facts or for which the answer seems reasonably certain but not entirely free from doubt.

(2) Answer is not reasonably certain. If the letter ruling request presents an issue for which the answer does not seem reasonably certain, the Associate office may issue the letter ruling, using its best efforts to arrive at a determination, if it is in the best interests of tax administration. But see section 6.09 of this revenue procedure.


Ordinarily not if the request involves an issue under examination, or consideration, or in litigation

.01 The Service ordinarily does not issue a letter ruling or a determination letter if, at the time of the request the identical issue is involved in the taxpayer's return for an earlier period and that issue --

(1) is being examined by a field office;

(2) is being considered by Appeals;

(3) is pending in litigation in a case involving the taxpayer or a related taxpayer;

(4) has been examined by a field office or considered by Appeals and the statutory period of limitations on assessment or on filing a claim for refund or credit of tax has not expired; or

(5) has been examined by a field office or considered by Appeals and a closing agreement covering the issue or liability has not been entered into by a field office or by Appeals.

If a return dealing with an issue for a particular year is filed while a request for a letter ruling on that issue is pending, an Associate office will issue the letter ruling unless it is notified by the taxpayer or otherwise learns that an examination of that issue or the identical issue on an earlier year's return has been started by a field office. See section 7.04 of this revenue procedure. In income and gift tax matters, even if an examination has begun, an Associate office ordinarily will issue the letter ruling if the field office agrees, by memorandum, to the issuance of the letter ruling.

Ordinarily not in certain areas because of factual nature of the problem

.02 The Service ordinarily does not issue letter rulings or determination letters in certain areas because of the factual nature of the problem involved or because of other reasons. Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin, and Rev. Proc. 2005-7, this Bulletin, provide a list of these areas. This list is not all-inclusive because the Service may decline to issue a letter ruling or a determination letter when appropriate in the interest of sound tax administration or on other grounds whenever warranted by the facts or circumstances of a particular case.

Instead of issuing a letter ruling or determination letter, the Service may, when it is considered appropriate and in the best interests of the Service, issue an information letter calling attention to well-established principles of tax law.

Ordinarily not on part of an integrated transaction

.03 An Associate office ordinarily will not issue a letter ruling on only part of an integrated transaction. If a part of a transaction falls under a no-rule area, a letter ruling on other parts of the transaction may be issued. Before preparing the letter ruling request, a taxpayer should call a branch having jurisdiction for the matters on which the taxpayer is seeking a letter ruling to discuss whether the Associate office will issue a letter ruling on part of the transaction.

Ordinarily not on which of two entities is a common law employer

.04 The Service does not ordinarily issue a letter ruling or a determination letter on which of two entities, under common law rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, is the employer, when one entity is treating the worker as an employee.

Generally not to business associations or groups

.05 The Service does not issue letter rulings or determination letters to business, trade, or industrial associations or to similar groups concerning the application of the tax laws to members of the group. But groups and associations may submit suggestions of generic issues that could be appropriately addressed in revenue rulings. See Rev. Proc. 89-14, 1989-1 C.B. 814, which states the objectives of, and standards for, the publication of revenue rulings and revenue procedures in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.

The Service may issue letter rulings or determination letters to groups or associations on their own tax status or liability if the request meets the requirements of this revenue procedure.

Generally not where the request does not address the tax status, liability, or reporting obligations of the requester

.06 The Service generally does not issue letter rulings or determination letters to individuals or businesses regarding the tax consequences to taxpayers who are not directly involved in the request where the requested letter ruling or determination letter would not address the tax status, liability, or reporting obligations of the requester. For example, the tax liability of each shareholder is directly involved in a letter ruling on the reorganization of a corporation. A customer or client is not, however, directly involved in a letter ruling.

Revenue Procedure 96-16, 1996-1 C.B. 630 sets forth rules for letter ruling requests involving state and local government obligations.

Generally not to foreign governments

.07 The Service does not issue letter rulings or determination letters to foreign governments or their political subdivisions about the U.S. tax effects of their laws. The Associate offices also do not issue letter rulings on the effect of a tax treaty on the tax laws of a treaty country for purposes of determining the tax of the treaty country. See section 13.02 of Rev. Proc. 2002-52, 2002-2 C.B. 242 at 252. Treaty partners can continue to address matters such as these under the provisions of the applicable tax treaty. In addition, the Associate offices may issue letter rulings to foreign governments or their political subdivisions on their own tax status or liability under U.S. law if the request meets the requirements of this revenue procedure.

Ordinarily not on federal tax consequences of proposed legislation

.08 The Associate offices ordinarily do not issue letter rulings on a matter involving the federal tax consequences of any proposed federal, state, local, municipal, or foreign legislation. The Office of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities) may issue letter rulings regarding the effect of proposed state, local, or municipal legislation upon an eligible deferred compensation plan under § 457(b) provided that the letter ruling request relating to the plan complies with the other requirements of this revenue procedure. The Associate offices also may provide general information in response to an inquiry.

Not before issuance of a regulation or other published guidance

.09 The Service will not issue a letter ruling or a determination letter if the request presents an issue that cannot be readily resolved before a regulation or any other published guidance is issued. When the Service has closed a regulation project or any other published guidance project that might have answered the issue or decides not to open a regulation project or any other published guidance project, the Associate offices may consider all letter ruling requests unless the issue is covered by section 6 of this revenue procedure, Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin, or Rev. Proc. 2005-7, this Bulletin.

Not on frivolous issues

.10 The Service will not issue a letter ruling or a determination letter on frivolous issues. A "frivolous issue" is one without basis in fact or law, or that espouses a position which has been held by the courts to be frivolous or groundless. Examples of frivolous or groundless issues include, but are not limited to:

(1) frivolous "constitutional" claims, such as claims that the requirement to file tax returns and pay taxes constitutes an unreasonable search barred by the Fourth Amendment; violates Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment protections of due process; violates Thirteenth Amendment protections against involuntary servitude; or is unenforceable because the Sixteenth Amendment does not authorize non apportioned direct taxes or because it was never ratified;

(2) claims that income taxes are voluntary, that the term "income" is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code, or that preparation and filing of income tax returns violates the Paperwork Reduction Act;

(3) claims that tax may be imposed only on coins minted under a gold or silver standard or that receipt of Federal Reserve Notes does not cause an accretion to wealth;

(4) claims that a person is not taxable on income because he or she falls within a class entitled to "reparation claims" or an extra- statutory class of individuals exempt from tax, e.g., "free- born" individuals;

(5) claims that a taxpayer can refuse to pay taxes on the basis of opposition to certain governmental expenditures;

(6) claims that taxes apply only to federal employees; only to residents of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, or "federal enclaves"; or that sections 861 through 865 or any other provision of the Internal Revenue Code imposes taxes on U.S. citizens and residents only on income derived from foreign based activities;

(7) claims that wages or personal service income are not "income," are "nontaxable receipts," or are a "nontaxable exchange for labor;"

(8) claims that income tax withholding by an employer on wages is optional; or

(9) other claims that the courts have characterized as frivolous or groundless.

No "comfort" letter rulings

.11 Except as otherwise provided in Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin, (e.g., under section 3.01 (31), where the Associate office already is ruling on a significant issue in the same transaction), a letter ruling will not be issued with respect to an issue that is clearly and adequately addressed by statute, regulations, decisions of a court, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, notices, or other authority published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. The Associate office may in its discretion determine to issue a letter ruling on such an issue if the Associate office is otherwise issuing a ruling to the taxpayer on another issue arising in the same transaction.

Not on alternative plans or hypothetical situations

.12 The Service will not issue a letter ruling or a determination letter on alternative plans of proposed transactions or on hypothetical situations.

Not on property conversion after return filed

.13 An Associate office will not issue a letter ruling on the replacement of involuntarily converted property, whether or not the property has been replaced, if the taxpayer has already filed a return for the taxable year in which the property was converted. A Director may issue a determination letter in this case. See section 12.01 of this revenue procedure.

Circumstances under which determination letters are not issued by a Director

.14 A Director will not issue a determination letter if --

(1) it appears that the taxpayer has directed a similar inquiry to an Associate office;

(2) the same issue, involving the same taxpayer or a related taxpayer, is pending in a case in litigation or before Appeals;

(3) the request involves an industry-wide problem;

(4) the specific employment tax question at issue in the request has been, or is being, considered by the Central Office of the Social Security Administration or the Railroad Retirement Board for the same taxpayer or a related taxpayer; or

(5) the request is for a determination of constructive sales price under § 4216(b) or § 4218(c), which deal with special provisions applicable to the manufacturers excise tax. The Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) will issue letter rulings in this area. See section 5.13 of this revenue procedure.


This section explains the general instructions for requesting letter rulings and determination letters. See section 9 of this revenue procedure for the specific and additional procedures for requesting a change in accounting method.

Requests for letter rulings, closing agreements, and determination letters require the payment of the applicable user fee listed in Appendix A of this revenue procedure. Certain changes in accounting methods under the automatic change request procedures (see section 9.01(1) of this revenue procedure) and certain changes in accounting periods made under automatic change request procedures do not require payment of a user fee (see Appendix E of this revenue procedure). For additional user fee requirements, see section 15 of this revenue procedure.

Specific and additional instructions also apply to requests for letter rulings and determination letters on certain matters. Those matters are listed in Appendix E of this revenue procedure followed by a reference (usually to another revenue procedure) where more information can be obtained.

Certain information required in all requests



(1) Complete statement of facts and other information. Each request for a letter ruling or a determination letter must contain a complete statement of all facts relating to the transaction. These facts include --

(a) names, addresses, telephone numbers, and taxpayer identification numbers of all interested parties (the term "all interested parties" does not mean all shareholders of a widely held corporation requesting a letter ruling relating to a reorganization or all employees where a large number may be involved);

(b) the annual accounting period, and the overall method of accounting (cash or accrual) for maintaining the accounting books and filing the federal income tax return, of all interested parties;

(c) a description of the taxpayer's business operations;

(d) a complete statement of the business reasons for the transaction; and

(e) a detailed description of the transaction.

Documents and foreign laws

(2) Copies of all contracts, wills, deeds, agreements, instruments, other documents, and foreign laws.

(a) Documents. True copies of all contracts, wills, deeds, agreements, instruments, trust documents, proposed disclaimers, and other documents pertinent to the transaction must be submitted with the request.

If the request concerns a corporate distribution, reorganization, or similar transaction, the corporate balance sheet and profit and loss statement should also be submitted. If the request relates to a prospective transaction, the most recent balance sheet and profit and loss statement should be submitted.

If any document, including any balance sheet and profit and loss statement, is in a language other than English, the taxpayer must also submit a certified English translation of the document, along with a true copy of the document. For guidelines on the acceptability of such documents, see paragraph (c) of this section 7.01(2).

Each document, other than the request, should be labeled and attached to the request in alphabetical sequence. Original documents, such as contracts, wills, etc., should not be submitted because they become part of the Service's file and will not be returned.

(b) Foreign laws. The taxpayer must submit with the request a copy of the relevant parts of all foreign laws, including statutes, regulations, administrative pronouncements, and any other relevant legal authority. The documents submitted must be in the official language of the country involved and must be copied from an official publication of the foreign government or another widely available, generally accepted publication. If English is not the official language of the country involved, the taxpayer must also submit a copy of an English language version of the relevant parts of all foreign laws. This translation must be: (i) from an official publication of the foreign government or another widely available, generally accepted publication; or (ii) a certified English translation submitted in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section 7.01(2).

The taxpayer must identify the title and date of publication, including updates, of any widely available, generally accepted publication that the taxpayer (or the taxpayer's qualified translator) uses as a source for the relevant parts of the foreign law.

(c) Standards for acceptability of submissions of documents in a language other than English and certified English translations of laws in a language other than English. The taxpayer must submit with the request an accurate and complete certified English translation of the relevant parts of all contracts, wills, deeds, agreements, instruments, trust documents, proposed disclaimers, or other documents, which are in a language other than English. If the taxpayer chooses to submit certified English translations of foreign laws, those translations must be based on an official publication of the foreign government or another widely available, generally accepted publication. In either case, the translation must be that of a qualified translator and must be attested to by the translator. The attestation must contain: (i) a statement that the translation submitted is a true and accurate translation of the foreign language document or law; (ii) a statement as to the attestant's qualifications as a translator and as to that attestant's qualifications and knowledge regarding tax matters or foreign law if the law is not a tax law; and (iii) the attestant's name and address.

Analysis of material facts

(3) Analysis of material facts.

The request must be accompanied by an analysis of facts and their bearing on the issue or issues. If documents attached to a request contain material facts, they must be included in the taxpayer's analysis of facts in the request rather than merely incorporated by reference.

Same issue in an earlier return

(4) Statement regarding whether same issue is in an earlier return. The request must state whether, to the best of the knowledge of both the taxpayer and the taxpayer's representatives, any return of the taxpayer (or any return of a related taxpayer within the meaning of § 267 or of a member of an affiliated group of which the taxpayer is also a member within the meaning of § 1504) that would be affected by the requested letter ruling or determination letter is under examination, before Appeals, or before a federal court.

Same or similar issue previously submitted or currently pending

(5) Statement regarding whether same or similar issue was previously ruled on or requested, or is currently pending. The request must state whether, to the best of the knowledge of both the taxpayer and the taxpayer's representatives --

(a) the Service previously ruled on the same or a similar issue for the taxpayer (or a related taxpayer within the meaning of § 267 or a member of an affiliated group of which the taxpayer is also a member within the meaning of § 1504 (related taxpayer)) or a predecessor;

(b) the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, a predecessor, or any representatives previously submitted a request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or a similar issue to the Service but no letter ruling or determination letter was issued;

(c) the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor previously submitted a request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or a similar issue that is currently pending with the Service; or

(d) at the same time as this request, the taxpayer or a related taxpayer is presently submitting another request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or a similar issue to the Service.

If the statement is affirmative for (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this section 7.01(5), the statement must give the date the request was submitted, the date the request was withdrawn or ruled on, if applicable, and other details of the Service's consideration of the issue.

Interpretation of a substantive provision of an income or estate tax treaty

(6) Statement regarding interpretation of a substantive provision of an income or estate tax treaty. If the request involves the interpretation of a substantive provision of an income or estate tax treaty, the request must state whether --

(a) the tax authority of the treaty jurisdiction has issued a ruling on the same or similar issue for the taxpayer, a related taxpayer (within the meaning of § 267 or a member of an affiliated group of which the taxpayer is also a member within the meaning of § 1504 (related taxpayer)), or any predecessor;

(b) the same or similar issue for the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or any predecessor is being examined, or has been settled, by the tax authority of the treaty jurisdiction or is otherwise the subject of a closing agreement in that jurisdiction; and

(c) the same or similar issue for the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or any predecessor is being considered by the competent authority of the treaty jurisdiction.

Letter from Bureau of Indian Affairs relating to Indian tribal government

(7) Letter from Bureau of Indian Affairs relating to a letter ruling request for recognition of Indian tribal government status or status as a political subdivision of an Indian tribal government. To facilitate prompt action on a letter ruling request for recognition of Indian tribal government status or status as a political subdivision of an Indian tribal government, the taxpayer must submit with the letter ruling request a letter from the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs ("BIA"), verifying that the tribe is recognized by BIA as an Indian tribe and that the tribal government exercises governmental functions or that the political subdivision of the Indian tribal government has been delegated substantial governmental functions. A letter ruling request that does not contain this letter from BIA cannot be resolved until the Service obtains a letter from BIA regarding the tribe's status.

The taxpayer should send a request to verify tribal status to the following address:


Branch of Tribal Government & Alaska


Division of Indian Affairs


Office of the Solicitor, Room 6456


U.S. Department of the Interior


1849 C Street, N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20240


Statement of authorities supporting taxpayer's views

(8) Statement of supporting authorities. If the taxpayer advocates a particular conclusion, an explanation of the grounds for that conclusion and the relevant authorities to support it must be included. Even if not advocating a particular tax treatment of a proposed transaction, the taxpayer must still furnish views on the tax results of the proposed transaction and a statement of relevant authorities to support those views.

In all events, the request must include a statement of whether the law in connection with the request is uncertain and whether the issue is adequately addressed by relevant authorities.

Statement of authorities contrary to taxpayer's views

(9) Statement of contrary authorities. The taxpayer is also encouraged to inform the Service about, and discuss the implications of, any authority believed to be contrary to the position advanced, such as legislation, tax treaties, court decisions, regulations, notices, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, or announcements. If the taxpayer determines that there are no contrary authorities, a statement in the request to this effect would be helpful. If the taxpayer does not furnish either contrary authorities or a statement that none exists, the Service in complex cases or those presenting difficult or novel issues may request submission of contrary authorities or a statement that none exists. Failure to comply with this request may result in the Service's refusal to issue a letter ruling or determination letter.

Identifying and discussing contrary authorities will generally enable Service personnel to understand the issue and relevant authorities more quickly. When Service personnel receive the request, they will have before them the taxpayer's thinking on the effect and applicability of contrary authorities. This information should make research easier and lead to earlier action by the Service. If the taxpayer does not disclose and distinguish significant contrary authorities, the Service may need to request additional information, which will delay action on the request.

Statement identifying pending legislation

(10) Statement identifying pending legislation. At the time of filing the request, the taxpayer must identify any pending legislation that may affect the proposed transaction. In addition, if legislation is introduced after the request is filed but before a letter ruling or determination letter is issued, the taxpayer must notify the Service.

Deletion statement required by § 6110

(11) Statement identifying information to be deleted from copy of letter ruling or determination letter for public inspection. The text of letter rulings and determination letters is open to public inspection under § 6110. The Service makes deletions from the text before it is made available for inspection. To help the Service make the deletions required by § 6110(c), a request for a letter ruling or determination letter must be accompanied by a statement indicating the deletions desired ("deletion statement"). If the deletion statement is not submitted with the request, a Service representative will tell the taxpayer that the request will be closed if the Service does not receive the deletion statement within 21 calendar days. See section 8.05 of this revenue procedure.

(a) Format of deletion statement. A taxpayer who wants only names, addresses, and identifying numbers to be deleted should state this in the deletion statement. If the taxpayer wants more information deleted, the deletion statement must be accompanied by a copy of the request and supporting documents on which the taxpayer should bracket the material to be deleted. The deletion statement must include the statutory basis under § 6110(c) for each proposed deletion.

If the taxpayer decides to ask for additional deletions before the letter ruling or determination letter is issued, additional deletion statements may be submitted.

(b) Location of deletion statement. The deletion statement must not appear in the request, but instead must be made in a separate document and placed on top of the request for a letter ruling or determination letter.

(c) Signature. The deletion statement must be signed and dated by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative. A stamped signature or faxed signature is not permitted.

(d) Additional information. The taxpayer should follow the same procedures of this section 7.01(11) to propose deletions from any additional information submitted after the initial request. An additional deletion statement is not required with each submission of additional information if the taxpayer's initial deletion statement requests that only names, addresses, and identifying numbers are to be deleted and the taxpayer wants only the same information deleted from the additional information.

(e) Taxpayer may protest deletions not made. After receiving from the Service the notice under § 6110(f)(1) of intention to disclose the letter ruling or determination letter (including a 2copy of the version proposed to be open to public inspection and notation of third-party communications under § 6110(d)), the taxpayer may protest the disclosure of certain information in the letter ruling or determination letter. The taxpayer must send a written statement to the Service office indicated on the notice of intention to disclose, within 20 calendar days of the date the notice of intention to disclose is mailed to the taxpayer. The statement must identify those deletions that the Service has not made and that the taxpayer believes should have been made. The taxpayer must also submit a copy of the version of the letter ruling or determination letter and bracket the deletions proposed that have not been made by the Service. Generally, the Service will not consider deleting any material that the taxpayer did not propose to be deleted before the letter ruling or determination letter was issued.

Within 20 calendar days after the Service receives the response to the notice under § 6110(f)(1), the Service will mail to the taxpayer its final administrative conclusion regarding the deletions to be made. The taxpayer does not have the right to a conference to resolve any disagreements concerning material to be deleted from the text of the letter ruling or determination letter. These matters may be taken up at any conference that is otherwise scheduled regarding the request.

(f) Taxpayer may request delay of public inspection. After receiving the notice under § 6110(f)(1) of intention to disclose, but within 60 calendar days after the date of notice, the taxpayer may send a written request for delay of public inspection under either § 6110(g)(3) or (4). The request for delay must be sent to the Service office indicated on the notice of intention to disclose. A request for delay under § 6110(g)(3) must contain the date on which it is expected that the underlying transaction will be completed. The request for delay under § 6110(g)(4) must contain a statement from which the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may determine whether there are good reasons for the delay.

Signature on request

(12) Signature by taxpayer or authorized representative. The request for a letter ruling or determination letter must be signed and dated by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative. A stamped signature or faxed signature is not permitted.

Authorized representatives

(13) (a) Authorized representatives. To sign the request or to appear before the Service in connection with the request, the taxpayer's authorized representative (for rules on who may practice before the Service, see Treasury Department Circular No. 230 (31 C.F.R. part 10, July 26, 2002) must be:


(1) An attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of any state, possession, territory, commonwealth, or the District of Columbia and who is not currently under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Service. He or she must file a written declaration with the Service showing current qualification as an attorney and current authorization to represent the taxpayer;

Certified public accountant

(2) A certified public accountant who is duly qualified to practice in any state, possession, territory, commonwealth, or the District of Columbia and who is not currently under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Service. He or she must file a written declaration with the Service showing current qualification as a certified public accountant and current authorization to represent the taxpayer;

Enrolled agent

(3) An enrolled agent who is a person, other than an attorney or certified public accountant, who is currently enrolled to practice before the Service and who is not currently under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Service. He or she must file a written declaration with the Service showing current enrollment and authorization to represent the taxpayer. Either the enrollment number or the expiration date of the enrollment card must be included in the declaration;

Enrolled actuary

(4) An enrolled actuary who is a person, other than an attorney or certified public accountant, who is currently enrolled as an actuary by the Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 1242 and who is not currently under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Service. He or she must file a written declaration with the Service showing current qualification as an enrolled actuary and current authorization to represent the taxpayer. Practice before the Service as an enrolled actuary is limited to representation with respect to issues involving §§ 401, 403(a), 404, 412, 413, 414, 419, 419A, 420, 4971, 4972, 4976, 4980, 6057, 6058, 6059, 6652(e), 6652(f), 6692, and 7805(b); former § 405; and 29 U.S.C. § 1083; or

A person with a "Letter of Authorization"

(5) Any other person, including a foreign representative, who has received a "Letter of Authorization" from the Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility under section 10.7(d) of Treasury Department Circular No. 230. A person may make a written request for a "Letter of Authorization" to: Office of Professional Responsibility, SE:OPR, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20224. Section 10.7(d) of Circular No. 230 authorizes the Commissioner to allow an individual who is not otherwise eligible to practice before the Service to represent another person in a particular matter.

