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Sec. 1.367(b)-1 Other transfers.

(a) Scope. The regulations promulgated under section 367(b) (the section 367(b) regulations) set forth rules regarding the proper inclusions and adjustments that must be made as a result of an exchange described in section 367(b) (a section 367(b) exchange). A section 367(b) exchange is any exchange described in section 332, 351, 354, 355, 356 or 361, with respect to which that status of a foreign corporation is relevant for determining the extent to which income shall be recognized or for determining the effect of the transaction on earnings and profits, basis of stock or securities, basis of assets, or other relevant tax attributes. For rules coordinating the concurrent application of sections 367(a) and (b), see § 1.367(a)-3(b)(2).

(b) General rules.

(1) Rules. The following general rules apply under the section 367(b) regulations--

(i) A foreign corporation in a section 367(b) exchange is considered to be a corporation and, as a result, all of the related provisions (e.g., section 381) shall apply, except to the extent provided in the section 367(b) regulations; and

(ii) Nothing in the section 367(b) regulations shall permit--

(A) The nonrecognition of income that would otherwise be required to be recognized under another provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations thereunder; or

(B) The recognition of a loss or deduction that would otherwise not be recognized under another provision of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations thereunder.

(2) Example. The following example illustrates the rules of this paragraph (b):

Example. (i) Facts. DC, a domestic corporation, owns 90 percent of P, a partnership. The remaining 10 percent of P is owned by a person unrelated to DC. P owns all of the outstanding stock of FC, a controlled foreign corporation. FC liquidates into P.

(ii) Result. FC's liquidation is not a transaction described in section 332. Nothing in the section 367(b) regulations, including section 1.367(b)-2(k), permits FC's liquidation to qualify as a liquidation described in section 332.

(c) Notice required.

(1) In general. A notice under this paragraph (c) (section 367(b) notice) must be filed with regard to any person described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. A section 367(b) notice must be filed in the time and manner described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and must include the information described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section.

(2) Persons subject to section 367(b) notice. The following persons are described in this paragraph (c)(2)--

(i) A shareholder described in section 1.367(b)-3(b)(1) that realizes income in a transaction described in section 1.367(b)-3(a);

(ii) A shareholder that makes the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3);

(iii) A shareholder described in section 1.367(b)-4(b)(1)(i)(A)(1) or (2) that realizes income in a transaction described in section 1.367(b)-4(a);

(iv) A shareholder that realizes income in a transaction described in section 1.367(b)-5(c) or 1.367(b)-5(d) and that is either--

(A) A section 1248 shareholder of the distributing or controlled corporation; or

(B) A foreign corporation with one or more shareholders that are described in paragraph (c)(2)(iv)(A) of this section;

(v) A foreign surviving corporation described in § 1.367(b)-7(a); and

(vi) A domestic or foreign corporation (S) that acquires stock or securities of another corporation (P) in a transaction described in §1.367(b)-10(a)(1), without regard to the exceptions in §1.367(b)-10(a)(2).

(3) Time and manner for filing notice.

(i) United States persons described in section 1.367(b)-1(c)(2). A United States person described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section must file a section 367(b) notice attached to a timely filed Federal tax return (including extensions) for the person's taxable year in which income is realized in the section 367(b) exchange. In the case of a shareholder that makes the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3), notification of such election must be sent to the foreign acquired corporation (or its successor in interest) on or before the date the section 367(b) notice is filed, so that appropriate corresponding adjustments can be made in accordance with the rules of section 1.367(b)-2(e).

(ii) Foreign corporations described in section 1.367(b)-1(c)(2). Each United States person listed in this paragraph (c)(3)(ii) must file a section 367(b) notice with regard to a foreign corporation described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. Such notice must be attached to a timely filed Federal tax return (including extensions) for the United States person's taxable year in which income is realized in the section 367(b) exchange and, if the United States person is required to file a Form 5471 (Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations), the section 367(b) notice must be attached to the Form 5471. The following persons are listed in this paragraph (c)(3)(ii)--

(A) United States shareholders (as defined in § 1.367(b)-3(b)(2)) of foreign corporations described in paragraph (c)(2)(i), (v), or (vi) of this section; and

(B) Section 1248 shareholders of foreign corporations described in paragraph (c)(2)(iii) or (iv) of this section.

(4) Information required. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(5) of this section, a section 367(b) notice shall include the following information--

(i) A statement that the exchange is a section 367(b) exchange;

(ii) A complete description of the exchange;

(iii) A description of any stock, securities or other consideration transferred or received in the exchange;

(iv) A statement that describes any amount (or amounts) required, under the section 367(b) regulations, to be taken into account as income or loss or as an adjustment (including an adjustment under § 1.367(b)-7 or 1.367(b)-9) to basis, earnings and profits, or other tax attributes as a result of the exchange;

(v) Any information that is or would be required to be furnished with a Federal income tax return pursuant to regulations or other guidance under section 332, 351, 354, 355, 356, 361, 368, or 381 (whether or not a Federal income tax return is required to be filed), if such information has not otherwise been provided by the person filing the section 367(b) notice;

(vi) Any information required to be furnished with respect to the exchange under sections 6038, 6038A, 6038B, 6038C or 6046, or the regulations under those sections, if such information has not otherwise been provided by the person filing the section 367(b) notice;

(vii) If applicable, a statement that the shareholder is making the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3). This statement must include--

(A) A copy of the information the shareholder received from the foreign acquired corporation (or its successor in interest) establishing and substantiating the shareholder's all earnings and profits amount with respect to the shareholder's stock in the foreign acquired corporation; and

(B) A representation that the shareholder has notified the foreign acquired corporation (or its successor in interest) that the shareholder is making the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3);

(viii) In the case of a corporation (S) described in paragraph (c)(2)(vi) of this section, the rules of this paragraph (c)(4) apply by treating the acquisition of the stock or securities of P in exchange for property as the section 367(b) exchange referred to in paragraph (a) of this section. The section 367(b) notice must also include a complete description of the acquisition of the stock or securities of P in exchange for property, including a description of the property provided in exchange for the stock or securities and any related transactions involving the acquisition of the stock or securities. The section 367(b) notice must describe any adjustments made pursuant to §1.367(b)-10 or, if no adjustments are made, explain why no such adjustments were made; and

(ix) In the case of an exchange to which §1.367(b)-3(g) applies, a statement describing how any excess asset basis (as defined in §1.367(b)-3(g)(2)(i)) arose, the amount of excess asset basis, and a description of the computation of the amount of excess asset basis.

(5) Abbreviated notice provision for shareholders that make the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3). In the case of a foreign acquired corporation that has never had earnings and profits that would result in any shareholder having an all earnings and profits amount, a shareholder making the election described in section 1.367(b)-3(c)(3) may satisfy the information requirements of paragraph (c)(4) of this section by filing a section 367(b) notice that includes--

(i) A statement from the foreign acquired corporation (or its successor in interest) that the foreign acquired corporation has never had any earnings and profits that would result in any shareholder having an all earnings and profits amount; and

(ii) The information described in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(6) Supplemental published guidance. The section 367(b) notice requirements may be updated or amended by revenue procedure or other published guidance.

[T.D. 8770, 63 FR 33550-33570, June 19, 1998. Revised by T.D. 8862, 65 FR 3589-3609, Jan. 24, 2000; corrected at 65 FR 66500-66502, Nov. 6, 2000, as amended by T.D. 9243, 71 FR 4276-4294, Jan. 26, 2006; T.D. 9273, 71 FR 44887-44914, Aug. 8, 2006; T.D. 10004, 89 FR 58275-58286, July 18, 2024.]

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