Representative authorized based on relationship to taxpayer

(b) A regular full-time employee representing his or her employer; a general partner representing his or her partnership; a bona fide officer representing his or her corporation, association, or organized group; a regular full-time employee representing a trust, receivership, guardianship, or estate; or an individual representing his or her immediate family may sign the request or appear before the Service in connection with the request.

Return preparer

(c) A return preparer who is not described in 13(a) and 13(b) of this section may not sign the request, or appear before the Service, or represent a taxpayer in connection with a letter ruling or a determination letter. See section 10.7(c) of Treasury Department Circular No. 230.

Foreign representative

(d) A foreign representative, other than a person referred to in 13(a) and 13(b) of this section, is not authorized to practice before the Service and, therefore, must withdraw from representing a taxpayer in a request for a letter ruling or a determination letter. In this situation, the nonresident alien or foreign entity must submit the request for a letter ruling or a determination letter on the individual's or the entity's own behalf or through a person referred to in (13)(a) and (b) of this section; see also Rev. Proc. 81-38, 1981-2 C.B. 592.

Power of attorney and declaration of representative

(14) Power of attorney and declaration of representative. It is preferred that Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, be used to provide the representative's authority (Part I of Form 2848, Power of Attorney) and the representative's qualification (Part II of Form 2848, Declaration of Representative). The name of the person signing Part I of Form 2848 should also be typed or printed on this form. A stamped signature is not permitted. An original, a copy, or a facsimile transmission (fax) of the power of attorney is acceptable so long as its authenticity is not reasonably disputed. For additional information regarding the power of attorney form, see section 7.02(2) of this revenue procedure.

The taxpayer's authorized representative, whether or not enrolled, must comply with Treasury Department Circular No. 230, which provides the rules for practice before the Service. In situations where the Service believes that the taxpayer's representative is not in compliance with Circular 230, the Service will bring the matter to the attention of the Office of Professional Responsibility.

Penalties of perjury statement

(15) Penalties of perjury statement.

(a) Format of penalties of perjury statement. A request for a letter ruling or determination letter and any change in the request submitted at a later time must be accompanied by the following declaration: "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined [Insert, as appropriate: this request or this modification to the request], including accompanying documents, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, [Insert, as appropriate: the request or the modification] contains all the relevant facts relating to the request, and such facts are true, correct, and complete."

See section 8.05(4) of this revenue procedure for the penalties of perjury statement applicable for submissions of additional information.

(b) Signature by taxpayer. The declaration must be signed and dated by the taxpayer, not the taxpayer's representative. A stamped signature or faxed signature is not permitted.

The person who signs for a corporate taxpayer must be an officer of the corporate taxpayer who has personal knowledge of the facts and whose duties are not limited to obtaining a letter ruling or determination letter from the Service. If the corporate taxpayer is a member of an affiliated group filing consolidated returns, a penalties of perjury statement must also be signed and submitted by an officer of the common parent of the group.

The person signing for a trust, a state law partnership, or a limited liability company must be, respectively, a trustee, general partner, or member-manager who has personal knowledge of the facts.

Number of copies of request to be submitted

(16) Number of copies of request to be submitted. Generally, a taxpayer needs to submit the original and one copy of the request for a letter ruling or determination letter. If more than one issue is presented in the letter ruling request, the taxpayer is encouraged to submit additional copies of the request.

Further, the original and two copies of the request for a letter ruling or determination letter are required if --

(a) the taxpayer is requesting separate letter rulings or determination letters on different issues as explained later under section 7.02(1) of this revenue procedure; or

(b) the taxpayer is requesting deletions other than names, addresses, and identifying numbers, as explained in section 7.01(11)(a) of this revenue procedure (one copy is the request for the letter ruling or determination letter and the second copy is the deleted version of such request); or

(c) a closing agreement (as defined in section 2.02 of this revenue procedure) is being requested on the issue presented.

Sample format for a letter ruling request

(17) Sample format for a letter ruling request. To assist a taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative in preparing a letter ruling request, a sample format for a letter ruling request is provided in Appendix B of this revenue procedure. This format is not required to be used by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative.


(18) Checklist for letter ruling requests. An Associate office will be able to respond more quickly to a taxpayer's letter ruling request if the request is carefully prepared and complete. The checklist in Appendix C of this revenue procedure is designed to assist taxpayers in preparing a request by reminding them of the essential information and documents to be furnished with the request. The checklist in Appendix C must be completed to the extent required by the instructions in the checklist, signed and dated by the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative, and placed on top of the letter ruling request. If the checklist in Appendix C is not received, a branch representative will ask the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative to submit the checklist; this may delay action on the letter ruling request.

For letter ruling requests on certain matters, specific checklists supplement the checklist in Appendix C. These checklists are listed in section 1 of Appendix E of this revenue procedure and must also be completed and placed on top of the letter ruling request along with the checklist in Appendix C.

Copies of the checklist in Appendix C can be obtained by calling (202) 622-7560 (not a toll-free call) or a copy can be obtained from this revenue procedure in Internal Revenue Bulletin 2005-1 on the IRS web site at by accessing the Newsroom link, and then the IRS Guidance link, to obtain Internal Revenue Bulletin 2005-1. A photocopy of this checklist may be used.

Additional procedural information required with request


Multiple issues

(1) To request separate letter rulings for multiple issues in a single situation. If more than one issue is presented in a request for a letter ruling, the Associate office generally will issue a single letter ruling covering all the issues. If the taxpayer requests separate letter rulings on any of the issues (because, for example, one letter ruling is needed sooner than another), the Associate office usually will comply with the request unless it is not feasible or not in the best interests of the Associate office to do so. A taxpayer who wants separate letter rulings on multiple issues should make this clear in the request and submit the original and two copies of the request.

In issuing each letter ruling, the Associate office will state that it has issued separate letter rulings or that requests for other letter rulings are pending.

Power of attorney used to indicate recipient of a copy or copies of a letter ruling or a determination letter

(2) Power of attorney used to indicate recipient or recipients of a copy or copies of a letter ruling or a determination letter. Once the Service signs the letter ruling or determination letter, it will send the original to the taxpayer. The Service will not send the original letter ruling or determination letter to the taxpayer's representative. The Service may send copies of the letter ruling or determination to the taxpayer's representative, but in no case to more than two representatives.

Unless otherwise indicated by the taxpayer on the Form 2848, the Service will send a copy of the letter ruling or determination letter to the first representative listed on the Form 2848. If the taxpayer appoints more than one representative on the 2848 and checks the Box (a) on Line 7, an additional copy will be send to the second representative listed on the Form 2848. The Service will not send a copy of the letter ruling or determination letter to any representative if the taxpayer checks the Box (b) on Line 7 on the Form 2848 indicating that notices or written communications from the Service should not be sent to the taxpayer's representative.

It is preferred that the taxpayers use the Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, to appoint representatives. If a taxpayer does not use Form 2848 to appoint a representative, a copy of the letter ruling or determination letter will be mailed to the first representative listed on the power of attorney, unless the taxpayer indicates that an additional copy of the letter ruling or determination letter should be mailed to a second representative, or that no copies of the letter ruling or determination letter should be mailed to the taxpayer's representative.

"Two-Part" letter ruling requests

(3) To request a particular conclusion on a proposed transaction. A taxpayer who is requesting a particular conclusion on a proposed transaction may make the request for a letter ruling in two parts. This type of request is referred to as a "two-part" letter ruling request. The first part must include the complete statement of facts and related documents described in section 7.01 of this revenue procedure. The second part must include a summary statement of the facts the taxpayer believes to be controlling in reaching the conclusion requested.

If the Associate office accepts the taxpayer's statement of controlling facts, it will base its letter ruling on these facts. Ordinarily, this statement will be incorporated into the letter ruling. The Associate office reserves the right to rule on the basis of a more complete statement of the facts and to seek more information in developing the facts and restating them.

A taxpayer who chooses this two-part procedure has all the rights and responsibilities provided in this revenue procedure.

Taxpayers may not use the two-part procedure if it is inconsistent with other procedures, such as those dealing with requests for permission to change accounting methods or periods, applications for recognition of exempt status under § 521, or rulings on employment tax status.

After the Associate office has resolved the issues presented by a letter ruling request, the Associate office representative may request that the taxpayer submit a proposed draft of the letter ruling to expedite the issuance of the ruling. See section 8.07 of this revenue procedure.

Expedited handling

(4) To request expedited handling. The Service ordinarily processes requests for letter rulings and determination letters in order of the date received. Expedited handling means that a request is processed ahead of the regular order. Expedited handling is granted only in rare and unusual cases, both out of fairness to other taxpayers and because the Service seeks to process all requests as expeditiously as possible and to give appropriate deference to normal business exigencies in all cases not involving expedited handling.

A taxpayer who has a compelling need to have a request processed ahead of the regular order may request expedited handling. This request must explain in detail the need for expedited handling. The request must be made in writing, preferably in a separate letter with, or soon after filing, the request for the letter ruling or determination letter. If the request is not made in a separate letter, then the letter in which the letter ruling or determination letter request is made should say, at the top of the first page: "Expedited Handling Is Requested. See page _____ of this letter."

A request for expedited handling will not be forwarded to a branch for action until the check for the user fee is received.

Whether a request for expedited handling will be granted is within the Service's discretion. The Service may grant the request when a factor outside a taxpayer's control creates a real business need to obtain a letter ruling or determination letter before a certain time in order to avoid serious business consequences. Examples include situations in which a court or governmental agency has imposed a specific deadline for the completion of a transaction, or a transaction must be completed expeditiously to avoid an imminent business emergency (such as the hostile takeover of a corporate taxpayer), provided that the taxpayer can demonstrate that the deadline or business emergency, and the need for expedited handling, resulted from circumstances that could not reasonably have been anticipated or controlled by the taxpayer. To qualify for expedited handling in such situations, the taxpayer must also demonstrate that the taxpayer submitted the request as promptly as possible after becoming aware of the deadline or emergency. The extent to which the letter ruling or determination letter complies with all of the applicable requirements of this revenue procedure, and fully and clearly presents the issues, is a factor in determining whether expedited treatment will be granted. When the Service agrees to process a request out of order, it cannot give assurance that any letter ruling or determination letter will be processed by the time requested.

The scheduling of a closing date for a transaction or a meeting of the board of directors or shareholders of a corporation, without regard for the time it may take to obtain a letter ruling or determination letter, will not be considered a sufficient reason to process a request ahead of its regular order. Also, the possible effect of fluctuation in the market price of stocks on a transaction will not be considered a sufficient reason to process a request out of order.

Because most requests for letter rulings and determination letters cannot be processed ahead of the regular order, the Service urges all taxpayers to submit their requests well in advance of the contemplated transaction. In addition, to facilitate prompt action on letter ruling requests, taxpayers are encouraged to ensure that their initial submissions comply with all of the requirements of this revenue procedure (including the requirements of other applicable guidelines set forth in Appendix E of this revenue procedure), to prepare "two-part" requests described in section 7.02(3) of this revenue procedure when possible, and to provide any additional information requested by the Service promptly.

Facsimile transmission (fax) to taxpayer or taxpayer's authorized representative of any document related to the letter ruling request

(5) Taxpayer requests to receive any document related to the letter ruling request by facsimile transmission (fax). If the taxpayer requests, the Associate office may fax a copy of any document related to the letter ruling request to the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative (for example, a request for additional information or the letter ruling).

A request to fax a copy of any document related to the letter ruling request to the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative must be made in writing, either as part of the original letter ruling request or prior to the mailing, or with respect to the letter ruling prior to the signing, of the document. The request must contain the fax number of the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative to whom the document is to be faxed.

A document other than the letter ruling will be faxed by a branch representative. The letter ruling may be faxed by either a branch representative or the Disclosure and Litigation Support Branch of the Legal Processing Division (CC:PA:LPD:DLS). For purposes of § 301.6110-2(h), a letter ruling is not issued until the ruling is mailed.

Requesting a conference

(6) To request a conference. A taxpayer who wants to have a conference on the issues involved should indicate this in writing when, or soon after, filing the request. See also sections 10.01, 10.02, and 11.11 (2) of this revenue procedure.

Address to send the request


Original letter ruling requests must be sent to the appropriate Associate office. The package should be marked: RULING REQUEST SUBMISSION.

(1) Requests for letter rulings should be sent to the following address:


Internal Revenue Service




P.O. Box 7604


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


If a private delivery service is used, the address is:


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room 5336


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


(2) Requests for letter rulings may also be hand delivered between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to the courier's desk at the loading dock (behind the 12th Street security station) of 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC. A receipt will be given at the courier's desk. The package should be addressed to:


Courier's Desk


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room 5336


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


(3) Requests for letter rulings must not be submitted by fax.

Pending letter ruling requests


(1) Circumstances under which the taxpayer must notify the Associate office. The taxpayer must notify the Associate office if, after the letter ruling request is filed but before a letter ruling is issued, the taxpayer knows that --

(a) an examination of the issue or the identical issue on an earlier year's return has been started by a field office;

(b) in the case of a § 301.9100 request, an examination of the return for the taxable year in which an election should have been made or any taxable year that would have been affected by the election had it been timely made, has been started by a field office. See § 301.9100-3(e)(4)(i) and section 5.03(3) of this revenue procedure;

(c) legislation that may affect the transaction has been introduced. See section 7.01(10) of this revenue procedure; or

(d) another letter ruling request (including an application for change in accounting method) has been submitted by the taxpayer (or a related party within the meaning of § 267 or a member of an affiliated group of which the taxpayer is also a member within the meaning of § 1504) involving the same or similar issue that is currently pending with the Service.

(2) Taxpayer must notify the Associate office if a return is filed and must attach the request to the return. If the taxpayer files a return before a letter ruling is received from the Associate office concerning an issue in the return, the taxpayer must notify the Associate office that the return has been filed. The taxpayer must also attach a copy of the letter ruling request to the return to alert the field office and thereby avoid premature field action on the issue.

If, under the limited circumstances permitted in section 5 of this revenue procedure, the taxpayer requests a letter ruling after the return is filed, but before the return is examined, the taxpayer must notify the Associate office that the return has been filed. The taxpayer must also notify the field office having jurisdiction over the return and attach a copy of the letter ruling request to the notification to alert the field office and thereby avoid premature field action on the issue.

This section 7.04 also applies to pending requests for a closing agreement on a transaction for which a letter ruling is not requested or issued.

For purposes of this section 7.04, the term "return" includes the original return, amended return, and claim for refund.

When to attach letter ruling to return

.05 A taxpayer who receives a letter ruling before filing a return about any transaction that is relevant to the return being filed must attach a copy of the letter ruling to the return when it is filed.

For purposes of this section 7.05, the term "return" includes the original return, amended return, and claim for refund.

How to check on status of request

.06 The taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative may obtain information regarding the status of a request by calling the person whose name and telephone number are shown on the acknowledgment of receipt of the request or the appropriate branch representative who contacts the taxpayer as explained in section 8.02 of this revenue procedure.

Request may be withdrawn or Associate office may decline to issue letter ruling


(1) In general. A taxpayer may withdraw a request for a letter ruling or determination letter at any time before the letter ruling or determination letter is signed by the Service. Correspondence and exhibits related to a request that is withdrawn or related to a letter ruling request for which an Associate office declines to issue a letter ruling will not be returned to the taxpayer. See section 7.01(2) of this revenue procedure. In appropriate cases, an Associate office may publish its conclusions in a revenue ruling or revenue procedure.

(2) Notification of appropriate Service official.

(a) Letter ruling requests. If a taxpayer withdraws a letter ruling request or if the Associate office declines to issue a letter ruling, the Associate office generally will notify, by memorandum, the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return and may give its views on the issues in the request to the Service official to consider in any later examination of the return. This section 7.07(2)(a) generally does not apply if the taxpayer withdraws the letter ruling request and submits a written statement that the transaction has been, or is being, abandoned and if the Associate office has not already formed an adverse opinion. See, in appropriate cases, section 7.07(1) above.

(b) Notification of Service official may constitute Chief Counsel Advice. If the memorandum to the Service official referred to in paragraph (a) of this section 7.07(2) provides more than the fact that the request was withdrawn and the Associate office was tentatively adverse, or that the Associate office declines to issue a letter ruling, the memorandum may constitute Chief Counsel Advice, as defined in § 6110(i)(1), subject to disclosure under § 6110.

(3) Refund of user fee. Ordinarily, the user fee will not be returned for a letter ruling request that is withdrawn. If the Associate office declines to issue a letter ruling on all of the issues in the request, the user fee will be returned. If the Associate office issues a letter ruling on some, but not all, of the issues, the user fee will not be returned. See section 15.10 of this revenue procedure for additional information regarding the refunds of user fees.


The Associate offices will issue letter rulings on the matters and under the circumstances explained in sections 3 and 5 of this revenue procedure and in the manner explained in this section and section 11 of this revenue procedure. See section 9 of this revenue procedure for procedures for change in accounting method requests.

Docket, Records, and User Fee Branch receives, initially controls and refers the request to the appropriate Associate office

.01 All requests for letter rulings will be received and initially controlled by the Docket, Records, and User Fee Branch of the Legal Processing Division of the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration) (CC:PA:LPD:DRU). That office will process the incoming documents and the user fee, and will forward the file to the appropriate Associate office for assignment to a branch that has jurisdiction over the specific issue involved in the request.

Branch representative of the Associate office contacts taxpayer within 21 days

.02 Within 21 calendar days after a letter ruling request has been received in the branch of the Associate office that has jurisdiction over the issue, a representative of the branch will discuss the procedural issues in the letter ruling request with the taxpayer or, if the request includes a properly executed power of attorney, with the authorized representative unless the power of attorney provides otherwise. If the case is complex or a number of issues are involved, it may not be possible for the branch representative to discuss the substantive issues during this initial contact. When possible, for each issue within the branch's jurisdiction, the branch representative will tell the taxpayer --

(1) whether the branch representative will recommend that the Associate office rule as the taxpayer requested, rule adversely on the matter, or not rule;

(2) whether the taxpayer should submit additional information to enable the Associate office to rule on the matter;

(3) whether the letter ruling complies with all of the provisions of this revenue procedure, and if not, which requirements have not been met; or

(4) whether, because of the nature of the transaction or the issue presented, a tentative conclusion on the issue cannot be reached.

If the letter ruling request involves matters within the jurisdiction of more than one branch or Associate office, a representative of the branch that received the original request will tell the taxpayer within the initial 21 days --

(1) that the matters within the jurisdiction of another branch or Associate office have been referred to that branch or Associate office for consideration, and the date the referral was made, and

(2) that a representative of that branch or Associate office will contact the taxpayer within 21 calendar days after receiving the referral to discuss informally the procedural and, to the extent possible, the substantive issues in the request.

This section 8.02 applies to all matters except for cases involving a request for change in accounting method or accounting period and cases within the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products) concerning insurance issues requiring actuarial computations.

Determines if transaction can be modified to obtain favorable letter ruling

.03 If less than a fully favorable letter ruling is indicated, the branch representative will tell the taxpayer whether minor changes in the transaction or adherence to certain published positions would bring about a favorable ruling. The branch representative may also tell the taxpayer the facts that must be furnished in a document to comply with Service requirements. The branch representative will not suggest precise changes that would materially alter the form of the proposed transaction or materially alter a taxpayer's proposed accounting period.

If, at the end of this discussion, the branch representative determines that a meeting in the Associate office would be more helpful to develop or exchange information, a meeting will be offered and an early meeting date arranged. When offered, this meeting is in addition to the taxpayer's conference of right that is described in section 10.02 of this revenue procedure.

Is not bound by informal opinion expressed

.04 The Service will not be bound by the informal opinion expressed by the branch representative or any other Service representative, and such an opinion cannot be relied upon as a basis for obtaining retroactive relief under the provisions of § 7805(b).

Additional information


Must be submitted within 21 calendar days

(1) Additional information must be submitted within 21 days. If the request lacks essential information, which may include additional information needed to satisfy the procedural requirements of this revenue procedure as well as substantive changes to transactions or documents needed from the taxpayer, the branch representative will tell the taxpayer during the initial contact, or subsequent contacts, that the request will be closed if the Associate office does not receive the information within 21 calendar days from the date of the request for additional information, unless an extension of time is granted. To facilitate prompt action on letter ruling requests, taxpayers are encouraged to request that the Associate office request additional information by fax. See section 7.02(5) of this revenue procedure.

Material facts furnished to the Associate office by telephone or fax, or orally at a conference, must be promptly confirmed by letter to the Associate office. This confirmation and any additional information requested by the Associate office that is not part of the information requested during the initial contact must be furnished within 21 calendar days from the date the Associate office makes the request.

Extension of reply period if justified and approved

(2) Extension of reply period. An extension of the 21-day period for providing additional information will be granted only if justified in writing by the taxpayer and approved by the branch reviewer. A request for extension should be submitted before the end of the 21-day period. If unusual circumstances close to the end of the 21-day period make a written request impractical, the taxpayer should notify the Associate office within the 21-day period that there is a problem and that the written request for extension will be coming soon. The taxpayer will be told promptly, and later in writing, of the approval or denial of the requested extension. If the extension request is denied, there is no right of appeal.

Letter ruling request closed if the taxpayer does not submit additional information

(3) Letter ruling request closed if the taxpayer does not submit additional information. If the taxpayer does not submit the information requested during the initial contact, or subsequent contacts, within the time provided, the letter ruling request will be closed and the taxpayer will be notified in writing. If the information is received after the request is closed, the request will be reopened and treated as a new request as of the date the information is received. The taxpayer must pay another user fee before the case can be reopened.

Penalties of perjury statement for additional information

(4) Penalties of perjury statement. Additional information submitted to the Service must be accompanied by the following declaration: "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this information, including accompanying documents, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contains all the relevant facts relating to the request for the information, and such facts are true, correct, and complete." This declaration must be signed in accordance with the requirements in section 7.01(15)(b) of this revenue procedure.

Faxing request and additional information

(5) Faxing request and additional information. To facilitate prompt action on letter ruling requests, taxpayers are encouraged to request that the Associate office request additional information by fax. See section 7.02(5) of this revenue procedure. Taxpayers also are encouraged to submit additional information by fax as soon as the information is available. The Associate office representative who requests additional information can provide a telephone number to which the information can be faxed. A copy of this information and a signed perjury statement must be mailed or delivered to the Associate office.

Address to send additional information

(6) Address to send additional information

(a) If a private delivery service is not used, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


P.O. Box 7604


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


For cases involving a request for change in accounting method or period under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), or a § 301.9100 request for an extension of time on a request for change in accounting method or period, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


P.O. Box 14095


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


(b) If a private delivery service is used, the additional information for all cases should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224



Identifying information included


in additional information


(7) Identifying information. For all cases, the additional information should include the name, office symbols, and room number of the Associate office representative who requested the information, and the taxpayer's name and the case control number, which the Associate office representative can provide.

Number of copies of additional information to be submitted

(8) Number of copies. Generally, a taxpayer needs only to submit one copy of the additional information, although in appropriate cases, the Associate office may request additional copies of the information.

Near the completion of the ruling process, advises the taxpayer of conclusions and, if the Associate office will rule adversely, offer the taxpayer the opportunity to withdraw the letter ruling request

.06 Generally, after the conference of right as discussed in section 10 of this revenue procedure is held but before the letter ruling is issued, the branch representative will orally inform the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative of the Associate office's conclusions. If the Associate office is going to rule adversely, the taxpayer will be offered the opportunity to withdraw the letter ruling request. Unless an extension is granted, if the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative does not notify the branch representative of a decision to withdraw the ruling request within 10 days of the notification, the adverse letter ruling will be issued. The user fee will not be refunded for a letter ruling request that is withdrawn. See section 15.10(1)(a) of this revenue procedure.

May request draft of proposed letter ruling near the completion of the ruling process

.07 To accelerate the issuance of letter rulings, in appropriate cases near the completion of the ruling process, the Associate office representative may request that the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative submit a proposed draft of the letter ruling on the basis of discussions of the issues. The taxpayer is not required to prepare a draft letter ruling to receive a letter ruling.

The format of the submission should be discussed with the Associate office representative who requests the draft letter ruling. The representative usually can provide a sample format of a letter ruling and will discuss the facts, analysis, and letter ruling language to be included.

Taxpayer may also submit draft on a computer disk

In addition to a typed draft, taxpayers are encouraged to submit this draft on a computer disk in Microsoft Word to the Associate office. The typed draft will become part of the permanent files of the Associate office, and the computer disk will not be returned. The proposed letter ruling (both typed draft and computer disk) should be sent to the same address as any additional information and contain in the transmittal the information that should be included with any additional information (for example, a penalties of perjury statement is required). See section 8.05(4) of this revenue procedure.

Issues separate letter rulings for substantially identical letter rulings and generally issues a single letter ruling for related §301.9100 letter


(1) Substantially identical letter rulings. For letter ruling requests qualifying for the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(a) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure for substantially identical letter rulings, a separate letter ruling generally will be issued for each entity with a common member or sponsor, or for each member of a common entity.

(2) Related § 301.9100 letter rulings. For a § 301.9100 letter ruling request from a consolidated group or all affected separate trades or businesses of a single entity for an extension of time to file Form 3115 for an identical change in accounting method qualifying for the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(c) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure, the Associate office generally will issue a single letter on behalf of all members of the consolidated group that are the subject of the request.

Sends a copy of the letter ruling to appropriate Service official

.09 The Associate office will send a copy of the letter ruling, whether favorable or adverse, to the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return.


This section provides the specific and additional procedures applicable to a request for a change in accounting method.

A request for a change in accounting method is a specialized type of request for a letter ruling. See section 2.01 of this revenue procedure.

Automatic and advance consent change in accounting method requests


Automatic change in accounting method

(1) Procedures for requesting an automatic change in accounting method request procedures. Certain changes in accounting methods may be made under automatic change request procedures. A change in accounting method provided in an automatic change request procedure must be made using that automatic change request procedure if the taxpayer requesting the change is within the scope of the automatic change request procedure and the change is an automatic change for the requested year of the change. The Commissioner's consent to an otherwise qualifying automatic change in accounting method is granted only if the taxpayer timely complies with the applicable automatic change request procedures. But see section 9.19 of this revenue procedure concerning review by an Associate office and a field office.

See section 9.22 of this revenue procedure for a list of automatic change request procedures. See also section 9.23 of this revenue procedure for a list of sections, in addition to this section 9, and Appendices of this revenue procedure that apply to a request for an accounting method change. No user fee is required for a change made under an automatic change request procedure.

Advance consent change in accounting method

(2) Advance consent letter ruling requests. If a change in accounting method may not be made under an automatic change request procedure, the taxpayer may request an advance consent letter ruling by filing a current Form 3115, Application for Change in Accounting Method, under Rev. Proc. 97-27, 1997-1 C.B. 680, as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, 2002-1 C.B. 696, and amplified and clarified by Rev. Proc. 2002-54, 2002-2 C.B. 432 (or successors); and this revenue procedure (see section 9.23 for a list of the sections and Appendices of this revenue procedure in addition to this section 9 that apply to a request for an accounting method change). A Form 3115 filed under Rev. Proc. 97-27 and this revenue procedure is hereinafter referred to as an "advance consent Form 3115." A taxpayer filing an advance consent Form 3115 must submit the required user fee with the completed Form 3115. See section 15 and Appendix A of this revenue procedure for information about user fees.

Ordinarily only one change in accounting method on a Form 3115 and a separate Form 3115 for each taxpayer and for each separate trade or business


Ordinarily, a taxpayer may request only one change in accounting method on a Form 3115. If the taxpayer wants to request a change in accounting method for more than one unrelated item or submethod of accounting, the taxpayer must submit a separate Form 3115 for each unrelated item or submethod, except in certain situations in which the Service specifically permits certain unrelated changes to be included on a single Form 3115 (for example, see section 5.05 in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, 2002-1 C.B. 327, or its successor).

Further, a separate Form 3115 must be submitted for each taxpayer and each separate trade or business of a taxpayer requesting a change in accounting method, except as specifically permitted or required in guidance published by the Service. See, for example, section 15.07(3) of this revenue procedure.

Information required with a Form 3115


Facts and other information

(1) Facts and other information requested on Form 3115 and in applicable revenue procedures. In general, a taxpayer requesting a change in accounting method must file a Form 3115, unless the procedures applicable to the specific type of change in accounting method do not require a Form 3115 to be submitted.

To be eligible for approval of the requested accounting method change, the taxpayer must provide all information requested on the Form 3115 and in its instructions and in either Rev. Proc. 97-27, 1997-1 C.B. 680, as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, 2002-1 C.B. 696, and amplified and clarified by Rev. Proc. 2002-54, 2002-2 C.B. 432 (or successors) or the applicable automatic change request procedure. In addition, the taxpayer must provide all information requested in the applicable sections of this revenue procedure, including a detailed and complete description of the item being changed, the taxpayer's present and proposed method for the item being changed, information regarding whether the taxpayer is under examination, or before Appeals or a federal court, and a summary of the computation of the § 481(a) adjustment and an explanation of the methodology used to determine the adjustment.

For an advance consent Form 3115, the taxpayer must also include a full explanation of the legal basis and relevant authorities supporting the proposed method, a detailed and complete description of the facts and explanation of how the law applies to the taxpayer's situation, whether the law in connection with the request is uncertain or inadequately addresses the issue, statement of the applicant's reasons for the proposed change, and copies of all documents related to the proposed change.

The applicant must provide the requested information to be eligible for approval of the requested accounting method change. The taxpayer may be required to provide information specific to the requested accounting method change, such as an attached statement. The taxpayer must provide all information relevant to the requested accounting method change, even if not specifically requested by the Form 3115.

See also sections 7.01(1) and 7.01(8) of this revenue procedure.

Statement of authorities contrary to taxpayer's views

(2) Statement of contrary authorities. For an advance consent Form 3115, the taxpayer is encouraged to inform the Associate office about, and discuss the implications of, any authority believed to be contrary to the proposed change in accounting method, such as legislation, court decisions, regulations, notices, revenue rulings, revenue procedures, or announcements.

If the taxpayer does not furnish either contrary authorities or a statement that none exists, the Associate office may request submission of contrary authorities or a statement that none exists. Failure to comply with this request may result in the Associate office's refusal to issue a change in accounting method letter ruling.


(3) Copies of all contracts, agreements, and other documents. True copies of all contracts, agreements, and other documents pertinent to the requested change in accounting method must be submitted with an advance consent Form 3115. Original documents should not be submitted because they become part of the Associate office's file and will not be returned.

Analysis of material facts

(4) Analysis of material facts. When submitting any document with a Form 3115 or in a supplemental letter, the taxpayer must explain and provide an analysis of all material facts in the document (rather than merely incorporating the document by reference). The analysis of the facts must include their bearing on the requested change in accounting method, specifying the provisions that apply.

Same issue in an earlier return

(5) Information regarding whether same issue is in an earlier return. A Form 3115 must state whether, to the best of the knowledge of both the taxpayer and the taxpayer's representatives, any return of the taxpayer (or any return of a current or former consolidated group in which the taxpayer is or was a member) in which the taxpayer used the accounting method being changed is under examination, before Appeals, or before a federal court. See Rev. Proc. 97-27 and Rev. Proc. 2002-9, both as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19.

Issue previously submitted or currently pending

(6) Statement regarding prior requests for a change in accounting method and other pending requests.

(a) Other requests for a change in accounting method within the past five years. A Form 3115 must state, to the best of the knowledge of both the taxpayer and the taxpayer's representatives, whether the taxpayer (or a related taxpayer within the meaning of § 267 or a member of a current or former affiliated group of which the taxpayer is or was a member within the meaning of § 1504) or a predecessor filed within the past five years (including the year of the requested change), or is currently filing, any request for a change in accounting method.

If the statement is affirmative, for each separate trade or business, give a description of each request and the year of change and whether consent was obtained. If any application was withdrawn, not perfected, or denied, or if a Consent Agreement was sent to the taxpayer but was not signed and returned to the Associate office, or if the change was not made in the requested year of change, give an explanation.

(b) Any other pending request(s). A Form 3115 must state, to the best of the knowledge of both the taxpayer and the taxpayer's representatives, whether the taxpayer (or a related taxpayer within the meaning of § 267 or a member of a current or former affiliated group of which the taxpayer is or was a member within the meaning of § 1504) or a predecessor currently have pending (including any concurrently filed request) any request for a private letter ruling, a change in accounting method, or a technical advice.

If the statement is affirmative, for each request, give the name(s) of the taxpayer, identification number(s), the type of request (private letter ruling, request for change in accounting method, or request for technical advice), and the specific issues in the request.

Statement identifying pending legislation

(7) Statement identifying pending legislation. At the time the taxpayer files an advance consent Form 3115, the taxpayer must identify any pending legislation that may affect the proposed change in accounting method. In addition, if legislation is introduced after the request is filed but before a change in accounting method letter ruling is issued, the taxpayer must so notify the Associate office.

Authorized representatives

(8) Authorized representatives. To appear before the Service in connection with a request for a change in accounting method, the taxpayer's authorized representative must be an attorney, a certified public accountant, an enrolled agent, an enrolled actuary, a person with a "Letter of Authorization," an employee, general partner, bona fide officer, administrator, trustee, etc., as described in section 7.01(13) of this revenue procedure.

Power of attorney and declaration of representative

(9) Power of attorney and declaration of representative. Any authorized representative, whether or not enrolled to practice, must comply with Treasury Department Circular No. 230, which provides the rules for practice before the Service, and the conference and practice requirements of the Statement of Procedural Rules, which provide the rules for representing a taxpayer before the Service. See section 7.01(14) of this revenue procedure. It is preferred that Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, be used to provide the representative's authority.

Penalties of perjury statement

(10) Penalties of perjury statement

(a) Format of penalties of perjury statement. A Form 3115, and any change to a Form 3115 submitted at a later time, must be accompanied by the following declaration: "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, the application contains all the relevant facts relating to the application, and it is true, correct, and complete."

See section 9.08(3) of this revenue procedure for the penalties of perjury statement required for submissions of additional information.

(b) Signature by taxpayer. A Form 3115 must be signed by, or on behalf of, the taxpayer requesting the change by an individual with authority to bind the taxpayer in such matters. For example, an officer must sign on behalf of a corporation, a general partner on behalf of a state law partnership, a member-manager on behalf of a limited liability company, a trustee on behalf of a trust, or an individual taxpayer on behalf of a sole proprietorship. If the taxpayer is a member of a consolidated group, a Form 3115 should be submitted on behalf of the taxpayer by the common parent and must be signed by a duly authorized officer of the common parent. Refer to the signature requirements set forth in the instructions for the current Form 3115 regarding those who are to sign. See also section 8.08 of Rev. Proc. 97-27 and section 6.02(5) of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. A stamped signature or faxed signature is not permitted.

(c) Signature by preparer. Declaration of preparer (other than the taxpayer) is based on all information of which the preparer has any knowledge.

Additional procedural information required in certain circumstances


Recipients of original and copy of correspondence

(1) Recipients of original and copy of change in accounting method correspondence. The Service will send the signed original of the change in accounting method letter ruling and other related correspondence to the taxpayer, and copies to the taxpayer's representative, if instructed on Form 2848. See section 7.02(2) of this revenue procedure for how to designate alternative routing of the copies of the letter ruling and other correspondence.

Expedited handling

(2) To request expedited handling. The Associate offices ordinarily process advance consent Forms 3115 in order of the date received. A taxpayer who has a compelling need to have an advance consent Form 3115 processed on an expedited basis, may request expedited handling. See section 7.02(4) of this revenue procedure for procedures.

Facsimile transmission (fax) of any document to the taxpayer or taxpayer's authorized representative

(3) To receive the change in accounting method letter ruling or any other correspondence related to a Form 3115 by facsimile transmission (fax). If the taxpayer wants a copy of the change in accounting method letter ruling or any other correspondence related to a Form 3115, such as a request for additional information, faxed to the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative, the taxpayer must submit a written request to fax the letter ruling or related correspondence, preferably as part of the Form 3115. The request may be submitted at a later date, but must be received prior to the mailing of correspondence other than the letter ruling and prior to the signing of the change in accounting method letter ruling.

The request to have correspondence relating to the Form 3115 faxed to the taxpayer must contain the fax number of the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative to whom the correspondence is to be faxed.

A document other than the change in accounting method letter ruling will be faxed by a branch representative. The change in accounting method letter ruling may be faxed by either a branch representative or the Disclosure and Litigation Support Branch of the Legal Processing Division of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration) (CC:PA:LPD:DLS).

For purposes of § 301.6110-2(h), a change in accounting method letter ruling is not issued until the change in accounting method letter ruling is mailed.

Requesting a conference

(4) To request a conference. The taxpayer must complete the appropriate line on the Form 3115 to request a conference of right, or request a conference in a later written communication, if an adverse response is contemplated by the Associate office. See section 8.10 of Rev. Proc. 97-27, section 10.03 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, and sections 10.01, 10.02 of this revenue procedure.

Associate office address for Forms 3115

.05 Associate office address to send Forms 3115. Submit the original Form 3115, in the case of an advance consent Form 3115, or the national office copy of the Form 3115, in the case of an automatic change request, as follows:

(a) Associate office mailing address if private delivery service is not used. If a private delivery service is not used, a taxpayer, other than an exempt organization, must send the original completed Form 3115 and the required user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) or the national office copy of the completed Form 3115 (in the case of an automatic change request) to:


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: [insert either "CC:PA:LPD:DRU"


for an advance consent Form 3115 or


"CC:PA:LPD:DRU-Automatic Rulings Branch" for


an automatic change request]


P.O. Box 7604


Benjamin Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


An exempt organization must send the original completed Form 3115 and the required user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) or the national office copy of the completed Form 3115 (in the case of an automatic change Form 3115) to:


Internal Revenue Service


Tax Exempt & Government Entities




P.O. Box 27720


McPherson Station


Washington, D.C. 20038


See Rev. Proc. 2005-8, this Bulletin, for the applicable user fee for exempt organization Forms 3115.

(b) Mailing address if private delivery service is used. If a private delivery service is used, a taxpayer, other than an exempt organization, must send the original completed Form 3115 and the required user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) or the national office copy of the completed Form 3115 (in the case of an automatic change request) to:


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: [insert either "CC:PA:LPD:DRU"


for an advance consent Form 3115


or "CC:PA:LPD:DRU-Automatic Rulings Branch" for


an automatic change request]


Room 5336


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


If a private delivery service is used, an exempt organization must send the original completed Form 3115 and the required user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) or the national office copy of the completed Form 3115 (in the case of an automatic change request) to:


Internal Revenue Service


Tax Exempt & Government Entities




1750 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20038


See Rev. Proc. 2005-8, this Bulletin, for the applicable user fee for exempt organization Forms 3115.

(c) Address if hand-delivered to the IRS Courier's desk. For taxpayers other than an exempt organization, the original completed Form 3115 and the required user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) or the national office copy of the completed Form 3115 (in the case of an automatic change request), may be hand delivered between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to the courier's desk at the loading dock (located behind the 12th Street security station) of 1111 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC. A receipt will be given at the courier's desk. The package should be addressed to:


Courier's Desk


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room 5336


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


A Form 3115 must not be submitted by fax

.06 A completed Form 3115 must not be submitted by fax.

Controls Form 3115 and refers it to the appropriate Associate office

.07 An advance consent Form 3115 is received and controlled by the Docket, Records, and User Fee Branch, Legal Processing Division of the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration) (CC:PA:LPD:DRU) if the required user fee is submitted with the Form 3115. Once controlled, the Form 3115 is forwarded to the appropriate Associate office for assignment and processing.

Additional information


Incomplete Form 3115

(1) Incomplete Form 3115

(a) Advance consent Form 3115 - 21 day rule. In general, for an advance consent Form 3115, additional information requested by the Associate office and additional information furnished to the Associate office by telephone or fax must be furnished in writing within 21 calendar days from the date of the information request. The Associate office may impose a shorter reply period for a request for additional information made after an initial request. See section 10.06 of this revenue procedure for the 21-day rule for submitting information after any conference.

(b) Automatic change request - 30 day rule. In general, for an automatic change in accounting method request, additional information requested by the Associate office, and additional information furnished to the Associate office by telephone or fax, must be furnished in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of the information request. The Associate office may impose a shorter reply period for a request for additional information made after an initial request. See section 10.06 of this revenue procedure for the 21-day rule for submitting information after any conference with the Associate office.

Extension of reply period

(2) Request for extension of reply period.

(a) Advance consent Form 3115. For an advance consent Form 3115, an additional period, not to exceed 15 days, to furnish information may be granted to a taxpayer. Any request for an extension of time must be made in writing and submitted before the end of the original 21-day period. If unusual circumstances close to the end of the 21-day period make a written request impractical, the taxpayer should notify the Associate office within the 21-day period that there is a problem and that the written request for extension will be coming soon. An extension of the 21-day period will be granted only if approved by a branch reviewer. An extension of the 21-day period ordinarily will not be granted to furnish information requested on Form 3115. The taxpayer will be told promptly, and later in writing, of the approval or denial of the requested extension. If the extension request is denied, there is no right of appeal.

(b) Automatic change request. For an automatic change in accounting method request, an additional period, not to exceed 30 days, to furnish information may be granted to a taxpayer. Any request for an extension of time must be made in writing and submitted before the end of the original 30-day period. If unusual circumstances close to the end of the 30-day period make a written request impractical, the taxpayer should notify the Associate office within the 30-day period that there is a problem and that the written request for extension will be coming soon. An extension of the 30-day period will be granted only if approved by a branch reviewer. An extension of the 30-day period ordinarily will not be granted to furnish information requested on Form 3115. The taxpayer will be told promptly, and later in writing, of the approval or denial of the requested extension. If the extension request is denied, there is no right of appeal.

Penalties of perjury statement for additional information

(3) Penalties of perjury statement. Additional information submitted to the Associate office must be accompanied by the following declaration: "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this information, including accompanying documents, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contains all the relevant facts relating to the request for the information, and such facts are true, correct, and complete." This declaration must be signed in accordance with the requirements in section 9.03(10)(b) of this revenue procedure.

Identifying information included in additional information

(4) Identifying information. The additional information should also include the name, office symbols, and room number of the Associate office representative who requested the information, and the taxpayer's name and the case control number, which the Associate office representative can provide.

Faxing information request and additional information

(5) Faxing information request and additional information. To facilitate prompt action on a change in accounting method ruling request, taxpayers are encouraged to request that the Associate office request additional information by fax. See section 9.04(3) of this revenue procedure.

Taxpayers also are encouraged to submit additional information by fax as soon as the information is available. The Associate office representative who requests additional information can provide a telephone number to which the information can be faxed. A copy of the requested information and an original signed penalties of perjury statement also must be mailed or delivered to the Associate office.

Address to send additional information

(6) Address to send additional information.

(a) Address if private delivery service not used. For a request for change in accounting method under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), if a private delivery service is not used, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


P.O. Box 14095


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


For a request for change in accounting method for an exempt organization, if a private delivery service is not used, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service


Tax Exempt & Government Entities


P.O. Box 27720


McPherson Station


Washington, D.C. 20038


For any other request for change in accounting method, if a private delivery service is not used, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


P.O. Box 7604


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044


(b) Address if private delivery service is used.

For a request for a change in accounting method for other than an exempt organization, if a private delivery service is used, the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service




Attn: [Name, office symbols, and


room number of the Associate office


representative who requested


the information]


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


For a request for change in accounting method for an exempt organization, if a private delivery service is used the additional information should be sent to:


Internal Revenue Service


Tax Exempt & Government Entities


1750 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20038


Failure to timely submit additional information

(7) If taxpayer does not timely submit additional information.

(a) Advance consent Form 3115. In the case of an advance consent Form 3115, if the required information is not furnished to the Associate office within the reply period, the Form 3115 will not be processed and the case will be closed. The taxpayer or authorized representative will be so notified in writing.

(b) Automatic change request. In the case of an automatic change in accounting method request, if the required information is not furnished to the Associate office within the reply period, the request does not qualify for the automatic consent procedure. In such a case, the Associate office will notify the taxpayer that consent to make the change in accounting method is not granted.

(c) Submitting the additional information at a later date. If the taxpayer wants to submit the additional information at a later date, the taxpayer must submit it with a new completed Form 3115 (and user fee, if applicable) for a year of change for which such new Form 3115 is timely filed under the applicable change in accounting method procedure.

Circumstances in which the taxpayer must notify the Associate office


For an advance consent Form 3115, the taxpayer must promptly notify the Associate office if, after the Form 3115 is filed but before a change in accounting method letter ruling is issued, the taxpayer knows that --

(1) an examination of the present or proposed accounting method has been started by a field office;

(2) legislation that may affect the change in accounting method has been introduced, see section 9.03(7) of this revenue procedure; or

(3) another letter ruling request (including another Form 3115) has been submitted by the taxpayer (or a related party within the meaning of § 267 or a member of an affiliated group of which the taxpayer is a member within the meaning of §1504).

Determines if proposed accounting method can be modified to obtain favorable letter ruling

.10 If a less than fully favorable change in accounting method letter ruling is indicated, the branch representative will tell the taxpayer whether minor changes in the proposed accounting method would bring about a favorable ruling. The branch representative will not suggest precise changes that materially alter a taxpayer's proposed accounting.

Near the completion of processing the Form 3115, advises the taxpayer if the Associate office will rule adversely and offers the taxpayer the opportunity to withdraw Form 3115

.11 Generally, after the conference of right is held (or offered, in the event no conference is held) and before issuing any change in accounting method letter ruling that is adverse to the requested change in accounting method, the taxpayer will be offered the opportunity to withdraw the Form 3115. See section 9.12 of this revenue procedure. Unless an extension is granted, if the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative does not notify the branch representative of a decision to withdraw the Form 3115 within 10 days of the notification, the adverse change in accounting method letter ruling will be issued. Ordinarily, the user fee (in the case of an advance consent Form 3115) will not be refunded for a Form 3115 that is withdrawn.

Advance consent Form 3115 may be withdrawn or Associate office may decline to issue a change in accounting method letter ruling


(1) In general. A taxpayer may withdraw an advance consent Form 3115 at any time before the change in accounting method letter ruling is signed by the Associate office. The Form 3115, correspondence, and any documents relating to the Form 3115 that is withdrawn or for which the Associate office declines to issue a letter ruling will not be returned to the taxpayer. See section 9.03(3) of this revenue procedure. In appropriate cases, the Service may publish its conclusions in a revenue ruling or revenue procedure.

(2) Notification of appropriate Service official. If a taxpayer withdraws or the Associate office declines to grant (for any reason) a request to change from or to an improper accounting method, the Associate office will notify, by memorandum, the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return and the Change in Method of Accounting Technical Advisor, and may give its views on the issues in the request to the Service official to consider in any later examination of the return.

If the memorandum to the Service official provides more than the fact that the request was withdrawn and the Associate office was tentatively adverse, or that the Associate office declines to grant a change in accounting method, the memorandum may constitute Chief Counsel Advice, as defined in § 6110(i)(1), subject to disclosure under § 6110.

(3) Refund of user fee. Ordinarily, the user fee will not be returned for an advance consent Form 3115 that is withdrawn. See section 15.10 of this revenue procedure for information regarding refunds of user fees.

How to check status of a pending Form 3115

.13 The taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative may obtain information regarding the status of an advance consent Form 3115 by calling the person whose name and telephone number are shown on the acknowledgement of receipt of the Form 3115.

Is not bound by informal opinion expressed

.14 The Service will not be bound by any informal opinion expressed by the branch representative or any other Service representative, and such an opinion cannot be relied upon as a basis for obtaining retroactive relief under the provisions of § 7805(b).

Single letter ruling issued to a consolidated group or single entity for qualifying identical change in accounting method

.15 For an advance consent Form 3115 qualifying for the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(b) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure for identical accounting method changes, the Associate office generally will issue a single letter ruling on behalf of all affected members of the consolidated group or all affected separate trades or businesses of a single entity.

Letter ruling ordinarily not issued for one of two or more interrelated items or submethods

.16 If two or more items or submethods of accounting are interrelated, the Associate office ordinarily will not issue a letter ruling on a change in accounting method involving only one of the items or submethods.

Consent Agreement

.17 Ordinarily, for an advance consent Form 3115, the Commissioner's permission to change a taxpayer's accounting method is set forth in a letter ruling (original and a Consent Agreement copy). If the taxpayer agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the change in accounting method letter ruling, the taxpayer must sign and date the Consent Agreement copy of the letter ruling in the appropriate space. The Consent Agreement copy must not be signed by the taxpayer's representative. The signed copy of the letter ruling will constitute an agreement (Consent Agreement) within the meaning of § 1.481-4(b) of the regulations. The signed Consent Agreement copy of the letter ruling must be returned to the Associate office within 45 days. In addition, a photocopy of the signed Consent Agreement copy of the letter ruling must be attached to the taxpayer's income tax return for the year of change. See section 8.11 of Rev. Proc. 97-27. If the taxpayer has filed its income tax return for the year of change before the ruling has been received and the Consent Agreement has been signed and returned, the photocopy of the signed Consent Agreement copy of the letter ruling should be attached to the amended return for the year of change that the taxpayer files to implement the change in accounting method.

A copy of the change in accounting method letter ruling is sent to appropriate Service official

.18 The Associate office will send a copy of each change in accounting method letter ruling, whether favorable or adverse, to the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return.

Consent to change an accounting method may be relied on subject to limitations

.19 A taxpayer may rely on a change in accounting method letter ruling received from the Associate office, subject to certain conditions and limitations. See sections 9, 10, and 11 of Rev. Proc. 97-27, as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19.

A qualifying taxpayer complying timely with an automatic change request procedure may rely on the consent of the Commissioner as provided in the automatic change request procedure to change the taxpayer's accounting method, subject to certain conditions and limitations. See, in general, sections 6.01, 7 and 8 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9, as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19. An Associate office may review a Form 3115 filed under an automatic change request procedure and will notify the taxpayer if additional information is needed or if consent is not granted to the taxpayer for the requested change. See section 10 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9. Further, the field office that has jurisdiction over the taxpayer's return may review the Form 3115. See section 9 of Rev. Proc. 2002-9.

Change in accounting method letter ruling will not apply to another taxpayer

.20 A taxpayer may not rely on a change in accounting method letter ruling issued to another taxpayer. See § 6110(k)(3).

Associate office discretion to permit requested change in accounting method

.21 The Associate office reserves the right to decline to process any advance consent Form 3115 in situations in which it would not be in the best interest of sound tax administration to permit the requested change. In this regard, the Associate office will consider whether the change in method of accounting would clearly and directly frustrate compliance efforts of the Service in administering the income tax laws. See section 8.01 of Rev. Proc. 97-27.

List of automatic change in accounting method request procedures

.22 For procedures regarding requests for an automatic change in accounting method, refer to the following published automatic change request procedures. The Commissioner's consent to an otherwise qualifying automatic change in accounting method is granted only if the taxpayer complies timely with the applicable automatic change request procedure.

The automatic change request procedures for obtaining a change in accounting method include:

(1) Rev. Proc. 2002-9, 2002-1 C.B. 327, as modified and clarified by Announcement 2002-17, 2002-1 C.B. 561, as modified and amplified by Rev. Proc. 2002-19, 2002-1 C.B. 696, as amplified, clarified and modified by Rev. Proc. 2002-54, 2002-2 C.B. 432, and as modified by Rev. Proc. 2003-45, 2003-2 C.B. 11, which, for most (but not all) types of changes provided therein, requires a completed Form 3115. Rev. Proc. 2002-9 applies to the accounting method changes described in the Appendix of Rev. Proc. 2002-9 involving §§ 56, 61, 77, 162, 166, 167, 168, 171, 174, 197, 263, 263A, 267, 404, 446, 448, 451, 454, 455, 458, 460, 461, 471, 472, 475, 585, 832, 846, 861, 985, 1272, 1273, 1278, 1281, 1286, and former § 168.

(2) The following automatic change request procedures modify and amplify Rev. Proc. 2002-9 in that they add the following changes to the list of accounting method changes listed in the Appendix of this revenue procedure:

Rev. Rul. 2004-62, 2004-25 I.R.B. 1072 (section 162 -- post- establishment fertilization of established timber stands);

Rev. Proc. 2002-27, 2002-1 C.B. 802 (section 168 -- depreciation of original and replacement tires of certain vehicles);

Rev. Proc. 2003-50, 2003-2 C.B. 119 (sections 168(k) and 1400L(b) -- additional relief for eligible property placed in service during the taxable year that included September 11, 2001);

Rev. Rul. 2003-54, 2003-1 C.B. 982 (section 168 -- depreciation of gas pump canopies);

Rev. Rul. 2003-81, 2003-2 C.B. 126 (section 168 -- depreciation of utility assets);

Rev. Proc. 2003-63, 2003-2 C.B. 304 (section 168 -- depreciation of cable TV fiber optics);

Regs. § 1.168(i)-1(l)(2)(ii) (change in general asset account treatment due to a change in the use of MACRS property);

Regs. § 1.168(i)-4(g)(2) (change in method of accounting for depreciation due to a change in the use of MACRS property);

Regs. § 1.168(i)-6T(k)(2) (for a like-kind exchange or involuntary conversion of MACRS property for which the time of disposition, the time of replacement, or both, occurred on or before February 27, 2004, change in method of accounting for relinquished MACRS property and replacement MACRS property);

Rev. Proc. 2002-65, 2002-2 C.B. 700 (section 263 -- change to the track maintenance allowance method for the first or second taxable year ending on or after December 31, 2001);

Rev. Proc. 2004-23, 2004-16 I.R.B. 785 (section 263 -- amounts paid or incurred to acquire or create intangibles or to facilitate an acquisition of a trade or business, change in the capital structure of a business entity, and certain other transactions, for a taxpayer's first taxable year ending on or after December 31, 2003);

Rev. Proc. 2005-9, 2005-2 I.R.B. 303 (section 263 -- amounts paid or incurred to acquire or create intangibles or to facilitate an acquisition of a trade or business, change in the capital structure of a business entity, and certain other transactions, for a taxpayer's second taxable year ending on or after December 31, 2003);

Rev. Rul. 2002-9, 2002-1 C.B. 614 (section 263A -- impact fees incurred in connection with construction of a new residential rental building);

Rev. Rul. 2004-18, 2004-8 I.R.B. 509 (section 263A -- environmental remediation costs);

Rev. Proc. 2004-11, 2004-3 I.R.B. 311, (or its successor) (sections 167, 168, 197, 1400I, and 1400L -- revised sections 2.01 and 2.02 and 2B of the Appendix and added section 2.05 to the Appendix of Rev. Proc 2002-9);

Regs. § 1.280F-6(f)(2)(iv) (exclusion of certain qualified nonpersonal use vehicles from limits on depreciation applicable to passenger automobiles);

Rev. Rul. 2002-46, 2002-2 C.B. 117, as modified by Rev. Rul. 2002-73, 2002-2 C.B. 805 (section 404 -- grace period contributions);

Rev. Proc. 2002-28, 2002-1 C.B. 815 (section 446 -- certain small businesses who seek to change to the cash method and/or to a method of accounting for inventoriable items as materials and supplies that are not incidental);

Rev. Proc. 2004-30, 2004-21 I.R.B. 950 (section 446 -- inducement fees received in connection with becoming holders of noneconomic residual interests in Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits);

Rev. Proc. 2004-32, 2004-22 I.R.B. 988 (section 446 -- credit card annual fees);

Rev. Proc. 2004-36, 2004-24, I.R.B. 1063 (section 446 -- safe harbor method of accounting for film producers' treatment of certain creative property costs);

Rev. Proc. 2002-36, 2002-1 C.B. 993 (section 451 -- certain taxpayers who purchase vehicles subject to leases who seek to change to the capital cost reduction (CCR) method);

Rev. Rul. 2003-3, 2003-1 C.B. 252 (section 451 -- accrual method taxpayer with state or local income or franchise tax refund);

Rev. Proc. 2004-34, 2004-22 I.R.B. 991 (section 451 -- certain advance payments);

Rev. Proc. 2002-17, 2002-1 C.B. 676 (section 471 -- certain automobile dealers seeking to change to the replacement cost method for vehicle parts inventory);

Rev. Proc. 2003-20, 2003-1 C.B. 445 (section 471 -- valuation of remanufactured motor vehicle core parts);

Rev. Proc. 2002-46, 2002-2 C.B. 105 (section 832 -- certain insurance companies seeking to change to safe harbor method for premium acquisition expenses);

Rev. Proc. 2004-41, 2004-30 I.R.B. 90 (section 832 -- insurance companies' incentive payments to health care providers);

Rev. Proc. 2002-74, 2002-2 C.B. 980 (section 846 -- insurance companies other than life insurance companies computing discounted unpaid losses); and

Rev. Proc. 2004-33, 2004-22 I.R.B. 989 (section 1272 -- credit card late fees).

(3) The following automatic change request procedures, which require a completed Form 3115, provide both the type of accounting method change that may be made automatically and the procedures under which such change must be made:

Regs. § 1.166-2(d)(3) (bank conformity for bad debts);

Regs. § 1.448-1 (to an overall accrual method for the taxpayer's first taxable year it is subject to Code section 448);

Regs. § 1.448-2T and Notice 88-51 (nonaccrual experience method);

Regs. § 1.458-1 and -2 (exclusion for certain returned magazines, paperbacks, or records);

Rev. Proc. 97-43, 1997-2 C.B. 494 (section 475 -- electing out of certain exemptions from securities dealer status); and

Rev. Proc. 91-51, 1991-2 C.B. 779 (section 1286 -- certain taxpayers under examination that sell mortgages and retain rights to service the mortgages).

(4) The following automatic change request procedures, which do not require a completed Form 3115, provide the type of accounting method change that may be made automatically and also provide the procedures under which such change must be made:

Notice 96-30, 1996-1 C.B 378 (section 446 -- change to comply with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 116);

Rev. Proc. 92-29, 1992-1 C.B. 748 (section 461 -- change in real estate developer's method for including costs of common improvements in the basis of property sold);

Rev. Proc. 98-58, 1998-2 C.B. 710 (certain taxpayers seeking to change to the installment method of accounting under § 453 for alternative minimum tax purposes for certain deferred payment sales contracts relating to property used or produced in the trade or business of farming);

Regs. § 1.472-2 (taxpayers changing to the last-in, first- out (LIFO) inventory method);

Code § 585(c) and Regs. §§ 1.585-6 and 1.585-7 (large bank changing from the reserve method of section 585); and

Rev. Proc. 92-67, 1992-2 C.B. 429 (election under § 1278(b) to include market discount in income currently or election under § 1276(b) to use constant interest rate to determine accrued market discount).

(5) See Appendix E for the list of revenue procedures for automatic changes in accounting period.

Other sections of this revenue procedure that are applicable to a Form 3115

.23 In addition to this section 9, the following sections of this revenue procedure are applicable to Forms 3115:

1 (purpose of Rev. Proc. 2005-1);

2.01 (definition of "letter ruling");

2.02 (definition of "closing agreement");

2.05 (oral guidance);

3.01 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate));

3.02 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products));

3.03 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting));

3.04 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (International));

3.05 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries));

3.07 (issues under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Governmental Entities));

6.02 (letter rulings ordinarily not issued in certain areas because of the factual nature of the problem);

6.05 (letter rulings generally not issued to business associations or groups);

6.06 (letter rulings generally not issued where the request does not address the tax status, liability, or reporting obligations of the requester);

6.08 (letter rulings ordinarily not issued on federal tax consequences of proposed legislation);

6.10 (letter rulings not issued on frivolous issues);

6.12 (letter rulings not issued on alternative plans or hypothetical situation);

7.01(1) (statement of facts and other information);

7.01(8) (statement of supporting authorities);

7.01(13) (authorized representatives);

7.01(14) (power of attorney and declaration of representative);

7.02(2) (power of attorney used to indicate recipient of a copy or copies of a letter ruling or a determination letter);

7.02(4) (expedited handling);

7.04(2) (notify Associate office if a return, amended return, or claim for refund is filed while request is pending and attach request to the return);

7.05 (attach letter ruling to the return, amended return or claim for refund);

10 (scheduling conferences);

15 (user fees);

16 (significant changes to Rev. Proc. 2004-1);

17 (effect of Rev. Proc. 2005-1 on other documents);

18 (effective date of this revenue procedure);

Appendix A (schedule of user fees); and

Appendix E (revenue procedures and notices regarding letter ruling requests relating to specific Code sections and subject matters).


Schedules a conference if requested by taxpayer

.01 A taxpayer may request a conference regarding a letter ruling request. Normally, a conference is scheduled only when the Associate office considers it to be helpful in deciding the case or when an adverse decision is indicated. If conferences are being arranged for more than one request for a letter ruling involving the same taxpayer, they will be scheduled so as to cause the least inconvenience to the taxpayer. As stated in sections 7.02(6) and 9.04(4) of this revenue procedure, a taxpayer who wants to have a conference on the issue or issues involved should indicate this in writing when, or soon after, filing the request.

If a conference has been requested, the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative will be notified by telephone, if possible, of the time and place of the conference, which must then be held within 21 calendar days after this contact. Instructions for requesting an extension of the 21-day period and notifying the taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative of the Associate office's approval or denial of the request for extension are the same as those explained in section 8.05(2) (section 9.08(2)(a) for a change in accounting method request) of this revenue procedure regarding providing additional information.

Permits taxpayer one conference of right

.02 A taxpayer is entitled, as a matter of right, to only one conference in the Associate office, except as explained under section 10.05 of this revenue procedure. This conference is normally held at the branch level and is attended by a person who has the authority to sign the letter ruling in his or her own name or for the branch chief.

When more than one branch has taken an adverse position on an issue in a letter ruling request or when the position ultimately adopted by one branch will affect that adopted by another, a representative from each branch with the authority to sign in his or her own name or for the branch chief will attend the conference. If more than one subject is to be discussed at the conference, the discussion will constitute a conference on each subject.

To have a thorough and informed discussion of the issues, the conference usually will be held after the branch has had an opportunity to study the case. At the request of the taxpayer, the conference of right may be held earlier.

No taxpayer has a right to appeal the action of a branch to an Associate Chief Counsel or to any other official of the Service. But see section 10.05 of this revenue procedure for situations in which the Associate office may offer additional conferences.

In employment tax matters, only the party entitled to the letter ruling is entitled to a conference. See section 5.10 of this revenue procedure.

Disallows verbatim recording of conferences

.03 Because conference procedures are informal, no tape, stenographic, or other verbatim recording of a conference may be made by any party.

Makes tentative recommendations on substantive issues

.04 The senior Associate office representative present at the conference ensures that the taxpayer has the opportunity to present views on all the issues in question. An Associate office representative explains the Associate office's tentative decision on the substantive issues and the reasons for that decision. If the taxpayer asks the Associate office to limit the retroactive effect of any letter ruling or limit the revocation or modification of a prior letter ruling, an Associate office representative will discuss the recommendation concerning this issue and the reasons for the recommendation. The Associate office representatives will not make a commitment regarding the conclusion that the Associate office will finally adopt.

May offer additional conferences

.05 The Associate office will offer the taxpayer an additional conference if, after the conference of right, an adverse holding is proposed, but on a new issue, or on the same issue but on different grounds from those discussed at the first conference. There is no right to another conference when a proposed holding is reversed at a higher level with a result less favorable to the taxpayer, if the grounds or arguments on which the reversal is based were discussed at the conference of right.

The limit on the number of conferences to which a taxpayer is entitled does not prevent the Associate office from offering additional conferences, including conferences with an official higher than the branch level, if the Associate office decides they are needed. These conferences are not offered as a matter of course simply because the branch has reached an adverse decision. In general, conferences with higher level officials are offered only if the Associate office determines that the case presents significant issues of tax policy or tax administration and that the consideration of these issues would be enhanced by additional conferences with the taxpayer.

Requires written confirmation of information presented at conference

.06 The taxpayer should furnish to the Associate office any additional data, reasoning, precedents, etc., that were proposed by the taxpayer and discussed at the conference but not previously or adequately presented in writing. The taxpayer must furnish the additional information within 21 calendar days from the date of the conference. If the additional information is not received within that time, a letter ruling will be issued on the basis of the information on hand or, if appropriate, no ruling will be issued. See section 8.05 of this revenue procedure for instructions on submission of additional information for a letter ruling request other than a change in accounting method request. See section 9.08 of this revenue procedure for instructions on submitting additional information for a change in accounting method request.

May schedule a pre-submission conference

.07 Sometimes it will be advantageous to both the Associate office and the taxpayer to hold a conference before the taxpayer submits the letter ruling request to discuss substantive or procedural issues relating to a proposed transaction. These conferences are held only if the identity of the taxpayer is provided to the Associate office, only if the taxpayer actually intends to make a request, only if the request involves a matter on which a letter ruling is ordinarily issued, and only at the discretion of the Associate office and as time permits. For example, a pre-submission conference will not be held on an income tax issue if, at the time the pre-submission conference is requested, the identical issue is involved in the taxpayer's return for an earlier period and that issue is being examined by a field office. See section 6.01(1) of this revenue procedure. A letter ruling request submitted following a pre-submission conference will not necessarily be assigned to the branch that held the pre-submission conference. Also, when a letter ruling request is not submitted following a pre-submission conference, the Associate office may notify, by memorandum, the appropriate Service official in the operating division that has examination jurisdiction of the taxpayer's tax return and may give its views on the issues raised during the pre- submission conference. This memorandum may constitute Chief Counsel Advice, as defined in § 6110(i), subject to disclosure under § 6110.

(1) Taxpayer may request a pre-submission conference in writing or by telephone. A taxpayer or the taxpayer's representative may request a pre-submission conference in writing or by telephone. If the taxpayer's representative is requesting the pre- submission conference, a power of attorney is required. It is preferred that Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, be used to provide the representative's authority. If multiple taxpayers and/or their authorized representatives will attend or participate in the pre-submission conference, cross powers of attorney (or tax information authorizations) are required. If the taxpayer's representative is requesting the pre-submission conference by telephone, the Associate office's representative (see list of phone numbers below) will provide the fax number to send the power of attorney prior to scheduling the pre-submission conference.

The request should identify the taxpayer and include a brief explanation of the primary issue so that an assignment to the appropriate branch can be made. If submitted in writing, the request should also identify the Associate office expected to have jurisdiction over the request for a letter ruling. A written request for a pre-submission conference should be sent to the appropriate address listed in section 7.03 of this revenue procedure.

To request a pre-submission conference by telephone, call:

(a) (202) 622-7700 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate);

(b) (202) 622-3900 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products);

(c) (202) 622-4800 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting);

(d) (202) 622-3800 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (International);

(e) (202) 622-3000 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries);

(f) (202) 622-3400 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration); or

(g) (202) 622-6000 (not a toll-free call) for matters under the jurisdiction of the Office of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities).

(2) Pre-submission conferences held in person or by telephone. Depending on the circumstances, pre-submission conferences may be held in person at the Associate office or may be conducted by telephone.

(3) Certain information required to be submitted to the Associate office prior to the pre-submission conference. Generally, the taxpayer will be asked to provide, at least three business days before the scheduled pre-submission conference, a statement of whether the issue is an issue on which a letter ruling is ordinarily issued, a draft of the letter ruling request or other detailed written statement of the proposed transaction, issue, and legal analysis. If the taxpayer's authorized representative will attend or participate in the pre-submission conference, a power of attorney is required.

(4) Discussion of substantive issues is not binding on the Service. Any discussion of substantive issues at a pre-submission conference is advisory only, is not binding on the Service in general or on the Office of Chief Counsel in particular, and cannot be relied upon as a basis for obtaining retroactive relief under the provisions of § 7805(b).

May schedule a conference to be held by telephone

.08 Depending on the circumstances, conferences, including conferences of right and presubmission conferences, may be held by telephone. This may occur, for example, when a taxpayer wants a conference of right but believes that the issue involved does not warrant incurring the expense of traveling to Washington, DC, or if it is believed that scheduling an in person conference of right will substantially delay the ruling process. If a taxpayer makes such a request, the branch reviewer will decide if it is appropriate in the particular case to hold a conference by telephone. If the request is approved, the taxpayer will be advised when to call the Associate office representatives (not a toll-free call).


May be relied on subject to limitations

.01 A taxpayer ordinarily may rely on a letter ruling received from the Associate office subject to the conditions and limitations described in this section.

Will not apply to another taxpayer

.02 A taxpayer may not rely on a letter ruling issued to another taxpayer. See § 6110(k)(3).

Will be used by a field office in examining the taxpayer's return

.03 When determining a taxpayer's liability, the field office must ascertain whether --

(1) the conclusions stated in the letter ruling are properly reflected in the return;

(2) the representations upon which the letter ruling was based reflected an accurate statement of the controlling facts;

(3) the transaction was carried out substantially as proposed; and

(4) there has been any change in the law that applies to the period during which the transaction or continuing series of transactions were consummated.

If, when determining the liability, the field office finds that a letter ruling should be revoked or modified, the findings and recommendations of the field office will be forwarded through the appropriate Director to the Associate office for consideration before further action is taken by the field office. Such a referral to the Associate office will be treated as a request for technical expedited advice (TEAM) and the provisions of Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin, relating to requests for technical expedited advice will be followed, except that no consensus among field office, taxpayer and Associate office will be required to make the request subject to TEAM procedures. Otherwise, the letter ruling is to be applied by the field office in the determination of the taxpayer's liability. Appropriate coordination with the Associate office must be undertaken if any field office having jurisdiction over a return or other matter proposes to reach a conclusion contrary to a letter ruling previously issued to the taxpayer.

May be revoked or modified if found to be in error or there has been a change in law

.04 Unless it was part of a closing agreement as described in section 2.02 of this revenue procedure, a letter ruling found to be in error or not in accord with the current views of the Service may be revoked or modified. If a letter ruling is revoked or modified, the revocation or modification applies to all years open under the period of limitations unless the Service uses its discretionary authority under § 7805(b) to limit the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification.

A letter ruling may be revoked or modified by --

(1) a letter giving notice of revocation or modification to the taxpayer to whom the letter ruling was issued;

(2) the enactment of legislation or ratification of a tax treaty;

(3) a decision of the United States Supreme Court;

(4) the issuance of temporary or final regulations; or

(5) the issuance of a revenue ruling, revenue procedure, notice, or other statement published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.

Consistent with these provisions, if a letter ruling relates to a continuing action or a series of actions, it ordinarily will be applied until any one of the events described above occurs or until it is specifically withdrawn.

Publication of a notice of proposed rulemaking will not affect the application of any letter ruling issued under this revenue procedure.

Where a letter ruling is revoked or modified by a letter to the taxpayer, the letter will state whether the revocation or modification is retroactive. Where a letter ruling is revoked or modified by the issuance of final or temporary regulations or by the publication of a revenue ruling, revenue procedure, notice or other statement in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, the document may contain a statement as to its retroactive effect on letter rulings.

Letter ruling revoked or modified based on material change in facts applied retroactively

.05 An Associate office will revoke or modify a letter ruling and apply the revocation retroactively to the taxpayer for whom the letter ruling was issued or to a taxpayer whose tax liability was directly involved in the letter ruling if --

(1) there has been a misstatement or omission of controlling facts; or

(2) the facts at the time of the transaction are materially different from the controlling facts on which the letter ruling was based; or

(3) if the transaction involves a continuing action or series of actions, the controlling facts change during the course of the transaction.

Not otherwise generally revoked or modified retroactively

.06 Where the revocation or modification of a letter ruling is for reasons other than a change in facts as described in section 11.05 of this revenue procedure, it will generally not be applied retroactively to the taxpayer for whom the letter ruling was issued or to a taxpayer whose tax liability was directly involved in the letter ruling provided that --

(1) there has been no change in the applicable law;

(2) the letter ruling was originally issued for a proposed transaction; and

(3) the taxpayer directly involved in the letter ruling acted in good faith in relying on the letter ruling, and revoking or modifying the letter ruling retroactively would be to the taxpayer's detriment. For example, the tax liability of each shareholder is directly involved in a letter ruling on the reorganization of a corporation. The shareholders' reliance on the letter ruling may, depending on all facts and circumstances, be in good faith. The tax liability of a member of an industry, however, is not directly involved in a letter ruling issued to another member of the same industry and, therefore, a nonretroactive revocation or modification of a letter ruling to one member of an industry will not extend to other members of the industry who have not received letter rulings. By the same reasoning, a tax practitioner may not extend to one client the non-retroactive application of a revocation or modification of a letter ruling previously issued to another client.

If a letter ruling is revoked or modified by a letter with retroactive effect, the letter will, except in fraud cases, state the grounds on which the letter ruling is being revoked or modified and explain the reasons why it is being revoked or modified retroactively.

Retroactive effect of revocation or modification applied to a particular transaction

.07 A letter ruling issued on a particular transaction represents a holding of the Service on that transaction only. It will not apply to a similar transaction in the same year or any other year. And, except in unusual circumstances, the application of that letter ruling to the transaction will not be affected by the later issuance of regulations (either temporary or final) if conditions (1) through (3) in section 11.06 of this revenue procedure are met.

If a letter ruling on a transaction is later found to be in error or no longer in accord with the position of the Service, it will not protect a similar transaction of the taxpayer in the same year or later year.

Retroactive effect of revocation or modification applied to a continuing action or series of actions

.08 If a letter ruling is issued covering a continuing action or series of actions and the letter ruling is later found to be in error or no longer in accord with the position of the Service, the appropriate Associate Chief Counsel or Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel ordinarily will limit the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification to a date that is not earlier than that on which the letter ruling is revoked or modified. For example, the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification of a letter ruling covering a continuing action or series of actions ordinarily would be limited in the following situations when the letter ruling is in error or no longer in accord with the position of the Service:

(1) A taxpayer received a letter ruling that certain payments are excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes. The taxpayer ordinarily would be protected only for the payment received after the letter ruling was issued and before the revocation or modification of the letter ruling.

(2) A taxpayer rendered a service or provided a facility that is subject to the excise tax on services or facilities and, in relying on a letter ruling received, did not pass the tax on to the user of the service or the facility.

(3) An employer incurred liability under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act but, in relying on a letter ruling received, neither collected the employee tax nor paid the employee and employer taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The retroactive effect would be limited for both the employer and employee tax. The limitation would be conditioned on the employer furnishing wage data, as may be required by § 31.6011(a)-1 of the Employment Tax Regulations.

Generally not retroactively revoked or modified if related to sale or lease subject to excise tax

.09 A letter ruling holding that the sale or lease of a particular article is subject to the manufacturer's excise tax or the retailer's excise tax may not retroactively revoke or modify an earlier letter ruling holding that the sale or lease of such an article was not taxable if the taxpayer to whom the letter ruling was issued, in relying on the earlier letter ruling, gave up possession or ownership of the article without passing the tax on to the customer. (Section 1108(b), Revenue Act of 1926.)

May be retroactively revoked or modified when transaction is entered into before the issuance of the letter ruling

.10 A taxpayer is not protected against retroactive revocation or modification of a letter ruling involving a transaction completed before the issuance of the letter ruling or involving a continuing action or series of actions occurring before the issuance of the letter ruling because the taxpayer did not enter into the transaction relying on a letter ruling.

Taxpayer may request that retroactivity be limited

.11 Under § 7805(b), the Service may prescribe any extent to which a revocation or modification of a letter ruling will be applied without retroactive effect.

A taxpayer to whom a letter ruling has been issued may request that the appropriate Associate Chief Counsel limit the retroactive effect of any revocation or modification of the letter ruling.

Format of request

(1) Request for relief under § 7805(b) must be made in required format.

A request to limit the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification of a letter ruling must be in the general form of, and meet the general requirements for, a letter ruling request. These requirements are given in section 7 of this revenue procedure. Specifically, the request must also --

(a) state that it is being made under § 7805(b);

(b) state the relief sought;

(c) explain the reasons and arguments in support of the relief requested (including a discussion of section 11.05 of this revenue procedure and the three items listed in section 11.06 of this revenue procedure and any other factors as they relate to the taxpayer's particular situation); and

(d) include any documents bearing on the request.

A request that the Service limit the retroactive effect of a revocation or modification of a letter ruling may be made in the form of a separate request for a letter ruling when, for example, a revenue ruling has the effect of modifying or revoking a letter ruling previously issued to the taxpayer or when the Service notifies the taxpayer of a change in position that will have the effect of revoking or modifying the letter ruling.

When notice is given by the field office during an examination of the taxpayer's return or by Appeals, during consideration of the taxpayer's return before Appeals, a request to limit retroactive effect must be made in the form of a request for technical advice as explained in section 16.03 of Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin.

When germane to a pending letter ruling request, a request to limit the retroactive effect of a revocation or modification of a letter ruling may be made as part of the request for the letter ruling, either initially or at any time before the letter ruling is issued. When a letter ruling that concerns a continuing transaction is revoked or modified by, for example, a subsequent revenue ruling, a request to limit retroactive effect must be made before the examination of the return that contains the transaction that is the subject of the letter ruling request.

Request for conference

(2) Taxpayer may request a conference on application of § 7805(b).

A taxpayer who requests the application of § 7805(b) in a separate letter ruling request has the right to a conference in the Associate office as explained in sections 10.02, 10.04, and 10.05 of this revenue procedure. If the request is made initially as part of a pending letter ruling request or is made before the conference of right is held on the substantive issues, the § 7805(b) issue will be discussed at the taxpayer's one conference of right as explained in section 10.02 of this revenue procedure. If the request for the application of § 7805(b) relief is made as part of a pending letter ruling request after a conference has been held on the substantive issue and the Associate office determines that there is justification for having delayed the request, the taxpayer is entitled to one conference of right concerning the application of § 7805(b), with the conference limited to discussion of this issue only.


Directors issue determination letters only if the question presented is specifically answered by a statute, tax treaty, or regulations, a conclusion stated in a revenue ruling, or an opinion or court decision that represents the position of the Service.

Under no circumstances will a Director issue a determination letter unless it is clearly shown that the request concerns a return that has been filed or is required to be filed and over which the Director has, or will have, examination jurisdiction.

A determination letter does not include assistance provided by the U.S. competent authority pursuant to the mutual agreement procedure in tax treaties as set forth in Rev. Proc. 2002-52, 2002-2 C.B. 242.

In income and gift tax matters

.01 In income and gift tax matters, Directors issue determination letters in response to taxpayers' written requests on completed transactions that affect returns over which they have examination jurisdiction. A determination letter usually is not issued for a question concerning a return to be filed by the taxpayer if the same question is involved in a return already filed.

Normally, Directors do not issue determination letters on the tax consequences of proposed transactions. A Director may issue a determination letter on the replacement, even though not yet made, of involuntarily converted property under § 1033, if the taxpayer has filed an income tax return for the year in which the property was involuntarily converted.

In estate tax matters

.02 In estate tax matters, Directors issue determination letters in response to written requests affecting the estate tax returns over which they have examination jurisdiction. They do not issue determination letters on matters concerning the application of the estate tax to the prospective estate of a living person.

In generation-skipping transfer tax matters

.03 In generation-skipping transfer tax matters, Directors issue determination letters in response to written requests affecting the generation-skipping transfer tax returns over which they have examination jurisdiction. They do not issue determination letters on matters concerning the application of the generation- skipping transfer tax before the distribution or termination takes place.

In employment and excise tax matters

.04 In employment and excise tax matters, Directors issue determination letters in response to taxpayer's written requests on completed transactions over which they have examination jurisdiction. See also section 5.10 of this revenue procedure.

Requests concerning income, estate, or gift tax returns

.05 A request received by a Director on a question concerning an income, estate, or gift tax return already filed generally will be considered in connection with the examination of the return. If a response is made to the request before the return is examined, it will be considered a tentative finding in any later examination of that return.

Attach a copy of determination letter to taxpayer's return

.06 A taxpayer who, before filing a return, receives a determination letter about any transaction that has been consummated and that is relevant to the return being filed should attach a copy of the determination letter to the return when it is filed.

Review of determination letters

.07 Determination letters issued under sections 12.01 through 12.04 of this revenue procedure are not reviewed by the Associate offices before they are issued. If a taxpayer believes that a determination letter of this type is in error, the taxpayer may ask the Director to reconsider the matter or to request technical advice from an Associate office as explained in Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin.

Addresses to send determination letter requests

.08 (a) For taxpayers under the jurisdiction of LMSB, send a request for a determination letter to the following address:


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: Manager, Office of Pre-Filing and


Technical Services


Large and Mid-Size Business Division




Mint Building, 3rd Floor


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224


(b) SB/SE and W&I taxpayers should send requests for determination letters to the appropriate SB/SE office listed in Appendix D.

(c) For a determination letter under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, see Rev. Proc. 2005-4, this Bulletin.

(d) For fees required with determination letter requests, see section 15 and Appendix A of this revenue procedure.


Has same effect as a letter ruling

.01 A determination letter issued by a Director has the same effect as a letter ruling issued to a taxpayer under section 11 of this revenue procedure.

If a field office proposes to reach a conclusion contrary to that expressed in a determination letter, that office need not refer the matter to the Associate office as is required for a letter ruling found to be in error. The field office must, however, refer the matter to the Associate office through the appropriate Director, if it desires to have the revocation or modification of the determination letter limited under § 7805(b).

Taxpayer may request that retroactive effect of revocation or modification be limited

.02 Under § 7805(b), the Service may prescribe the extent to which a revocation or modification of a determination letter will be applied without retroactive effect. A Director does not have authority under § 7805(b) to limit the revocation or modification of the determination letter. Therefore, if the field office proposes to revoke or modify a determination letter, the taxpayer may request limitation of the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification by asking the Director that issued the determination letter to seek technical advice from the Associate office. See section 16.03 of Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin.

Format of request

(1) Request for relief under § 7805(b) must be made in required format.

A taxpayer's request to limit the retroactive effect of the revocation or modification of the determination letter must be in the form of, and meet the general requirements for, a technical advice request. See section 16.03 Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin. The request must also --

(a) state that it is being made under § 7805(b);

(b) state the relief sought;

(c) explain the reasons and arguments in support of the relief sought (including a discussion of section 11.05 of this revenue procedure and the three items listed in section 11.06 of this revenue procedure and any other factors as they relate to the taxpayer's particular situation); and

(d) include any documents bearing on the request.

Request for conference

(2) Taxpayer may request a conference on application of § 7805(b).

When technical advice is requested regarding the application of § 7805(b), the taxpayer has the right to a conference with the Associate office to the same extent as does any taxpayer who is the subject of a technical advice request. See section 16.04 of Rev. Proc. 2005-2, this Bulletin.


Requests for determination letters

.01 Requests for determination letters received by a Director with respect to which it may not issue a determination letter, under the provisions of this revenue procedure, will be forwarded to an Associate office for reply. The field office will notify the taxpayer that the matter has been referred.

Directors will also refer to an Associate office any request for a determination letter that in their judgment should have the attention of the Associate office.

No-rule areas

.02 If the request involves an issue on which the Service will not issue a letter ruling or determination letter, the request will not be forwarded to an Associate office. The Director will notify the taxpayer that the Service will not issue a letter ruling or a determination letter on the issue. See section 6 of this revenue procedure for a description of no-rule areas.

Requests for letter rulings

.03 Requests for a letter ruling received by an Associate office that, under section 6 of this revenue procedure, may not be acted upon by the Associate office will be forwarded to the field office that has examination jurisdiction over the taxpayer's return. The taxpayer will be notified of this action. If the request is on an issue or in an area of the type discussed in section 6 of this revenue procedure and the Service decides not to issue a letter ruling or a determination letter, the Associate office will notify the taxpayer and will then forward the request to the appropriate field office for association with the related return.

Letter ruling request mistakenly sent to a Director

.04 A request for a letter ruling mistakenly sent to a Director will be returned by the Director to the taxpayer so that the taxpayer can send it to an Associate office.


Legislation authorizing user fees

.01 Section 7528 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that the Secretary of the Treasury or delegate (the "Secretary") shall establish a program requiring the payment of user fees for requests to the Service for letter rulings, opinion letters, determination letters, and similar requests. The fees apply to requests made through September 30, 2014. The fees charged under the program are to: (1) vary according to categories or subcategories established by the Secretary; (2) be determined after taking into account the average time for, and difficulty of, complying with requests in each category and subcategory; and (3) be payable in advance. The Secretary is to provide for exemptions and reduced fees under the program as the Secretary determines to be appropriate, but the average fee applicable to each category must not be less than the amount specified in § 7528.

Requests to which a user fee applies

.02 In general, user fees apply to all requests for --

(1) letter rulings (including advance consent Forms 3115), determination letters, and advance pricing agreements;

(2) closing agreements described in paragraph (A)(3)(d) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure;

(3) renewal of advance pricing agreements; and

(4) reconsideration of letter rulings or determination letters.

Requests to which a user fee applies must be accompanied by the appropriate fee as determined from the fee schedule provided in Appendix A of this revenue procedure. The fee may be refunded as provided in section 15.10 of this revenue procedure.

Requests to which a user fee does not apply

.03 User fees do not apply to --

(1) elections made pursuant to § 301.9100-2, pertaining to automatic extensions of time (see section 5.03 of this revenue procedure);

(2) late initial classification elections made pursuant to Rev. Proc. 2002-59 (see section 5.03(5) of this revenue procedure)

(3) late S corporation and related elections made pursuant to Rev. Proc. 2004-49, Rev. Proc. 2004-48, Rev. Proc. 2003-43 or Rev. Proc. 97-48 (see section 5.02 of this revenue procedure);

(4) requests for information letters; or

(5) requests for a change in accounting period or accounting method permitted to be made by a published automatic change revenue procedure (see section 9.01(1) of this revenue procedure).

Exemptions from the user fee requirements

.04 The user fee requirements do not apply to --

(1) departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of the United States if they certify that they are seeking a letter ruling or determination letter on behalf of a program or activity funded by federal appropriations. The fact that a user fee is not charged does not have any bearing on whether an applicant is treated as an agency or instrumentality of the United States for purposes of any provision of the Code; or

(2) requests as to whether a worker is an employee for federal employment taxes and income tax withholding purposes (Subtitle C of the Code) submitted on Form SS-8, Determination of Worker Status for Purposes of Federal Employment Taxes and Income Tax Withholding, or its equivalent.

Fee schedule

.05 The schedule of user fees is provided in Appendix A of this revenue procedure. For the user fee requirements applicable to --

(1) requests for advance pricing agreements or renewals of advance pricing agreements, see section 4.12 of Rev. Proc. 2004-40, 2004-29 I.R.B. 50; or 5.14 of Rev. Proc. 96-53, 1996-2 C.B. at 379; or

(2) requests for letter rulings, determination letters, etc., under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, see Rev. Proc. 2005-8, this Bulletin.

Applicable user fee for a request involving multiple offices, fee categories, issues, transactions, or entities


(1) Requests involving several offices. If a request dealing with only one transaction involves more than one of the offices within the Service (for example, one issue is under the jurisdiction of the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries) and another issue is under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division), only one fee applies, namely the highest fee that otherwise would apply to each of the offices involved. See Rev. Proc. 2005-8, this Bulletin for the user fees applicable to issues under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.

(2) Requests involving several fee categories. If a request dealing with only one transaction involves more than one fee category, only one fee applies, namely the highest fee that otherwise would apply to each of the categories involved.

(3) Requests involving several issues. If a request dealing with only one transaction involves several issues, a request for a change in accounting method dealing with only one item or submethod of accounting involves several issues, or a request for a change in accounting period dealing with only one item involves several issues, the request is treated as one request. Therefore, only one fee applies, namely the fee that applies to the particular category or subcategory involved. The addition of a new issue relating to the same transaction, item, or submethod will not result in an additional fee, unless the issue places the transaction, item, or submethod in a higher fee category.

(4) Requests involving several unrelated transactions. If a request involves several unrelated transactions, a request for a change in accounting method involves several unrelated items or submethods of accounting, or a request for a change in accounting period involves several unrelated items, each transaction or item is treated as a separate request. As a result, a separate fee will apply for each unrelated transaction, item, or submethod. An additional fee will apply if the request is changed by the addition of an unrelated transaction, item, or submethod not contained in the initial request. An example of a request involving unrelated transactions is a request involving relief under § 301.9100-3 and the underlying issue.

(5) Requests involving several entities. Each entity involved in a transaction (for example, a reorganization) that desires a separate letter ruling in its own name must pay a separate fee regardless of whether the transaction or transactions may be viewed as related. But see section 15.07 of this revenue procedure.

Applicable user fee for requests for substantially identical letter rulings or identical accounting method changes


(1) In general. The user fees provided in paragraph (A)(5) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure apply to the situations described in sections 15.07(2) and 15.07(3) of this revenue procedure. To assist in the processing of these user fee requests, all letter ruling requests submitted under this section 15.07 should --

(a) Except for advance consent Forms 3115, type or print at the top of the letter ruling request: "REQUEST FOR USER FEE UNDER SECTION 15.07 OF REV. PROC. 2005-1";

(b) List on the first page of the submission all taxpayers and entities, or separate trades or businesses, requesting a letter ruling (including the taxpayer identification number, and the amount of user fee submitted, for each taxpayer, entity, or separate trade or business); and

(c) Submit one check to cover all user fees.

If the Service determines that the letter ruling requests do not qualify for the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure, the Service will request the proper fee. See section 15.09 of this revenue procedure.

(2) Substantially identical letter rulings. The user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(a) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure applies to a taxpayer that requests substantially identical letter rulings (including accounting period, accounting method, and earnings and profits requests other than those submitted on Forms 1128, 2553, 3115, and 5452) for either multiple entities with a common member or sponsor, or multiple members of a common entity. To qualify for this user fee, all information and underlying documents must be substantially identical and all letter ruling requests must be submitted at the same time. In addition, the letter ruling requests must --

(a) State that the letter ruling requests, and all information and underlying documents, are substantially identical; and

(b) Specifically identify the extent to which the letter ruling requests, information, and underlying documents are not identical.

(3) Identical accounting method changes and related § 301.9100 letter rulings. The user fees provided in paragraphs (A)(5)(b) and (c) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure apply to a parent corporation that requests either the identical accounting method change on a single Form 3115 on behalf of more than one member of a consolidated group or an extension of time to file Form 3115 under § 301.9100-3 for the identical accounting method change on behalf of more than one member of a consolidated group. To qualify for this user fee, the taxpayers in the consolidated group must be members of the same affiliated group under § 1504(a) that join in the filing of a consolidated tax return. In addition, the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(b) and (c) of Appendix A applies to a single entity that requests an identical accounting method change on a single Form 3115, or an extension of time to file Form 3115 under § 301.9100-3 for the identical accounting method change, for multiple trades or businesses of that single entity.

To qualify as an identical accounting method change, the multiple members of a consolidated group or the multiple separate trades or businesses of a single entity must be requesting to change from an identical present method of accounting to an identical proposed method of accounting. All aspects of the requested accounting method change, including the present and proposed methods, the underlying facts and the authority for the request, must be identical, except for the § 481(a) adjustment for the year of change. If the Associate office determines that the requested accounting method changes are not identical, additional user fees will be required before any letter ruling is issued.

The parent corporation or single entity must, for each member of a consolidated group or separate trade or business for which the accounting method change is being requested, attach to the Form 3115 a schedule providing the name, employer identification number (only in the case of a consolidated group), and § 481(a) adjustment for the year of change.

In the case of a § 301.9100 request for an extension of time to file a Form 3115 requesting an identical accounting method change for multiple members of the consolidated group or multiple separate trades or businesses of a single entity, a parent corporation or single entity must submit the information required in the preceding paragraph in addition to the information required by section 9.03 of this revenue procedure.

Method of payment

.08 Each request to the Service for a letter ruling, determination letter, advance pricing agreement, closing agreement described in paragraph (A)(3)(d) of Appendix A of this revenue procedure, or reconsideration of a letter ruling or determination letter must be accompanied by a check or money order in U.S. dollars, payable to the Internal Revenue Service, in the appropriate amount. (The user fee check or money order should not be attached to the Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation, when it is filed at the Service Center. If on the Form 2553 an electing S corporation requests a ruling to use a fiscal year under section 6.03 of Rev. Proc. 2002-39, 2002-1 C.B. 1046, the Service Center will forward the request to the Associate office. When the Associate office receives the Form 2553 from the Service Center, it will notify the taxpayer that the fee is due.) Taxpayers should not send cash.

Effect of nonpayment or payment of incorrect amount

.09 If a request is not accompanied by a properly completed check or money order or is accompanied by a check or money order for less than the correct amount, the respective office within the Service that is responsible for issuing the letter ruling, determination letter, advance pricing agreement, closing agreement, or reconsideration of a letter ruling or determination letter generally will exercise discretion in deciding whether to return immediately the request. If a request is not immediately returned, the taxpayer will be contacted and given a reasonable amount of time to submit the proper fee. If the proper fee is not received within a reasonable amount of time, the entire request will then be returned. The Service will usually defer substantive consideration of a request until proper payment has been received. The return of a request to the taxpayer may adversely affect substantive rights if the request is not perfected and resubmitted to the Service within 30 days of the date of the cover letter returning the request.

If a request is accompanied by a check or money order for more than the correct amount, the request will be accepted and the amount of the excess payment will be returned to the taxpayer.

Refunds of user fee

.10 In general, the user fee will not be refunded unless the Service declines to rule on all issues for which a ruling is requested.

(1) The following situations are examples of situations in which the user fee will not be refunded:

(a) The request for a letter ruling, determination letter, etc., is withdrawn at any time subsequent to its receipt by the Service, unless the only reason for withdrawal is that the Service has advised the taxpayer that a higher user fee than was sent with the request is applicable and the taxpayer is unwilling to pay the higher fee.

(b) The request is procedurally deficient, although accompanied by the proper fee or an overpayment, and is not timely perfected. When there is a failure to perfect timely the request, the case will be considered closed and the failure to perfect will be treated as a withdrawal for purposes of this revenue procedure. See section 8.05(3) of this revenue procedure.

(c) The Associate office notifies the taxpayer that the Associate office will not issue the letter ruling and has closed the case as a result of the taxpayer's failure to submit timely the additional information requested by the Associate office. The failure to submit the additional information will be treated as a withdrawal for purposes of this revenue procedure. See section 8.05(3) of this revenue procedure (section 9.08(7) for a request for a change in accounting method).

(d) A letter ruling, determination letter, etc., is revoked in whole or in part at the initiative of the Service. The fee paid at the time the original letter ruling, determination letter, etc., was requested will not be refunded.

(e) The request contains several issues, and the Service rules on some, but not all, of the issues. The highest fee applicable to the issues on which the Service rules will not be refunded.

(f) The taxpayer asserts that a letter ruling the taxpayer received covering a single issue is erroneous or not responsive (other than an issue on which the Associate office has declined to rule) and requests reconsideration. The Associate office, upon reconsideration, does not agree that the letter ruling is erroneous or is not responsive. The fee accompanying the request for reconsideration will not be refunded.

(g) The situation is the same as described in paragraph (f) of this section 15.10(1) except that the letter ruling covered several unrelated transactions. The Associate office, upon reconsideration, does not agree with the taxpayer that the letter ruling is erroneous or is not responsive for all of the transactions, but does agree that it is erroneous as to one transaction. The fee accompanying the request for reconsideration will not be refunded except to the extent applicable to the transaction for which the Associate office agrees the letter ruling was in error.

(h) The request is for a supplemental letter ruling, determination letter, etc., concerning a change in facts (whether significant or not) relating to the transaction on which the Service ruled.

(i) The request is for reconsideration of an adverse or partially adverse letter ruling or a final adverse determination letter, and the taxpayer submits arguments and authorities not submitted before the original letter ruling or determination letter was issued.

(2) The following situations are examples of situations in which the user fee will be refunded:

(a) In a situation to which section 15.10(1)(i) of this revenue procedure does not apply, the taxpayer asserts that a letter ruling the taxpayer received covering a single issue is erroneous or is not responsive (other than an issue on which the Associate office declined to rule) and requests reconsideration. The Associate office agrees, upon reconsideration, that the letter ruling is erroneous or is not responsive. The fee accompanying the taxpayer's request for reconsideration will be refunded.

(b) In a situation to which section 15.10(1)(i) of this revenue procedure does not apply, the taxpayer requests a supplemental letter ruling, determination letter, etc., to correct a mistake that the Service agrees it made in the original letter ruling, determination letter, etc., such as a mistake in the statement of facts or in the citation of a Code section. Once the Service agrees that it made a mistake, the fee accompanying the request for the supplemental letter ruling, determination letter, etc., will be refunded.

(c) The taxpayer requests and is granted relief under § 7805(b) in connection with the revocation in whole or in part, of a previously issued letter ruling, determination letter, etc. The fee accompanying the request for relief will be refunded.

(d) In a situation to which section 15.10(1)(e) of this revenue procedure applies, the taxpayer requests reconsideration of the Service's decision not to rule on an issue. Once the Service agrees to rule on the issue, the fee accompanying the request for reconsideration will be refunded.

(e) The letter ruling is not issued and taking into account all the facts and circumstances, including the Service's resources devoted to the request, the responsible Associate Chief Counsel in his or her sole discretion decides a refund is appropriate.

Request for reconsideration of user fee

.11 A taxpayer that believes the user fee charged by the Service for its request for a letter ruling, determination letter, advance pricing agreement, or closing agreement is either inapplicable or incorrect and wishes to receive a refund of all or part of the amount paid (see section 15.10 of this revenue procedure) may request reconsideration and, if desired, the opportunity for an oral discussion by sending a letter to the Service at the appropriate address given in section 7.03 in this revenue procedure. Both the incoming envelope and the letter requesting such reconsideration should be prominently marked "USER FEE RECONSIDERATION REQUEST." No user fee is required for these requests. The request should be marked for the attention of:

 If the matter involves primarily:                 Mark for the attention of:



 Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate)               Associate Chief Counsel


 letter ruling requests                            (Corporate)



 Associate Chief Counsel (Financial                Associate Chief Counsel


 Institutions and Products) letter ruling          (Financial Institutions


 requests                                          and Products)



 Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax               Associate Chief Counsel


 and Accounting) letter ruling requests            (Income Tax and Accounting)



 Associate Chief Counsel (International)           Associate Chief Counsel


 letter ruling and advance pricing agreement       (International)





 Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs             Associate Chief Counsel


 and Special Industries) letter ruling requests    (Passthroughs and Special





 Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and            Associate Chief Counsel


 Administration) letter ruling requests            (Procedure and





 Division Counsel/Associate Chief                  Assistant Chief Counsel ( )


 Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government                (Complete by using whichever


 Entities) letter ruling requests                  of the following


                                                   designations applies:


                                                   (Employee Benefits) or


                                                   (Employment Tax/Exempt







 Determination letter requests submitted           Manager, Office of


 pursuant to this revenue procedure                Pre-Filing and


 by taxpayers under the jurisdiction of            Technical Services





 Determination letter requests submitted           The appropriate SB/SE


 pursuant to this revenue procedure                official listed in


 by taxpayers under the jurisdiction of            Appendix D





 Determination letter requests submitted           Director,


 pursuant to this revenue procedure                Employee Plans Examinations


 by taxpayers under the jurisdiction of            Director,


 TE/GE                                             Exempt Organizations




                                                   Director, Federal,


                                                   State & Local Governments


                                                   Director, Tax Exempt Bonds




                                                   Indian Tribal Governments



                                                   (Add name of field office


                                                   handling the request)




.01 Section 1 was revised to provide a definition of "Service" and to clarify definitions of "Director" and "field office."

.02 Section 5.11 was revised to clarify that the Associate office (Procedure and Administration) will not issue letter rulings relating to: assessment and collection of taxes and abatement, credit or refund of an overassessment or overpayment of tax.

.03 Section 6.06 was added to clarify that the Service will not issue letter rulings or determination letters that do not address the tax status, liability, or reporting obligations of the requester.

.04 Sections 7.02(2) and 9.04(1) were revised to reflect the changes made to the Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, revised March 2004. Taxpayers are no longer permitted to designate a representative to receive the original letter rulings.

.05 Sections 7.04 and 7.05 were revised to clarify that a "return" for purposes of those sections includes the original return, amended return, and claim for refund.

.06 Section 11 was revised to clarify how the Service will provide notice on the retroactive revocation or modification of a letter ruling.

.07 Appendix A was revised to reflect the new user fees and to clarify the definition of "gross income" of state, local, and Indian tribal government entities.

.08 Appendix D was revised to reflect the reorganization of the SB/SE Division.


Rev. Proc. 2004-1, 2004-1 C.B. 1, is superseded.


This revenue procedure is effective January 3, 2005, except that any increase in the user fee in Appendix A of this revenue procedure is effective only for requests postmarked or, if not mailed, received on or after March 1, 2005.


The collections of information contained in this revenue procedure have been reviewed and approved by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. § 3507) under control number 1545-1522.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless the collection of information displays a valid control number.

The collections of information in this revenue procedure are in sections 5.06, 7.01, 7.02, 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.07, 8.02. 8.05, 8.07, 10.01, 10.06, 10.07, 11.11 , 12.06, 13.02, 15.02, 15.07, 15.08, 15.09, 15.11, paragraph (B)(1) of Appendix A, Appendix C, and Appendix E (subject matter -- rate orders; regulatory agency; normalization). This information is required to evaluate and process the request for a letter ruling or determination letter. In addition, this information will be used to help the Service delete certain information from the text of the letter ruling or determination letter before it is made available for public inspection, as required by § 6110. The collections of information are required to obtain a letter ruling or determination letter. The likely respondents are business or other for-profit institutions.

The estimated total annual reporting and/or recordkeeping burden is 305,140 hours.

The estimated annual burden per respondent/recordkeeper varies from 1 to 200 hours, depending on individual circumstances, with an estimated average burden of 80.3 hours. The estimated number of respondents and/or recordkeepers is 3,800.

The estimated annual frequency of responses is on occasion.

Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by § 6103.


The principal author of this revenue procedure is Tatiana Belenkaya of the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration). For further information regarding this revenue procedure for matters under the jurisdiction of --

(1) the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), contact Richard Todd at (202) 622-7700 (not a toll-free call),

(2) the Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and Products), contact Arturo Estrada at (202) 622-3900 (not a toll-free call),

(3) the Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and Accounting), contact Brenda Wilson at (202) 622-4800 (not a toll-free call),

(4) the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), contact Kathleen Reed at (202) 622-3110 (not a toll-free call),

(5) the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration), contact George Bowden or Henry Schneiderman at (202) 622-3400 (not a toll-free call),

(6) the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities), contact Calder Robertson at (202) 622-6000 (not a toll-free call), or

(7) the Associate Chief Counsel (International), contact Gerard Traficanti at (202) 622-3619 (not a toll-free call).

For further information regarding user fees, contact the Docket, Records, and User Fee Branch at (202) 622-7560 (not a toll-free call).




        References are to sections in


 Rev. Proc. 2005-1



 Additional Information



 -- perjury statement required                          8.05(4)


 -- proposed deletions under § 6110                 7.01(11)


 -- information requested during initial


 and subsequent contacts                                8.05


      failure to submit                                 8.05(3)


      subsequent information after conference           10.06


 -- where to send                                       8.05(6)



 Changes in Accounting Method or Period



 --  applicable sections of Rev. Proc.


 2005-1 for accounting method changes                   9


 --  applicable sections of Rev. Proc.


 2005-1 for accounting period                           Appendix E


 -- automatic change revenue procedures                 9.01, Appendix E


 -- identical accounting method changes                 9.15, 15.07,


                                                        Appendix A


 -- user fees                                           Appendix A



 Checklist Required                              7.01(18), Appendix C





 -- offered                                             10.02


      after conference of right                         10.05


      application of § 6110                         7.01(11)(e)


 -- requesting a conference                             7.02(6)


 -- scheduling                                          10.01, 10.02


      application of § 7805(b)                      11.11(2), 13.02(2)


      pre-submission conferences                        10.07


      telephone conferences                             10.08





 -- Associate office                                    1.01(2)


 -- closing agreement                                   2.02


 -- determination letter                                2.03


 -- director                                            1.01(3)


 -- field office                                        1.01(4)


 -- information letter                                  2.04


 -- letter ruling                                       2.01


 -- Service                                             1.01(1)


 -- taxpayer                                            1.01(5)


 Determinations Under § 999(d)                      5.04


 Discussions Not Binding on Service


 -- at pre-submission conference                        10.07(4)


 -- informal opinion expressed                          8.04


 -- oral advice to taxpayers                            2.05(2)



 Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations



 -- jurisdiction of Commissioner, Tax Exempt and


 Government Entities Division                           4.02


 -- user fees                                           4.02


 Estate Tax Matters



 -- issuance of determination letters                   12.02, 12.05


 -- issuance of letter rulings                          5.06


 under § 2032A(c)                                   5.07


 Expedited Handling of Letter Ruling and


 Determination Letter Requests                          7.02(4)



 Extension of Time


 -- to schedule conference                              10.01


 -- to submit additional information                    8.05(2)


 Fax Transmission


 --  to receive letter ruling                           7.02(5)


 --  to receive request for additional information      7.02(5)


 -- to submit additional information                    8.05(5)


 -- letter ruling requests must not be submitted


 by fax                                                 7.03(3)


 Hand Delivery of Letter Ruling Requests                7.03(2)


 No-Rule Areas                                          6


 Oral Advice to Taxpayers                               2.05


 Penalties of Perjury Statement


 -- form for letter ruling request                      7.01(15)(a)


 -- form for submission of additional information       8.05(4)


 -- required with draft letter ruling                   8.07


 -- signature requirements                              7.01(15)(b)


 Pending Letter Ruling Requests


 -- when to attach a copy to return                     7.04(2)


 estate tax matters                                     5.06


 -- when to notify Associate office                     7.04


 estate tax matters                                     5.06



 Power of Attorney


 -- Form 2848                                           7.01(14) and 7.02(2)


      original sent to the taxpayer                     7.02(2)


      copy sent to a representative                     7.02(2)


      copies sent to multiple representatives           7.02(2)


      no copy sent to representatives                   7.02(2)


 -- signature requirements                              7.01(14)


 Public Disclosure of Information Letters               2.04


 Public Inspection Under § 6110                     7.01(11)


 -- signature requirements                              7.01(11)(c)




 -- compliance with Treasury Department


 Circular No. 230                                       7.01(13)


 -- power of attorney required                          7.01(14)


 -- requirements                                        7.01(13)


      authorized representatives                        7.01(13)(a)


      authorized based on relationship                  7.01(13)(b)


      return preparer                                   7.01(13)(c)


      foreign representative                            7.01(13)(d)


 Retroactive Revocation or Modification


  -- of determination letter                            13


 request to limit retroactive effect                    13.02


  -- of letter ruling                                   11.05-11.10


 request to limit retroactive effect                    11.11


 Revenue Rulings


 -- effect on a letter ruling                           11.04


 -- request to limit retroactive effect                 11.11


 Sample of a Letter Ruling Request                      7.01(17), Appendix B


 Section 301.9100 Relief                                5.03


 Section 367 Rulings                                    5.05


 Status of Letter Ruling and Determination


 Letter Requests                                        7.06


 Substantially Identical Letter Rulings          15.07(2), Appendix A


 Tax Exempt and Government Entities


 -- jurisdiction of Commissioner, Tax Exempt


 and Government Entities Division                       4.02


 -- user fees                                           4.02


 User Fees


 -- schedule of user fees                               Appendix A


 -- user fee requirements                               15


 to reopen case                                         8.05(3)


 Where to Send


 -- determination letter request                        12.08


 -- letter ruling request                               7.03


 additional information                                 8.05(6)


 hand delivery                                          7.03(2)


 Withdrawal of Letter Ruling and


 Determination Letter Requests                          7.07








NOTE: Checks or money orders must be in U.S. dollars.




 CATEGORY                                USER FEE FOR         USER FEE FOR


                                         REQUESTS             REQUESTS


                                         POSTMARKED           POSTMARKED ON


                                         BEFORE 3-1-2005      OR AFTER 3-1-2005




 (1) User fee for a request for a


 determination letter from a Director.


 The user fee for each determination


 letter request governed by Rev. Proc.


 2005-1 (this revenue procedure).             $275               $275



 (2) User fee for a request for an advance    See section


 pricing agreement or a renewal of an         4.12 of Rev.


 advance pricing agreement.                   Proc. 2004-40,




                                              I.R.B. 50


 (3) User fee for a request for a letter


 ruling or closing agreement. Except for


 the user fees for advance pricing agreements


 and renewals, the reduced fees provided in


 paragraph (A)(4) of this appendix, the user


 fees provided in paragraph (A)(5)


 of this appendix, and the exemptions


 provided in section 15.04 of Rev. Proc.


 2005-1, this revenue procedure, the


 user fee for each request for a letter


 ruling or closing agreement under the


 jurisdiction of the Associate Chief


 Counsel (Corporate), the Associate Chief


 Counsel (Financial Institutions and


 Products), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Income Tax and Accounting), the Associate


 Chief Counsel (International),


 the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs


 and Special Industries), the


 Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and


 Administration), or the Division


 Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax


 Exempt and Government Entities) is


 as follows:



 (a) Accounting periods



 (i) Form 1128 (except as provided in


 paragraph (A)(4)(a) or (b) of this


 appendix)                                    $1,000             $1,500



 (ii) Requests made on Part II of Form


 2553 to use a fiscal year based on


 a business purpose (except as provided in


 paragraph (A)(4)(a) or (b) of this


 appendix)                                    $1,000              $1,500



 (iii) Letter ruling requests for extensions


 of time to file Form 1128, Form 8716,


 or Part II of Form 2553


 under § 301.9100-3 (except as


 provided in paragraph (A)(4)(a) or


 (b) of this appendix)                        $1,200             $1,500



 (b) Changes in Accounting Methods



 (i) Form 3115 (except as provided in


 paragraph (A)(4)(a) or (b), or (5)(b)


 of this appendix)                            $1,500             $1,500



 (ii) Letter ruling requests for extensions


 of time to file Form 3115 under


 § 301.9100-3 (except as provided in


 paragraph (A)(4)(a) or (b), or (5)(c)


 of this appendix)                            $1,200             $1,500



 NOTE: No user fee is required if the


 change in accounting period or accounting


 method is permitted to be made pursuant


 to a published automatic change request


 procedure. See section 9.22 and Appendix


 E of Rev. Proc. 2005-1, this revenue


 procedure, for the list of automatic


 change request procedures published and/or


 in effect as of December 31, 2004.



 (c) All other letter ruling requests


 (which includes accounting


 period and accounting method requests other


 than those properly submitted on Form 1128,


 Part II of Form 2553, or Form 3115) (except


 as provided in paragraph (A)(4)(a) or (b),


 or (5)(a) of this appendix)                  $6,000             $7,000



 (d) Requests for closing agreements


 on a proposed transaction or


 on a completed transaction before a


 return for the transaction


 has been filed in which a letter


 ruling on that transaction is not


 requested or issued (except as


 provided in paragraph (A)(4)(a)


 or (b) of this appendix)                     $6,000             $7,000



 NOTE: A taxpayer that receives relief


 under § 301.9100-3 (for example,


 an extension of time to file Form 3115)


 will be charged a separate user fee


 for the letter ruling request on the


 underlying issue (for example, the


 accounting period or accounting method





 (4) Reduced user fee for a request for


 a letter ruling or closing


 agreement. A reduced user fee is


 provided in the following situations if


 the person provides the certification


 described in paragraph (B)(1) of this





 (a) Request involves a personal tax


 issue from a person with gross


 income (as determined under paragraphs


 (B)(2) and (4) of this


 appendix) of less than $ 250,000             $500               $625



 (b) Request involves a business-


 related tax issue (for example,


 including home-office expenses,


 residential rental property


 issues) from a person with gross


 income (as determined under


 paragraphs (B)(3) and (4) of this


 appendix) of less than $ 1 million           $500               $625



 (5) User fee for substantially identical


 letter ruling requests or identical


 accounting method changes. If the


 requirements of section 15.07 of


 Rev. Proc. 2005-1,


 this revenue procedure,


 are satisfied, the user fee for the


 following situations is as follows:



 (a) Substantially identical letter rulings





 Situations in which a taxpayer requests


 substantially identical


 letter rulings for multiple


 entities with a common member or


 sponsor, or for multiple members


 of a common entity, or for


 two or more identical trusts or


 for multiple beneficiaries of a


 trust or a trust divided into


 identical subtrusts or for husband


 and wife making split gifts, for


 each additional letter ruling


 request after the $ 7,000 fee or


 reduced fee, as applicable, has


 been paid for the first letter


 ruling request                               $200               $300



 NOTE: Each entity or member that is


 entitled to the user fee


 under paragraph (A)(5)(a) of this


 appendix, that receives relief


 under § 301.9100-3 (for example,


 an extension of time to file


 an election) will be charged a


 separate user fee for the letter


 ruling request on the underlying issue.



 (b) Identical accounting method change


 requested on a single Form 3115



 Situations in which a parent corporation


 requests the identical accounting method


 change on a single Form 3115 on behalf of


 more than one member of a consolidated group,


 or in which a single entity requests the


 identical accounting method change on a


 single Form 3115 for


 more than one separate trade or


 business (see § 1.446-1(d) for what


 constitutes a separate trade or business),


 for each additional member of the group


 or separate trade or business of the single


 entity seeking the identical accounting


 method change on the same Form 3115


 after the $ 1,500 fee or $ 625 reduced


 fee, as applicable, has been paid for the


 first member of the group or separate trade


 or business                                  $45                $50



 (c) Extension of time requested to file


 Form 3115 for an identical


 accounting method change



 Situations in which a parent


 corporation requests an extension


 of time under § 301.9100-3


 to file a Form 3115 for the


 identical accounting method change


 on behalf of more than


 one member of a consolidated


 group, or in which a single


 entity requests an extension of time


 under § 301.9100-3 to file


 a Form 3115 for the identical


 accounting method change for


 more than one separate trade or business


 (see § 1.446-1(d)


 for what constitutes a separate trade


 or business), for each additional member


 of the group or separate trade or business


 of the single entity seeking the


 identical accounting method


 change on the same Form 3115 after


 the $ 1,500 fee or $ 625


 reduced fee as applicable, has been


 paid for the first member


 of the group or separate trade or


 business                                     $50                $50



 NOTE: When an extension of time


 to file Form 3115 is


 granted under § 301.9100-3


 to a parent corporation and each


 member of a consolidated group or


 separate trade or business,


 a separate user fee will be charged


 for the accounting method


 change application.




(1) Required certification. A person seeking a reduced user fee under paragraph (A)(4) of this appendix must provide the following certification in order to obtain the reduced user fee:

(a) If a person is seeking a reduced user fee under paragraph (A)(4)(a) of this appendix, the person must certify in the request that his, her, or its gross income, as defined under paragraphs (B)(2) and (4) of this appendix, is less than $ 250,000 for the last full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed.

(b) If a person is seeking a reduced user fee under paragraph (A)(4)(b) of this appendix, the person must certify in the request that his, her, or its gross income, as defined under paragraphs (B)(3) and (4) of this appendix, is less than $1 million for the last full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed.

(2) Gross income for a request involving a personal tax issue. For purposes of the reduced user fee provided in paragraph (A)(4)(a) of this appendix of --

(a) U.S. citizens and resident alien individuals, domestic trusts, and domestic estates, "gross income" is equal to "total income" as reported on their last federal income tax return (as amended) filed for a full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed, plus any interest income not subject to tax under § 103 (interest on state and local bonds) for that period. "Total income" is a line item on federal tax returns. For example, if the 2003 Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, is the most recent 12-month taxable year return filed by a U.S. citizen, "total income" on the Form 1040 is the amount entered on line 22.

In the case of a request for a letter ruling or closing agreement from a domestic estate or trust that, at the time the request is filed, has not filed a federal income tax return for a full taxable year, the reduced user fee in paragraph (A)(4)(a) of this appendix will apply if the decedent's or (in the case of an individual grantor) the grantor's total income as reported on the last federal income tax return filed for a full taxable year ending before the date of death or the date of the transfer, taking into account any additions required to be made to total income described in this paragraph (B)(2)(a), is less than $ 250,000. In this case, the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate or the grantor must provide the certification required under paragraph (B)(1) of this appendix.

(b) Nonresident alien individuals, foreign trusts, and foreign estates, "gross income" is equal to "total effectively connected income" as reported on their last federal income tax return (as amended) filed for a full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed, plus any income for the period from United States or foreign sources that is not taxable by the United States, whether by reason of § 103, an income tax treaty, § 871(h) (regarding portfolio interest), or otherwise, plus the total amount of any fixed or determinable annual or periodical income from United States sources, the United States tax liability for which is satisfied by withholding at the source. "Total effectively connected income" is a line item on federal tax returns. For example, if the 2003 Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, is the most recent 12-month taxable year return filed by a nonresident alien individual, "total effectively connected income" on the Form 1040NR is the amount entered on line 23.

In the case of a request for a letter ruling or closing agreement from a foreign estate or trust that, at the time the request is filed, has not filed a federal income tax return for a full taxable year, the reduced user fee in paragraph (A)(4)(a) of this appendix will apply if the decedent's or (in the case of an individual grantor) the grantor's total income or total effectively connected income, as relevant, as reported on the last federal income tax return filed for a full taxable year ending before the date of death or the date of the transfer, taking into account any additions required to be made to total income or total effectively connected income described respectively in paragraph (B)(2)(a) of this appendix or in this paragraph (B)(2)(b), is less than $ 250,000. In this case, the executor or administrator of the decedent's estate or the grantor must provide the certification required under paragraph (B)(1) of this appendix.

(3) Gross income for a request involving a business-related tax issue. For purposes of the reduced user fee provided in paragraph (A)(4)(b) of this appendix of --

(a) U.S. citizens and resident alien individuals, domestic trusts, and domestic estates, "gross income" is equal to gross income as defined under paragraph (B)(2)(a) of this appendix, plus "cost of goods sold" as reported on the same federal income tax return.

(b) Nonresident alien individuals, foreign trusts, and foreign estates, "gross income" is equal to gross income as defined under paragraph (B)(2)(b) of this appendix, plus "cost of goods sold" as reported on the same federal income tax return.

(c) Domestic partnerships and corporations, "gross income" is equal to "total income" as reported on their last federal income tax return (as amended) filed for a full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed, plus "cost of goods sold" as reported on the same federal income tax return, plus any interest income not subject to tax under § 103 (interest on state and local bonds) for that period. If a domestic partnership or corporation is not subject to tax, "total income" and "cost of goods sold" are the amounts that the domestic partnership or corporation would have reported on the federal income tax return if the domestic partnership or corporation were subject to tax.

"Cost of goods sold" and "total income" are line items on federal tax returns. For example, if the 2003 Form 1065, U.S. Partnership Return of Income, is the most recent 12-month taxable year return filed by a domestic partnership, "cost of goods sold" and "total income" on the Form 1065 are the amounts entered on lines 2 and 8, respectively, and if the 2003 Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, is the most recent 12-month taxable year return filed by a domestic corporation, "cost of goods sold" and "total income" on the Form 1120 are the amounts entered on lines 2 and 11, respectively.

If, at the time the request is filed, a domestic partnership or corporation subject to tax has not filed a federal income tax return for a full taxable year, the reduced user fee in paragraph (A)(4)(b) of this appendix will apply if, in the aggregate, the partners' or the shareholders' gross income (as defined in paragraph (B)(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) of this appendix, as applicable) is less than $1 million for the last full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request is filed. In this case, the partners or the shareholders must provide the certification required under paragraph (B)(1) of this appendix.

(d) Organizations exempt from income tax under "Subchapter F-Exempt Organizations" of the Code, "gross income" is equal to the amount of gross receipts for the last full (12 months) taxable year ending before the date the request for a letter ruling or closing agreement is filed.

(e) Gross income of state, local, and Indian tribal government entities, "gross income" is equal to the annual operating revenue of the government requesting the ruling for its last fiscal year ending before the date of the ruling request. The annual operating revenue is to be determined at the government level and not at the level of the government entity or agency making the request.

(4) Special rules for determining gross income. For purposes of paragraphs (B)(2) and (3) of this appendix, the following rules apply for determining gross income.

(a) Gross income of individuals, trusts, and estates.

(1) In the case of a request from a married individual, the gross incomes (as defined in paragraph (B)(2) or (3) of this appendix, as applicable) of the applicant and the applicant's spouse must be combined. This rule does not apply to an individual who: (1) is legally separated from his or her spouse and

(2) the spouse does not file a joint income tax return with his or her spouse; and (2) If there are two or more applicants filing the request, the gross incomes (as defined in paragraph (B)(2) or (3) of this appendix, as applicable) of the applicants must be combined.

(b) Gross income of domestic partnerships and corporations.

(1) In the case of a request from a domestic corporation, the gross income (as defined in paragraph (B)(3) of this appendix) of (i) all members of the applicant's controlled group (as defined in § 1563(a)), and (ii) any related taxpayer that is involved in the transaction on which the letter ruling or closing agreement is requested, must be combined; and

(2) In the case of a request from a domestic partnership, the gross income (as defined in paragraph (B)(3) of this appendix) of (i) the partnership, and (ii) any partner who owns, directly or indirectly, 50 percent or more of the capital interest or profits interest in the partnership, must be combined.

(c) Gross income of exempt organizations. If there are two or more organizations exempt from income tax under Subchapter F filing the request, the gross receipts (as defined in paragraph (B)(3)(d) of this appendix) of the applicants must be combined.









To assist you in preparing a letter ruling request, the Service is providing this sample format. You are not required to use this sample format. If your request is not identical or similar to the sample format, the different format will not defer consideration of your request.

(Insert the date of request)


Internal Revenue Service


Insert either: Associate Chief Counsel (Insert one of the


following: Corporate, Financial Institutions and Products, Income Tax


and Accounting, International, Passthroughs and Special Industries,


or Procedure and Administration) or Division


Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities)




P.O. Box 7604


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044



Dear Sir or Madam:

(Insert the name of the taxpayer) requests a ruling on the proper treatment of (insert the subject matter of the letter ruling request) under section (insert the number) of the Internal Revenue Code.

[If the taxpayer is requesting expedited handling, a statement to that effect must be attached to, or contained in, the letter ruling request. The statement must explain the need for expedited handling. See section 7.02(4) of Rev. Proc. 2005-1, 2005-1 C.B. 1. Hereafter, all references are to Rev. Proc. 2005-1 unless otherwise noted.]





1. Taxpayer Information

[Provide the statements required by sections 7.01(1)(a) and (b).]

2. Description of Taxpayer's Business Operations

[Provide the statement required by section 7.01(1)(c).]

3. Facts Relating to Transaction

[The ruling request must contain a complete statement of the facts relating to the transaction that is the subject of the letter ruling request. This statement must include a detailed description of the transaction, including material facts in any accompanying documents, and the business reasons for the transaction. See sections 7.01(1)(d), 7.01(1)(e), and 7.01(2).]





[The ruling request should contain a concise statement of the ruling requested by the taxpayer. It is preferred that the language of the requested ruling be exactly the same as that the taxpayer wishes to receive.]





[The ruling request must contain a statement of the law in support of the taxpayer's views or conclusion and identify any pending legislation that may affect the proposed transaction. The taxpayer also is encouraged to identify and discuss any authorities believed to be contrary to the position advanced in the ruling request. See sections 7.01(6), 7.01(8), 7.01(9), and 7.01(10).]





[The ruling request must contain a discussion of the facts and an analysis of the law. The taxpayer also is encouraged to identify and discuss any authorities believed to be contrary to the position advanced in the ruling request. See sections 7.01(3), 7.01(6), 7.01(8), 7.01(9), and 7.01(10).]





[The ruling request should contain a statement of the taxpayer's conclusion on the ruling requested.]





1. Revenue Procedure 2005-1 Statements


a. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(4) regarding whether the same issue in the letter ruling request is in an earlier return of the taxpayer or in a return for any year of a related taxpayer.]

b. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(5)(a) regarding whether the Service previously ruled on the same or similar issue for the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor.]

c. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(5)(b) regarding whether the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, a predecessor, or any representatives previously submitted a request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or similar issue but withdrew the request before a letter ruling or determination letter was issued.]

d. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(5)(c) regarding whether the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor previously submitted a request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or a similar issue that is currently pending with the Service.]

e. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(5)(d) regarding whether, at the same time as this request, the taxpayer or a related taxpayer is presently submitting another request (including an application for change in accounting method) involving the same or similar issue to the Service.]

f. [If the letter ruling request involves the interpretation of a substantive provision of an income or estate tax treaty, provide the statement required by section 7.01(6) regarding whether the tax authority of the treaty jurisdiction has issued a ruling on the same or similar issue for the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor; whether the same or similar issue is being examined, or has been settled, by the tax authority of the treaty jurisdiction or is otherwise the subject of a closing agreement in that jurisdiction; and whether the same or similar issue is being considered by the competent authority of the treaty jurisdiction.]

g. [Provide the statement required by section 7.01(8) regarding whether the law in connection with the letter ruling request is uncertain and whether the issue is adequately addressed by relevant authorities.]

h. [If the taxpayer determines that there are no contrary authorities, a statement to that effect would be helpful. See section 7.01(9).]

i. [If the taxpayer wants to have a conference on the issues involved in the letter ruling request, the ruling request should contain a statement to that effect. See section 7.02(6).]

j. [If the taxpayer is requesting a copy of any document related to the letter ruling request to be sent by facsimile (fax) transmission, the ruling request should contain a statement to that effect. See section 7.02(5).]

k. [If the taxpayer is requesting separate letter rulings on multiple issues, the letter ruling request should contain a statement to that effect. See section 7.02(1).]

l. [If the taxpayer is seeking to obtain the user fee provided in paragraph (A)(5)(a) of Appendix A for substantially identical letter rulings, the letter ruling request must contain the statements required by section 15.07.]


2. Administrative


a. [The ruling request should state: "The deletion statement and checklist required by Rev. Proc. 2005-1 are enclosed." See sections 7.01(11) and 7.01(18).]

b. [The ruling request should state: "The required user fee of $ (Insert the amount of the fee) is enclosed." Please note that the check or money order must be in U.S. dollars and made payable to the Internal Revenue Service. See section 15 and Appendix A.]

c. [If the taxpayer's authorized representative is to sign the letter ruling request or is to appear before the Service in connection with the request, the ruling request should state: "A Power of Attorney is enclosed." See sections 7.01(13), 7.01(14), and 7.02(2).]

Sincerely yours,



(Insert the name of the taxpayer


or the taxpayer's


authorized representative)






Signature Date


Typed or printed name of


person signing request


DECLARATION: [ See section 7.01(15).]

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this request, including accompanying documents, and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the request contains all the relevant facts relating to the request, and such facts are true, correct, and complete.

(Insert the name of the







Signature Title Date


Typed or printed name of


person signing declaration


[If the taxpayer is a corporation that is a member of an affiliated group filing consolidated returns, the above declaration must also be signed and dated by an officer of the common parent of the group. See section 7.01(15).]












The Service will be able to respond more quickly to your letter ruling request if it is carefully prepared and complete. To ensure that your request is in order, use this checklist. Complete the four items of information requested before the checklist. Answer each question by circling "Yes," "No," or "N/A." When a question contains a place for a page number, insert the page number (or numbers) of the request that gives the information called for by a yes answer to a question. Sign and date the checklist (as taxpayer or authorized representative) and place it on top of your request.

If you are an authorized representative submitting a request for a taxpayer, you must include a completed checklist with the request, or the request will either be returned to you or substantive consideration of it will be deferred until a completed checklist is submitted. If you are a taxpayer preparing your own request without professional assistance, an incomplete checklist will not either cause the return of your request or defer substantive consideration of your request. You should still complete as much of the checklist as possible and submit it with your request.












 CIRCLE ONE                             ITEM




 Yes No



      1. Does your request involve an issue under the jurisdiction of


 the Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Financial Institutions and Products), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Income Tax and Accounting), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (International), the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and


 Special Industries), the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and


 Administration), or the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel


 (Tax Exempt and Government Entities)? See section 3 of Rev.


 Proc. 2005-1, 2005-1 C.B. 1. For issues under the jurisdiction of


 other offices, see section 4 of


 Rev. Proc. 2005-1.


 (Hereafter, all references are to


 Rev. Proc. 2005-1 unless otherwise





 Yes No



      2. Have you read


 Rev. Proc. 2005-3, 2005-1 C.B. 118 and Rev.


 Proc. 2005-7, 2005-1 C.B. 240, to see if part or all of the request


 involves a matter on which letter rulings are not issued or are


 ordinarily not issued?



 Yes No N/A



      3. If your request involves a matter on which letter rulings are


 not ordinarily issued, have you given compelling reasons to justify


 the issuance of a letter ruling? Before preparing your request, you


 may want to call the branch in the Office of Associate Chief Counsel


 (Corporate), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial


 Institutions and Products), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel


 (Income Tax and Accounting), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel


 (International), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs


 and Special Industries), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel


 (Procedure and Administration), or the Office of Division


 Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities)


 responsible for substantive interpretations of the principal Internal


 Revenue Code section on which you are seeking a letter ruling to


 discuss the likelihood of an exception. For matters under the


 jurisdiction of --



      (a) the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), the


 Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions and


 Products), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and


 Accounting), the Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and


 Special Industries), or the Office of Division Counsel/Associate


 Chief Counsel (Tax Exempt and Government Entities), the Office of the


 Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration), the


 appropriate branch to call may be obtained by calling (202) 622-7560


 (not a toll-free call);



      (b) the Office of the Associate Chief Counsel (International),


 the appropriate branch to call may be obtained by calling (202) 622-


 3800 (not a toll-free call).



 Yes No N/A





      4. If the request deals with a completed transaction, have you


 filed the return for the year in which the transaction was completed?


 See section 5.01.



 Yes No



      5. Are you requesting the letter ruling on a hypothetical


 situation or question? See section 6.12.



 Yes No



      6. Are you requesting the letter ruling on alternative plans of


 a proposed transaction? See section 6.12.



 Yes No



      7. Are you requesting the letter ruling for only part of an


 integrated transaction? See section 6.03.



 Yes No



      8. Are you requesting the letter ruling for a business, trade,


 industrial association, or similar group concerning the application


 of tax law to its members? See section 6.05.



 Yes No



      9. Are you requesting the letter ruling for a foreign government


 or its political subdivision? See section 6.07.



 Yes No





      10. Have you included a complete statement of all the facts


 relevant to the transaction? See section 7.01(1).



 Yes No N/A



      11. Have you submitted with the request true copies of all


 wills, deeds, and other documents relevant to the transaction, and


 labeled and attached them in alphabetical sequence? See


 section 7.01(2).



 Yes No N/A



      12. Have you submitted with the request a copy of all applicable


 foreign laws, and certified English translations of documents that


 are in a language other than English or of foreign laws in cases


 where English is not the official language of the foreign country


 involved? See section 7.01(2).



 Yes No





      13. Have you included an analysis of facts and their bearing on


 the issues? Have you included, rather than merely incorporated by


 reference, all material facts from the documents in the request?


 See section 7.01(3).



 Yes No





      14. Have you included the required statement regarding whether


 the same issue in the letter ruling request is in an earlier return


 of the taxpayer or in a return for any year of a related taxpayer?


 See section 7.01(4).



 Yes No





      15. Have you included the required statement regarding whether


 the Service previously ruled on the same or similar issue for the


 taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor? See section





 Yes No





      16. Have you included the required statement regarding whether


 the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, a predecessor, or any


 representatives previously submitted a request (including an


 application for change in accounting method) involving the same or


 similar issue but withdrew the request before the letter ruling or


 determination letter was issued? See section 7.01(5)(b).



 Yes No





      17. Have you included the required statement regarding whether


 the taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor previously


 submitted a request (including an application for change in


 accounting method) involving the same or similar issue that is


 currently pending with the Service? See section 7.01(5)(c).



 Yes No





      18. Have you included the required statement regarding whether,


 at the same time as this request, the taxpayer or a related taxpayer


 is presently submitting another request (including an application for


 change in accounting method) involving the same or similar issue to


 the Service? See section 7.01(5)(d).



 Yes No N/A





      19. If your request involves the interpretation of a substantive


 provision of an income or estate tax treaty, have you included the


 required statement regarding whether the tax authority of the treaty


 jurisdiction has issued a ruling on the same or similar issue for the


 taxpayer, a related taxpayer, or a predecessor; whether the same or


 similar issue is being examined, or has been settled, by the tax


 authority of the treaty jurisdiction or is otherwise the subject of a


 closing agreement in that jurisdiction; and whether the same or


 similar issue is being considered by the competent authority of the


 treaty jurisdiction? See section 7.01(6).



 Yes No N/A





      20. If your request is for recognition of Indian tribal


 government status or status as a political subdivision of an Indian


 tribal government, does your request contain a letter from the Bureau


 of Indian Affairs regarding the tribe's status? See section


 7.01(7), which states that taxpayers are encouraged to submit this


 letter with the request and provides the address for the Bureau of


 Indian Affairs.



 Yes No





      21. Have you included the required statement of relevant


 authorities in support of your views? See section 7.01(8).



 Yes No





      22. Have you included the required statement regarding whether


 the law in connection with the request is uncertain and whether the


 issue is adequately addressed by relevant authorities? See


 section 7.01(8).



 Yes No





      23. Does your request discuss the implications of any


 legislation, tax treaties, court decisions, regulations, notices,


 revenue rulings, or revenue procedures that you determined to be


 contrary to the position advanced? See section 7.01(9), which


 states that taxpayers are encouraged to inform the Service of such





 Yes No N/A





      24. If you determined that there are no contrary authorities,


 have you included a statement to this effect in your request? See


 section 7.01(9).



 Yes No N/A





      25. Have you included in your request a statement identifying


 any pending legislation that may affect the proposed transaction?


 See section 7.01(10).



 Yes No



      26. Is the request accompanied by the deletion statement


 required by § 6110? See section 7.01(11).



 Yes No





      27. Have you (or your authorized representative) signed and


 dated the request? See section 7.01(12).



 Yes No N/A



      28. If the request is signed by your representative or if your


 representative will appear before the Service in connection with the


 request, is the request accompanied by a properly prepared and signed


 power of attorney with the signatory's name typed or printed? See


 section 7.01(14).



 Yes No





      29. Have you included, signed, and dated the penalties of


 perjury statement in the format required by section 7.01(15)?


 January 3, 2005 74 2005-1 C.B.



 Yes No N/A



      30. Are you submitting your request in duplicate if necessary?


 See section 7.01(16).



 Yes No N/A





      31. If you are requesting separate letter rulings on different


 issues involving one factual situation, have you included a statement


 to that effect in each request? See section 7.02(1).



 Yes No N/A



      32. If you want copies of the letter ruling sent to a


 representative, does the power of attorney contain a statement to


 that effect? See section 7.02(2).



 Yes No N/A



      33. If you do not want a copy of the letter ruling to be sent to


 any representative, does the power of attorney contain a statement to


 that effect? See section 7.02(2).



 Yes No N/A


      34. If you are making a two-part letter ruling request, have you


 included a summary statement of the facts you believe to be


 controlling? See section 7.02(3).



 Yes No N/A





      35. If you want your letter ruling request to be processed ahead


 of the regular order or by a specific date, have you requested


 expedited handling in the manner required by section 7.02(4) and


 stated a compelling need for such action in the request?



 Yes No N/A





      36. If you are requesting a copy of any document related to the


 letter ruling request to be sent by facsimile (fax) transmission,


 have you included a statement to that effect? See section





 Yes No N/A





      37. If you want to have a conference on the issues involved in


 the request, have you included a request for conference in the letter


 ruling request? See section 7.02(6).



 Yes No N/A



      38. Have you included the correct user fee with the request and


 is your check or money order in U.S. dollars and payable to the


 Internal Revenue Service? See section 15 and Appendix A to


 determine the correct amount.



 Yes No N/A





      39. If your request involves a personal tax issue and you


 qualify for the reduced user fee when gross income is less than


 $250,000, have you included the required certification? See


 paragraphs (A)(4)(a) and (B)(1) of Appendix A.



 Yes No N/A





      40. If your request involves a business-related tax issue and


 you qualify for the reduced user fee when gross income is less than


 $1 million, have you included the required certification? See


 paragraphs (A)(4)(b) and (B)(1) of Appendix A.



 Yes No N/A





      41. If you qualify for the user fee for substantially identical


 letter rulings, have you included the required information? See


 section 15.07(2) and paragraph (A)(5)(a) of Appendix A.



 Yes No N/A





      42. If you qualify for the user fee for a § 301.9100 request


 to extend the time for filing an identical accounting method change


 on a single Form 3115, have you included the required information?


 See section 15.07(3) and paragraph (A)(5)(c) of Appendix A.



 Yes No N/A



      43. If your request is covered by any of the checklists,


 guideline revenue procedures, notices, safe harbor revenue


 procedures, or other special requirements listed in Appendix E, have


 you complied with all of the requirements of the applicable revenue


 procedure or notice?



      Rev. Proc.



      List other applicable revenue procedures or notices, including


 checklists, used or relied upon in the preparation of this letter


 ruling request (Cumulative Bulletin or Internal Revenue Bulletin


 citation not required).



 Yes No N/A





      44. If you are requesting relief under § 7805(b) (regarding


 retroactive effect), have you complied with all of the requirements


 in section 11.11?



 Yes No



      45. Have you addressed your request to the attention of the


 Associate Chief Counsel (Corporate), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Financial Institutions and Products), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (Income Tax and Accounting), the Associate Chief Counsel


 (International), the Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and


 Special Industries), the Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and


 Administration), or the Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel


 (Tax Exempt and Government Entities), as appropriate? The mailing


 address is:



Internal Revenue Service




P.O. Box 7604


Ben Franklin Station


Washington, D.C. 20044



If a private delivery service is used, the address is:

Internal Revenue Service


Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room 5336


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Washington, D.C. 20224



The package should be marked: RULING REQUEST SUBMISSION. Improperly addressed requests may be delayed (sometimes for over a week) in reaching CC:PA:LPD:DRU for initial processing.



Title or Authority





Typed or printed name of


person signing checklist













Requests for determination letters under Rev. Proc. 2005-1, this revenue procedure, from SB/SE and W&I taxpayers, should be sent to the appropriate SB/SE office listed below based upon the type of tax involved. Both the request and the envelope in which it is sent should be marked "DETERMINATION LETTER REQUEST."





Requests for determination letters regarding income tax (including requests from international taxpayers) should be sent to:

Office of the Director, Technical Services


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: SE:S:E:TS


Mail Stop 5000


24000 Avila Road


Laguna Niguel, CA 92677





Requests for determination letters regarding estate and gift tax should be sent to:

Chief, Estate & Gift Tax Operations


Internal Revenue Service




1222 Spruce Street


M/S 1022STL


St. Louis, MO 63103-2839





Requests for determination letters regarding employment tax (except for requests for determination of worker status, which should be sent to the appropriate office listed in the instructions to Form SS-8) should be sent to:

Chief, Employment Tax Operations


Internal Revenue Service




5000 Ellin Road


M/S C6-452


Lanham, MD 20706





Requests for determination letters regarding excise taxes should be sent to:

Chief, Excise Tax Operations


Internal Revenue Service


Attn: SE:S:SP:EX


1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.


Room 2016


Washington, DC 20224











Specific revenue procedures and notices supplement the general instructions for requests explained in section 7 of this revenue procedure and apply to requests for letter rulings or determination letters regarding the Code sections and matters listed in this section.

Checklists, guideline revenue procedures, and notices

.01 For requests relating to the following Code sections and subject matters, refer to the following checklists, guideline revenue procedures, and notices.






      103, 141-150, 7478, and 7871 Issuance of state or local





      Rev. Proc. 96-16,


 1996-1 C.B. 630 (for a reviewable ruling under


 § 7478 and a nonreviewable ruling);


 Rev. Proc. 88-31, 1988-1 C.B.


 832 (for approval of areas of chronic economic distress); and Rev.


 Proc. 82-26, 1982-1 C.B. 476 (for "on behalf of" and similar


 issuers). For approval of areas of chronic economic distress, Rev.


 Proc. 88-31 explains how this request for approval must be submitted


 to the Assistant Secretary for Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner


 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.





      Uniform express determination letter for making election Rev.


 Proc. 92-84, 1992-2 C.B. 489.





      C -- Corporate Distributions and Adjustments



      Rev. Proc. 77-37, 1977-2 C.B.


 568, as modified by Rev. Proc. 89-


 30, 1989-1 C.B. 895, and as amplified by


 Rev. Proc. 77-41, 1977-2


 C.B. 574, Rev. Proc. 83-81, 1983-2


 C.B. 598 (see also


 Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this


 Bulletin), Rev. Proc. 84-42,


 1984-1 C.B.


 521 (superseded as to no-rule areas by


 Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this


 Bulletin), Rev. Proc. 86-42,


 1986-2 C.B. 722, and Rev. Proc. 89-50,


 1989-2 C.B. 631. But see section 3.01 of


 Rev. Proc. 2005-3,


 this Bulletin, (corporate distributions, transfers, and


 reorganizations under §§ 332, 351, 368(a)(1)(A),


 368(a)(1)(B), 368(a)(1)(C), 368(a)(1)(E), 368(a)(1)(F), and 1036),


 which describes certain corporate transactions where the Service will


 not issue letter rulings or determination letters.





      Nonapplicability on sales of stock of employer to defined


 contribution plan



      Rev. Proc. 87-22, 1987-1 C.B. 718.



      302, 311


      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 86-18, 1986-1 C.B. 551;


 and Rev. Proc. 77-41, 1977-2


 C.B. 574.





      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 81-42, 1981-2 C.B. 611.





      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 86-16, 1986-1 C.B. 546.






      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 90-52, 1990-2 C.B.


 626. But see section 3.01


 of Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin,


 which describes certain


 corporate transactions where the Service will not issue letter


 rulings or determination letters.





      Extension of time to make elections



      Rev. Proc. 2003-33, 2003-1


 C.B. 803, provides guidance as to how


 an automatic extension of time under § 301.9100-3 of the


 Regulations on Procedure and Administration may be obtained to file


 elections under § 338. This revenue procedure also informs


 taxpayers who do not qualify for the automatic extension, of the


 information necessary to obtain a letter ruling.





      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 83-59, 1983-2 C.B.


 575. But see section 3.01


 of Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin,


 which describes certain


 transfers to controlled corporations where the Service will not issue


 letter rulings or determination letters.





      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 96-30, 1996-1 C.B.


 696, as modified and amplified by


 Rev. Proc. 2003-48, 2003-2 C.B. 86.





      Checklist questionnaire



      Rev. Proc. 81-60, 1981-2 C.B.


 680. But see section 3.01


 of Rev. Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin,


 which describes circumstances


 under which the Service will not issue letter rulings or


 determination letters as to whether a transaction constitutes a


 corporate recapitalization within the meaning of § 368(a)(1)(E)


 (or a transaction that also qualifies under § 1036).






      Alternative method for the inclusion of common improvement costs


 in basis



      Rev. Proc. 92-29, 1992-1 C.B.








      Advance pricing agreements



      Rev. Proc. 96-53, 1996-2


 C.B. 375, as modified by Notice 98-65,


 1998-2 C.B. 803, and amplified by


 Rev. Proc. 2002-52, 2002-2 C.B.








      Appeal procedure with regard to adverse determination letters


 and revocation or modification of exemption letter rulings and


 determination letters



      Rev. Proc. 90-27, 1990-1 C.B. 514.






      Issuer of a variable contract requesting relief


      Rev. Proc. 92-25, 1992-1 C.B. 741.



      877, 2107, and 2501(a)(3)



      Individuals who lose U.S. citizenship or cease to be taxed as


 long-term U.S. residents with a principal purpose to avoid U.S. taxes



      Notice 97-19, 1997-1 C.B. 394, as modified by Notice 98-34,


 1998-2 C.B. 29.



      1362(b)(5) and 1362(f)



      Relief for late S corporation and related elections under


 certain circumstances


 Rev. Proc. 2004-49, 2004-33 I.R.B. 210;



      Rev. Proc. 2003-43, 2003-1


 C.B. 998; Rev. Proc. 97-48, 1997-2


 C.B. 521.



      1362(b)(5) and 301.7701-3



      Automatic extensions of time for late S corporation election and


 late corporate entity classification



      Rev. Proc. 2004-48,


 2004-32 I.R.B. 172.






      Consent to treat inter company transactions on a separate entity


 basis and revocation of this consent



      Rev. Proc. 97-49, 1997-2 C.B. 523.






      Consent to file a consolidated return where member(s) of the


 affiliated group use a 52-53 week taxable year



      Rev. Proc. 89-56, 1989-2 C.B. 643.



      1504(a)(3)(A) and (B) Waiver of application of §


 1504(a)(3)(A) for certain corporations



      Rev. Proc. 2002-32,


 2002-1 C.B. 959.






      Consent to elect or change method of allocating affiliated


 group's consolidated federal income tax liability



      Rev. Proc. 90-39, 1990-2 C.B.


 365, as clarified by Rev. Proc.


 90-39A, 1990-2 C.B. 367.






      Failure to satisfy continuation coverage requirements of group


 health plans



      Rev. Proc. 87-28, 1987-1 C.B.


 770 (treating references to former


 § 162(k) as if they were references to § 4980B).






      Relief for a late initial classification election for a newly


 formed entity



      Rev. Proc. 2002-59, 2002-2


 C.B. 615.



      7701(a)(40) and 7871(d)



      Indian tribal governments and subdivision of Indian tribal





      Rev. Proc. 84-37, 1984-1 C.B.


 513, as modified by Rev. Proc. 86-


 17, 1986-1 C.B. 550, and Rev. Proc.


 2005-1, this revenue procedure,


 (provides guidelines for obtaining letter rulings recognizing Indian


 tribal government or tribal government subdivision status; also


 provides for inclusion in list of recognized tribal governments in


 revised versions of Rev. Proc.


 2002-64, 2002-2 C.B. 717, or in list


 of recognized subdivisions of Indian tribal governments in revised


 versions of Rev. Proc. 84-36, 1984-1


 C.B. 510, as modified and made


 permanent by Rev. Proc. 86-17).






      Classification of undivided fractional interests in rental real





      Rev. Proc. 2002-22, 2002-1


 C.B. 733 (specifies the conditions


 under which the Service will consider a letter ruling request that an


 undivided fractional interest in rental real property (other than a


 mineral property as defined in § 614) is not an interest in a


 business entity).



      301.7701-3 Automatic extensions of time for late S corporation


 election and late corporate entity classification



      Rev. Proc. 2004-48,


 2004-32 I.R.B. 172.





      Extension of time to make entity classification election



      Rev. Proc. 2002-59,


 2002-2 C.B. 615.





      Closing agreement for failed life insurance contracts



      Notice 99-48, 1999-2 C.B. 429;


 Rev. Rul. 91-17, 1991-1 C.B. 190.






      Relief for inadvertent non-egregious failure to comply with


 modified endowment contract rules


 Rev. Proc. 2001-42, 2001-2 C.B.








      Revocation of election



      Notice 98-3, 1998-1 C.B. 333.










      Accounting periods; changes in period






      Rev. Proc. 2002-39,


 2002-1 C.B. 1046, as clarified and modified


 by Notice 2002-72, 2002-2 C.B. 843, and as modified by Rev. Proc.


 2003-34, 2003-1 C.B. 856; and


 Rev. Proc. 2005-1, this revenue


 procedure, for which sections 1, 2.01, 2.02, 2.05, 3.03, 5.02, 6.03,


 6.05, 6.07, 6.11, 7.01(1), 7.01(2), 7.01(3), 7.01(4), 7.01(5),


 7.01(6), 7.01(8), 7.01(9), 7.01(10), 7.01(13), 7.01(14), 7.01(15),


 7.02(2), 7.02(4), 7.02(5), 7.02(6), 7.03, 7.04, 7.05, 7.07, 8.01,


 8.03, 8.04, 8.05, 8.06, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, Appendix A, and Appendix


 E are applicable.



      Classification of liquidating trusts



      Rev. Proc. 82-58, 1982-2


 C.B. 847, as modified and amplified by


 Rev. Proc. 94-45, 1994-2 C.B.


 684, and as amplified by Rev. Proc. 91-


 15, 1991-1 C.B. 484 (checklist questionnaire), as modified and


 amplified by Rev. Proc. 94-45.



      Earnings and profits determinations



      Rev. Proc. 75-17, 1975-1 C.B.


 677; Rev. Proc. 2005-1, this


 revenue procedure, sections 2.05, 3.03, 7, 8, and 10.05; and Rev.


 Proc. 2005-3, this Bulletin, section 3.01.



      Estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer tax issues



      Rev. Proc. 91-14, 1991-1 C.B.


 482 (checklist questionnaire).



      Deferred intercompany transactions; election not to defer gain


 or loss


      Rev. Proc. 97-49, 1997-2 C.B. 523.



 Leveraged leasing



      Rev. Proc. 2001-28, 2001-1


 C.B. 1156, and Rev. Proc. 2001-29,


 2001-1 C.B. 1160.



      Rate Orders; Regulatory agency; normalization



      A letter ruling request that involves a question of whether a


 rate order that is proposed or issued by a regulatory agency will


 meet the normalization requirements of § 168(f)(2) (pre-Tax


 Reform Act of 1986, § 168(e)(3)) and former §§ 46(f) and


 167(l) ordinarily will not be considered unless the taxpayer states


 in the letter ruling request whether --



      (1) the regulatory authority responsible for establishing or


 approving the taxpayer's rates has reviewed the request and believes


 that the request is adequate and complete; and



      (2) the taxpayer will permit the regulatory authority to


 participate in any Associate office conference concerning the





      If the taxpayer or the regulatory authority informs a consumer


 advocate of the request for a letter ruling and the advocate wishes


 to communicate with the Service regarding the request, any such


 communication should be sent to: Internal Revenue Service, Associate


 Chief Counsel (Procedure & Administration), Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, P.


 O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, DC 20044 (or, if a


 private delivery service is used: Internal Revenue Service, Associate


 Chief Counsel (Procedure & Administration), Attn: CC:PA:LPD:DRU, Room


 5336, 1111 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20224). These


 communications will be treated as third party contacts for purposes


 of § 6110.



      Unfunded deferred compensation



      Rev. Proc. 71-19,


 1971-1 C.B. 698, as amplified by Rev. Proc.


 92-65, 1992-2 C.B. 428. See


 Rev. Proc. 92-64, 1992-2 C.B. 422,


 as modified by Notice 2000-56, 2000-2 C.B. 393, for the model trust


 for use in Rabbi Trust Arrangements.



 Safe harbor revenue procedures



      .02For requests relating to the following Code sections


 and subject matters, refer to the following safe harbor revenue












      103 and 141-150 Issuance of state or local obligations






      Rev. Proc. 93-17, 1993-1 C.B. 507


 (change of use of proceeds);


 Rev. Proc. 97-13, 1997-1 C.B. 632,


 as modified by Rev. Proc. 2001-39,


 2001-2 C.B. 38 (management contracts); and


 Rev. Proc. 97-14, 1997-1 C.B. 634 (research agreements).





      Depreciation of original and replacement tires for certain





      Rev. Proc. 2002-27, 2002-1 C.B. 802.






      Depreciation of fiber optic node and trunk line of a cable


 television distribution system



      Rev. Proc. 2003-63, 2003-2 C.B. 304.





      Certain structural modifications to a building not treated as a





      Rev. Proc. 95-27, 1995-1 C.B. 704.





      Qualification of a proposed common trust fund plan



      Rev. Proc. 92-51, 1992-1 C.B. 988.






      Qualification of trusts as pooled income funds



      Rev. Proc. 88-53, 1988-2 C.B. 712.






      Qualification of trusts as charitable remainder annuity trusts



      Rev. Proc. 2003-53, 2003-2 C.B. 230;


 Rev. Proc. 2003-54, 2003-2


 C.B. 236; Rev. Proc. 2003-55,


 2003-2 C.B. 242; Rev. Proc. 2003-56,


 2003-2 C.B. 249; Rev. Proc. 2003-57,


 2003-2 C.B. 257; Rev. Proc. 2003-58, 2003-2 C.B. 262;


 Rev. Proc. 2003-59, 2003-2 C.B.


 268; Rev. Proc. 2003-60, 2003-2 C.B.








      Qualification of trusts as charitable remainder unitrusts



      Rev. Proc. 89-20, 1989-1 C.B. 841,


 as amplified by Rev. Proc. 90-30, 1990-1 C.B. 534.



      664(d)(2) and (3)



      Qualification of trusts as charitable remainder unitrusts



      Rev. Proc. 90-31, 1990-1 C.B. 539.






      Certain loans treated as real estate assets



      Rev. Proc. 2003-65, 2003-2 C.B. 336.






      Transfers of ownership interests in Financial Asset


 Securitization Investment Trusts



      Rev. Proc. 2001-12, 2001-1 C.B. 335.






      Qualification as a qualified exchange accommodation arrangement



      Rev. Proc. 2000-37, 2000-2 C.B. 308.






      Determination of reasonable compensation under mortgage


 servicing contracts



      Rev. Proc. 91-50, 1991-2 C.B. 778.





      Automatic inadvertent termination relief to certain corporations



      Rev. Proc. 2003-43, 2003-1 C.B. 998.






      Qualified Domestic Trust



      Rev. Proc. 96-54, 1996-2 C.B. 386.



      2702(a)(3)(A) and 25.2702-5(c)



      Qualified Personal Residence Trust



      Rev. Proc. 2003-42, 2003-1 C.B. 993.






      New business activity of existing partnership is closely related


 to pre-existing business



      Rev. Proc. 92-101, 1992-2 C.B. 579.



 SUBJECT MATTERS                              REVENUE PROCEDURE




      Certain rent-to-own contracts treated as leases





      Rev. Proc. 95-38, 1995-2 C.B. 397.



Automatic change in accounting period revenue procedures

.03 For requests for an automatic change in accounting period, refer to the following automatic change revenue procedures published and/or in effect as of December 31, 2004: Rev. Proc. 2002-37, 2002-1 C.B. 1030, as clarified and modified by Notice 2002-72, 2002-2 C.B. 843, and as modified by Rev. Proc. 2003-34, 2003-1 C.B. 856 (certain corporations);

Rev. Proc. 2002-38, 2002-2 C.B. 1037, as clarified and modified by Notice 2002-72, 2002-2 C.B. 843 (certain partnerships, S corporations, electing S corporations, or personal service corporations); and Rev. Proc. 2003-62, 2003-2 C.B. 299 (individual seeking a calendar year).

The Commissioner's consent to an otherwise qualifying automatic change in accounting period is granted only if the taxpayer timely complies with the applicable automatic change revenue procedure.

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